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    1、赖世雄高级美语第6至10课讲解赖世雄高级06课Lesson six. Page forty two in your book. Well be taking a look at table manners in Anglo America. I am sure most of our listeners know the word America, but maybe some of you are not familiar with the term Anglo America. Some of may have heard of Latin America, the parts of th

    2、e new world, that is north or south America and central America, of course, which speak either Spanish or Portuguese. But Anglo America refers to the parts of the north America, where English is spoken most commonly. So that means most of Canada and almost all of the United States. These two countri

    3、es are sometimes called Anglo America.Table manners is something you need to know especially when you traveling in countries, if you are going to Canada or United States, you may wonder what is considered good manners at the table or good table manners. Thats the purpose of todays lesson. Many of ou

    4、r listeners at this higher level of listening comprehension have visited or maybe worked or studied in Anglo America, and you may be familiar with our table manners. For those of you who are planning to travel to north America, I think youll find the information in todays lesson, not just interestin

    5、g, but later also very useful./ You dont, actually, give me any ./ Hehe, I cant take Peter anywhere.Oh, no! Here I am at an American familys home at the dinner table. Therere all kinds of plates, saucers, cups and silverware at my place. Which should I use for which food? Should I sit down first or

    6、wait for the host to invite me? Should I have brought a gift? Someone please tell me what to do!Maybe youve been in that situation, I hope not. And if you havent traveled overseas and are wondering about table manners, these are the types of questions you might ask yourself when you are in an Americ

    7、an or Canadians familys home. First of all, the table is set quite differently for the Western meal or the Chinese meal, so you may wonder what is the use or function of all these different pieces of table ware, like silverware, the plates, the saucers and cups. Should I sit down first? What should

    8、I do or what should I say? Should I bring a gift? Were going to help you with all these questions today./ tableware, 指的就是餐具。silverware, 通常就是指的刀叉,银器. 其实并不一定是银做的。spoon, 汤匙,不过这个字还有一个用法,He was born with a soup spoon in his mouth. What does this mean?/ Peter?/ Yeah?/ Oh, no, no.I am kidding.I am 相反的, Pet

    9、er was born into a poor family but worked very hard and is successful today. Those who were born with soup spoons in their mouth are the children of the rich and privileged. They dont even have to work later on in life, if they do work probably, but they had very easy childhood./ 就是生下来就是生在富裕家庭里头的人。_

    10、金山词霸:born with a silver spoon in ones mouthv.生在富贵人家Ok, lets take a look at our second paragraph.Have you ever been in or had a nightmare about this situation? Dont worry. This article will help steer you through the rocks and reefs of Anglo American table manners so that if you if are ever abroad in

    11、 Canada or the United States, or at someones home from one of those countries, youll feel right at home.Actually weve already told you that this paragraph means at the beginning of our program in case you do go to Canada or the US, this article will help you feel comfortable while eating at a Canadi

    12、ans or Americans home./to steer somebody through the rocks and reefs of ./ Ok, we can steer a car, but we also would have to steer a boat. And when in the water, we must be very careful of the rocks and reefs which are just below the water, and if you dont see them and hit them, dadada./ hehe, then

    13、you are in trouble.rock, 岩石,reef, 暗礁,steer,steered; steer.ing; steers;steerv.tr.To guide by means of a device such as a rudder, paddle, or wheel.掌舵用舵、浆或轮等装置指引To direct the course of.指引的路线To maneuver (a person) into a place or course of action.操纵,控制使(某人)进入一地区或行动路线See: guidesteerv.intr.To guide a vess

    14、el or vehicle.驾驶驾驶船或车To follow or move in a set course.行进沿某一路线跟随或移动To admit of being steered or guided:可操纵允许被控制或引导:a craft that steers easily.容易操纵的飞机6:39It is important to distinguish what kind of occasion you will be attending before you plan for a pleasant evening. Most Anglo Americans enjoy enter

    15、taining at home but they dont enjoy stuffy formal dinners. They invite their friends over for a fun evening, not as a test of ones knowledge of culture traditions. If, however, you are invited to a formal affair, such as a so-called sit-down dinner, you may want to know in advance some basic rules o

    16、f black tie etiquette.This paragraph distinguishes between two very different types of eating occasions. The first is informal, and thats the kind you are more likely to experience. You will go to a friends or colleagues home and eat with the family. That is almost always informal, not stuffy. But y

