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    1、英语三级阅读理解+答案解析学位英语解题方法指导阅读理解阅读理解试题的做题方法我们称之为还原定位法,即把试题准确地在原文中进行定位,找到答案所在的句子。这种方法的运用有三个步骤:1. 先看试题,后读原文。这样做既节省了时间,又提高了做题的效率和准确度。2. 对试题在原文中的位置进行模糊定位。因为试题的出题顺序和文章的叙述顺序存在高度的一致性。3. 对试题在原文中的位置进行准确定位。对试题在原文中的位置进行准确定位的前提是抓住试题中的标志词和关键词。标志词主要包括专有名词,是指表示人名、地名和组织机构等的名词,这样的名词在文章中一般都要大写;表示时间或年代的词;专业词汇,这样的词汇一般都是比较难懂

    2、,一般是我们不认识的词汇。关键词是指表达试题内容的中心词,一般是试题中的名词和名词词组。应用举例Scientists are racing to build the worlds first thinking robotThis is not science fiction:somesay they will have made it by the year 2020. Carol Packer reports.Machines that walk,speak and feel are no longer science fictionKismet is the name of an andr

    3、oid(机器人)which scientists have built at the Massachusetts Institute of Technology(MIT). (31)Kismet is different from the traditional robot because it Can show human emotionsIts eyes,ears and lips move to show when it feels happy, sad or boredKismet is one of the first of a new generation of androidsr

    4、obots that look like human beingswhich Can imitate human feelings(32) Cog,another android invented by the MIT, imitates the action of a motherHowever, scientists admit that So far Cog has the mental ability of a twoyearold(33)The optimists(乐观主义者)say that by the year 2020 we will have created humanoi

    5、ds(机器人)with brains similar to those of all adult human beingThese robots will be designed to look like people to make them more attractive and easier to sell to the publicWhat kind of jobs will they do? (34)In the future,robots like Robonaut,a humanoid invented by NASA,will be doing dangerous jobs,l

    6、ike repairing space stationsThey will also be doing more and mom of the household work for us In Japan,scientists are designing androids that will entertain us by dancing and playing the pianoSome people worry about what the future holds:will robots become monsters(怪物)?Will people themselves become

    7、increasingly like robots? Experts predict that more and more people will be wearing microcomputers,connected to the Internet,in the futurePeople will have microchips in various parts of their body,which will connect them to a wide variety of gadgets (小装置)Perhaps we should not exaggerate(夸大)the impor

    8、tance of technology,but one wonders whether,in years to come,we will still be falling in love,and whether we will still feel painWho knows?31. Kismet is different from traditional robots because A. it thinks for itself B. It is not like science fiction C. it can look after twoyear-old D. it seems to

    9、 have human feelings解:本题的标志词是Kismet,关键词组是different from traditional robots,我们在文章第二段的第二句话中找到了试题在文章中的位置,细细读这句话。选项D和这句话的意思是最接近的,因为第二句话中有这样一句it Can show human emotions,选项中的feelings和文章中的emotions是同义词替换,这是阅读理解正确项的一个出题原则。因此是正确答案。32. What makes Cog special? A. It looks like a mother B. It behaves like a chil

    10、d C. It can imitate the behavior of a mother D. It has a huge brain解:本题的标志词是Cog,接着读文章,在文中寻找关于Cog的论述。关于Cog的论述出现在31题所对应的原文的后面,只有两句话,仔细读完这两句话后,我们发现选项C和原文是对应的,只是文中的单词action被替换成了他的同义词behavior,这是学位英语考试中阅读理解选项设置的一个特点,即同义词替换。33. In about 15 years time from now,robots A. will become space designers B. will l

    11、ook like monsters C. will behave like animals D. will think like humans解:本题的标志词是表示时间的15 years time,在读文章是要注意文章中时间词出现的地方。我们接着度第三段,读完以后,我们在文章中没有发现15 years time。但根据模糊定位的原则,第三题所对应的原文就出现在第二题所对应的原文的下面,我们再仔细读第三段。在第一句话中,只出现了时间词2020,题目问的是“从现在起15年以后,机器人会”,我们一经算计,15年以后,那就是2020年了。所以题目是间接的提问,需要经过我们的计算。那么这道试题所对应的原

    12、文就是第三段的前两句话,读完后我们发现选项D. will think like humans和文章中的句子with brains similar to those of all adult human being是最接近的,选项D是对文章句子的同义改写,这又是阅读理解试题选项设置的一个原则。34. In the future robots will also A. explore space B. entertain people C. move much faster D. do all of the housework解:这道试题的标志词是表示时间的词组In the future。我们接着

    13、第三题所对应的原文接着往下读,发现下面一句话中出现了这个表示时间的词组,因此我们认定正确答案就在这些句子之中。读完这些句子后我们发现选项B在这些句子的最后一句话中出现了。选项D是不正确选项,一般说来如果选项中出现比较绝对化的单词,如选项D中的all,以及every、each、the best等等,这个选项一般说来都是错误的,这是阅读理解错误选项设置的一个原则。35. What is the writers attitude to robots in the future?A. Critical (批评的) B. Hostile (敌意的) C. Objective(客观的) D. Enthus

    14、iastic (热情的,热心的)解:这道提问的是作者对于将来计算机的态度。是最后一道试题,根据模糊定位的原则,我们应当根据最后一段来答题,因为文章中就剩下最后一段我们没有读。现在读一下。从作者的叙述来看,并没有对将来计算机的利弊做出评价,文章是以一个疑问句结尾的:who knows? 从这一点看来,作者的态度是客观的、中性的。因此选项C是正确答案。A Good Couple Supports Each Other Rodney Mace, 35, is married with two young children, and is a part-time teacher of architec

    15、tural history, “I am constantly surprised by other peoples surprise, when they come to the house and see me cleaning a floor or hanging out the washing. Their eyes open wide at the sight of it! Much of the comment comes from men. But I am even more surprised at the number of women who comment too.”

