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    1、11规则后真题航海英语711规则后真题71. _indicate that the vertical deflection of a ships hull, in longitudinal direction, where the hull midships is bent upwardsA. Shearing B. sagging C. hogging D. buckling 2. FLOATING, CAUSED BY WINDS AND CURRENT WITH A DETERMINABLE DIRECTION DEFINES_A. FloatingB. Sailing C. Drift

    2、ingD. Running into danger3. What are essential to ensure the effectives implementation of the ship security plan?A. Controlling access to the shipB. Training and drillsC. Controlling the restricted areasD. Monitoring the ship at times4. The notice which is based on original information is indicated

    3、by _next to the notice number.A. a star B. a dot C. a dashD. a circle5. If the electronic chart is part of an ECDIS, it must display the minimum date required by IMO/IHO, to include all of the following EXCEPT_A. hydrographyB. aids to navigationC. tidal currentsD. regulatory boundaries6. The only cy

    4、linder chart projection widely used for navigation is the _A. Lambert conformalB. MercatorC. azimuthallyD. gnomonic7. The AIS transponder is designed to transmit information_A. Automatically B. Semi-automaticallyC. ManuallyD. AIS is not transmitting at all8. Information from the station and installa

    5、tion shall be appropriately shared by _A. all crew membersB. all the watch keeping personnelC. all passengersD. all visitors9. A vessel is equipped with a single handed screw. With rudder amidships and calm wind, the vessel will most likely back_A. Straight asternB. To portC. To starboardD. In no pa

    6、rticular direction10. A cyclone in its final stage of development is called a(n)_A. TornadoB. AnticycloneC. Occluded cyclone or occluded frontD. Polar cyclone11. The table below is to record section IV NTM amendments _this volume. Sub-paragraph numbers in the margin of the body of the book are to as

    7、sist the user when making amendment to this volume.A. Affecting B. Correcting C. InfluencingD. Effecting 12. In which situation do you think a risk of collision exists?A A vessel is 22on your port bow, range increasing , bearing changing slightly to the right.B A vessel is broad on your starboard be

    8、am range decreasing, bearing changing rapidly to the rightC A vessel is 22 abaft your port beam, range increasing, bearing is constantD A vessel is on your starboard quarter, range decreasing, bearing is constant13. The doldrums are characterized by_A. Steady, light to moderate windsB. Frequent calm

    9、sC. Clear skiesD. Low humidity14. All marks within the IALA system are distinguished by _shape top mark light characteristicscolorA. B. C. D. 15. There shall be _ into sleeping rooms from cargo and machinery spaces or from galleys, storerooms, drying rooms or communal sanitary areas.A. No direct ope

    10、ningB. Direct openingC. No more than one direct openingD. Up to direct opening16. A weather map is a synoptic data because it_A. Summarizes a great of information B. Can be interpreted accuratelyC. Appears dailyD. Is prepared by the weather Bureau17. The port in which crew or passengers go on board

    11、the ship is called _A. Port of call B. Port of embarkationC. Port of destinationD. Port of disembarkation18. _ is nor ordinarily applied to passenger or to combination passenger and freight ships.A. Displacement tonnageB. Deadweight tonnageC. Registered tonnageD. Gross tonnage19. In the doldrums you

    12、 will NOT have_A. High relative humidityB. Frequent showers and thunderstormsC. Steep pressure gradientsD. Frequent calms 20. The VDR system is designed to operate _once it is set up correctly, there is no user interaction.A. AutomaticallyB. AccuratelyC. PromptlyD. Conspicuously21. You discharge gar

    13、bage overboard at sea. When recording your vessels position as required, you must include_A. Course, speed, and estimated distance from shoreB. Latitude, longitude and approximate depth of waterC. Latitude, longitude, course, speed, and a copy of that days noon position slip D. Latitude and longitud

    14、e22. In the lifeboat stowed position, two _prevent the davits from accidentally swinging out.A. Harbor pinsB. HornsC. Lifting hooksD. Gripes23. Humidity is known as the amount of _ in the air.A. HydrogenB. MoistureC. DustD. Temperature24. The shoreline on charts generally represents the mean_A. High

    15、 water lineB. Low water lineC. Low water spring lineD. Tide level25. In the Northern Hemisphere a wind is said to veer when the wind_A. Changes direction clockwise, as from north to east, etc.B. Changes direction violently and erraticallyC. Remains constant in direction and speedD. Changes direction

