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    1、最新土木工程专业英语陈瑛邵永波主编全文经典翻译Chapter 1 . Structural Mechanics 结构力学1.1 Classification and Behavior of Structural Systems and Elements系统结构和元素的分类和作用1.2 Determinate and Indeterminate Structures 静定和超静定结构 1.3 Structural Dynamics 结构动力学Chapter 2. Structural Material 土木工程材料2.1 Materials for Concrete and Mix Propor

    2、tion 砼材料及配比2.2 Properties of Concrete 砼的性能2.3 Steel Materials 钢材料2.4 Structural Steel Shapes 型钢Chapter 3. Structural Design concepts 结构设计3.1 Load conditions and Load Paths 负载条件和加载路径3.2 Limit State Design 极限状态设计Chapter 4. Concrete Structure 钢筋混凝土结构4.1 Flexural Behavior of Reinforced Concrete Beam 钢筋混

    3、凝土梁的弯曲性能4.2 Shear and Diagonal Tension in Reinforced Concrete Beam 钢筋混凝土梁的剪切和斜拉4.3 Bond , Anchorage, and Development Length 连接,锚固,基本锚固长度Chapter 1 . Structural Mechanics 结构力学1.1 . Classification and Behavior of Structural Systems and Elements系统结构和元素的分类和作用Common rigid elements include beams, columns o

    4、r struts, arches, flat plates, singly curved plates, and shells having a variety of different curvatures. Flexible elements include cables (straight and draped) and membranes(planar, singly curved, and doubly curved). In addition, there are a number of other types of structures that are derived from

    5、 these elements(e.g, frames, trsses, geodesic domes, nets, etc. )(figure 1.1)常见的刚性元件包括梁,柱,支撑,圆拱,平板,单向板弯曲面,具有不同的曲率的翘体。柔性元素包括电缆(直披)和膜结构(平面,单向板弯曲面,双曲面)。此外也有一些来自这些元素(如框架,桁架,测量短程线,网格等)Frames 框架The frame has rigid joints that are made between vertical and horizontal members. This joint rigidity imparts (给

    6、予) a measure of stability against lateral forces. In a framed system both beams and columns are bent or bowed(弯如弓的)as a consequence of the action of the load on the structure. 框架的垂直和水平直接有刚性连接,这样的节点给予了一定程度上的稳定性抵抗侧向作用力。在一个框架的系统张,梁和柱的弯曲或弓形弯如弓的形状都是结构上负载的作用效果。Trusses 桁架Trusses are structural members made

    7、 by assembling short, straight members into triangulated patterns. The resultant (组合的, 合成的)structure is rigid as a result of the exact (精确的) way the individual line elements are positioned relative to one another. Some patterns (e.g. a pattern of squares rather than triangles) do not necessarily yie

    8、ld a structure that is rigid (unless joints are treated in the same way as in framed structures). A truss composed of discrete elements is bent in an overall way under the action of an applied transverse loading in much the same way that a beam is bent. Individual truss members, however, are not sub

    9、ject to bending but are only either compressed or pulled upon. 桁架结构构件是通过短直杆组装成三角形的图案。组合的结果的精确方式相对于彼此的位置的各行元素的结构是刚性的。不一定会产生某些刚性的模型(例如,一个模型的平方不一定是三角形图案)(除非在框架结构中相同的处理)。由分立元件组成的桁架在大致相同的方式,弯曲梁所施加的横向载荷的作用下,在一个整体方式的弯曲。个人桁架构件,不能弯曲只能压缩或拉后。Arches拱门 An arch is a curved, line-forming structural member that spa

    10、ns between two points. The exact shape of the curve and the nature of the loading are critical determinants as to whether the resultant assembly is stable. When shapes are formed by simply stacking rigid block elements, the resultant structure is functional and stable only when the action of the loa

    11、d is to induce in-plane forces that cause the structure to compress uniformly. Structures of this type cannot carry loads that induce elongations or any pronounced type of bowing in the member (the blocks simply pull apart and failure occurs). The strength of a block structure is due exclusively to

