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    1、中考句型转换初中英语中考句型转换专题辅导 教学思路:练习-疏理. 归类-分类练习-总结解题方法Part 1: 热身练习 1.The policeman made the young woman move her car. (改为被动语态) The young woman_ her car by the policeman. 2. John went to see his grandmother once a week. (对划线部分提问) _John go to see his grandmother? 3. Jack doesnt know whether Mrs White is comi

    2、ng, and Helen doesnt know, either. (改为同义句) _Jack_ Helen knows _ Mrs White is coming. 4.Mr King is very busy at work. He cant take a holiday. (改为同义句) Mr King is_ take a holiday. 5.The old lady found out where she could buy 6uit cheaply. (改为同义句) The old lady found out_ fruit cheaply. 6.Susan has been

    3、in this city for more than ten years. (改为同义句) _more than ten years_ Susan_ to this city. Keys: 1. was made to move 2. How often did 3. Neither nor whether 4. too busy to 5. where to buy 6. Its since camePart 2:句型归类 例题精讲一、按要求改写句子(将下列句子改为否定句)1 I bought some oranges yesterday.I 2 She does her homework

    4、at home in the evening.She in the evening. 3 Ann had some rice and chicken for supper yesterday.Ann 4 Youd better ask that policeman.Youd . 5 They have already had supper.They . 6 Both Wei Hua and Wei Fang can do it. do it.Keys: 1. didnt buy any oranges yesterday 2. doesnt do her homework 3. didnt h

    5、ave any rice or chicken for supper yesterday 4. better not ask that policeman 5. havent had supper yet 6. Neither Wei Hua nor Wei Fang can 技巧点拨改否定句首先应判断谓语动词的形式,对于谓语动词含有have(has, had) do(does,did)时, 应区分是助动词还是实义动词; 练习:将下列句子改为一般疑问句1 She has breakfast at 7:30. at 7:30? 2 I saw something strange over the

    6、re. over there.3 The twins have got some blue hats. blue hats?4 Jims already finished his homework. his homework?5 Peter has to work till midnight. till midnight? Keys: 1. She doesnt have breakfast (have 作为_,表示“_”) 2. I didnt see anything strange 3. Have the twins got any (have 作为_,表示“_”) 4. Has Jim

    7、 already finished (has 作为_) 5. Does Peter have to work (has 作为_,表“_”) 技巧点拨1、注意特定组合的否定形式:如:had better do had better not do; both . and neither nor ;both of neither of; All None等。 2、改一般问句句,首先应判断谓语动词的形式,对于谓语动词含有have(has, had);do(does,did)时,应区分他助动词还是实义动词。划线部分提问1. The man in a black sweater is Jim Green.

    8、 is Jim Green?2. I was planting trees this time the day before yesterday. this time the day before yesterday? 3. The man downstairs couldnt sleep because the man upstairs made much noise. 4. We came to China about two years ago. 5. They lived in Beijing for about five years. 6. My father will be bac

    9、k from Shanghai in two weeks. 7. Meimei goes to the cinema once a month. 8. Weihua has visited the Great Wall twice. 9. The police station is about five kilometers away. Keys: 1. Who 2. What were you doing 3. Why couldnt the man downstairs sleep?4. When did you come to China5. How long did they live

    10、 in Beijing6. How soon will your father be back from Shanghai?7. How often does Meimei go to the cinema8. How many times has Weihua visited the Great Wall9. How far is the police station? 关键提示划线部分提问:应首先分析划线部分代表的对象:时间、地点、人物还是其他,然后具体细分。比如是表时间,那应分为表具体时间(when)还是时间长度 (how long),还是动作频率 (how often) 等,选取正确的

    11、疑问词。反意疑问句1. You will meet your friends at the railway station, ?2. Wu Peng dropped his stick, ?3. They could hardly believe the news, ?4. Dont do that again, ? 5. I dont think he passed the exam, ?Keys: 1. wont you 2. didnt he 3. could they 4. will you 5. did he 技巧点拨:判断句子是肯定还是否定 (除not外, hardly, neve

    12、r, few, little, no, no- 等表否定);找出谓语动词判断句子时态,确定助动词;判断句型等。(如何判断句型,是否举例说明?)二、同意句改写同意句改写应先通读整句,然后根据句意及句式结构选择确定改写方式。比如:同意短语替换:look out = be careful on both sides of = on each / either side of;句型改写:so that - tooto / (not) enough to; cost - spend on / payfor.时态改写:过去时、完成时及Its.since 句型间的转换等。短语替换1. We must loo

    13、k after the young trees along the road. We must 2. The basket on the table is filled with flowers. The basket on the table 3. The little boy does well in swimming. The little boy 4. There are a lot of trees on both sides of the road. There are a lot of trees 5. The picnic basket was no longer under

    14、the tree. The picnic basket 6. Would you like another two apples? Would you like 7. Look out ! The car nearly hit you. , The car nearly hit you.8. Have you received a letter from Bob yet? yet?9. Mrs Green asked someone to repair her radio. Mrs Green Keys: 1. take care of the young trees along the ro

    15、ad 2. is full of flowers 3. is good at swimming 4. on either side of the road 5. was not under the tree any longer6. two more apples 7. Take care / Be careful 8. Have you heard from Bob9. had her radio repaired句型改写1. He went to bed after he finished his homework. he finished his homework.2. This boo

