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    1、上海市静安区近五年高三上学期期末英语试题真题汇编总结写作+翻译+书面表达上海市静安区近五年高三年级第一学年期末英语试题真题汇编-总结写作+翻译+书面表达上海市静安区2019-2020学年高三年级第一学年期末英语试题真题IVSummary WritingDirections:Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible.Do We Need

    2、 Art in Our LivesNo one will be surprised to hear that the arts are under fire in this day and age. We view the arts as something of a hobby, something thats fun but certainly cant pay the rent. If its not a useful skill, no wonder arts funding is being cut in schools. Do we really need art in our l

    3、ives? In schools, time and money is at a premium (稀有而珍贵), now more than ever. With teachers having to fit so many lessons into every day, its easy to see why art is dropping more and more by the wayside. Budgets are dropping at an alarming rate, and what school is going to drop teaching in essential

    4、 subjects such as math or science when they can drop art instead? It seems as though the loss of art in daily life is a sad fact of life, but it doesnt have to be. There are actually a lot of practical uses for art for many people. For example, art therapy has helped people with a range of illnesses

    5、, both mental and physical, cope with their symptoms. Art is found almost anywhere you look in your home. Practical items, such as bedspreads, furniture or clothing, are all art forms in themselves and arouse emotions in the people interacting with them. Art also gives us insight into the world. His

    6、tory tells us what happened and when it happened, but it cant tell us how the population at large felt about it, which is where art steps in. We know a lot about how people in the past lived and worked, because their art has given us such a deep insight into their daily lives. We wouldnt have that i

    7、nsight without it.Most of all, we need art in our lives as it gives us a form of self-expression. Being able to talk about our feelings is essential to staying healthy. You may not think you talk about your feelings, but you may express them in other ways. Some like to cook or bake, some like to wor

    8、k on machinery, and others may like to paint or draw. Whatever you like to do in your spare time, youre probably creating art every day. So, do we need art in our lives? Many people would say no, but the art theyre thinking of is the art you see in galleries. Art is actually much more accessible and

    9、 is truly needed in everyday life. It helps those in need, gives people in the future an idea of what life was like, and is a vital form of self-expression. VTranslationDirections: Translate the following sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets.72. 学而不思犹如食而不化。(like) 73. 年轻人要有雄心

    10、壮志,不应安于现状。(satisfy) 74. 这部电视剧旨在向观众传递家庭价值观,独立与义务之间的冲突可以通过容忍,理解和爱来解决。 (that) 75. 正是老一辈人的艰苦奋斗使祖国发生了巨大变化,未来掌握在我们年轻人手中,我们绝不辜负期望。(lie) VIGuided WritingDirections: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instructions given below in Chinese.假设你是明启中学的王华,你校学生会将举办主题为 “Looking for the Chi

    11、nese Spirit” 的英语演讲比赛,请你作为参赛者写一篇演讲稿, 内容包括:1. 描述生活中最感动你的一个人或一件事,并说明其体现了怎样的中国精神;2. 你获得的启发及感受。(注意:请勿出现真实的姓名与学校) IVSummary Writing (just for reference)71. Considered as a hobby or fun, art is ignored in schools. Limited time and money is spent on essential subjects. However, art is very useful and everyw

    12、here. As therapy, art benefits health. Besides, it enables us to understand the world better. Above all, we often express our feelings in the form of art. Therefore, art is needed.V Translation72. 学而不思犹如食而不化。(like)Learning / To read without reflecting / reflection / thinking is just like eating with

    13、outdigesting / digestion.73. 年轻人要有雄心壮志,不应安于现状。(satisfy) Young people / The young / Youngsters should be ambitious / aim high, and not be satisfied with the present situation.74. 这部电视剧旨在向观众传递家庭价值观,独立与义务之间的冲突可以通过容忍,理解和爱来解决。 (that)This TV drama / series is intended / is meant / aims to convey / is aime

    14、d at / aims at conveying family value to the viewers that the conflict between independence and obligation / duty can be solved by tolerance, understanding and love.75. 正是老一辈人的艰苦奋斗使祖国发生了巨大变化,未来掌握在我们年轻人手中,我们绝不辜负期望。(lie)It was the old generation who worked hard to make these / the great changes happen

    15、 in our motherland; the future lies in the hands of us young people and well live up to their expectations.It was the old generation who worked hard to make these / the great changes happen in our motherland,while the future lies in the hands of us young people and we shall never fail to live up to

    16、their expectations.VIGuided Writing ( 略 ) 上海市静安区2018-2019学年高三年级第一学年期末英语试题真题IV. Summary WritingDirections: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own words as far as possible. So, when you picked up a few things in a