    12、the positioning of individual elements, since blocks are typically either simply rested one on another or mortared together. The positioning is, in turn, dependent on the exact type of loading involved. The resultant structure is thus rigid only under very particular circumstances.圆拱 一个拱形的弯曲线形成的结构部件

    13、,两点之间的跨越。曲线的精确性质和性质是所得到的组件是否是稳定的关键决定因素。当通过简单地堆叠刚性块体元件的形状形成的结构是功能性的和稳定的,又有当负载的作用是诱导面内的力量时才导致结构的均匀压缩。这种类型的结构不能进行负载诱导伸长或任何明显的拉伸(只需拉开块发生故障)。嵌段结构的强度是由于单个元素导致的,由于块通常是在躺在另一个上或砂浆砌在一起。只有在非常特殊的情况下,所得到的的结构才是刚性的。The rigid arch is frequently used in modern building. It is curved similarly to block arches but is

    14、made of one continuous piece of deformed rigid material. If rigid arches are properly shaped, they can carry a load to supports while being subject only to axial compression, and no bending occurs. The rigid arch is better able to carry variations in the design loading than is its block counterpart

    15、made of individual pieces. Many types of rigid arches exist and are often characterized by their support conditions (fixed, two-hinged, three-hinged).现代建筑中常用的刚性拱,同样是弯曲的阻止拱,但它是由一块连续变形的刚性材料制成的。如果制成刚性拱的形状,它们可以承受的负载支座仅受轴向压缩的同时并没有发生弯曲。刚性拱是能够更好地进行变化的块对应的单件制成的。存在许多类型的刚性拱的特点常常是它们的支持条件(固定,双绞链、三铰链)Walls and P

    16、lates墙板Walls and flat plates are rigid surface-forming structures. A load-bearing wall can typically carry both vertical loads and lateral loads (wind, earthquake) along its length. Resistance to out-of-plane forces in block walls is marginal. A flat plate is typically used horizontally and carries

    17、loads by bending to its supports. Plate structures are normally made of reinforced concrete or steel.墙板 墙壁和平板表面形成的结构是刚性的。承重墙通常可以进行沿其长度的垂直荷载和侧向荷载(风。地震)。砌块墙的平面的抵抗力是微不足道的。通常用于平板进行水平和通过弯曲其支持负载。板结构通常是由钢筋混凝土或刚组成的。Horizontal plates can also be made by assembling patterns of short, rigid line elements. Thre

    18、e-dimensional triangulation schemes are used to impart stiffness to the resultant assembly.水平板也可以通过组装短,刚性线的模式。三维三角形测量设计是用来赋予所得到的组件的刚度的。Long, narrow rigid plates can also be joined along their long edges and used to span horizontally in beam-like fashion. These structures, called folded plates, have

    19、the potential for spanning fairly large distances.长,狭窄的刚性板也可以加入和使用到时尚的水平跨越梁中。这些结构,被称为折叠的板,有可能跨越相当大的距离。Cylindrical Shells and Vaults 柱形壳和拱顶Cylindrical barrel shells and vaults are examples of singly curved-plate structure. A barrel shell spans longitudinally such that the curve is perpendicular to th

    20、e direction of the span. When fairly long, a barrel shell behaves much like a beam with a curved cross section. Barrel shells are invariably made of rigid materials (e.g., reinforced concrete or steel). A vault, by contrast, is a singly curved structure that spans transversely. A vault can be concei

    21、ved of as basically a continuous arch.柱形壳和拱顶 圆柱型的筒和拱顶都是单独的弧形板式结构的例子。一个镜筒外壳跨越纵向曲线垂直的方向的弧度。当足够长的时候,每筒外壳采用的弧形截面梁很像。筒,炮弹等都提出了硬质材料(如钢筋混凝土或钢)。相反的,储藏库是一个单独的弧形结构,横向跨越。储藏库可以设想基本是是一个连续的拱。Spherical Shells and Domes球壳和圆顶A wide variety of doubly curved surface structures are in use .These include structures that

    22、 are portions of spheres and those that form warped surface (e.g , the hyperbolic paraboloid ). The number of shapes possible is actually boundless. Probably the most common doubly curved structures is the spherical shell. It is convenient to think of this structure as a rotated arch. This analogy,

