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    1、高中英语教学论文英语语法介词Preposition英语语法-介词Preposition(Prep.)一、定义:用在n.(或相当于n.的其它词类、短语或从句)之前,说明其与句子中另一成分的关系的词,又称前置词。二、分类:3种1 简单介词(Simple Prepositions) e.g. about, above, behind, besides, down, during, in, near, round, since, towards, with2 复合介词(Compound Prepositions) e.g. from among, from behind, from under, in

    2、side, outside, within, without, into, onto, out of, upon, throughout 3 短语介词(Phrasal Prepositions) e.g. according to, apart from(除之外), as a result of, as for/to(至于,关于), because of, due to(由于), in addition to(除之外,不但= besides, in front of, in spite of(尽管), instead of, owing to(由于)三、常见简单介词的基本用法1.about 1

    3、)关于,有关 e.g. I have not heard so much him. I dont know what youre talking . 2)差不多,大约 e.g. About 500 Ss attended the lecture. About when will you go abroad? 3)表示地点:在周围,在附近,各处,到处 e.g. Trees are planted the lake. They live somewhere the Peoples Square. Dont leave your books your desk. I havent any small

    4、 change /on me. 4)“即将”(近期将来)e.g. The film is to begin. Its nearly 7:00. The train is to leave. 2.above 1)在上方 e.g.A bird is flying above the woods. There is a portrait above the blackboard. 2)(在数量上)超过 e.g. The man is not yet forty, but well thirty.The number of new Ss this year is four hundred.3)(能力等

    5、)胜过,超越;因太困难、太好而不 e.g.The problem is me. (这问题太难我不懂。) John is all the other Ss in mathematics. 3.across 1)在对面/对过 e.g.My uncle lives my home. There is a bookshop the street. 2)横越,横过 e.g.The little girl helped the blind man the river.The tall tree fell down the street. 3)经过 e.g. The revolution developed

    6、 across the whole century. 4.after 1)在后(时间) e.g.After work/class, we went home except him.The day tomorrow we will go to Shanghai. 2)在的后面(顺序) e.g. Please shut/ close the door after/behind you. 3)仿照,按照(引申意义) e.g.Read after me , please. Rewrite the following sentences the model.A new church will be bu

    7、ilt the old one. 4)追求(引申意义) e.g.What are you after? Oh, here is the thing Im after.If you run two hares, youll catch neither. 5)固定词组: e.g. after all look after = take care of 5.against 1)靠,倚,碰 e.g.The rain was beating the windows. He put the ladder against the wall.He was leaning the window, reading

    8、. The man saw a hare run a tree. 2)反对,禁止(引申意义) e.g.We are for peace and war. Is there anybody the suggestion? 3)违反,违背(引申意义) e.g.This sentence is grammar.In the old days girls were married their own will.Nobody should do anything the law. 4)顶着,对着 e.g.We played the first half (上半场) the wind.Learning i

    9、s like sailing a boat the current(气流). 治学如同逆水行舟。 5)防备,准备(引申意义) e.g.They saved fire wood(干柴) winter. Man is fighting a battle pollution. 6.along 顺着,沿着 e.g.Trees are planted the street.Walking Nanjing Road yesterday, I met an old friend of mine. 7.among 在当中/中间3 e.g. Xiao Sun is the best one his classm

    10、ates. The teacher is sitting the Ss. 8.around 1)在的周围,围绕 e.g. She wears a necklace/watch her neck/wrist. The earth turns /goes/ travels the sun. 2)在各处 e.g. He did a lot of travel the country during the summer holidays. We showed our Japanese friends our school. 3)大约(时间、数量) e.g. around / about thirty

    11、years old A big elephant may weigh five tons. 4)在那边 e.g. There is a school shop the school library. Around the corner of the street, youll see a second-hand bookshop. (旧书店) 9.at 1)表示时间、地点、价钱、速度、年龄 e.g. at ten oclock at the school at the age of 40 at (a speed of ) 150 kilometres an hour People like t

    12、o buy eggs from him because he sells at a lower price. Note: 表示价格时,at须和price连用,如只说具体价钱,则用。e.g. I bought this dictionary for 60 yuan.2)表示动作之方向、目的:朝,向 e.g. He threw a stone at a dog. The fox ran at the boy. He shot at the bird, but missed it /didnt shoot it . 3)处于某种状态(引申意义) e.g. We are at meeting. The

    13、 two countries are at war. 4)表示引起某种情绪的原因。 e.g. We are surprised at your success. They were sad at hearing such bad news.5)在号召,召集,请求下(引申意义) e.g. He wrote the letter at our request. In October 1986, Queen Elizabeth II of the Great Britain visited China at the invitation of the Chinese government. 6)固定

    14、词组中: e.g. at first, at last, at (the )most, at (the )least, at once, at present, at home, at night, at the beginning, at the same time, not at all etc. 10.before 1)在的前面(位置)反义 behind e.g. He was standing the class, ready to speak. Never put the cart before the horse. 不要本末倒置。 2)在以前(时间)反义 after e.g.Han

    15、d in your paper Sunday. We get up six every morning. 11.behind 1)在的后面(位置) e.g. The garage(车库)is the house. He came out from the door. 2)迟于,晚于,误时/点 e.g. The train is behind time. The plane was two hours time because of the storm. 3)劣于,不如,落后 e.g. My old father is behind the times. Because of his illne

    16、ss, he is the others in his studies.12.below 1)在下面 e.g. His office is below mine. The temperature today is freezing point. 2)低于 e.g. He is below me in the class. 13.beside 1)在的旁边 e.g.He sat beside me at dinner. The citys largest stadium stands a lake. 2)相比(引申意义) e.g. My English is poor beside yours.

