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    1、趁火打劫Loot a burning house春江花月夜Moon and Flower in the Spring River D打草惊蛇Disturb the snake by hitting the grass大红灯笼高高挂Raise the red lantern 大话西游之仙履奇缘Chinese Odyssey 2: Cinderella, A 大话西游之月光宝盒Chinese Odyssey 1: Pandoras Box 大腕Funeral of the Famous Star 道士 Taoist 地雷战The Mine Warfare 调虎离山Entice the tiger

    2、to leave the mountain东方不败之风云再起Swordsman 3:The East is Red 冬天里的一把火 Winter Fire 东邪西毒Ashes of Time 都江堰 Dujiang Weir E二郎真君 True Lord Erlangzhenjun F反间计 Sow discord among the enemy Use double agent反客为主Make the guest and host change places封神榜Granting Titles to Gods 凤阳花鼓 Flower Drum Dance 佛经 Buddhist scrip

    3、tures G隔岸观火Watch a fire burning from the other side of the river故事新编(鲁迅作品集)Old Tales Retold 刮痧Treatment 关门捉贼Shut the door to catch the thief观音菩萨 Avalokitesvara 贵妃醉酒The drunk concubine Drunkened Concubine 国产007From Beijing with Love H河伯 River Uncle 红高粱Red sorghum 红楼梦A Dream in Red Mansions (Chamber)

    4、The Story of the Stone 釜底抽薪Take away the firewood under the cooking pot花果山 Mountain of Flowers and Fruits 花样年华In the Mood for Love 黄飞鸿Once Upon a Time in China 荒山泪 Tears of Huangshan 回家过年Seventeen Years 混水摸鱼Fish in troubled water霍元甲FearlessJ假痴不癫Play dumb, remain smart甲方乙方Dream Factory 假途伐虢Obtain saf

    5、e passage to conquer the enemy将相和General and Premier Make Up 借刀杀人Kill someone with a borrowed knife借东风East Wind 借尸还魂Borrow anothers body to return the soul金蝉脱壳Get away like the cicada sloughing its skin金箍棒 golden cudgel 警世通言 Ordinary Words to Warn the World 九一神雕侠侣Saviour of the Soul 巨灵神 Mighty Mirac

    6、le GodK空城计 Present a bold front to conceal unpreparedness苦肉计 Inflict injury upon oneself to gain trust L雷公 the Thunder God 李代桃僵Sacrifice the plum for the peach连环计Chain together the enemys ships梁祝(小提琴协奏曲)Butterfly Love 聊斋志异Strange Tales of a Lonely Studio Strange Tales from a Scholars Studio 烈火金刚Stee

    7、l Meets Fire 林家铺子The Shop of Lin Family 灵霄宝殿 Hall of Miraculous Mist 刘三姐Third Sister Liu 龙王 Dragon King 龙须沟Longxu Ditch 鹿鼎记Royal Tramp 论语 Analects of Confucius 罗汉 arhat 炉火神 the Fire God M瞒天过海Cross the sea under camouflage美猴王 Handsome Monkey King美人计 The beauty trap Use seductive women to corrupt the

    8、enemy 没事偷着乐Steal Happiness 门神 Door Gods 末代皇帝THe last emperor 牡丹亭 Peony Pavilion N哪吒三太子 Prince Ne Zha P拍案惊奇Surprise Stories to Make One Slap the Desk 蟠桃园 the Immortality Peach Garden 炮打双灯Red Firecracker, Green Firecracker 抛砖引玉Bait a piece of jade with a brick琵琶记 The Story of Pipa 漂亮妈妈Breaking the Sil

    9、ence 菩萨 Boddhisattva Q七十二般变化 seventy-two different forms 齐天大圣 the Great Sage Equalling Heaven乔家大院The grand courtyard of Qiao Family 秦颂Emperors Shadow 情癫大圣A Chinese Tale Story 清明上河图Riverside Scene at Qingming Festival 擒贼擒王To catch the bandit ,first capture their leader秋菊打官司The story of QiuJu 群英会Gathe

    10、ring of Heroes R人鬼情Woman-Demon-Human 儒林外史The Scholars S三国演义The Romance of the Three Kingdoms the three kingdoms story“三言”“二拍” Three Volumes of Words,Two Volumes of Slapping 山海经 the Classic of Mountains and Rivers 上屋抽梯Pull down the ladder after ascent 声东击西Clamour in the east, attack in the west生死抉择Fa

    11、tal Decision 十面埋伏The house of flying daggers 十面埋伏(古曲)Ambush from All Sides 四大天王 Four Heavenly Kings 瘦虎肥龙Skinny Tiger and Fatty Dragon 树上开花Deck the tree with bogus blossom水浒传 Heroes of the Marshes Water Margins All Men Are Brothers: Blood of the Leopard 水帘洞 Water Curtain Cave 顺手牵羊Take the opportunity

    12、 to pilfer a goat孙悟空的师父 Patriarch Subhut T太白金星 Great White Planet 太极张三丰Twin Warriors 太上老君 Lord Lao Zi of the Great Monad 唐伯虎点秋香Flirting Scholar 桃花扇 The Peach Blossom Fan 天仙配Goddess Marriage 铁拐李 Iron Crutch Li偷梁换柱Replace the beams with rotten timbers土地神 Local God of the Land 托塔李天王 Heavenly King with

    13、a Pagoda in Hand W王母娘娘 the Queen Mother of the West 围城 A Surrounded City 围魏救赵Relieve the state of Zhao by besieging the state of Wei我的父亲母亲 The Road Home 无极 The Promise 无间道Infernal Affairs 五女拜寿Celebrating Mothers Birthday 五行山 Five Elements Mountain无中生有Create something out of nothing X西厢记 The Romance

    14、of West Chamber 西游记Pilgrimage to the West Journey to the West monkey goes west record of a journey to the west 憩园(巴金作品集)Garden of Respose 笑里藏刀Knife hidden under the smiling face 醒世恒言 Lasting Words to Awaken the World Y炎黄子孙 Chinese descent 阎王爷 King of Hell 样板戏 model opera 阳光灿烂的日子In the Heat of the Su

    15、n 杨门女将Women General of Yang Family 瑶池 Jade Pool 药王 the King of Medicine 一个好人Mr. Nice Guy 以逸待劳Wait for the exhausted enemy at ones ease英雄本色A Better Tomorrow Color of a Hero 有话好好说Keep Cool 玉皇大帝 the Jade Emperor 欲擒故纵To catch something, first let it go喻世明言 Clear Words to Illustrate the World 远交近攻Befriend a distant state while attacking a neighbor Z早熟2 young 灶王爷 the Kitchen God指桑骂槐Revile the locust tree while pointing at the mulberry中华英雄A Man Called Hero 资治通鉴History as a Mirror 走为上计Run away to fight another day Escape is the best policy /center


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