    23、however, is actually misleading with respect to how the structure actually carries loads because of the fact that loadings include circumferential forces in spherical shells which do not exist in arches. Domed structures can be made of stacked blocks or a continuous rigid material (reinforced concre

    24、te). Shells and domes are very efficient structures capable of spanning large distances using a minimum of material.球形壳 各种各样的双曲面结构都在使用中,这些包括球部和它所形成的扭曲的表面的结构(例如,双曲抛物线)。一些可能的形状实际上是无限的。也许最常见的双曲面结构是球壳。它认为这种结构的旋转拱很方便。但是,这个比喻实际上是误导了结构是如何进行负载的。因为,载荷包括切线力在球壳中不存在拱门。圆顶结构,可以由层叠块或连续的刚性材料(钢筋混凝土)组成。壳顶结构是非常有效的,它能够

    25、用最少的材料覆盖很大的距离。Cables(索)Cables are flexible structural elements. The shape they assume (take on )under a loading depends on the nature and magnitude of the load. When a cable is simple pulled on at either end, it assumes a straight shape. This type of cable is often called a tie-rod.When a cable is u

    26、sed to span between two points and carry an external point load or series of point loads, it deforms into a shape made up of a series of straight-line segments. When a continuous load (distributed load,)is carried, the cable deforms into a continuously curving shape. The self weight of the cable its

    27、elf produces such a catenary curve Suspension cables can be used to span extremely large distances索 索是可弯曲的结构元件。它们呈现加载的形状取决于负载的性质和严重程度。当很简单地拉索的任一端时,它假定了直板造型。这种类型的索通常被称为转向横拉杆。当索用于跨越两个点之间并进行外部负载或一系列的点荷载,变形的形状由一系列的直线段。当进行连续负载(分布荷载),索变形成了连续弯曲的形状。索本身的自重产生这样的悬链线,吊索可用于跨越非常大的距离。Membranes, Tents, and Nets 膜、

    28、帐篷、网 A membrane is a thin, flexible sheet. A common tent is made of membranes surfaces. Both simple and complex forms can be created using membranes. For surfaces of double curvature, such as a spherical surface, however, the actual surface would have to be made as an assembly of much smaller segmen

    29、ts, since most membranes are typically available only in flat sheets. A further implication of using a flexible membrane to create the surface is that it either has to be suspended with the convex side pointing downward or, if used with the convex side pointing upward, supplemented by some mechanism

    30、 to its shape. Pneumatic, or air-inflated, structures. The shape of the membrane is maintained by the internal air pressure inside the structure. Another mechanism is to apply external jacking forces that stretch the membrane into the desired shape. Various stressed-skin structures are of this gener

    31、al type. The need to pretension the skin, however, imposes various limitations on the shape that can be formed. Spherical surfaces, for example, are very difficult to pretension by external jacking forces, while others, such as the hyperbolic paraboloid, can be handled with comparative ease. 膜、 帐篷、网

    32、 是一个薄的膜,柔性板,一个常见的帐篷是由膜表面构成的。既简单又复杂的形式可以创建使用膜。对于双曲率,如球面的表面。但是实际的表面将要作为一个组件的更小的段,因为大多数膜通常仅适用于平板。用一柔性膜片创建表面的再一个含义是,它要么必须暂停与凸侧朝向下方,或者,如果使用凸侧朝上,通过一些机制来补充其形状。充气式膜结构的膜形状是由内部的结构的内部气压。另一种机制是应用外部抬升力,拉伸膜成所需的形状。强调皮肤的各种结构的这种通用类型,然而,需要预拉伸皮肤施加各种条件的限制,可以形成的形状。球的表面,是非常困难的外部顶力,但是其他的,如双曲抛物面可以比较容易处理。Nets are very analogous to membrane skins. By allowing the mesh opening to vary as needed, a wide variety of surface shapes can be formed. An advantage of using crossed cables is that the positioning of the cables mitigates fluttering due to wind suctions and pressures. In addition, tension forces are


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