    17、ou may have to go, as parties of a business or university or other type of institutional dinner, and that may be very formal, well call a black tie event, and then you do have to be careful of what you are doing. But always remember, you will know that you are a foreigner, and they will be very easy

    18、 to forgive you if you do something which is not the same as they do. They realize that you are not an Anglo American, so you really shouldnt worry about this. Peter, you remember what we always say? When in Rome, do as the Romans do./ Yes. But this reminds me also of, you know, couple of years ago,

    19、 I already mentioned that to you that I was on a (croose 加勒比海什么的) somewhere./ Mmm, beautiful,/ On that beautiful ship, that big ship. Almost everyday we have to attend what they called (Womo) dinner. I had to get dressed very formally, haha,I have a question here. What is the difference between stuf

    20、fy and stuffed?/ Ok, very different. If you are stuffed, +ed, this means you are very full. You cant even eat another bite of food. -Oh, I am stuffed. But if you are stuffy, people wont want to be friends with you, because you are too cool, too formal, and you make people feel uncomfortable./ 所以吃饱饭后

    21、不要说,hey, ladies and gentlemen, take your time, I am stuffy. haha,/ You should say, I am stuffed./ 但是在正式的餐厅里也不要说I am stuffed./ eat and run, 不行。The first thing to remember when attending a dinner at a Western home, is that you are the guest and that you are a foreigner. No one will invite you if he do

    22、es not really want you to enter his castle, so you can be sure that you are wanted. Additionally, as you do not come from the same country or culture as your host, he or she or they will surely be aware of this, and will be very forgiving if you unintentionally do or say something which would otherw

    23、ise offend them. Keeping this two simple tips in mind should greatly ease your concern about being present at dinner in someone elses home.Well, I just touched on at this, one of these points, a few moments ago, the fact that you are a foreigner in someones home, people realize that you probably don

    24、t understand the way that they do things whether in talking or eating, or other types of social situations. And the other point is that people dont invite people to their home that they dont want. Why on earth would you want to waste your good evening with somebody you dont like? So if you are invit

    25、ed, they are sure to want you to go to their home and treat you in a very special way./ I now know why you never take me to dinner.555/ hehe, thats understandable. :P/ You are wanted, 吓了我一跳,/ Haha, not your kind of you are wanted. -Peter is wanted by the police. haha.被警方通辑的意思,That thief is wanted./

    26、Yeah, maybe we should say, Peter, of those who may be visiting the US, you may see some signs in public places with the word wanted on top and then the picture of somebody, and then some information below this, this means the police are looking for this person, if you see this person, call the polic

    27、e./ .two simple tips, 这里又提到这个tip的用法。中级讲座中不知讲过几遍了。Lets continue, we get a long paragraph here, lets get ready.Before arriving at your hosts home, you may want to make sure of three things. First, be a few minutes late, say, about five to ten minutes if possible,13:25 never be early, as the host may n

    28、ot have everything prepared yet, nor should you be more than twenty minutes late. Your host may begin to worry about whether you are able to attend the dinner or not. Next, as to whether to bring a gift, in most informal gatherings it is not necessary. If you like, you can bring some fruits or sweet

    29、s or, especially if theres a hostess, some flowers. These are thoughtful, cheerful gifts sure to please. Do not bring alcoholic beverages, unless you are sure of your hosts or hostesses preferences in drinks. Above all, do not spend a lot of money, and never give money. As we say in English, its the

    30、 thought that counts. Finally, wear comfortable clothing. One can over dressed as well as appear sloppy. For especial occasion, or religious holiday, such a retirement party or Christmas, a tie and jacket will be suitable for the gentlemen and the dress or sweater or skirt for the ladies.So in this

    31、paragraph, we give you three more tips or pieces of advice before you even go to the hosts home. The first tip is about timing. Dont show up early. Many people need a few more minutes to get ready, but dont be late, either, certainly not more than twenty minutes late. I think five to ten minutes is

    32、perfect if you can manage that. Next, should you bring something? Well, you can bring a little something, or if you know the host or hostess well, then you should know what they like and can buy something special for them. But its not necessary to take something. Also in terms of dress, think of the occasion. Is t


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