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    1、六年级英语下册毕业水平英语模拟测试2019-2020年六年级英语下册毕业水平英语模拟测试班级 姓名 学号 成绩 听力部分:30分一、听句子,选出句中含有的信息。(10分)( )1.A.June 1st .1992. B.Febrary 11th.1992. C. January 11th.1992.( )2.A.Sunny and hot. B. Foggy and warm. C. rainy and wet.( )3.A.WWW.MDC739.COM. B.WWW.KFC206.COM. C.WWW.JPK319.COM.( )4.A.most beautiful B. most impo

    2、rtant C. most interesting( )5.A.Christmas B. Halloween C. Easter( )6.A.Japan and Canada B. America and Australia C. Russia and Italy( )7.A.a biack dog B. a yellow cat C. a gold fish( )8.A.in the house B. in front of the house C. near the house( )9.A.played football B. saw a film C. went fishing( )10

    3、.A.in the living room B. in the kitchen C. in the classroom二、听句子,写出所缺的单词。(4分)1.We must _a _every day.2.Oh,_ _is coming.3.It was _ and _last year.4.My family will_ _next Saturday.三、听录音,给图写上英文大写字母编号。(6分)1. ( ) 2. ( )3.( )4.( )5.( )6.( )四、听句子,选择正确答案。(5分)( )1.A.Yes,of course. B. At 7:20. C. In the class

    4、room.( )2.A.By bus. B. No, I cant. C. No, I didnt.( )3.A.Yes, Id love to. B. On Sunday. C.It will be sunny.( )4.A.All right B. youre welcome. C. Excuse me.( )5.A.Its black. B. Its France. C. Yes,it is.五、听短文,选择正确答案。(5分)( )1. Today isnt_.A. Childrens B. June 1st C. May Day( )2. The girls are_.A. danci

    5、ng B. singing C. playing games( )3. Their _teacher is singing.A. Chinese B. maths C. English( )4. The boys are playing_.A. football B. basketball C. games( )5. Theyre very_.A. excited B. sad C. angry笔试部分:70分一、词汇。(一)找出一个和其它三个不同类的词。(6分)( )1. A. teacher B. father C. doctor D. worker( )2. A. dog B. car

    6、C. bike D. turck( )3. A. rice B. apple C. noodles D. meat( )4. A. football B. basketball C. ball D.Tshirt( )5. A. Chinese B. America C. Canada D. Japan( )6. A. cat B. bus C. fish D. goat(二)完成句子(每格一词)(5分)1. Do you want to (去游泳) with me tomorrow?2. (海鲜)is my favourite food.3. Please dont the (上网)all d

    7、ay long.4. My uncle is in Japan now. He is _ _.(度假)5. Would you like to _ to _ (来喝茶)with me?二、选择一个最佳答案。(15分)( )1. Would you like _egg for breakfast? A. a B. an C. the( )2. There are _stars on the Chinese National flag. A. five B. four C. six( )3. Lily is the _in her class. A. taller B. tallest C. ta

    8、ll( )4. _bedroom is much bigger. A. Mine B. My C. Me( )5. Wednesday is the _day in a week. A. four B. fourth C. fifth( )6. Mao Ze Dong was born_1893.A.in B. at C. on( )7. She was happy before, _now she isnt. A. and B. or C. but( )8. Shall we _a film this Saturday? A. watch B. look C. see( )9. Look,

    9、the children _games on the playground. A. playing B. played C. are playing( )10.We_the Olympics Games in 2012 A. will visit B. visited C. visit( )11._two toy cars in my bedroom. A. Have B. Has C. There are( )12.The lion is _the food. A. watching B. looking for C. seeing( )13.Dont_the wall, please. A

    10、. pick up B. write on C. cut down( )14.A:_did he become a doctor? B: In 1998. A. What B. Where C. When( )15.A:Would you like to go shopping with me? B:_. A. Yes, Id love to. B. No,I am not. C. Yes,I am.三、文化知识题。(5分)(选择一个最佳答案)( )1._is the capital of Japan. A. Beijing B. London C. Tokyo( )2. In China a

    11、nd Japan ,they also have_.A. Tree Planting Day B. Spring Festival C. Teachers Day( )3. Pandas come from_. A. China B. Italy C. Canada( )4. Chinese people usually have _for lunch. A. bread and milk B. rice and soup C. chips and coffee( )5._is on December 25th.A.May Day B. Christmas C. Midautumn Festi

    12、val四、选择最佳答语,把答雨编号写在括号里。(7分)( )1. May I have some coffee? A. Speaking.( )2. Happy Childrens Day. B. Yes, Id like some milk.( )3. Shall we visit the factory? C. Thirty yuan.( )4. May I speak to Betty? D. Thank you very much!( )5. Would you like somethings to drink? E.I want to buy a cake.( )6. What ca

    13、n I do for you? F. Good idea.( )7. How much is the sweeter? G. Certainly.五、完成对话。(10分)(一)选择。(把句子代号写到横线上)(5分)A. But you must come and renew it.B. Do you have The Farmer and the Snake?C. Can I keep the book a little longer?D. Let me see.E. How long may I keep it?A: Good afternoon.B: Good afternoon. Can

    14、 I help you?A: Yes,_?B:_.Ah, here it is.A: Heres my library card._?B:_.But you mustnt land it to others.A: Can I keep the book a little longer?B: Yes._.A: Thank you. Goodbye!B: Bye!(二)填空。(每格一词)(5分)A:Hello. _I speak to Mr Wang?B: Speaking. _that, please?A: Its Li Fang here. Mr Wang.I cant go to schoo

