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    1、天然药物化学专业英语期末复习资料docspreading glass plates:铺板automatic spreading devices:自动铺板器acetone:丙酮petroleum ether :石油酸ether:乙酸chloroform:氯仿ethyl acetate :乙酸乙醋methanol:甲醇ethanol:乙醇butanol :正丁醇grease : n.油脂(状物)slurry : n.浆,泥浆hemihydrate:半水合物air dried : a.风干的,瞭干的activated: a.活化的,活性的,激活的inorganic salt :无机盐inorgani

    2、c: a.无机的,无生物的organic: a.有机的,有机体的 inorganic acid / chemistry 无机酸/无机化学 organic acid/solvent/ chemistry有机酸/有机溶剂/有机化学silver nitrate 硝酸银 nitrate 硝酸根precoated plates :预制板aluminium sheets :铝片fluorescent indicator:焚光指示剂quench the fluorescence:焚光淬灭wavelength:波长microparticles of silica:硅胶微粒HPLC: high performa

    3、nce liquid chromatography 髙效液相色谱 HPTLC: high performance thin layer chromatography 高效薄层色谱 solvent system:溶剂系统reference compounds :参照(对照)化合物paper-lined:衬上滤纸saturated: a.饱和的Horizontal TLC:水平薄层色谱over-run:过度展开electrophoresis:电泳by spraying:喷雾,喷洗cone. H2SO4:浓硫酸sulphuric acid :硫酸 nitric acid :硝酸hydrochlori

    4、c acid:盐酸detection reagent:检测试剂sterol: n.固醇steroids:甾体,甾族类化合物 steroidal: a.甾族的preparative TLC:制备薄层色谱 adsorbent: n.吸附剂eluting:洗脱elute: v.洗脱(提),流出elution: n.洗脱,流出,淋洗buffer elution 缓冲洗脱 gradient elution 梯度洗脱isocratic elution等度(无梯度)洗脱eluant: n.洗脱(提)液,展开剂 eluate: n.洗脱液,提取液(物) centrifuging:离心(centrifuge)G

    5、LC:气相色谱 Gas liquid chromatography sensitivity:灵敏度、灵敏性 quantitative:定量的 qualitative:定性的linearity and limit of detection (LOD)线性和检测限precision (精密度)reproducibility (重复性)recovery (加样回收率)stability (稳定性)bond:键,结合 bonded:键合的,化合的stationary phase:固定相C18 or ODS C8 silica gel Sephadex ion exchange resinmobile

    6、phase:流动相miscible solvent mixture:可互溶的混合溶剂methanol,acetonitrile(乙腈)distilled wateracetic acidphosphoric acid(磷酸)buffer salt(缓冲盐)polymer:聚合物polymerase 聚合酶 hydrolase 水解酶 polymerization 聚合作用 decomposition 分解作用isocratic elution:等度洗脱gradient elution:梯度洗脱elute:洗脱,流出,流出物 eluting:洗脱,流出 elution:洗脱,流出elution

    7、time/ volume/program/ system detector:检测器UVD: ultraviolet-visible detector (紫外可见吸收检测器)PI)AD: photodiode array detector (光电二极管阵列检测器)RID: refractive index detector (示差折光检测器)FD: fluorescence detector (焚光检测器)ECD: electrochemical detector (电化学检测器)ELSI): evaporative light-scattering detector(蒸发光散射检测器)at a

    8、mbient temperature常温,室温,环境温度be subjected to:使遭受,使属于,可能thermal re-arrangement:热重排thermostatically controlled jacket:温度控制护套 coated:被包裹的,覆盖的 precoated:预制的 poisoning:污染,毒害impurities:杂质,不纯物purify :纯化,精练putification:精制,纯化plant extracts:植物提取物extract: v.提取,萃取,抽提n.提取液,萃取液,浸膏 extractant:提取剂,萃取剂 extraction :提取

    9、(法),萃取(法)extractive: n.提取物,浸出物,浸出制剂a.抽提的,浸出的non-volatile:非挥发性的spectrum: n.光谱,波谱,谱refractive index detector:示差折光检测器terpenoids:蔽类化合物terpene:蔽,蔽焼 terpane:蔽焼 alkaloids:生物碱 carbohydrates:碳水化合物 flavonoids:黄酮类化合物 coumarins:香豆素quinone:醌 benzoquinone 苯醌naphthoquinone 萘醌 anthraquinone 蔥醌steroids:留体类化合物 lignan