    16、 counterclockwise, as form south to east, etc26. The vertical distance between crest and trough is called the _A. Wave heighB. Wave aweighC. Wave highD. Wave height27. In particular, which is not included in the Navigation system?A. ECDISB. RADARC. GPSD. GMDSS28. A navigator fixing a vessels positio

    17、n by radar_A. Should never use radar bearingsB. Should only used radar bearing when the range exceeds the distance to the horizonC. Can use radar information from one object to fix the positionD. Must use information from targets forward of the beam29. The maneuverability of the ship is considered_

    18、if the following criteria are complied with A. SatisfactoryB. SatisfactorilyC. SmoothD. Smoothly30. Data relating to the direction and velocity of rotary tidal currents can be found in the _A. Mariners GuideB. Tidal Current TablesC. Nautical AlmanacD. Tide Tables31. If the officers on watch is in an

    19、y doubt as to the pilots actions, or intentions, he should _A. Notify the captain as soon as possibleB. Seek clarification from the pilotC. Take action by his own judgmentD. Cease the duty of pilots at once关联题Position or direction relative to the ships fore-and-aft expressed as being either.1. Ahead

    20、 or astern (or ahead or dead astern, if precisely so)2. On the bow, on one side or the other of dead ahead.3. On the beam, at 90to dead ahead (on one side or the other)4. On the quarter on one side or the other of dead asternBow, beam and quarter can be sub-divided in order to indicate bearings with

    21、 great precision1. Bow. An object may bear either fine or broad on the bow. Fine on the bow means up to about 30 (may two to three points) an either side of dead ahead. Broad on the bow means between about 30on the bow and 30before the beam2. Beam. An object may be either broad on the beam, that is

    22、about 90to dead ahead or before the beam, or abaft the beam. Before and abaft the beam are terms that apply up to about 30on the bow and 30before bearing.3. Quarter. An object may bear on wither the port or starboard quarter, up to 60on either side of dead astern. An object bearing on the bow is sai

    23、d to abeam. (1) An object bears broad on the bow. It means that _A. Its bearing is up to 30on either side of the dead ahead.B. Its bearing is two to three points on either side of dead ahead.C. Its bearing is about 30 to 60on either side of dead ahead.D. Its bearing is up to 60on either side of dead

    24、 ahead.(2) An object may broad on the beam. It means that _Its bearing is about 90to dead ahead.Its bearing is before the beam.Its bearing is abaft the beamA. B. C. D. (3) An object may bear on either the part or starboard quarter. It means that _. Its bearing is about 120 to 240of dead ahead. Its b

    25、earing is up to about 60on either side of dead ahead. Its bearing is between about 30abaft port beam and starboard beam. A. B. C. D. (4) Which one of the following is incorrect?A. The direction of an object should be expressed as being either ahead or astern.B. Sub-dividing bow, beam and quarter is

    26、to indicate bearing with great precision,C. Before is a term used to express a bearing about 30on either side of a beam.D. The direction ahead or astern of an object is relative to ships fore-and-aft line.32. If the rotation for this vessel is Felixstowe, Antwerp, Le Havre, Hamburg and Rotterdam. Th

    27、e container for Rotterdam is right at the _ of the heap. A. Uppermost B. MiddleC. BottomD. Aftermost33. _moving rather quickly east expected 150 miles south of Cape Farewell 972 by 160000 GWT. A. Developed lowB. Developing lowC. Being developed lowD. Low to be developed34. Chart legends which indica

    28、te a conspicuous landmark are printed in _A. capital B. italicsC. boldface printD. underlined letters35. What is the requirement of navigator who use an ECDIS?A. Good navigational knowledge and a professional job attitude.B. Good computer knowledgeC. Good system knowledgeD. Nothing special36. What i

    29、s the direction of rotation of tropical cyclones, tropical storms and hurricanes in the Northern Hemisphere?A. Clockwise and outwardB. Counterclockwise and inwardC. Counterclockwise and outwardD. Clockwise and inward37. Depths in the routes (Malacca and Singapore Straits) vary between 20m and about

    30、23m but there are many areas of sand waves and depths are liable to change. The statement infers that_A. depths in Malacca and Singapore Strait are stable B. depths in Malacca and Singapore Strait are changeableC. depths in Malacca and Singapore Strait are invariableD. depths in Malacca and Singapor

    31、e Strait are the same all the time38. who is responsible for the voyage plan?A. The person who has done the planningB. The masterC. The navigation officerD. The owner39. Malacca and Straits is 805km _ and _form 64 km in the S to 257 km in the N. A. Long, widensB. Long, wideC. Length, widensD. Length, wide40. Traffic separation schemes shall be _by the organizatio


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