    17、 3)离题,与无关 e.g.This is the topic for discussion.What you are talking about is the point. 14.besides 除之外(还) e.g. We all went to Beijing our teacher. I like mathematics, physics, besides English. Besides being the largest city in China, Shanghai is also the centre of industry, education, science and cu

    18、lture.Besides:表示加法,“除了还有”Except:表示减法,“把不算在其中” e.g.He likes different kinds of sports besides football.He likes different kinds of sports except football.其它运动项目 + 足球足球不在内的多种不同运动项目 Note: expect for (除去部分与前面叙述内容不属于同一范畴)e.g. His composition is good except for some spelling mistakes.(expect for在意义上=excep

    19、t that) 15.between 1) 在两者之间 e.g. Come to my office between 10 and 11 oclock.Whats the difference between“between”and“among”?2)表示两者以上的相互关系 e.g. After they each touched the elephant, the six blind men quarreled between themselves. There is some little difference between the three words.Note: between &

    20、 among e.g. The village lies between the three hills. The teacher is sitting among the Ss. 16.beyond 1)远在之外 e.g.They came from beyond the seas (海外).The accident happened beyond the square.Beyond the village is a river. 村那面有条河. 2)超过,胜过,为所不及 e.g. The book is beyond me. 这本书我看不懂。 17.but 1)除了之外( = except

    21、) e.g. They all liked the film him. No one me was in the office just now. I had nothing in the world but a million-pound note. There is nothing for supper but some noodles. Notes: but prep.常与否定词连用;but prep.可跟不定式。e.g. The hibernating animals have no choice but to lie down and sleep. I did nothing but

    22、 watch TV last night. I had nothing to do 如but前面有do或某种形式时, 常省略to。 2)用于固定词组中。 e.g.1 cannot help but do不能不;忍不住 anything but根本不,决不2 nothing but只有,只不过是 but for要不是 I could not help but cry. 我忍不住哭了出来。My income is anything but large. 我的收入绝对不能算多。She is anything but honest. 她决非诚实之辈。This is nothing but a joke

    23、.But for the doctor, I might have died long ago. 18.by 1)靠近,在旁边 e.g. The new library stands by the river. There is a tall tree by the river. He was standing by the window, reading. 2)由旁边经过,路过,沿着 e.g. I go by his office every day. He passed by me without saying a word. 3)用方法/手段 e.g. by bike, train, b

    24、us, plane, air, water, sea The little match girl earned her living by selling matches. Rice seedlings (稻秧)used to be planted by hand. 4)表示程度、尺寸、数量、时间 e.g. He is paid by the hour. Whats the time by your watch? In the 100-metre race, John beat Dick by a shoulder. 5)到时候,不迟于 e.g. Ill return the books to

    25、 him by Wednesday morning. Hell certainly come by 5 oclock. By the end of last week, we had learned 15 units. 6)依据,奉命 e.g. Never judge people by their appearance / what they wear. 7)组成介词短语 e.g. by and by (不久) one by one(一个个地) day by day(天天不断地) step by step(一步步地) side by side(肩并肩) little by little(逐渐

    26、地) by chance (偶然,碰巧) by heart(默记下来) by oneself(独自地) by the way(顺便提 / 问一下) 19.down 1)往下 e.g. The boy fell down the stairs and broke his arm. It was almost dark when he went down the hill. 2) up down 城市、北、河上游、近处 乡村、南、河下游、远处 e.g. They were swimming up /down the river. Ill go up to Tianjin tomorrow. Do

    27、you see the man walking down the street? Hes my uncle. (并非路面此高彼低,而是那个人离说话人而去。) 20.during 在的期间 / 时候 e.g. The story happened the (American) Civil War. During the day, the light comes in through the window. Lao Wang was in charge of the factory the managers absence. Go over your lessons your holidays.

    28、21.except 除以外 e.g. We have lessons except Sunday. 22.for 1)为了(表示目的,指人、物) e.g. I came here for my pen. What are you doing that for? I bought the watch for my wifes brother as a present.2)赞成,支持(表示同意、愿望等) e.g. I dont like summer, Im for cool weather. We are for peace and against war.3)替,为,对于,供 e.g. I w

    29、rote a letter for him. (I wrote a letter to him.是何义?) Ill read the report for you. (Ill read the report to you. 是何义?) Thatll be bad for your health.4)就而言 e.g. You look young for your age. The temperature is still above 33. Its certainly hot for September.5)表示目的:去,向 e.g. Lets go for a walk /dinner. t

    30、he train for Taiyuan6)限定于,供用的,给的 e.g. These tickets are for tomorrow. There is a TV set, a telephone and other necessities. They are all for you.7)当作,作为 e.g. We took him for an honest man.8)由于,因为的缘故 e.g. He was sent to prison for stealing.9)It is /was + adj. /n. + for/ of sb. to do sth. 23.from 1)自从,来自 e.g. I am (come) / was (came) from Wuhan. 我是武汉人 /我从武汉来。Susan comes from a working class family.2)离(有多远) e.g. My office is far from here. The park is just five minutes walk from here. 3)表示原因,来源 e.g. suffer from die from/ of 4)固定词组中 e.g.be made from/ of from the (very)beginningfrom begi


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