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    上海中考英语一模专题汇编专题02 选词填空 学生版Word文件下载.docx

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    上海中考英语一模专题汇编专题02 选词填空 学生版Word文件下载.docx

    1、No one is certain when lighthouses first _18_ . We do know that lighthouses is probably more than 3,000 years old. An epic Greek poem titled The Iliad was written by a man named Homer around 1200 B.C. In the poem, Homer refers to a lighthouse, giving modern scholars an idea of how long lighthouses h

    2、ave been a part of human life.Early lighthouses were quite different from todays lighthouses. They were usually made of iron baskets that were Suspended from long poles. The baskets _19_ burning coal or wood. In the 1700s, these baskets were taken the place of by oil or gas lanterns. When electricit

    3、y was invented, the lanterns were changed into electric beacons(灯标).A.educational B. observe C. reference D. rough E. appearanceIn 1822 a French physicist named Augustin Fresnel invented a lens (透镜) that would prove to be very important in lighthouse technology. With the invention of the Fresnel len

    4、s, it became possible to make a beam of light reach as far as 28 miles from shore!Lighthouse beam can be used to help sailors identify the lighthouse and their own location. Sailors can _20_ the patterns and lengths of lights from the lighthouse. Then they look it up in a _21_ book that will tell th

    5、em which lighthouse they have seen. During the day, sailors can identify lighthouses simply by their _22_ . Some are short and fat, while others are tall and thin. They can be made of many different materials, such as wood, stone, brick and steel. The patterns also differ greatly. Some lighthouses a

    6、re painted with stripes or a series of diamond shapes that make them look different. Others can be recognized by their shaperound, square or rectangular.Many lighthouses are not in use. They are sometimes changed into museums, inns, _23_ centers, or even private homes. If you ever have a chance to v

    7、isit one, getting glimpse of history is worth the trip.(2021年静安一模)Complete the following passages with the words in the box. Each can only be used once(每空限填一词,每词只能填一次)A. exercise B. beat C. spread D. influence E. weakerInternet use became popular in the 1990s. As it _21_, it changed the way we get i

    8、nformation. It also changed the way we communicate. Now, some scientists believe that the use of the Internet may be changing our brains. We might learn and interact differently.Why do some scientists believe this? Many people spend hours on the Internet each day. They spend less time doing things t

    9、hat may _22_ different parts of their brains. As a result, people lose their social skills. Without using these skills, parts of the brain may become _23_. This could lead to social awkwardness. It might also cause people to spend too much time alone. Some scientists say the _24_ is strongest in so-

    10、called “digital natives”. These are people in their teens and 20s who have grown up with the Internet.A. messages B. experiences C. aware of D. familiar with E. actuallyNo one is sure about how a persons _25_ affect the brain. Some scientists suggest that Internet use is _26_ good for the brain. Miz

    11、uko Ito says that by hanging out online with friends, teens learn important skills. For example, teens become _27_ what is OK to post on the Internet.What do teens think of all of this? A 19-year-old boy John Rowe believes that the effect of the Internet depends entirely on the person. Rowe is a “di

    12、gital native”. He spends between 6 and 12 hours on the Internet each day. For part of that time, he plays games and sends instant _28_ to his friends. Has this changed his social skills? He himself says that it has not. He also spends several hours with his friends each day. This gives him a chance

    13、to communicate face to face. “If I didnt actively go out and try to spend time with friends, I wouldnt have the social skills that I do,”said Rowe. “You cant just give up on having normal friends that you see each day.”. (2021年杨浦区一模)Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box

    14、. Each can only be used once.A major B. process C. produce D. invention E. as well asChinese animation has a history of over 80 years, starting with the “Wan Brothers” who started to_16_ Chinese cartoon films in the 1920s in many kinds of categories, such as puppet, paper-cut and so on.Ink-wash anim

    15、ation is a _17_ part of it. When it first appeared in the 1960s, it was a breakthrough in the form of expression and aesthetic(美学的)conception in animated area. Two ink-wash films called “Tadpoles Searching for Mother” and “Cowherds Flute,”, with Te Wei as art director and Qian Jiajun as technical di

