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    学年英语人教版选修6作业与测评Unit 5 Section Ⅱ The Language Points of Reading 课时作业一.docx

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    学年英语人教版选修6作业与测评Unit 5 Section Ⅱ The Language Points of Reading 课时作业一.docx

    1、学年英语人教版选修6作业与测评Unit 5 Section The Language Points of Reading 课时作业一Section The Language Points of Reading课时作业(一)对应学生用书P51完形填空 Sandstorms are one of the natural disasters which are strong, dry winds that carry sand. Have you ever seen a sandstorm? I would like to share with you my personal _1_ of the

    2、sandstorm in northern China. One day, we decided to _2_ a city of Jilin Province. It was supposed to be four hours drive from the place where we lived. We _3_ at about 7:00 only to see the most amazing _4_ we had ever seen. The sky was _5_ as if it was midnight. The _6_ from the few cars that dared

    3、travel in the streets were yellowish. So we had to stay at home, _7_ for a better condition for our trip. The wind was fairly _8_ and might have been stronger at night _9_ we woke up. The visibility (能见度) at this point was close to 20 m. About two hours later the _10_ increased to 50 m and stayed so

    4、 _11_ about 10:00 am. When the dust lifted (消散) a little and the visibility _12_ to 200 m, we decided to drive out. However, everybody on the road was enveloped in thick fog with dust and the sky glowed with a dark _13_ colour, so we hardly see each other _14_. Sometimes, the wind suddenly _15_ up a

    5、 lot of dust and sand and the visibility occasionally decreased to 2050 m, making it very _16_ to drive. The dust _17_ in the air until the late afternoon when it slightly lifted. At last, we arrived at the city, but the trip that _18_ took about four hours, took us nearly eight hours. The dust rema

    6、ined in the _19_ for about two more days. On the third day a short period of rain _20_ as the cold front passed the region. So the terrible scene came to an end, and everything took on a lively and fresh appearance again.1A.experience Brecord Cidea Daction答案:A根据下文可知,作者分享了自己遭遇沙尘暴的亲身经历。experience意为“经历

    7、”。2A.leave Bvisit Ccall Dsee答案:B根据下文中的“our trip”可知,我们决定去游览吉林省的一个城市。故选B项。3A.woke up Bsat up Cset off Dleft off答案:A根据下文中的“So we had to stay at home”可知,作者还没出发,只是在7点醒来(woke up)。4A.storm Bsnow Crain Dwind答案:A根据上文可知,作者要讲述自己亲历沙尘暴的经过,因此此处应说的是“风暴”,故选A项。5A.dark BbrightCblue Dcold答案:A根据设空后“as if it was midnigh

    8、t”可知,天空一片漆黑,故选A项。6A.walls BglassCcover Dlights答案:D句意:敢于在街上行驶的车不多,车灯发出的光是黄色的。根据句意可知此处应指车灯。故选D项。7A.leaving BwaitingCtaking Dcalling答案:B根据上文可知,天很黑,街上的车也不多,我们只能呆在家里,等(waiting for)条件好转了再去旅行。8A.strong Bfaint Cweak Dsoft答案:A根据设空后的“stronger”可知,此处是说风非常大,在我们醒来之前的晚上可能更大。故选A项。9A.after Bwhen Cbefore Dwhile答案:C根据

    9、语境可知,风很大,可能在我们醒来之前的夜晚更大,故选C项。10A.speed BpowerCstrength Dvisibility答案:D根据上文中的“The visibility (能见度) at this point was close to 20 m”可知,两个小时后,能见度(visibility)增加到了50米。11A.since Bbefore Cwhen Duntil答案:D句意:一直保持这样的状态,直到上午10点。until意为“直到为止”。12A.increased Breduced Cdecreased Dstayed答案:A根据上文可知,尘土有些许消散,能见度从20米到5

    10、0米,再到200米,可以看出能见度在增加,故选A项。13A.red ByellowCgreen Dblack答案:B根据上文中的“yellowish”以及常识可知,刮沙尘暴时天空是暗黄色的,故选B项。14A.faintly Bclearly Csuccessfully Dperfectly答案:B根据上文可知,外面大雾弥漫,伴有沙尘,天空暗黄,因此我们几乎看不清楚彼此。15A.picked BtookCturned Dlooked答案:A句意:有时,风突然卷起很多尘土和沙子。pick up意为“举起,捡起”。16A.safe Bdangerous Cnormal Dlikely答案:B根据常识

    11、可知,能见度降低会使得开车很危险(dangerous)。故选B项。17A.remained Bjumped Ccovered Ddropped答案:A根据下文中的“The dust remained in the _19_ for about two more days.”可知选A项。remain意为“停留;逗留”。18A.normally Brarely Cfrequently Dparticularly答案:A句意:但是通常大约4个小时的车程,却花了将近8个小时。normally意为“通常;正常地”。19A.city Btown Cair Dcar答案:C句意:大约两天多的时间里,空气中仍