    16、His wife Jane, an Oxford graduate in modern languages, has a demanding full-time job. She is director of the Cambridge House literacy scheme for adults in South London. Her working week involves several evenings and Saturdays, and at these times her husband is in sole charge of home and family. Apar

    17、t from this, they share household jobs and employ a child-minder for the afternoons. This enables him to teach two days a week and to do what he considers his principal work: writing. He has written several books and spends much of his time in British Museum Reading Room, cycling there from his home

    18、 in Brixton. People ask the Maces if they think their children miss them. One can argue that satisfied parents generally have satisfied children, but in any case the Maces are careful to reserve time and energy to play with their children. “And they have now developed relationships with other adults

    19、 and children.” Previously, Rodney Mace worked full-time and Jane only part-time. Then 18 months ago, the director of the literacy scheme left. “It seems to me that Jane was very well suited to do this job. She was very doubtful about it. But I urged her to apply. She did and she got it.” Jane Mace

    20、confirms that she needed this encouragement, as so many women initially do, Did his male ego(自我,自己)suffer from the change-over? Nothing like that occurred. But he still seems amazed at the way it changed his thinking. “I felt that we were finally going to be partners. I felt enormous relief, I wasnt

    21、 avoiding responsibility, but changing it. Our relationship is so much better now. It has been a change for the good for both of us in every aspect, I think it is fundamental that the woman works. The idea of equal partnership is an illusion if one partner doesnt work.”1. The article is about a coup

    22、le whose married life is happier because_.A. they have a truly equal partnershipB. the husband enjoy staying at homeC. they earn more moneyD. the wife has a full-time job2. Jane finally decided to apply for her present job because_.A. she thought she had better qualification than othersB. her husban

    23、d persuaded her to C. it was very well paidD. some of her friends encouraged her to 3. It is implied the passage that_.A. The Maces believe a good career is even more important than their family lifeB. Rodneys children are quite happy with their position in the familyC. Even capable women sometimes

    24、need encouragement from their familiesD. The practice of sharing household jobs between husband and wife is commonplace in London4. We can infer from this passage that a changeover of roles in the family _.A. is quite necessary in modern lifeB. is probably based on some practical reasonsC. aims sole

    25、ly at a complete emancipation of womenD. shows women are not necessarily inferior to men5. Which of the following statements is true? A. Most Englishmen think that a husband should do more housework than a wife.B. In London the traditional idea about the sex role at home has been completely changed.

    26、C. Many Englishmen and Englishwomen still take it for granted that women are mainly in charge of home and family.D. English people believe that men should take more responsibilities for housework.答案及分析:1 A 分析:该题考察考生理解主旨要义的能力。要想答好此题,必须对全文内容有清晰的了解。2 B 分析:该题考察考生获取具体信息的能力。答案可在倒数第二段中获得。这是本讲当中的重点,大家可以以此题为

    27、例体会一下这个题型。只要没有错过具体信息,做到此题时准确找到问题的出处,出错的可能性不大。3 C 分析:该题考察考生推理,判断的能力。将在下一讲中提到。推理的基础是对全文的正确理解。4 B 分析:该题还是考察考生的推理判断能力。5 C 分析:该题还是考察考生的推理判断能力。Mary Katherine Goddard and Declaration of Independence If you look closely at some of the early copies of the Declaration of Independence, beyond the flourished si

    28、gnature of John Hancock and the other 55 men who signed it, you will also find the name of one woman, Mary Katherine Goddard. It was she, a Baltimore printer, who published the first official copies of the Declaration, the first copies that included the names of its signers and therefore heralded(宣布

    29、,预示)the support of all thirteen colonies. Mary Goddard first got into printing at the age of twenty-four when her brother opened a printing shop in Providence, Rhode Island, in 1762. When her proceeded to get into trouble with his partners and creditors, it was Mary Goddard and her mother who were l

    30、eft to run the shop. In 1765 they began publishing The Providence Gazette, a weekly newspaper. Similar problems seemed to follow her brother as he opened businesses in Philadelphia and again in Baltimore. Each time Ms. Goddard was brought in to run the newspapers. After starting Baltimores first new

    31、spaper, The Maryland Journal, in 1773, her brother went broke trying to organize a colonial postal service. While he was in debtors prison, Mary Katherine Goddards name appeared in the newspapers masthead (报头) for the first time. When the Continental Congress fled there from Philadelphia in 1776, it commissioned Ms. Goddard to print the first official version of the Declaration of Independence in January 1777. After printing the documents, she herself paid the post riders to deliver the Declaration throughout the colonies. During the American Revolution, Mary Goddard


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