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    英语优秀教案必修四Period1 ReadingUnit5Themeparks.docx

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    英语优秀教案必修四Period1 ReadingUnit5Themeparks.docx

    1、英语优秀教案必修四Period1 ReadingUnit5Themeparks Period 1ReadingThe General Idea of This PeriodThis period includes Warming up,Reading and Comprehending of Unit 5.As the topic and the reading passage contain rich cultural information,and most of the students may have had experiences in visiting ordinary park

    2、s,even theme parks,they are quite familiar with the topic.In order to lead the students to the topic of theme parks,first the teacher can have the students make a list of the parks they visited(know) and ask them to talk about the things they(did) can do in these parks,then show them the four pictur

    3、es on Page 33 and encourage them say what kinds of parks are in the pictures.To understand this reading passage better,the students are required to scan the passage first to get the general idea by finding out the main idea of each paragraph,and then skim the first two paragraphs to make a compariso

    4、n between ordinary parks and theme parks by filling in the chart about the differences between a theme park and an ordinary park,to make a list of different kinds of theme parks talked about in the passage and what people can do and see in these theme parks after reading the others paragraphs.To get

    5、 the students to comprehend the title of the reading passage,and the purposes for building theme parks,the teacher will have the students discuss with their partners to express their own opinions. Teaching Important Points Help the students to gain a good understanding of the reading passage and use

    6、 efficient reading methods to improve their reading ability. Teaching Difficult Points How to enable the students to talk about theme parks freely. Teaching Methods Scanning to get the general idea of the text. Skimming to understand the passage better. Discussion to help the students understand bet

    7、ter what theyve learned and to use the knowledge theyve learned in this period. Teaching Aids A tape recorder A multimedia Three Dimensional Teaching AimsKnowledge and Skills Help the students to achieve a clear idea about theme parks. Help the students use scanning and skimming methods to improve t

    8、heir reading skills and speed up their reading. Help the students acquire the ability to use the key words and expressions concerning theme parks and useful sentence structures. Enable the students to talk about theme parks. Process and Strategies Pair work to make the students involved in class act

    9、ively. Fast reading to get the main idea of the passage. Have the students learn about the most famous parks in the world. Feelings and Value Most of the students may have experienced visiting parks in their childhood.So this unit may serve as an extension of what they have known.Through the study o

    10、f this period the students are sure to learn more about the similarities and differences between ordinary parks and theme parks. Teaching ProceduresStep 1 Warming up T:Hello,everybody!There are many famous parks in Guangzhou and other cities,and Im sure most of you have visited some of them.Can you

    11、tell me the name of the parks you visited or know? Ss:Yeah.The Yuexiu Park,the Culture Park,the Window of the World,the Happy Valley. T:Quite good.Here I have a chart listing the famous parks in China and their English names,and Id like you to remember them by heart. 国内主题公园英语译名国内主题公园英语译名中国民俗文化村China

    12、 Folk Culture Village香江野生动物园Xiangjiang Safari Park深圳锦绣中华Shenzhen Splendid China世界之窗Window of the World云南民族村Yunnan Nationalities Villages华南植物园South China Botanical欢乐谷Happy ValleyT:Lets look at the pictures on Page 33.There are four pictures of different parksA garden in Suzhou,Hyde Park in London,Wor

    13、ld Waterpark in Canada,Disneyland.What kind of parks are they? S:I think a garden in Suzhou is a place where people have a walk in their spare time to enjoy the beautiful trees,flowers,lakes,stones,buildings and relax themselves. T:What about Hyde Park in London?What kind of park is it? S:I only kno

    14、w that Hyde Park is a famous park in the world,and there is a speakers corner where people can make speeches and express their view points freely. T:Very good.So what about World Waterpark in Canada? S:I havent heard of this park before.I guess it is a park where people can take part in all kinds of

    15、 activities in water. T:Good guessing.And I am sure all of you have heard of Disneyland. S:Yes,it is the oldest theme park in the world and I think it is the most popular park in the world too.In the Disneyland,people can not only enjoy the exciting activities there,but also get close to the life-si

    16、ze cartoon characters like the Mickey Mouse and Donald Duck,which appear in some of Walt Disneys famous cartoon films.Luckily for us,a new Disneyland has been built in Hong Kong,and opened to the public on September 12,2005.So well have the chance to go and experience the excitement of this wonderfu

    17、l place in the world more easily. T:Which one of these parks would you like to visit most if you have the chance? S:Of course I would go to Disneyland,I have watched so much about it on TV and I have dreamed about shaking hands with those lovely cartoon characters and taking pictures with them. S:I

    18、would like to go to Waterpark,because I like swimming and I like to take part in the activities in water in this park. S:I would go to Hyde Park.I want to go horse-riding,and above all,have the experience of making a speech in front of a crowd of people like a president.That will be really exciting.