    16、k isnt so interesting as that one. This book 3. Lilei is the tallest in the class.Lilei is 4. Mike ran faster than Meimei.Meimei 5. The computer cost me five thousand yuan. 6. It took Tom two hours to do his homework. 7. The station is about twenty minutes by car. 8. How clever the girl is! 9. The p

    17、anda is so fat that it cant go through the hole. The panda Keys: 1. He didnt go to bed until 2. is less interesting than that one 3. taller than any other student in the class 4. didnt run as fast as Mike 5. I paid five thousand yuan for the computer / I spent five thousand yuan on the computer 6. T

    18、om spent two hours on doing his homework 7. It takes about twenty minutes to go to the station by car 8. What a clever girl she is! 9. is too fat to go through the hole时态的改写1. My friend went to Beijing last year. She is still in Beijing.My friend 2. He came here five years ago. He 3. Jack joined the

    19、 League five months ago. since five months ago. 4. Its five years since he left Wuhan. He . 5. I have had this book for three years. It . Keys: 1. has gone to Beijing 2. has been here for five years 3. Jack has been a League member 4. has been away from Wuhan for five years 5. is three years since I

    20、 bought this book语态的改写1. Someone took away the books yesterday. yesterday.2. We can store a lot of information in the computer. in the computer. 3. They couldnt make the cow go. go. 4. They gave Kate a new bike for her birthday. for her birthday. Keys: 1. The books were taken away 2. A lot of inform

    21、ation can be stored 3. The cow couldnt be made to 4. Kate was given a new bike 重难点归纳1. 被动语态句子结构:be +p.p 2. 当谓语动词为双宾语动词 give, show, buy等时,间接宾语前的介词(to/for)不可省略。 3. 当谓语动词为make / see / watch / hear等,且后接宾语补足语为动词原形时,变被动语态时,动词原形应改为动词不定式(to+V)。4. 用相关短语合并句子:如: so that, too to, (not) enough to, bothand, neith

    22、ernor, eitheror, not onlybut also1)Our team is very strong. They cant beat us.Our team is 2)She is too young to go to school.She is . 3)This hall is very big. It can hold 2000 people. This hall is 4)He is a student, and I am a student, too. 5)I havent seen this film. Jim hasnt, either. 6)Weihua or A

    23、nny may be on the team. Keys: 1. so strong that they cant beat us 2. not old enough to go to school / so strong that she cant go to school 3. big enough to hold 2000 people 4. Both he and I are students 5. Neither Jim nor I have seen this film 6. Either Weihua or Anny may be on the teamPart 3:中考句型转换

    24、题04句型变换1. Mr Brown said, “Dont make such a mistake again, Margaret.” (改为间接引语) Mr Brown told Margaret _ _ _ such a mistake again.2. Miss King hardly spoke a word the whole time.(改为反义疑问句)Miss King hardly spoke a word the whole time, _ _?3. All the pupils have read this storybook. Their English teacher

    25、 has read this storybook, too.(改为同义句)_ _ all the pupils _ _ their English teacher has read this story book. 4. My grandfather is too old to travel around. (改为同义句)My grandfather is _ old _ he _ travel around any _.5. Mikes car is much more expensive than Susans. (改为同义句)Susans car is _ _ than _.6. You

    26、 must hand in your history homework by the weekend. (改为被动语态)Your history homework _ _ _ _ by the weekend.2002年1. The Smiths usually have supper at half past six. (改为反义疑问句)The Smiths usually have supper at half past six, _ _?2. You must throw the broken pottery away at once. (改为被动语态) at once.3. Jim w

    27、ants to go boating and his parents want to go boating, too. (改为同义句) .4. They enjoyed themselves at the garden party. (改为同义句)They _ _ _ _ at the garden party.5. The Indian old lady no longer lived there. (改为同义句)The Indian old lady .6. The ice on the lake was so thin that people couldnt skate on it. (

    28、改为同义句)The ice on the lake was .Keys: 04年 1. not to make 2. did she 3. Not only but also 4. so that cant longer5. much cheaper Mikes 6. must be handed in02年 1. dont they 2. The broken pottery must be thrown away at once3. Both Jim and his parents want to go boating / Not only Jim but also his parents

    29、 want to go boating 4. had a good time 5. didnt live there any longer 6. too thin to skate on第二部分:句型转换之主从复合句教学思路: 归纳考点-针对性例题精讲-专题练习初中阶段所学到过的主从复合句主要有三种:宾语从句、状语从句和定语从句。分辨句子成分时,可以看句子本身是否由两套有关系的主谓(宾)构成。三种复合句各有其用法特点如下:Part One: 宾语从句1、 宾语从句的语法功能相当于名词词组,在句中作宾语。2、 用陈述句语序,中间一般不能用逗号与主句分开。3、 用于宾语从句的关联词有:that, whether/if; 连接代词who, what, which; 连接副词when, where, how, why.4、 从句中的时态除受本身句中时间状语的影响外,还要与主句谓语动词的时态保持一致。(1)主句为现在时或将来时, 从句可根据需要用任何时态;(2 ) 主句为过去时,从句是过去时态的一种(根据原句时态判断)。在句型转换题型中,


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