    10、oid:木脂素prepacked columns:预填充柱 prepacked:预先装入的silica microporous particle column :硅胶微孑L粒柱non-polar compounds:非极性化合物polar compounds:极性化合物ultrapure :超纯ultra:超,过,越,极端,异常degas:脱气chromatographic technique:色谱技术phytochemists:植物化学家的 phytochemistry:植物化学 armoury:装备,武器库,军械库 quantitative:定量的separations on a prep

    11、arative scale:制备分离electromagnetic spectrum 电磁谱spectrum:光谱,波谱,谱 spectra(复数)spectral:光谱的spectroscopy:光谱学,波谱学,光谱法spectroscopic:分光镜的spectroscope:分光器,分光镜infrared:红外 visible light:可见光 wave numbers:波数 proportional to energy:能量成IE 比 red light:红外线 violet light:紫射线ultraviolet (UV) spectrum 紫外谱 conjugated dien

    12、e 共扼二稀absorption maxima 最大吸收峰 UV spectra 紫外光谱absorption peak 吸收峰 wavelength 波长 absorbance A 吸收值 A concentration in solution 溶液的浓度 path length 厚度 molar absorptivity 摩尔吸收系数nmr spectroscopy:核磁共振光谱 nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy infrared (ir) spectroscopy:红外光谱 unknown compound:未知化合物spectroscopi

    13、c methods:光谱(仪器)方法 functional groups:官能团molecule:分子 molecular:分子的molecular weight (M.W.)分子量 molecular formular (M.F.)分子式Infrared radiation:红外辐射electromagnetic spectrum:电磁波光谱 microwaves:微波 wave number:波数 micrometer( P m):微米 reciprocal centimeters (cm-1):厘米的倒数 be directly proportional to:与成正比例 be inve

    14、rsely proportional to:与成反比例 electromagnetic radiation:电磁波福射 vibrational energy states:振动能级状态 photon:光子lowest vibrational state :最低的振动能级状态ground vibrational state:基态stretching modes :伸缩振动bending modes:弯曲振动methylene :亚甲基fingerprints:指纹,指印snowflakes:雪花 superposability:相似性,重合superposable:可重合的,可叠合的 hexan

    15、e:己焼absorption peaks:吸收峰carbon-hydrogen stretching vibrations:碳氯伸缩振动bending vibrations:弯曲振动physical state:物理状态neat sample:纯样品sodium chloride :氯化钠disk:片,圆板,圆盘,圆盘状物thin film:薄膜carbon tetrachloride:四氯化碳chloroform:氯仿potassium bromide:溴化钾thin wafer:薄片 structure determination :结构鉴定 vibrations characterist

    16、ic:振动特征 functional groups:官能团 fingerprint region:指纹区 pattern of peaks:峰形 frequencies:频率 wave numbers:波数 Mass spectrometry:质谱spectrometry n.物光谱测定法,度谱术 speetrometric adj.物光谱测定的,分光仪的,光谱仪的 spectrometer n. I物 j分光计 molecule:分子 bombarded :轰击 high-energy electrons :髙能量电子 electron-volts:电子伏特 collides with :碰

    17、撞 molecule :分子 electron :电子 cation radical :正离子 ionize : vt.使离子化,vi.电离ionization : n.离子化,电离 electron impact 电子轰击 molecular ion :分子离子fragment ion :碎片离子 hertz: n.赫,赫兹(频率单位:周/秒);(Hz)赫兹: downfield:低场: magnetic field strength:磁场强度 60-MHz: 60 兆周 nmr spectrum:核磁共振光谱: chloroform (CHC13):氯仿: signal due to th

    18、e proton:氢信号: downfield from:比低场: chemical shifts ( 5 ):化学位移: parts per million (ppm):百万分之几: chemical shift for the proton:氢化学位移: Nuclear magnetic resonance spectra:核磁共振光谱 nuclear magnetic resonance:nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy:核磁共振(光谱)分析 : parts per million (ppm):百万分之几 zero point:零点: fie