    19、Step 2 While-reading Reading task 1:Getting general idea T:Its interesting to listen to your ideas.Today we are going to study a passage about theme parks.The title is Theme parksFun And More Than Fun.I would like you to scan the passage to get a general idea of the passage.Finding out the topic sen

    20、tence of each paragraph will help you to do it. The students read and get the main idea of each paragraph. (Three minutes later) T:Have you got the main idea of the passage?Who can tell us the topic sentence of each paragraph? S:Let me have a try.I think the topic sentences for the six paragraphs ar

    21、e: Para.1.Parks provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while. Para.2.In recent decades,however,many parks have been designed to provide entertainment. Para.3.Theme parks have a certain ideaa certain themethat the whole park is based on. Para.4.Some are h

    22、istory or culture theme parks. Para.5.The Disneyland. Para.6.Other theme parks including marine or ocean parks,science theme parks,and future theme parks. T:Do you all agree with him/her? Ss:Yes. T:Well done. Reading task 2:Getting detailed information T:After the first reading,we have got the gener

    23、al idea of the passage.So I would like you to skim the passage and try to find the answers to the questions about details. Teacher shows the questions on the screen and the students read again and try to find the answers to the questions. 1.What is the basic purpose of theme parks?What do people do

    24、there? 2.Do these parks charge people for admission? 3.What is the purpose of a theme park? 4.What are the differences between a theme park and an ordinary park? 5.What activities will be offered to visitors in a sports theme park? 6.Can they do shopping there?What can they buy? 7.What can visitors

    25、see and do in history or culture theme parks? 8.What is Disneyland like?What can visitors do there? 9.What can people do in marine or ocean theme parks,science theme parks and future theme parks? DifferencesOrdinary parksTheme parksActivitiesSizeFacilitiesChargesSouvenirs(Ten minutes later) T:Have y

    26、ou got the answers to the questions?I would like some of you to answer the questions.Lets listen and check whether they have got them correctly.Who would like to be the volunteer to answer the first question? S:I will answer the first question and the third question.The basic purpose of a park is to

    27、 provide people with a place to amuse themselves and to escape their busy lives for a while.In these parks,people sit chatting,play games,listen to birds singing,or just relax a bit.And families go there to have picnics or have fun together in other ways.While the purpose of a theme park is to provi

    28、de entertainment. T:Exactly.What about the second question? S:Let me answer this question.These parks charge people little or no money for admission. T:Good.Now please look at the screen and lets find out the differences between ordinary parks and theme parks to fill in the chart. DifferencesOrdinar

    29、y parksTheme parksActivitiesRides such as a Ferris wheel,merry-go-round of a roller coasterA variety of things to see and doSizeUsually not very largeHuge places that visitors often use shuttles to get aroundFacilitiesNo restaurants or hotelsRestaurants,hotels and shopsChargesCharge little or noneCh

    30、arge for admissionouvenirsSell no souvenirsSell souvenirs in their shopsT:Well done!Now,lets see what people can do and see in sports,history or culture theme parks. S:Let me say something about what people can do and see in different theme parks.A sports theme park will offer visitors sports to pla

    31、y or watch.They can buy sports equipment or clothing,such as basketball,football,sneakers.In history or culture theme parks,people can see how our ancestors dressed,worked and lived;and how special groups of people dress today,what they eat and what their homes look like.They might go for rides on a

    32、nimals,help cook cultural foods or have their pictures taken in the clothing of emperors or minority people. T:Peter,I can see that you are eager to say something about Disneyland. S:Yes,I take much interest in Disneyland,I really want to say something about Disneyland.Disneyland is so different from other parks that it seemed like a place of fantasy.Visitors can enjoy seeing the c


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