    15、l today! I _feel good. Sometimes I _hot and sometimes I felt cold.B: Im sorry to _that. Can you see the doctor?A: Yes, I will see the doctor. Goodbye. Mr Wang.B: Goodbye!六、请把句子代号写在图中括号内。(6分)A. The child often does some reading after dinner.B. The boy is drawing an apple.C. Jiamin played football las

    16、t Sunday.D. Look, the lady is cooking.E. They listened to the radio last Monday.F. There is a bag of rice on the floor.七、阅读理解。(10分)(一)选择(把正确答案的编号写在括号)(5分) Mr Brown lives in a nice house in a small town with his wife(妻子) , Mrs Brown.From Monday to Friday he works in an office near his house. He is fr

    17、ee on Saturdays and Sundays. He has a nice garden beside his house. He likes growing flowers and he often works in the garden on Saturdays and Sundays. The flowers are very beautiful and Mrs Brown likes them very much. She often helps Mr Brown. ( )1. Mr Brown lives in _with his wife. A. a city B. a

    18、small town C. a big town ( )2. He works_ days a week in his office. A. four B. five C. six ( )3. He isnt _on Saturdays and Sundays. A. free B. busy C. happy ( )4. He likes _ on Saturdays and Sundays. A. working in his garden B. walking in his garden C. looking at his garden ( )5. Mrs Brown _ the flo

    19、wers. A. like B. doesnt like C. often helps(二)判断,是否与短文一致,如一致打“”,否则打“”。(5分)Mothers Day is on the second of May. In China it is one of the most important day in many families .On Mothers Day ,Festival songs ring every where. You can see a lot of beautiful flowers.Most families go to restaurant for lun

    20、ch or dinner. They have a big and delicious meal with their mothers. They enjoy all kinds of food. But some people dont go to the restaurant. Because theyre very busy. They will buy presents for their mother. Such as flowers, clothes or cards. Do you like Mothers Day?( )1. MothersDay is on the secon

    21、d Sunday of May.( )2. On Mothers Day, you can see many Christmas trees.( )3. MothersDay is the most important in China.( )4. All the families go to the restaurant to have lunch or dinner on Mothers Day .( )5. The people will buy presents for their mother.八、快乐的儿童节刚刚过去,请同学们写一写你在“六一”儿童节都做了什么。(不少于5句)_ _

    22、 _ _ _ _ _ 2011年小学英语毕业水平模拟(一)听力材料 听力部分:30分一听句子,选出句中含有的信息.10分1Xiaoling was born on January 11th .1992.2. Tomorrow will be sunny and hot.3. Miss Whites E-mail address is www.KFC.4. I think this story is the most interesting.5. Christmas is the most popular festival in western country.6. Mr Brown and M

    23、iss White are from America and Australia.7. Does Mrs Chen have a black dog?8. Have you got a red car near the house?9. Tom and Mike went fishing yesterday.10. Are they in the classroom?二、听句子,选择正确答语。(6分)1. What time does school start?2. How are you going to get there?3. Would you like to visit Beijin

    24、g with me?4. Thank you very much!5. Is Rome noisier than Paris?6. When did he become a doctor?三、听句子,写出所缺的单词。(4分)1. I usually have dinner at about 6:00.2. The girl has a pain.3. My grandfather will go fishing tomorrow.4. Lu Xun was a writer.5. Ben is riding a bike.6. I want to go swimming this Sunday

    25、.四、听录音,给图写上英语大写字母编号。(5分)A. Sally is playing the guitar.B. Mrs White has dinner at 7:00.C. They are good at dancing.D. My mother sweeps the floor every evening.E. I go to bed at 8:30.五、听短文,选择正确的答案。(5分) Today is Childrens Day. We are very happy. Look, the girls are dancing. Their English teacher Miss

    26、Chen is singing an English song. The boys are playing games. They are getting a lot of presents. Theyre very excited.附送:2019-2020年六年级英语下册毕业水平英语模拟测试(广州版)班级 姓名 学号 成绩 听力部分:30分一、听句子,选出句中含有的信息。(10分)( )1.A.June 1st .1992. B.Febrary 11th.1992. C. January 11th.1992.( )2.A.Sunny and hot. B. Foggy and warm. C

    27、. rainy and wet.( )3.A.WWW.MDC739.COM. B.WWW.KFC206.COM. C.WWW.JPK319.COM.( )4.A.most beautiful B. most important C. most interesting( )5.A.Christmas B. Halloween C. Easter( )6.A.Japan and Canada B. America and Australia C. Russia and Italy( )7.A.a biack dog B. a yellow cat C. a gold fish( )8.A.in t

    28、he house B. in front of the house C. near the house( )9.A.played football B. saw a film C. went fishing( )10.A.in the living room B. in the kitchen C. in the classroom二、听句子,写出所缺的单词。(4分)1.We must _a _every day.2.Oh,_ _is coming.3.It was _ and _last year.4.My family will_ _next Saturday.三、听录音,给图写上英文大写字母编号。(6分)1. ( ) 2. ( )3.( )4.( )5.( )6.( )四、听句子,选择正确答案。(5分)( )1.A.Yes,of course. B. At 7:20. C. In the classroom.( )2.A.By bus. B. No, I cant. C. No, I didnt.( )3.A.Yes, Id love to. B. On Sunday. C.It will be sunny.( )4.A.All right B. youre welcome. C. Excuse me.( )


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