    17、 supermarket, a guy ran his cart over your toe with no apology. By the time when a fellow motorist had cut you off in traffic, with a rude handgesture or two, wasnt it a relief to get to the office? The answer is a definite yes. It is found that most American people today think public rudeness is on

    18、 the rise, and most see that as a major problem. Moreover, its getting worse. Last year, people reported encountering an average of 6.2 instances per week of evil behavior. This year, the number had shot up to 10.6. The exception, it seems, is the Workshops. More than 90% of us see companies offices

    19、 as . what is immune(免疫)to social bad manners. Workplaces are gettig more civil in many peoples eyes. The reported cases of office incivility this year declined to 0.29%-markedly lower than cases of running into rudeness online (39%), or while driving (also39%). Of course, less-than-polite driving o

    20、r letting loose with an online conduct code is, after all, unlikely to cost anyone his next raise or promotion. However, being on ones best behavior in any professional field is generally a common-sense career awareness for anyone seeking job development. But theres more to it. Trends in how compani

    21、es operate seem to have the welcome effect of encouraging coworkers to play nice. CEOS, and managers at all levels, are now keen on cooperation. They are trying to build a Best Places to Work culture,to attract the best available talents. This emphasis on co-working atmosphere really requires civil

    22、interactions between people. Nonetheless,a significant number of employees believe theres more to be done. Asked what changes theyd like to see,62 hope thatcivility training will be continued,looking for bigger progress in the workplace manners. 第卷(共40分) V. Translation Directions: Translate the foll

    23、owing sentences into English, using the words given in the brackets. 72.您可联系校办公室了解更多信息。(contact) 73.玛丽迫不及待地要使用刚下载的软件。(wait) 74.维生素片能否替代食物为我们提供足够能量仍然未知。(remain) 75.尽管不同学科教师的教学风格不尽相同,他们都密切关注学生的发展。(vary) . Guided Writing Directions: Write an English composition in 120-150 words according to the instruc

    24、tions given below in Chinese. 你是刘晓,你班本学期剩余一笔总额两千元的班费(class fee)结余。目前有两个使用方案:为教室添置一台空气净化器(air cleaner); 为每位同学订阅一份英语周刊 (English Weekly)。给班委会 (class committee)写一封信,谈谈你的看法。信中必须包括: 你赞同的方案; 你赞同该方案的理由; 你对于执行此方案的建议。 (信中不得出现考生姓名,学校等真实信息) SummaryWorkplace is more polite than other public places in todays Amer

    25、ica. People complain about the ever-worsening problem of public incivility. In contrast, the workplace is almost rudeness-free. Good workplace manners are partly out of self-interest for professional prospects. Companies focus on teamwork culture is also a reason. However, room for manner improvemen

    26、t in workplaces still exists according to many workers.Translation72. You can contact the school office for more information.73. Mary cant wait to use the software downloaded just now.74. It remains unknown whether vitamin pills can replace food to provide enough energy for us.75. Although teachers

    27、of different subjects vary in teaching styles, they all pay close attention to the students development. 上海市静安区2017-2018学年高三年级第一学年期末英语试题真题IV. Summary Writing71.Directions: Read the following passage. Summarize the main idea and the main point(s) of the passage in no more than 60 words. Use your own

    28、words as far as possible.For many well-educated travelers, buying a copy of Lonely Planet is the first task before taking a vacation abroad. Founded in 1973, Lonely Planet is the biggest guidebook series in many countries. Its published in 11 languages including Chinese.But when the BBC confirmed on

    29、 March 19 that it had sold the entire Lonely Planet series to a US billionaire at a significant deficit(赤字), many commented that the deal sang the swan song for the printed guidebook.The rise of the Internet and the prevalence of smartphones have become a burden on the print media. Why would travele

    30、rs bring a heavy guidebook when they can download the apps to their smartphone in an instant? Furthermore, alternative and free travel content is readily available on the Internet, from Wikivoyage to TripAdvisor which provide excellent guidance on your trips.But the Internet is not the only reason t

    31、hat guidebooks are in decline. It is also widely accepted that the physical guidebook has such complete content that can kill any sense of personal exploration. With the guide books, all those backpacker feet ended up following routine trade routes, and in those routes was little room for initiative

    32、.Its also pointed out that the guidebook is not exactly good for tourism. Often the shops and restaurants that thrived on a recommendation in the guidebook relaxed and discovered that it didnt matter: the legions of eager travelers keep on coming anyway. They gradually become uncompetitive.And yet, despite the rise of new media, its believed there is still a place for printed guidebooks, at least for the time being as boo


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