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    1、浙江省温州市三校1112学年八年级上学期期中联考英语浙江省温州市三校11-12学年八年级上学期期中联考(英语)亲爱的同学: 经过半学期的学习,你在英语学科方面一定有很大进步。希望你在这次综合训练中,能发挥自己的最佳水平。本试卷由听力部分和笔试部分组成,满分100分,答题时间90分。祝你取得优异成绩!OK,现在就开始熟悉听力题吧。 第一部分 听力部分(满分20分)第一节、听对话,选择与其对话内容相符的选项。每个对话仅读一次。(5分)( )1. What is the matter with Mike? A. B. C. ( )2. How do they get to the zoo? A. B

    2、. C. ( )3. What is the boy doing on Monday? A. B. C. ( )4.When is the meeting? A. B. C. ( )5. Where is the boy going for vacation? A. B. C. 第二节、听对话,根据问题选择最佳答案。每个对话仅读一次。(5分)()6、How long will Mary stay in Dalian?A、one weekB、two daysC、three weeks()7、How often does the girl eat junk food?A、neverB、hardly

    3、 everC、sometimes()8、What is the weather like today?A、Hotter than yesterdayB、rainyC、cooler than yesterday()9、Who is having a birthday party?A、AliceB、BenC、Simon()10、Why cant Jill visit the museum?A、she has a feverB、shes stressed outC、she has a toothache第三节、听较长的对话,回答表格中的问题。对话读二次。(5分)NameWants to beHair

    4、JobPaul111213JennyMore beautiful1415()11、A、more athletic B、more beautifulC、more outgoing()12、A、shorterB、tallerC、longer()13、A、singer B、teacherC、policeman()14、A、straighter B、curlierC、longer()15、A、singerB、teacher C、policeman第二部分 笔试部分(满分80分)一、单项选择(共15小题,计15分) ()16、The girl is having a lesson because she

    5、 wants to be a singer.A、dancingB、musicC、basketballD、volleyball()17、Does Ann like playing basketball?No, she doesnt. She plays sports.A、oftenB、usuallyC、once a weekD、hardly ever()18、Everyone should his health.A、look afterB、look forC、look atD、look like()19、?I have a sore back.A、Whats the matter?B、How a

    6、re you? C、What do you have?D、What do you do?()20、He wants me to Hangzhon with him?A、goB、goingC、to goD、goes()21、I think is easy to learn English.Oh, no! Its difficult for me.A、thatB、thisC、oneD、it()22、What are you doing for vacation? Going camping or watching TV?I really hope to do . I dont like doing

    7、 the same things.A、different something B、different anything C、something different D、anything different()23、I my best friend in Tibet next week.Really? Thats great!A、visitB、visitsC、visitedD、am visiting()24、is it from wenzhou to Hangzhou?Its about 450 kilometers.A、How longB、How muchC、How oftenD、How fa

    8、r()25、It Jim two hours to go to school every day.A、takesB、spendsC、givesD、has()26、How does your father go to work?He goes to work .A、takes a busB、on busC、by busD、with a bus()27、Can you come to my party?Sorry, . I am going to see the doctor.A、I cantB、Id love toC、sureD、thanks()28、I have to study my mat

    9、h test Saturday.A、for, inB、for, onC、with, inD、with, on()29、Tom likes talking with others. But I dont. I like reading books at home.So, Tom is than you.A、funnierB、more outgoingC、wilderD、calmer()30、Tony has many good friends he is a quiet boy .A、althoughB、becauseC、soD、and二、完形填空(共10小题,计10分)My name is K

    10、ate White, I like singing songs and I thank my parents for giving me a 31 voice(嗓音). I am sure that nobody else in my class can 32 better than me.My favorite band is Mc Fly. I hope to be as 33 as them one days.I write my own songs. Most of my songs are 34 life in my dream world. I 35 writing songs.

    11、When I write songs, I feel 36 because I can show my feelings(感情)in the music. I wrote many different songsnot all happy 37 I love writing them. I really love my music and 38 to be a famous star one day.I am planning to record(录音)my music. I dont think I want to make a lot of 39 In the future(未来). I

    12、only want to do 40 I enjoy.()31、A、badB、good C、terribleD、ill()32、A、dance B、speak C、singD、swim()33、A、famousB、friendlyC、healthy D、tall()34、A、about B、overC、in D、to()35、A、dont finishB、finishC、like D、dont like()36、A、sad B、happyC、angryD、sorry()37、A、so B、and C、but D、or()38、A、wantB、forgetC、need D、have()39、A、

    13、gradeB、moneyC、bedD、homework()40、A、nothingB、anythingC、somethingD、schoolwook三、阅读理解(共10小题,计20分)(A)MoviesTimeSleepless NightMonday(19:50-21:50)HeroTuesday(19:45-21:45)Huo YuanjiaWantedWednesday(19:45-21:45)I love My HomeThursday(19:50-21:50)MenFriday(19:50-21:50)Harry PotterSaturday(19:55-21:55)Robot an

    14、d ISunday(20:00-22:00) Tickets Price: Grown-ups(成人):$2.00 Children over 12 :$1.00 Children under 12:$ FreeNotice:Children cant go to see the movies on the nights of Tuesday, Wednesday or Friday.()41、How many movies will be showed next week?A、FiveB、SixC、SevenD、Eight()42、Tina wants to see Wanted. When

