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    1、外研版七年级英语上册教案2(此文档为word格式,下载后您可任意编辑修改!)教案课题Starter Module1 Unit1课型Listening and speaking教学目标 学习称呼语和问候语教学重点打招呼用语教学难点如何正确运用打招呼用语教学课程1. Greeting.2. Warming-upT: Class,Please stand up. Hello, class.S: Hello, MsT: Sit down please.S: Thank you.3. Drills(1) 练习打招呼问好。(2) 练习感谢他人。(3) 练习告别语Goodbye。4. Practise1)W

    2、ork in pairs part7 and part82) Complete the sentences.Daming, _ _, please(请坐)_,_ (同学们好)_(你好).Jack._,_ (谢谢), Miss Li._(再见), Lucy.5. Conclude6. HomeworkComplete part5 and part 6个人修改课后评价教案课题Starter Module1 Unit2课型listeningandspeaking教学目标 学习打招呼的用语,询问姓名和相互间的问候。教学重点打招呼用语,询问对方姓名的特殊疑问句及回答。教学难点一天中不同时间的打招呼用语教

    3、学课程1.Greeting.2.Warming-upT: Good morning.Whats your name?S: Im My name isT: How are you?S: Fine, thank you. And you?T: Im fine. too.3.Drills1)练习打招呼的用语 Good morningGood afternoonGood evening。2)练习询问姓名和相互间的问候。 Whats your name? Im How are you? Im fine, thank you.4.Practise1)Work in pairs part7 2) Liste

    4、n and number3) Write the sentences.5.Conclude6.HomeworkComplete part3课后评价:个人修改教案课题Starter Module1 Unit3课型listeningandspeaking教学目标 学习向别人介绍某人的用语教学重点This is my SheHe is 教学难点Be 的变化运用教学课程1.Greeting.2.Warming-upT: This is my friendS: Hello, This is my fatherT: Nice to meet you.S: Nice to meet you, too.3.D

    5、rills1)复习打招呼的用语 Good morningGood afternoonGood evening。2)练习询问姓名和相互间的问候。 Whats your name? Im How are you? Im fine, thank you.3)练习向别人介绍某人This is 4.Practise1)Work in pairs part7 2) Listen and number3) Write the sentences.5.Conclude6.HomeworkComplete part3课后评价:个人修改教案课题Starter Module2 Unit1课型listeningand

    6、speaking教学目标 学习询问人或事物的的特殊疑问句和教室内各事物名称教学重点Whats thisthat? Its aan book,bag,chair,desk教学难点Thisthat 的变化运用;aan的运用教学课程1.Greeting.2.Warming-upT: Whats this in English?S: Its a book.T: How do you spell it?S: B-O-O-K. 3.DrillsWork in pairs. Ask and say.S1: Whats this in EnglishS2: Its a desk.S1: Whats that

    7、in English?S2: Its a pen.S1: How do you spell it?S2:4.Practise1) Listen and repeat.2) Compelete the sentences and read.3) Write the sentences.5.Conclude6.HomeworkComplete part3课后评价:个人修改教案课题Starter Module2 Unit2课型listeningandspeaking教学目标 学习询问人或事物的的特殊疑问句和身体各部分名称教学重点Whatre thesethose? Theyre ,ear教学难点Th

    8、esethose 的变化运用;foot的复数形式教学课程1.Greeting.2.Warming-up1)Learn the parts of the body. Then Listen and match.2) A game: Touch your nose.3) Listen and say: T: Whats this in English?S: Its a pairs. Ask and say.S1: Whatre these?S2: Theyre.S1: Whatre those in English?S2: Theyre.4.Practise1) Write the sentenc

    9、es2) Listen and number.5.Conclude6.HomeworkWork book.课后评价:个人修改教案课题Starter Module2 Unit3课型listeningandspeaking教学目标 学习数字1-10和how many接可数名词复数形式的句型教学重点How many desks are there? There are thirty-two. a book ten books教学难点how many接可数名词复数形式的句型;数字1-10的拼写教学课程S1: How many are there?S2: There are4.Practise1.Gre

