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    1、胡敏读故事背雅思单词胡敏读故事背雅思单词1(abandon-accomplish)An honorable entryThe acclaimed academic, Dr. Sir Walter T.J. Fitzbody, accompanied the equally accessible expert of aboriginal history, Dr. Mugambe H. C. Carriky, slowly to the platform to accept his National Science Foundation Award. Both were noted for the

    2、ir absenteeism, rarely seen in public and still marveled at for their abnormal usage of double abbreviations in theirnames. That it was Dr. Carriky, the former pupil of Dr. Fitzbody who was receiving this life-time award before his mentor was only minor. Dr. Fitzbody knew that academia was not alway

    3、s fair and, having always been rather accommodating for his favorite student anyhow, was taking the event as an honor to his work as well.When Dr. Carriky accidentally tripped over the toe of a person with his leg extended too far into the aisle, the gasps of the crowd conveniently covered the abusi

    4、ve words that cameout of Dr. Carrikys mouth. The man did not take the abuse kindly, however, and abandoning all respect, began to rise to respond to the guest of honor. Dr. Fitzbody, sensing trouble, quickly accelerated towards the stage. It did not matter that an accessory of his robe was lost to t

    5、he floor as they escaped. The rest of the audience, sensing a need for accommodation, politely gave clear access so that no further mishaps would occur.Having accomplished their entry, Dr. Fitzbody began his introduction of Dr. Carriky. He gently smiled and said a joke that related the fall to a his

    6、torical abstraction. The crowd laughed in relief and breathed easily as they knew that honor and dignity had been restored.体面的入场广受赞誉的学者沃尔特.T.J.费茨博迪博士陪同同样平易近人的土著历史研究专家穆甘贝H.C.克里奇博士缓缓走向领奖台领取国家科学基金奖。这俩人都以离群索居、很少在公共场合抛头露面出名,他俩姓名当中非常规地使用了两个缩写更使人感到不可思议。克里奇博士是费茨博迪博士的前学生,他在导师之前获得这项终生奖项并没有什么不妥,因为费茨博迪博士知道学术界并不


    8、来,松了一口气,因为他们明白两位学者找回了荣誉和尊严。单词abandonv.遗弃abbreviation n.缩写abnormal adj.反常的;变态的aboriginal a.土著居民的 n.土著人absenteeism(absent缺席)-n.旷课;旷工abstractionn.抽象,抽象概念,抽象作品abusev/n滥用,虐待abusive虐待的;辱骂的;academia n.学术界;学习生涯academic a.学院的,学术的 n.学者accelerate v.加快;增速accept v接受access 1.n.接近(或进入)的方法;到达、使用、走访的权利(或机会) (to);可接近

    9、(或进入)性2.通道,入口;使用途径accessible a.易接近的,能进入的;可使用(得到)的accessoryn.附件,同谋accidentally ad.偶然地,意外地acclaimv向欢呼喝彩accommodatinga.与人方便的,肯通融的accommodation(美)n住处,膳宿;调和,迁就,通融accompanyv.伴随,陪伴,和一起发生,存在accomplish v.完成(任务等);达到(目的);做到,做成胡敏读故事背雅思单词2(account-adapt)Accreditation crisisDave s business acumen was sorely quest

    10、ioned when the first round of accreditation for his music school failed. His partners accused him of not accumulating a qualified staff, his accountant acquiesced that his bookkeeping was not orderly, and his wife said he wasnt as acquainted with the process as he should have been. Regardless of the

    11、 accuracy of the complaints, Dave felt an acute pain; it was as if he was drinking acid. How could his friends all abandon him so quickly when troubles came? Dave knew that if he ever wanted to achieve anything else in his life after this, he would first have to overcome this emotional acupuncture,

    12、acknowledge his mistakes and move on.His first step Ms to adapt to the situation and keep his acquisitive partners from selling whet he had started to the highest bidder. TO do this he quickly acquired the report on what had been successfully accredited and what had failed. He was surprised to find

    13、that his school had only failed on one point, the acoustics of their main music hall. That meant that everything else was fine, that it was a success except for that one thing!At the meeting the next day with all parties involved, Dave presented the report and his plan for hew they could improve the

    14、 acoustics of the hall and then activate e a second round of accreditation meetings. Everyone was happy except for the partners. They had already viewed the school as a failed acquisition and it was hard for them to adjust their thinking. Dave was quick, however, and encouraged them that this was st

    15、ill a successful item in their accumulation of a diversified portfolio. They agreed and the school was licensed three months later.资格鉴定危机 戴夫的音乐学校没能通过第一轮资格鉴定,他在商业方面的聪明才智因此大受质疑。合伙人指责他没能聚到一批合格的员工会计默认他的账记得十分混乱,妻子则说该熟悉的东西他却不熟悉。无论这些抱怨是否准确戴夫都感到万分痛苦,就仿佛喝酸东西一样。朋友们怎么能在有麻烦时那么快就抛弃他呢?戴夫明白只要他想在今后的人生道路上取得别的成就,就一定要


    17、累中,这仍是一个成功的项目。合伙人同意了他的意见,三个月之后,学校拿到了办学执照。单词祥解accountantn.会计人员,会计师accreditv.1.信托,委托,委派2.鉴定为合格,确认达到标准accreditation n.1.委托,委派,任命2.水准鉴定,资格鉴定accumulatev.堆积,积累,积聚,积攒accumulationn.堆积,积累,积聚,积攒accuracyn.准确性,精确性accusev.指控,控告;指责achieve v.经努力达到,得到acida.酸的,尖酸刻薄的 n.酸,酸味物质acknowledge v.1承认,承认的权威(或主张) 2.就表示谢意,报偿 3.

