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    1、初中英语宾语从句个性学讲义教师板4宾语从句 1. 掌握宾语从句的引导词;2. 掌握宾语从句的语序;3. 掌握宾语从句的时态。1.if/whether引导的宾语从句;2. 宾语从句中语序问题。 一、什么是宾语?1、宾语是动作、行为的对象,是动作的承受者,一般放在及物动词或介词后面。宾语由名词、代词、不定式或相当于名词的词、短语来担任。 例1. I like my teacher.(名词作宾语)练习1. 判断下列句子的宾语成分。I enjoy playing basketball. (动名词)I decide to study hard. (不定式)I know him . (代词)二、 什么是宾

    2、语从句? 宾语从句就是由一个句子来构成主句的宾语,并有一个连接词引导。例1. We know Yao Ming. 2. We know that he is a famous basketball player.练习. 判断下列句子,哪些句子含有宾语从句,并画出来。1. I will tell the teacher Mary wont go to school tomorrow.2. Everybody here likes to help each other.3. The boss said that he ever was very poor.4. Im so glad that yo

    3、u can come to my birthday party.5. Please tell me the truth.三、引导词1、that引导的宾语从句that在从句中不充当任何成分,可省略。例. I dont think (that) he will come. 我认为他不会来。Many people believe (that) robots will do most our work. 许多人相信机器人会做我们的大部分工作。练习: 单项选择1、I dont think _A_ he will keep his word.A . / B. when C. why D. what2、We

    4、 all know _A_ most foreigners dont use chopsticks.A. that B. when C. why D. what2、whether/if引导的宾语从句 (1) whether/if引导宾语从句,在从句中不作成分,翻译为“是否”,不可省略。例: I ask them whether/if they would win the match. 我问他们能否赢得这场比赛。Do you care whether/if you win? 你对自己是否会赢很介意吗?He asked me whether/if Miss Li was a teacher. 他问

    5、我李小姐是否是一位老师。(2)只用whether不用if的情况引导介词后的宾语从句时。E.g: It depends on whether it will snow tomorrow. 这取决于明天是否会下雪。Im interested in whether he likes English. 我关心的是他是否喜欢英语。与or not连用时。E. g: I asked your secretary whether she could come or not. 我问你的秘书她是否能来。Let me know whether he has passed the exam or not. 让我知道他

    6、是否已通过了考试。与不定式连用时。E.g: I really dont know whether to accept or refuse. 我真的不知道是接受还是拒绝。Next Monday the teacher will tell us whether to have a test.下周老师会告诉我们是否考试。宾语从句前置,置于句首时。E.g: Whether they can come here on time,we dont know.他们能否按时到这里,我们不知道。 练习:在下列横线上填上whether或if。1、I dont know _whether_ he will come

    7、or not.2、_Whether_ Mary will attend the meeting, I dont care. 3、I dont care _whether /_if _ Mary will attend the meeting.4、Mrs. White asked me _whether /_if _ I would go shopping with her.3、疑问词引导的宾语从句 疑问词包括疑问代词(what, which, who, whose)和疑问副词(when, how, where, why)。它们在宾语从句中充当主语、宾语、表语、定语和状语等,因此不能省略。E.g

    8、: Do you know who will come this afternoon? 你知道今天下午谁要来吗?I dont know whom you should depend on. 我不知道你该依靠谁。I dont know what it is. 我不知道那是什么。Could you tell me which gate we have to go to?(作定语)能告诉我我们得走哪个门吗?He didnt tell me when the traffic accident had taken place.(作时间状语)Your coat looks very nice. Could

    9、 you tell me where you bought it?(地点状语)例:将正确答案的选项填在括号里。( D ) 1. Its foggy today. I cant find out _ its a man _ a girl. A. if, and B. that, and C. either, or D. whether, or ( C ) 2. Mrs. White asked me _ I would go shopping with her. A. what B. which C. whether D. that ( A ) 3. I dont know _ the shoe

    10、s _ cheap enough. A. if, are B. where, was C. that, was D. if, was 四、语序 宾语从句的语序为陈述语序,句式为:引导词 + 主语 + 谓语 + 其他。如 I wonder whether he will pass the exam. She doesnt know where she should go. 注意:当who为宾语从句的主语时,句式为:who + 谓语 + 其他。E.g: Do you know who has won Battlefield 3 game? 你知道是谁赢得了“战地3”的游戏吗? 例:单项选择。1、L

    11、i Lei didnt tell the teacher why _A_ yesterday? A. he didnt come B. did he not come C. didnt he come D. he dont come2、We didnt know _C_ to visit our school. A. when did he come B. when would he come C. when he came3、 Do you know what time _D_ . A. the train leave B. does the train leave C. will the

    12、train leave D. the train leaves 五、宾语从句的时态1、时态变化:宾语从句谓语动词的时态常常受到主句谓语动词的影响,简单概括为:主过从也过;主现从而意Eg: The policewoman asked the little boy where he lived.这个女警询问小男孩住在哪里。He said (that) he was going to take care of the baby. 他说他要去照顾那个小孩。Do you know how Amy came to school morning? 你知道今早艾米是怎么来上学的吗?I dont know wh

    13、en he will come back. 我不知道他什么时候回来。Please tell me whom you went to the garden with this morning. 请告诉今早和你去花园的是谁?例:用所给词的适当形式填空。1、Lacy told me she _would_ ( will ) help me with my English this afternoon. 2、Jack isnt sure how many students he saw there _were_( be ) in his fathers factory.3、Jack isnt sure