    10、eting.2.Warming-up1)Learn the numbers 1-10. Then Listen and match.2) Students listen and say the numbers.3) Listen and say:T: Whatre thesethose?S: Theyre eyes.T: How many desks are there?S: There are 32.3.DrillsWork in pairs. Ask and say.S1: Whatre these?S2: Theyre.1) Write the numbers.2) Look at th

    11、e pictures and write the phrases.5.Conclude6.HomeworkWork book.课后评价:个人修改教案课题Starter Module3 Unit1课型listeningandspeaking教学目标 学习询问颜色句型教学重点What colour are ? They are red. How do you spell “red”? R-E-D.教学难点颜色词汇的拼写记忆教学课程1.Greeting.2.Warming-up1)Look and learn the word:apple,banana,flower,tree,bird,cat2)

    12、look at the pictures and the colour words.3) Listen and say:T: What colour are they?S: Theyre red.T: How do you spell “red”?S: R-E-D.3.DrillsWork in pairs. Ask and say.S1: What colour are they?S2: Theyre.S1: How do you spell it?S2: 4.Practise1) Read and match.2) Look at the pictures and write the se

    13、ntences.5.Conclude6.HomeworkWork book.课后评价:个人修改教案课题Starter Module3 Unit2课型listeningandspeaking教学目标 学习询问地点句型,介词in,on, under的用法教学重点Where isare ? ItsTheyre inonunder 教学难点In,on,under的运用教学课程1.Greeting.2.Warming-up1)Look and learn the words: bag,bed,cap,coat,shoes2) look at the pictures and ask :T: Where

    14、is the bag?S: Its in the desk.T: Where are the shoes?S: Theyre under the bed.3.Drills1) Listen and repeat. Ss read in pairs.2)Work in pairs. Ask and say.S1: Where is theS2: Its inonunder. 4.Practise Look at the pictures and write the sentences.5.Conclude6.HomeworkWork book.课后评价:个人修改教案课题Starter Modul

    15、e3 Unit3课型listeningandspeaking教学目标 学习句型Whats your favourite,食物名称教学重点Whats your favourite? My favourite food is 教学难点可数与不可数名词教学课程1.Greeting.2.Warming-up1)Look and learn the words: cake,egg,fish,meat,pear,rice2) Listen and number the pictures.3) look at the pictures and ask :T: Whats your favourite foo

    16、d?S: . My favourite food is 3.Drills1) Listen and repeat. Ss read in pairs.2)Work in pairs. Ask and say.S1: Whats your favourite food?S2: My favourite food is.4.Practise Look at the pictures and write the sentences.5.Conclude6.HomeworkWork book.课后评价:个人修改教案课题Starter Module 4Unit1课型listeningandspeakin

    17、g教学目标 学习询问对方爱好,教学重点Whats your favourite sport? My favourite sport is Do you like ? 教学难点Like 后接v-ing形式教学课程1.Greeting.2.Warming-up1)Look and learn the words: dance, run,sing,walk,watch TV,2) Listen and number the pictures.3) look at the pictures and ask :T: Whats your favourite sport?S: . My favourite

    18、 sport is T: Do you like running?S: Yes, I do. No, I dont.3.Drills1) Listen and repeat. Ss read in pairs.2)Work in pairs. Ask and say.S1: Whats your favourite sport?S2: My favourite sport is.4.Practise1) Look at the pictures and write the sentences.2)Read and number.5.Conclude6.HomeworkFinishpart6an

    19、d7课后评价:个人修改教案课题Starter Module 4Unit2课型listeningandspeaking教学目标 学习情态动词can的用法教学重点Can you cook? Yes. I can.No, I cant.教学难点can后接动词原形;speak,say的区别教学课程1.Greeting.2.Warming-up1)Look and learn the wordsand phrases: cook,draw,type,drive a car,ride a bike,speak English,write Chinese2) Listen and number the pi

