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    1、汉英翻译每周练习讲解汉英翻译每周练习讲解一1. 人类有史以来不断改变自然环境,以改善自己的生活方式。人类借助技术工具改变了地球的许多自然特征。20世纪飞速发展的工业经济给人类带来了高度发达的物质文明,但人类也在重重危机之中,环境问题已经从局部的小范围发展成地区性的甚至全球性的问题。现在,就让我们一起来了解当今世界正面临着的十大环境问题。众多的环境问题,已经对人类提出了十分严峻的挑战,这是涉及人类能否在地球上继续生存、继续发展的挑战,人类不能回避,更不能听之任之,贸然对待。越来越严格的伐木限制、越来越小心的渔民、越来越多的生态社区、越来越先进的火力发电、越来越环保的能源技术、越来越普及的太阳能。

    2、人类必须、也只有人类能够找到自己的出路。Since time immemorial, via techniques and tools mankind has been endlessly morphing the natural environment into what can fit its lifestyles, and due to which great changes have taken place on earths environmental-friendly; solar power is getting ubiquitous. Mankind and mankind o

    3、nly can find its own way out.2. 冰糖葫芦是中国传统美食,由山楂作主料蘸上熬好的冰糖,酸甜冰爽。圆溜溜的红山楂一颗颗串在竹签上,象征幸福和团圆。传统的冰糖葫芦只用山楂作原料,但如今冰糖葫芦品种既多又新颖,人们喜欢的任何水果、甚至蔬菜,都可以制作。比如:草莓、橘子、葡萄、猕猴桃、山药、小西红柿等。本期工坊将教您制作冬日美食冰糖葫芦,如果您身边还有其他蔬果食材,都可以同理制作哦,一起试试吧!Taking on a sour-sweet flavour, candied haws are a traditional Chinese snack which, using

    4、haws as its main ingredient by skewering them on a bamboo stick, syrup-coated, embodies happiness and reunion. Compared to the traditional ones which only take haws as the raw material, todays candied haws are not only novel but diverse as any kind of fruits and even vegetables, such as strawberries

    5、、tangerines、grapes、 kiwi fruits、 yams and tomatoes, can be produced into them. Todays workshop will teach you how to make candied hawsthe Cuisine of Winter. If you have any other fruits and vegetables at hand, you can repeat the same procedure. So lets do it!3. 在泉州流传着这样一个故事,一个学者偶然到泉州考察,走进一个石头砌成的公共厕所


    7、称佛国,满地皆是圣人”。3. In Quanzhou circulates such a story that a scholar on an occasional visit to Quanzhou, walked into a public toilet built out of stone, and suddenly found while looking down his right foot on a piece of the millennium monument, the left on a site engraved with Sanskrit. Surprised, he r

    8、an out - all the way to the Kaiyuan Temple Buddhist shrine where he looked up and saw the Hindu gods carved on the wood-like temples which constituted 99 dragon-entwining stone pillars exclusive to emperors. Such a description is not mythology in Quanzhou. On the left of short Tumen Street is a Taoi

    9、st temple the Temple of Guan Yu; next to it is a Muslim mosque while diagonally across the street lie the relics of Hinduism. Overseas Transport Museum in Quanzhou displays plenty of similar carvings - Buddhist monks whose feet on Taoism clouds, with a long Christian angel wings, holding Orthodox cr

    10、oss, and the dome taking on Hinduism patterns. We can say that the remains of the worlds major religious denominations including even the long-gone mysterious religion - Manichaeism are well preserved in Quanzhou, which is a unique cultural phenomenon. Famous thinker of Southern Song Dynasty, Zhu Xi

    11、, after travelling Quanzhou, cannot help feeling here since ancient times has been known to be Buddhist country, and all over the place are saints.4. 这两天,因为母亲生病住院的事搞得我焦头烂额,心情正不爽时,学校的职称评定又下来了,一看,自己报的一级师资没有通过,可小陈却评上了。家里的事学校的事搅得我心烦气躁,工作情绪也大受影响,很有一种想找个人发泄一番才过瘾的劲头。这天晨读,刚走进教室,发现一个学生在调皮捣蛋。我忍住心头怒火,勒令他把作业拿出来