    19、ld strength:场强度: nmr spectrometer:核磁共振仪 nuclear spin:核自旋nuclear: adj.核核子的,原子能的,核的,中心的 nuclear resonance:核#$ irrespective of: adj.不顾的,不考虑的,无关的: magnetic field strength:磁场强度signal due to the proton:氬信号 : carbon:碳 : hydrogen:氢 : oxygen:氧 : nitrogen:氮 splitting :裂分 nmr spectra:核磁共振谱: structure determina

    20、tion :结构鉴定: ethyl group:乙基 nmr spectrum:核磁共振光谱: ethyl bromide:溴乙院ethyl: n.化乙基,乙院基 bromide : n.化溴化物 bromide chloride : *氯化溴 electronegative atom or group :电负性的原子或基团electronegative: adj.负电的,带负电的 : bromine:漠 : ethyl bromide :溴乙焼 : triplet-quartet pattern :三重-四重峰系统triplet : n.三重峰,三个一组,三份 quartet: n.四重峰,

    21、四重奏,四重唱C* methylene:亚甲基: methyl:甲基: coupling with :与偶合coupling : n.联结,接合,耦合 : vicinal coupling:邻位偶合 adjacent: adj.邻近的,接近的 carbon n.化碳(元素符号C),(一张)复写纸carbon paper 复写纸 Magnetic resonance spectroscopy 核磁共振谱 Nuclei n. nucleus的复数核心、中心、细胞核nuclear 核核子的,原子能的,核的,中心的 isotope n.化同位素isotopic adj. 同位素的 : nuclear

    22、spins :核自旋: skeleton n.骨架,骨骼,基干,纲要,万能钥匙: substituent n.取代 adj.取代的substitute n.代用品,代替者,替代品v.代替,替换,替代 substitute A for B 用 A 替 Bsubstituted取代的,代替的substituted aromatic 取代的芳香化合物 substituted benzene取代苯 苯的同系物: structure determination 结构鉴定: isotopic form of carbon 碳的同位素 nuclear spin 核自旋: sensitivity 灵敏度Tun

    23、e vt.调音,调整,拨收,收听n.曲调,调子,和谐,合调 : 13C magnetic resonance 13C 核磁共振 : background noise 背景噪音: 13C nnir (cmr) spectroscopy 13C 核磁共振光谱 : routine technique 常规技术 organic structure determination 有机结构鉴定 nmr spectrometers 核磁共振仪: sensitivity-enhancing 提髙灵敏度: strategy n.策略,军略,计划 random n.随意,任意adj.任意的,随便的,胡乱的 rega

    24、rdless of 不管,不顾 Scanned v.扫描,细看,审视,浏览n.扫描: signal-to-noise ratio 信噪比值:* solution to n.解答,解决办法,溶解,溶液: from low field to high field 从低场到高场 pulse n.脉搏,脉冲 radiofrequency 射频 higher spin state髙能级自旋态 excited nuclei被激发的核 relax to their lower energy state 弛豫到低能级态 Fourier Transform 傅立叶变换/转换 (FT) nmr spectrome

    25、ters傅立叶变换核磁共振仪 FT nmr傅立叶变换核磁共振 13C nmr 13C核磁共振 1H Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 氢核磁共振光谱 external magnetic field 外界磁场 nuclear spin 核自旋 proton 质子* flip vt.掷,弹,轻击,抽打,vi.用指轻弹,抽打 nucleus 核 shielded 屏蔽 molecule 分子 chemical shifts 化学位移 1H nmr spectrum氢核磁共振波谱 chemical shift nonequivalent protons 化

    26、学位移不等价质子 integrated areas 积分面积 splitting pattern裂分图形adjacent邻近的,接近的 13C Nuclear magnetic resonance spectroscopy 碳核磁共振光谱 signal enhancement 提高信号强度 13C nmr spectra 碳核磁共振光谱 carbon signals 碳信号 singlets 单峰 off-resonance decoupling 偏共振去偶 multiplets 多重峰 bonded hydrogens 键合的氢 Infrared spectroscopy 红外光谱 molecular structure 分子结构 transitions 跃迁 vibrational energy levels 振动能级 electromagnetic radiation 电磁波福射 functional groups 官能团 absorption 吸收 frequencies 频率 Ultra


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