    20、ctures.3) look at the pictures and ask :T: Can you cook?S: . Yes, I can. No, I cant.3.Drills1) Listen and repeat. Ss read in pairs.2)Work in pairs. Ask and say.S1: Can you?S2: Yes, I can.4.Practise1) Look at the pictures and write the sentences.2) Discuss and fill in the form.5.Conclude6.HomeworkWri

    21、te sentences课后评价:X|k |b| 1 . c|o |m个人修改教案课题Starter Module 4Unit3课型listeningandspeaking教学目标 学习询问天气情况教学重点Whats the weather like in spring? Its warm.教学难点一年四季单词与其对应的形容词教学课程1.Greeting.2.Warming-up1)Look and learn the wordsand phrases: spring, summer,autumn,winter,warm,cool,cold,2) Listen and number the p

    22、ictures.3) look at the pictures and ask :T: Whats the weather like in spring?S: Its warm.3.Drills1) Listen and repeat. Ss read in pairs.2)Work in pairs. Ask and say.S1: Whats the weather like in?S2: Its4.Practise1) Look at the pictures and write the sentences.2) Discuss: Whats the weather like in Gu

    23、ilin?5.Conclude6.HomeworkWrite sentences.课后评价:个人修改教案课题 Module 1 Unit 1课型Listening and speaking教学目标Self-introduction 自我介绍(年龄、姓名、家乡等等)教学重点能做自我介绍,听懂别人的介绍教学难点在做自我介绍是英美人士与的对答习惯教学方法Interactive approach教学课程1.Greeting.2.Warming-up老师做自我介绍:I am your teacher. My name is _. I am from Guilin. 问学生:T: Whats your n

    24、ame?S: My name is_ I am _.T: How old are you?S: Im 12 years old.T: Where are you from?S: Im from Guilin3. 让学生将刚才的答案窜起来说一遍。再让其他的同学照样做自我介绍。4. Listen and check you use to describe it?6. Listen and read. Play the recording and get the students to listen and read the conversation.7. Listen again to the d

    25、ialog and check the true sentences.8. Work in pairs. Ask and answer. Get the students to ask the questions and answer the questions, and then change the role.然后让一些学生到讲台是做表演。9Match the words with the pictures.10.Conclude11.Homework: Workbook P72 Exercise 1-4.个人修改课后评价:教案课题Module 1Unit 2课型Reading and s

    26、peaking教学目标To get information from the reading material about personal information教学重点将自我介绍扩展,加入更多的信息,并能介绍朋友的情况。教学难点动词be 的不同人称的不同形式。教学方法Interactive approach3教学课程1.Greeting and ask some questions about the weather.2.Warming-up: Get two students to do “Ask and answer” about themselves.3. Read the pass

    27、age and check the true sentences.Ask the students to read the passage or get the students to follow the recording, and then check the true sentences. Play the recording (again) for the students to listen and reapeat. Do some necessary explanations of the passage.4. Complete the table according to th

    28、e passage.5. “小记者”活动。带上笔和练习本,采访一个同学。利用Activity 3 的形式作为问题。然后做汇报。采访不要花太多是时间,以便让更多的学生可以做汇报。6.Practise Write sentences for you.5.Conclude6.HomeworkWrite a self-introduction, not less than 20 words.个人修改课后评价:教案课题Module 1 Unit 3Language in use课型Formal and interactive practice教学目标To summarise and consolidat

    29、e Simple Present tense of BE教学重点复习本单元的句型和语法,并能学以致用。教学难点Be动词的各种形式和其否定形式教学方法Interactive approach教学课程1.Greeting.2.Warming-up Get some students to introduce themselves.3. Language practice. Ask some students to read the sentences individually. Point out the words in Bold. Then get the whole class to read aloud all the sentences together.


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