    12、,果不出我所料,没有按时完成。本来心情不好的我一下子焦躁起来,正在此时,教务主任在窗户外叫我,我才控制住了情绪。我以自己心情不好,身体不适为由请了三天假。这三天里,除了陪母亲,我更多地调理自己的心情,努力让自己快乐起来,同时也想到自己之所以比不过小陈,自然有自己的不足之处,但我相信自己有能力赶超他!假后重新走上讲台,我的心态已完全调整过来了。工作劲头也焕然一新,年底,我被评为优秀教师,为来年评职称增加了一道“保险杠”。These two days, I was badly battered by that my mother was ill in hospital and to make th

    13、ings worse, I failed the eligibility appraisal of First-level Teachers while my colleague Chen should have passed it. Those nuisances at school and home upset me devastatingly and my job morale was impacted also, which plunged me into the thirst for venting my spleen on someone.Today, during morning

    14、 reading class, the minute I walked into the classroom, a mischievous student pissed me off. While holding my temper, I demanded to check his homework. As I had expected, he didnt finish it. I was just about to lose my cool while I heard the dean calling me from outside through the window. I, on gro

    15、unds of bad mood, asked for three days off, during which time, besides staying in company with my mother, I spent more time adjusting myself, trying to cheer myself up. At the same time, I thought I had certain shortcomings and thats why I was not as good as Chen. But also, I believed I would catch

    16、up with him. With a completely different state of mind, I returned to the podium after the break. By the end of this year, with a renewed enthusiasm for work, I was entitled the “Excellent Teacher”, a ticket for the future appraisals.5. “中华牌楼”可以称得上是海外唐人街最具标志性的建筑,其多建于宫苑、寺观、祠堂、街道路口等地,常被称为“文化迎宾门”。有牌楼的地

    17、方,总有唐人街形影相随。走进旧金山唐人街,街上的建筑物顶端、街灯和电话亭都状如宝塔,勾画出典型的中国氛围。10月4日,美国规划协会公布了2013年十佳社区、十佳街道和十佳公共场所。旧金山中国城在十佳社区中排名首位。据报道,尽管历经1906年大地震等种种问题,中国城始终完好保持其独特文化特质。Chinese Archway can be regarded as overseas Chinatowns most iconic building, mostly built in the imperial gardens, temples, shrines, street intersections

    18、and other places, and often called the welcome door. Where there is an archway, where there is always a Chinatown. Into San Franciscos Chinatown, the top of the street buildings, street lights and telephone booths are shaped like a pagoda, projecting a typical Chinese atmosphere. October 4th, the Am

    19、erican Planning Association announced the 2013 Top Ten Communities, Top Ten Streets and Top Ten Public Places. San Franciscos Chinatown topped the Top Ten Communities. According to reports, although undergoing the 1906 earthquake and other problems, Chinatown has kept intact its unique cultural iden

    20、tity all along.6. 中国电影市场规模正在迅速扩大。据联合国教科文组织统计机构的统计,预计到2020年,中国电影票房收入将达到128亿美元(约合人民币783.35亿元),有望超过美国跃居世界首位。在中国的地方城市,购物顺带看电影的生活方式正在逐渐普及。虽然仍存在种种问题,但中国市场的吸引力势必会进一步提高。据联合国教科文组织统计研究所发布的报告新兴市场与电影产业数字化推算,中国到2020年将在票房收入方面跃居世界第一。2025年将超过200亿美元,比美国高出50%。中国正在迅速缩小与目前一枝独秀的美国的差距。报告显示,美国在截至2011年的5年里票房收入仅增长了7%,而中国则增长

    21、了5倍。在这一期间,日本增长了60%左右。2012年中国超越日本,成为世界票房收入的第二位。中国的观影人次已经达到原来的2倍,而电影票单价也达到3倍。The Chinese film market scale is expanding rapidly. According to the statistics agency of the UNESCO Institute for Statistics, by 2020, Chinas film box office revenue will reach $ 12.8 billion (about 78.335 billion yuan), exp