    15、 should she go to the movies.A、On MondayB、On WednesdayC、On FridayD、On Sunday()43、Lucy wants to see Harry Potter. She should arrive before .A、12:00B、19:00C、19:55D、21:45()44、Mr Smith is going to the movies with his wife and two children:one is 11 and the other is 14. He should pay for the tickets.A、$2

    16、.00B、$4.00C、$5.00D、$6.00()45、When cant the Children go to the movies?A、On Tuesday nightB、On Sunday nightC、On Monday nightD、On Saturday night(B)Jim met two friends in the street. “Come to my apartment for a meal, ” he said, “You can see the whole city from my bedroom window. ”His two friends agreed a

    17、nd they went back with Jim to his apartment building where he lived on the 38th floor(层). When they arrived, however, the lift(电梯) was out of order.“Im sorry.” Jim said, “Well have to walk.”“But its thirty-eight floors!” they said.“Well talk when we climb,” Jim said, “You can tell me the new jokes y

    18、ou heard and when we got to my apartment Ill tell you a story. ” His friends agreed and they started to climb. At last they arrived at the top floor and were standing outside the door of Jims apartment.“Now tell us a good story.” His friends said.Jim looked at them sadly and said, “Years ago there w

    19、as a man who met two friends. He invited them to his apartment on the thirty-eight floor. The lift wasnt working and they had to climb. When they reached the thirty-eight floor he put his hand in his pocket(口袋)for the key to the door of his apartment. It wasnt there. Then he remembered where it was.

    20、 It was in his car. ”()46、Jim wanted his friend to see .A、his carB、his apartmentC、his bedroomD、the city()47、Jim and his friends climbed thirty-eight floor because .A、they wanted to tell jokesB、the lift didnt workC、Jim didnt have his keyD、his apartment was very big()48、When they arrived at the thirty

    21、-eight floor. Jim told his friends.A、he didnt remember his storyB、his story was funny and interestingC、his door key was in his carD、he forgot his address()49、The underlined word “apartment” means .A、餐厅B、住房C、会客室D、健身房()50、Whats the best title of the story?A、A good storyB、Jim and his friendsC、The lift

    22、D、Lets climb 四、词汇(共15小题,计15分)将方框里的单词以正确的形式填写到句子中。(5分)forty, babysit, twice, tomorrow, postcard51、I go shopping (二次)a week.52、How old is your mother?Shes (四十)53、Tom sent me some (明信片)from HongKong last week.54-55、She (照顾)her sister the day after (明天).阅读短文,根据中文意思填入适当形式的单词。(10分)How are you? You asked m

    23、e about my health 56 (问题)last 57(星期六).Now I have good news to tell you. I 58 (锻炼)every day and get 59 (更健康)than before. I usually play soccer at 60 (周末). Im 61 (擅长)at it now. 62 (有时候)I run to the park. Its about two 63 (英里)away from my home. But I never take the 64 (地铁). I 65 (相信)Im getting more ath

    24、letic and smarter.五.任务型阅读。(共5小题,计5分)Doctor: Well, Joe, you need a healthy lifestyle.Joe: What should I do?Doctor: You should sleep for 8 hours every day. Go to bed and get up at the right time. Youll not feel tired. If you have meals at right time. Your stomache will be better.Joe: I see. Can I play

    25、 computer games?Doctor: You shouldnt play computer games for a long time. Because you have a sore back.Joe: Oh! Should I drink more water?Doctor: Yes. If you drink enough water. You will not have a sore throat .Joe: How about swimming? Im too heavy.Doctor: Swimming every day. Its the way to keep fit

    26、.根据医生给出的解决办法,选择相对应的疾病。()66、sleep for 8 hours A、stomache()67、have meals at right time B、feel tired()68、not play computer games for a long time C、a sore throat()69、drink more water D、a sore back()70、swimming every dayE、too heavy六、书面表达:(15分) 下个月,你要和好朋友Paul一起去度假了,向大家介绍一下Paul以及你们三天的活动。参考词汇:than,go sights

    27、eeing,play basketball,surf the Internet,go to the movies,要求:字数60词左右;注意时态泰顺二中2011学年第一学期八年级英语期中检测试卷听力材料1. Woman: Whats the matter, Mike?Man: Well, I have a toothache. 2. Man: The zoo is not far from here. We can go there on foot.Woman: I think so.3. Woman:Are you going fishing on Monday?Man: No, I hav

    28、e to study for the test4. Woman: When is the meeting?Man: Oh, its at 9:45 tomorrow morning.5. Woman: Where are you going for vacation?Man: We are going to visit my aunt in Italy. 6、M:Hong long are you staying in Dalian, Marry? W:Were staying there for about 2 days.7、W:Most of my classmates like to eat Junk food. M:Thats not good for health. What about you? W:I never eat it.8、W:What hot weather! M:Yes, it is. Its hotter than yesterday. But it will be rainy tomorrow.9、W:Whats that, Ben? M:An invitation to you. Simon is having a birthday party next Tuesday.


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