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    1、计划生育宣传标语大全计生标语大全: 1.认真贯彻落实中共中央国务院关于全面加强人口和计划生育工作统筹解决人口问题的决定 2.稳定低生育水平统筹解决人口问题促进人的全面发展 3.以人的全面发展为中心以群众需求为出发点 4.贯彻落实 科学发展观优先投资于人的全面发展 5.让计划生育家庭优先分享改革发展成果 6.构建和谐社会时时不忘国策 7.重视计生谋发展关注民生促和谐 8.坚持科学发展构建和谐计生 9.稳定国家计生政策共创和谐美满家园 10.促进人的全面发展提高人的整体素质 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authe

    2、nticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified

    3、to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to wor

    4、king capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preven

    5、ting borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated . Understand borrowers credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 11.中国社会要和谐人口问题先解决 12.实行计划生育为构建和谐社会创造良好的人口环境 13.建设人力资本强国实现中华民族的伟大复兴 14.树立科学发展观促进人与自然和谐发展 二、统筹解决人口问题 15.统筹解决人口问题创建和谐幸福家庭 16.千方百计解决人口问题一心一意建设

    6、和谐社会 17.人口问题关系国计民生统筹解决需要你的支持 18.统筹解决人口问题构建和谐美好家园 19.变人口压力为资源优势变资源优势为发展动力 20.人口需要科学统筹和谐需要全民共建 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, catego

    7、ries and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal l

    8、oans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers w

    9、ill loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated . Understand borrowers credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict pre

    10、cautions against 21.促进人的全面发展统筹解决人口问题 22.建立社会保障体系统筹解决人口问题 23.倡导科学新风构建和谐社会统筹解决人口问题 24.创造良好人口环境全面建设小康社会 25.合理利用自然资源统筹解决人口问题 26.你关注我关注人口问题就解决 27.千方百计稳定低生育水平坚定不移走统筹解决人口问题道路 28.统筹解决人口问题功在当代利在千秋 三、千方百计稳定低生育水平 29.低生育素质好男女都是宝 30.地球妈妈太累了再也擎不起太多的孩子 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authe

    11、nticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified

    12、to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to wor

    13、king capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preven

    14、ting borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated . Understand borrowers credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 31.控制人口数量利国惠民提高人口质量强国富家 32.稳定低生育水平靠你靠我靠大家 33.合理控制人口规模保持生态自然平衡 34.控制人口保护环境珍惜家园 35.让自己更轻松使社会更和谐 36.控制人口国之根本少生优育民之心声 37.控制人口数量关爱地球母亲 38.稳定低生育

    15、水平加快新农村建设 39.爱护天空和大地人均意识要树立 四、大力提高出生人口素质 40.倡导科学 婚检预防出生缺陷 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, ea

    16、rly retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Person

    17、al loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market,

    18、 real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated . Understand borrowers credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 41.出生缺陷干预好帮你生个好宝宝

    19、42.人人都要关注和维护母亲和儿童的健康 43.远离不良嗜好孕育聪明宝宝 44.宝宝素质高生活烦恼少 45.关注出生人口素质让您的孩子赢在起跑线上 46.加强出生缺陷干预全面提高人口素质 47.人口素质高小康早来到 48.优生孕育新希望传好人口接力棒 49.优生优育优教利国利民利家 50.生男生女一样好人口素质最重要 51.生殖健康关系生活质量人口素质关系社会和谐 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verifica

    20、tion and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent w

    21、ith the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, co

    22、nsumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappr

    23、opriated . Understand borrowers credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 52.提高出生人口素质事关千家万户幸福 53.子女质量高生活水平高幸福指数高 54.要想子女成才先从优生抓起 五、综合治理出生人口性别比偏高问题 55.自然界山水交相辉映人世间男女平衡和谐 56.男孩好女孩好比例和谐更美好 57.消除性别歧视促进家庭和谐 58.出生性别源于自然人为选择有害社会 59.有男有女喜事多男女失调烦恼多 60.自然和谐创造美丽世界性别平衡构建幸福家庭 61

    24、.保持出生人口性别比平衡构建社会主义和谐社会 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictly distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to ver

    25、ify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws and regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinct

    26、ion between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ensure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, privat

    27、e fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated . Understand borrowers credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 62.男女平衡家家乐社会和谐代代兴 63.消除性别歧视实现社会公平 64.性别比长期失衡社会家庭后患无穷

    28、65.严禁非医学需要的胎儿性别鉴定和选择性别的人工终止妊娠 66.严禁溺弃虐待女婴依法保护妇女儿童权益 六、不断完善流动人口管理服务体系 67.一样的蓝天下一样温暖的家 68.留守家庭安心外出务工放心计生服务贴心 69.流动的是人口不变的是服务 70.流动人口走四方计生服务暖心房 71.外出务工莫忘计生健康服务一路同行 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit verification and should strictl

    29、y distinguish between regular employees, temporary employees, categories and on the job, retirement, early retirement, etc. Purpose to verify investigators should require borrowers to provide proof of use data and verified to ensure that lending purposes should be consistent with the relevant laws a

    30、nd regulations and national policies. Bank ban on issuing personal loans without specified uses. Personal loans should be a sharp distinction between consumer and business uses, management personal loans should refer to working capital loans required to verify authenticity, consumer loans should ens

    31、ure a clear, true and reasonable. Strictly guard against borrowers will loan money to the stock market, real estate, loan-sharking, private fund raising and other high risk areas or used for illegal business strictly preventing borrowers loans capital private public or misappropriated . Understand b

    32、orrowers credit business credit situation of the parties. Strict precautions against 72.人性化管理亲情化服务关怀关爱流动人口 73.外出务工要防艾千万别害下一代 74.五湖四海不分彼此计生国策一视同仁 75.您为区域经济繁荣作贡献我为您身心健康送服务 76.关爱农民工情暖千万家 77.流动服务流动情民心工程暖民心 七、积极应对人口老龄化 78.敬老、养老、助老是中华民族的美德 79.把挚爱留给父母让幸福陪伴老人 80.儿童是祖国的花朵老年是社会的财富 81.人人都会老家家要尊老 investigators carefully to verify that such credit party authenticity, when necessary, to the borrower unit v


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