    22、ected to surpass the United States and rank first in the world. Amid Chinas local cities, shopping-and-movie is becoming more common. Although there are still problems, but the attractiveness of the Chinese market is bound to be further improved.According to the report released by UNESCO Institute f

    23、or Statistics, titled Emerging markets and film industry digitization, by 2020, China will rank first in the world in terms of box office revenue which by 2025 will be over 20 billion US dollars, 50 percent higher than in the United States.China is rapidly narrowing the gap with the “solo thriving”

    24、United States. The report shows that the United States within 5 years by the end of 2011ended up with 7% growth while China 500%. During this period, an increase of around 60% occured in Japan. In 2012 China overtook Japan to become the second in the world box office revenue. Chinas viewing trips ha

    25、s reached 2 times the original, and movie tickets up to 3 times the unit price.7. 我们说一个姑娘漂亮不漂亮,首先得看她的眼睛漂亮不漂亮。“新汉学计划”是孔子学院的眼睛。孔子学院办得好不好,有没有档次,有没有水平,就看我们这个孔子学院新汉学计划执行得怎么样。这个项目对我们的影响力来说,对我们的可持续发展来说非常关键。这方面我们今年已经取得了不小的进展,但是我们还是要强调,不管是招博士生也好,还是招短期来访的青年领袖也好,都要适合当地的需要。像韩国启明大学申一熙校长就提了很好的意见,就是说开展学术研究也要因地制宜。比

    26、如说中医在东亚国家可能比较受欢迎,但是在中亚国家可能反响就比较冷淡,但是音乐、舞蹈在中亚国家就非常容易找到共同点,他们非常愿意同中国交流。我觉得他这个意见是非常对的。所以在新汉学计划方面,我们汉办会更多地尊重我们各个学校、各个国家的意见。Speaking of a girls beauty, first of all, its important to find out if she has beautiful eyes or not. New Sinology plan is the eyes of Confucius Institutes whose level is decided by

    27、 the implementation of the plan. This project is key to our influence and sustainable development. In this regard, this year we have made fairly large progress, but we still want to emphasize that no matter its doctoral students or young leaders on a short visit, it has to meet the local needs. Shen

    28、 Yixi, Korea Keimyung University president, gave a good advice, saying that academic research should be adapted to local conditions. For example, Chinese medicine may be popular in East Asian countries, but relatively lukewarm in the Central Asian country. However, music and dance share much more co

    29、mmon grounds in the Central Asian countries whose people are very willing to conduct exchanges with China. I think he can not be more right. So regarding this plan, we Hanban will respect the opinions of every institute and every country as far as possible.8. 一开始,在教材的编写理念和编写方案上,中外专家就有了明显的分歧。俄罗斯教材专家认

    30、为,教材要有普适性,既适用于大学生,也可以适用于中小学生。而中方专家认为,儿童与成年人的心理和生理状况差异明显,应当根据各自学习外语的特点、接受程度等分别编写教材。经过切磋,俄罗斯专家逐渐接受了中国同行的意见。但意想不到的是,在教材编写册数上同样发生了分歧。中国出版的外语教材通常按照学期计算,一个学期一本教材,学生从心理上可以产生成就感,视觉上获得新鲜感,同时200页左右的教材也便于携带。而俄罗斯专家坚持编写一本供全年使用的教材,以便学生复习。双方争论半天,各抒己见,相持不下。考虑再三,这回是中国专家做出让步:尊重俄罗斯学生的学习习惯,编写两套汉语教材供两个学年使用。From the very

    31、 beginning, there were apparent differences between the Chinese and the Russian experts in the ideas and approaches of writing teaching materials. The Russian experts held that teaching materials ought to be universally suitable for both university and school students, whereas the Chinese experts be

    32、lieved that due to the clear psychological and physical distinctions between juveniles and adults, teaching materials need conform to the habits and capacity of foreign language learning and be written respectively. After exchange of views, the Russian experts began to agree with their Chinese count

    33、erparts, but on the number of textbooks they went separate ways again. According to the routine compilation of foreign language textbooks published in China, one textbook per semester will ensure that students can obtain a sense of achievement as well as freshness after their finishing off reading a


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