    16、rector developed a high reputation both at home and abroad.The former received the Best Animated Film Prize at the First Hundred Flower Awards_18_winning five international prizes, while “Cowherds Flute” was awarded the Golden Prize at the Odense International Fairy Tale Film Festival in Denmark. Pe

    17、ople called ink-wash animation the “fifth Chinese_19_.”A. roles B. amazing C. amusing D. exploring E. influencedBut even before the birth of Tadpoles Searching for Mother, another Chinese animated feature film called Uproar in Heaven had started _20_ a connection between Chinese traditional painting

    18、 and animation. The two-hour- long film mixed five different colors in its _21_ , which included the Monkey King and the Jade Emperor. It was considered an ideal combination of Disney-style films and Chinese traditional arts.Japanese Cartoonist Osamu Tezuka, the “Godfather of Anime” said he was grea

    19、tly _22_ by Chinese ink- wash animation. Another Japanese anime artist also commented, saying. “It is unbelievable that ink-wash pictures could move like films. Its _23_!”. (2021年长宁区一模) Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can only be used once.A. advantagesB. aw

    20、ardC. educationalD. gradesE. exploreThe members of the Science Club want to plant a vegetable garden. We think that it will be a good community project that will not only be _21_, but also will be fun. There will be many _22_.Students will learn about science. They can learn about different kinds of

    21、 plants. Students would _23_ organic gardening, ecology, botany, and other science topics.Students will get sunshine and exercise. Gardening can be hard work. Students in all _24_ can share the jobs. Everyone will have a chance to feel involved.A. support B. depends on C. likely D. responsibility E.

    22、 necessaryStudents will also learn about commitment(承诺) and _25_. Gardening takes teamwork and patience. The success of the garden _26_ completing every task. Everyone can take pride in the results.Finally, students will learn healthy eating habits. A lot of kids dont like vegetables. However, if th

    23、ey have helped grow the food, they will be more _27_ to try it. Many students will be shocked to find out that they like green, leafy stuff!We hope that you will _28_ our idea. Thank you for your time.III. (2021年虹口一模)Complete the following passage with the words or phrases in the box. Each can be us

    24、ed only once.(将下列单词或者词组填入空格,每个空格限填一词,每词只能填一次)A. on video B. thinking C. ability D. solutions E. based onOn October 30, 2019, 3M announced the results of its 2019 Young Scientist Challenge. 14-year-old Kara Fans spray-on bandage(喷雾绑带) beat out several other creative _32_ to some of the worlds biggest

    25、 problems.The contest, which is run by 3M and Discovery Education, is open to students in grades 5-8. Hundreds of kids sent in ideas _33_ . In June 2019, 10 finalists were chosen _34_ their knowledge and _35_ to share their idea clearly.The finalists were matched with a scientist. Students were give

    26、n several months to improve their projects with the help and advice of these scientists.A. prize B. finally C. discovered D. expressed E. woundsIn October 2019, the finalists _36_ met their scientists and other students face to face at 3Ms special science center in St. Paul, Minnesota. The students

    27、_37_ their views in the group, and the winners were announced.Kara Fan from California won the big _38_ for a special liquid bandage she created. It can be sprayed on cuts and _39_. One important part of Karas bandage is nano -silver(纳米银)silver in extremely tiny form. Kara had to do a lot of researc

    28、h to get that part just right. For winning, Kara got $25,000.III. (2021年普陀区一模)Complete the following passages with the words in the box. Each can only be used once(将下列单词填入空格。每空限填一词, 每词只能填一次)A. prevent B. exercise C. avoid D. further E. awareGet tired easily? Has a doctor said he cant find anything w

    29、rong with you? You might be in an unhealthy state between health and disease. Doctors often tell you to be _32_ of the importance of forming good living habits. It is the key to _33_ you from being unhealthy. You need to rest, _34_ and take part in open air activities. They also say a balanced diet is


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