    18、对.招呼;对做出反应acoustics(复) n.(用作单)声学;音质,影响效果acquiesce v.默认,默许acquire v.获取;开始占有(或具有);学到知识等acquisition n.1取得,获得,收购 2.(有价值的)获得物;获得(或增添)的人(或物)acquisitive a.(对知识财富等)渴望得到的;能够获得并保有的;贪婪的activatev.使活动起来,使起作用acumenn.敏锐;聪明acupuncture n.针刺;针刺疗法;针刺麻醉acute a.尖锐的,敏锐的;(疾病等)急性的,剧烈的,严重的adapt v.使适应,使适合;改编,改写胡敏故事背雅思单词3(ada

    19、ptable-advisable)An adaptable administrationLast Advent our local Catholic Church adopted a new policy for dealing with teenagers struggling through adolescence. The new priest, originally from New York, addressed the issue that day in his sermon about adjusting our view to administer help to those

    20、young people who were helpless, without support and suffering during this difficult time of life. This would include dealing with drug addicts, young single mothers, and youth with disciplinary problems that most people simply wanted to avoid, It was admittedly a controversial talk, but his words sp

    21、oke to us all and we all decided to be adaptable to trying something new for our community.The local catholic administration was more adverse to the concept. They did not want to have troublemakers adjacent to lonely widows, young children, orphans and others that the church was already adept at dea

    22、ling with. The new priest gave his admission to this and promised to build a separate addition for the adolescents he would work with. He also agreed to adhere to all traditional administrative procedures and to submit to their ultimate authority.The adaptation to the Churchs focus was a great succe

    23、ss. Troubled youth began coming in and out of the new building adjoining the Church with smiles on their faces and a renewed hope for life. And while it was advisable forthe priest to work with a team of volunteers, each adolescent began to see him as the father that they had never had. Lives were c

    24、hanged, needs were met, and attendance grew. The administration was very pleased.Tomorrow is Advent again. It has been One year since we changed our outlook and we have much to celebrate!随机应变的管理部门上次降临节的时候,本地天主教堂采取了一项新政策帮助那些青春期有问题的青少年。新牧师来自纽约,在那天的布道当中谈到了这个问题,他让大家调整看法,给那些在这个困难时期无助、无援而且饱受痛苦的年轻人以帮助,其中包括


    26、们一起工作可能更明智一些,每个青少年都已经开始把他看成是他们不曾有过的父亲。生活得到了改变,需要得到了满足,来参加活动的人越来越多。教会管理部门对此非常满意。明天又是降临节。我们改变观点已经有一年了,我们有很多东西值得庆祝。adaptablea.能适应新环境的,适应性强的;可改编的adaptation n.适应;改编(本);改制(物)addict v.使沉溺,使成瘾addition n.增加的人或物;(建筑物等的)扩建部分addressv.1对.做正式讲话2对付,处理;满足(要求)adepta.擅长的,熟练的,内行的adherev.粘附;坚持,内行的adjacenta.临近的;毗连的;前后接连

    27、的adjoinv.贴近,与.毗连,附加,使结合adjust v.1调整;整顿 2.调节;改变.以适应(to)administerv.1.掌管,料理.的事务,支配给予,投(药)administrationn.1.管理,经营,支配 2.行政,行政机关;管理部门,政府 3.(药的)配给,处理(过程)administrativea.管理的,行政的,政府的;后方勤务的admission n.准许进入,承认,供认;入场券,入场费admittedlyad.公认的,无可否认地,诚然adolescencen.青春期,青春adolescentn.青少年 a.青春期的,青少年的adoptv.采用,采取;正式通过,批

    28、准;继承,收养Adventn.(基督教)降临节;(a-)9(尤指不寻常的事件、时期等的)出现,到来adverse a.敌对的,不友好的;不利的,有害的advisablea.可取的,适当的;明智的胡敏故事背雅思单词4(advisory-ailment)The price of an affluent societyAn affluent society cannot afford advocates of its own destruction. A society that can destroy itself is an aggravated society suffering from a

    29、n ailment that needs to be cured.These were the thoughts of the secret agent as he prepared to afflict harm on Hamilton Smith, the leader of a prominent government advisory committee. Mr. Smith was determined to affect the course of history by affirming a new order. He wanted to destroy all that was good and begin again with how he thought a country should run.This agenda was unacceptable to the top-secret agency that really ruled the country. And it was this agency that found an agreeable agent to sacrifice himself for his country b


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