    14、 how many students there _are_ ( be ) in his fathers factory now.2、当宾语从句表达客观事实或规律时,其时态用一般现在时。E.g: The teacher said that the earth goes round the sun. 老师说地球绕着太阳转。Everyone knew that there are sixty minutes in an hour. 每个人都知道一个小时六十分钟例:单项选择。1. The teacher told us _C_ . A. is the earth round B. the earth

    15、 was round C. the earth is round D. was the earth round2. Our teacher ever told us one and one _C_ two .A . has been D. was C. is D. were1、选择填空: ( B ) 1.Do you know _ I could pass the exam? A. that B. whether C. what D. which( A ) 2.I think _ you will like him.A. that B. if C. why D. how( D ) 3. He

    16、told me _ she would catch the early bus. A. which B. whether C. why D. that( B ) 4. Mrs. Green asked me _ I would go with her. A. what B. whether C. why D. that( D ) 5.I dont know _ he still lives here. A. where B. what C. when D. whether( A ) 6. Call you tell me why _ yesterday? A. you didnt come B

    17、. did you not come C. didnt you come D. you dont come( D ) 7.I dont know _ he will come tomorrow. _ he comes, Ill tell you.A. if; Whether B. whether; Whether C. if; That D. if; if ( A ) 8. Jack isnt sure _ students there are in his class. A. how many B. what C. which D. whether( D ) 9. Can you tell

    18、me _ yesterday? A. what they do B. what they did C. what do they do D. what did they do( A ) 10. I want to know _ his homework yesterday evening. A. if he finished B. whether he had finishedC. had she finished D. has she finished( C ) 11. Do you know what _ this time yesterday? A. they are doing B.

    19、are they doing D. they were doing D. were they doing( D ) 12. Excuse me, can you tell me _ ? A. why was the train late B. why the train was late C. why is the train late D. why the train is late( B ) 13. I want to know if they _ the spring sports meeting next month. If they _ it, I must get ready fo

    20、r it. A. hold; will hold B. will hold; hold C. hold; hold D. will hold; will hold( B ) 14. He wanted to know how long _ in hospital. A. she is staying B. she had stayed C. did she stay D. she stay( A ) 15. My brother said he _ going _ his friend the next day. A. was, to meet B. would go, has C. will

    21、 go, was going to D. will go, will( A ) 16. He told me that he _ to London the next day. A. would go B. go C. went D. has gone( C ) 17. He said that light _ much faster than sound. A. traveled B. will travel C. travels D. is traveling( D ) 18. Our teacher said that the moon _ around the earth. A. tu

    22、rn B. turned C. has turned D. turns( B ) 19. He said that April _ the _ month of a year. A. is, third B. is, fourth C. was, fourth D. was, third( C ) 20. Do you know _ ? A. is it whose pen B. whose pen is it C. whose pen it is D. it is whose pen二、用合适的连接词填空。1. Jim told me _why_ he didnt go fishing ye

    23、sterday afternoon.(how, why) 2. Do you know _who_ else is going to be on duty today? (who, whom) 3. She said _that_ it wouldnt matter much.(that, if) 4. He always thinks _how_ he can do better.(how, who) 5. They dont know _whether_ to go or wait. (if, whether) 6. We are talking about _whether_ well

    24、go back tomorrow. (whether, if) 7. I was really surprised at _what_ I saw. (where, what) 8. I dont know _why_ so many people are looking at him. (how, why) 三、用所给动词的正确形式填空。1、Mike asked me if we _would ask_(ask) any questions the next class.2、Comrade Wang didnt know if there _would be_(be) on English

    25、evening that day.3、Please tell me if she _will come_(come) again next time.4、He told me he _would help_(help) her with her maths the next evening. 5、She said they_had known_(know) each other for quite some time.四.按要求转换句型。1.DoesMr.BrownenjoylivinginChina?Couldyoutellus?(改写句子) Couldyoutellus_whether_M

    26、r.Brown_enjoys_livinginChina?2.Doesthegirlneedanyhelp?”heaskedme.(变为复合句) Heaskedme_whether_thegirl_needed_somehelp3.Whendoesthetrainleave?Iwanttoknow.(改为含宾语从句的复合句)Iwanttoknow_when_thetrain_leaves_.4.Theywenthomeaftertheyhadfinishedtheirhomework.(用notUntil 改写) They_didnt_gohome_until_theyhadfinishedt

    27、heirhomework5.DidPetercomehereyesterday?LiLeiwantstoknow.(改为含宾语从句的复合句) LiLeiwantstoknow_whether_Peter_came_hereyesterday.5、根据句子所给的汉语意思完成句子。1. 我听说他一个小时后会回来。I hear that he _he will be back in an hour_.2. 他说他非常想念我们。He said that _he missed us very much.3. 老师告诉我们地球围绕太阳转。The teacher told us that _the eart

    28、h moves around the sun.4. 我想知道他是否跟我我们一起去公园。 I want to know _if (whether) he will go to the park with us.5. 问问他是否能来。Ask him_whether ( if ) he can come. 1、单项选择1. Can you tell me_C_ you were born, Betty? A. who B. what C. when D. that2. I dont know _B_ they have passed the exam. A. what B. if C. when D. where3. I hardly understand. _B_ he has told me. A. that B. what C. which D. who4. She didnt know_A_ back soon. A. wh


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