    12、有尘土。根据上文中的“The dust _17_ in the air”可知,此处指空气中的尘土。故选C项。20A.happened BdroppedCstruck Dstopped答案:B根据设空后的“as the cold front passed the region”可知是冷锋过境雨水到来。drop意为“落下;滴”,形容下雨。故选B项。阅读理解A If you want to fully enjoy your vacation, then youd better check the Durban City Tours! This is actually one of the best

    13、choices in South Africa today. There is nothing more relaxing than to think about that there is a place to go and relax, right? City life is strained,_but you can escape this situation and be in the place where there is nothing but relaxation. Here in Durban you will get to see all the amazing touri

    14、st attractions. If you love animals and want to see some elephants wandering around the streets, then Durban is the place to go. You can even get to ride one if you want! Here you will also get to taste all the delicious South African food. You can choose from Italian cooking to its native dishes. D

    15、urban is a great place to tour with your friends and family. You will learn a lot about its history through the landmarks you will see down the streets. Tourists_and_even_the_local_villagers_just_cant_get_enough_of_these_treats! However, it is important that you make the necessary arrangements. Ther

    16、e are actually lots of tour guides that will help you as you make your journey along the streets of Durban. But if you prefer the best tour guides here in Durban, then youd better settle for the Street Scene Tours. Their staff are all welltrained and professional. They will certainly make your stay

    17、here an unforgettable one. No wonder tourists prefer the Street Scene Tours when it comes to Durban City Tours.1The underlined word “strained” in Paragraph 2 means “_” Aeasy Bstressful Csteady Dcasual答案:B词义猜测题。根据后文“. but you can escape this situation and be in the place where there is nothing but re

    18、laxation.”可知,stained意为“压力大的”。2What is the main idea of Paragraph 2?ADurban is a relaxing city.BPeople dont like city life.CIt is good to have a place to relax.DOne can have fun riding elephants.答案:A段落大意题。作者在第二段通过有压力的城市生活来反衬德班是一个放松休闲的好去处,A项概括了此意。3What does the last sentence in Paragraph 3 show?AThe f

    19、ood cant satisfy them.BThey are bored with the streets.CThey are treated very well here.DThey never get tired of the sights.答案:D句意理解题。第三段中讲到德班之所以是一个好去处,是因为它所展示出的历史,而这是游客甚至是当地人永远也欣赏不够的,故选D项。4The author wrote the last paragraph mainly to _.Aattract tourists to DurbanBhelp readers make arrangementsCint

    20、roduce the tour guides in DurbanDpersuade tourists to choose the Street Scene Tours答案:D推理判断题。文章最后一段先指出要做好安排,德班的导游都会帮助游客,接着“But”一词进行转折,引出该段所要强调的重点内容:在Street Scene Tours能选择到最好的导游,故选D项。B Residents of Ensenada and neighboring towns in southern Chile are struggling to pick up the pieces following two eru

    21、ptions of Chiles 6,500foot Calbuco volcano. Calbuco erupted on Wednesday, April 22, 2015, and again the next morning. It was the first time the volcano had erupted since 1972. According to officials, the volcano sent out an estimated 7,420 cubic feet of ash. Thursdays eruption created an ash cloud t

    22、hat reached 12 miles into the air. Even now, days after the initial eruption, the volcano continues to emit ash and smoke. Ensenada, which lies at the foot of Calbuco, and the areas surrounding it have been covered with ash. The Ministry of Interior and Public Safety says more than 20 inches of ash

    23、fell in some places. The dust even reached a small town in Argentina more than 50 miles northeast of the volcano. “Wherever you look, all you see is gray dust,” says Ensenada resident Victor Hugo Toledo. “It looks like a gray desert.” More than 6,000 people were evacuated (撤离) from their homes follo

    24、wing the eruptions. The weight of the ash caused the roofs of many homes and businesses to collapse. No one was injured. Officials are not expecting any water, food, or fuel shortages. But Chilean President Michelle Bachelet has declared a state of emergency. “Our problem is . breathing in all of th

    25、is ash, and the fact that this ash could generate some sort of environmental pollution,” Bachelet says. Local farmers are also worried about their cows and sheep. The government of Chile announced on Saturday that it would provide financial aid for farmers who suffered big losses and help evacuate t

    26、housands of farm animals.Many residents of areas now considered safe are returning to their homes to see what they can save. Military forces are helping with the cleanup. “We have observed secondary explosions . linked with the movement of fluids within the volcano,”the National Office of Emergency

    27、says. Because of that, the office has established a 12mile exclusion zone around the volcano in order to keep people at a safe distance, and scientists are maintaining a red alert status.5The underlined word “emit” in Paragraph 2 may mean “_”Atake in Bgive outCput off Dsend away答案:B词义猜测题。根据画线词前面的内容“the volcano sent out an estimated 7,420 cubic feet of ash”可知,火山应该是喷发出一些火山灰和烟尘等,故选B项。6Which of the following problems is the area facing after the eruption?


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