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    1、人教版英语英语七年级英语语法填空首字母填空专项练习题人教版英语英语七年级英语语法填空首字母填空专项练习题一、七年级英语单词的适当形式填空1阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的,限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。 After six days of spring rain, a _(run) river appeared near Nancy Browns farm. When she tried to get her cows to a _(high) ground, she fell down and hit her head on a fallen tree.

    2、Then she fainted(昏倒) in the river for a few minutes. When she woke_, Lizzie, one of _(she) oldest and favourite cows, was licking(舔) her head. The water was rising. Nancy got up and began walking _(slow) with Lizzie. The water was now getting higher and higher. It was hard _Nancy to move her feet. F

    3、inally, all she could do was throw her arms around _(Lizzie) neck. About 20 minutes later, Lizzie successfully pulled Nancy out of the running water and onto a small island in the middle of the river. Even though it was about noon, the rain was so heavy that it took people two _(hour) to find Nancy.

    4、 Soon she was taken to a hospital. When the flood left two days later, Nancy went back to the island at once. She _(find) that Lizzie was gone. She was one of the nineteen cows that Nancy had lost. She saved my life but lost hers, said Nancy_tears.【答案】 running;higher;up;her;slowly;for;Lizzies;hours;

    5、found;with 【解析】【分析】本文讲述了Nancy的牛因为救主人的命而丢了自己的生命的故事。 (1)句意: 经过六天的春雨,南希布朗的农村附近出现了一条奔流的河流。现在分词做定语,表示主动关系,故填running。 (2)句意: 当她试图将她的奶牛赶到高地时。根据上文知道农场被水淹了,故把牛弄到比之前更高的地方才安全,故是high的比较级,higher,故填higher。 (3)句意:当她醒过来的时候,Lizzie,她最老最喜欢的一只奶牛正在舔她的头。wake up,固定搭配,醒来,故填up。 (4)句意:当她醒过来的时候,Lizzie, 她最老最喜欢的一只奶牛正在舔她的头。cows是

    6、名词,其前是形容词性物主代词,表示她的牛,故填her。 (5)句意: 南希站起来,开始和莉齐慢慢地走。 副词修饰动词walk,slow的副词slowly,故填slowly。 (6)句意: 南希很难挪动她的脚。,故its+形容词+for sb to do,固定搭配,对某人而言做某事很.,故填for。 (7)句意: 最后,她能做的就是把她的胳膊搂在莉齐的脖子上。neck是名词,其前是名词所有格,故填Lizzies。 (8)句意: 雨太大了,人们花了两个小时才找到南希。数词two后是名词复数,故填hours。 (9)句意:她发现Lizzie不见了。讲述过去用一般过去时,find的过去式是found,

    7、故填found。 (10)句意: 她救了我的命,却失去了她的生命, 南希含着泪说。此处with tears做状语修饰动词said,表示带着眼泪,故填with。 【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,语态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。2阅读下面短文,根据文章大意用所给单词的适当形式填空(未提供单词的限填一词),使文章意思完整、正确。 Water is very important to us. We must drink water every day. We cant live _water. At home, we use water _(wash) clothes, to

    8、 wash dishes, to cook, to clean the floor, to have showers, to make drinks, to clean our_(tooth), to water the flowers and so on. At work, people use water to put out _(fire), to grow vegetables, to make paper and books, to make beer and Coca-Cola and so on. We can also _(swim) in the sea. Water is

    9、important to us, isnt it? Water has no taste _all. Water has no colour. Water is in the river, the pump, the tap and the well. Water is everywhere _us. Water is in the rain, in the river and in the lake. _there isnt much clean water on the Earth. We must save it. How to save water? We can save it at

    10、 home. For example, turn off the water tap after _(wash) hands. Lets save water to save_(we).【答案】 without;to wash;teeth;fires;swim;at;around;But;washing;ourseIves 【解析】【分析】本文介绍了水对我们的重要性,并呼吁节约用水。 (1)句意: 我们不可以生活在没有水的地方。 根据 Water is very important to us,可知我们不能没有水,without,没有,故填without。 (2)句意: 在家里,我们用水来洗衣

    11、服,洗碗,做饭,擦地,洗澡,做饮料,刷牙,浇花等。use sth to do,固定搭配,用某物来做某事,故填to wash。 (3)句意:在家里,我们用水来洗衣服,洗碗,做饭,擦地,洗澡,做饮料,刷牙,浇花等。此处的牙齿是泛指,故是复数,tooth的复数是teeth,故填teeth。 (4)句意: 在工作中,人们用水来灭火。put out fires,灭火,此处的名词fire表示泛指,表示不用地区的火灾,故用复数,故填fires。 (5)句意: 我们也可以在海里游泳。can是情态动词,其后是动词原形,故填swim。 (6)句意:水根本没有味道。at all,固定搭配,和否定词no搭配,根本不,

    12、故填at。 (7)句意:水在我们周围无处不在。根据 Water is in the rain, in the river and in the lake 可知谁在外面周围,around,在周围,故填around。 (8)句意:但是地球上没有太多干净的水。上文提到到处都有水,根据 there isnt much clean water 可知此处与上文是转折关系,故填转折连词,故填But。 (9)句意:例如,吸收后关闭水龙头。after是介词,其后是动名词,wash的动名词是washing,故填washing。 (10)句意: 让我们节约用水来拯救我们自己 。根据let us可知此处是这我们自己,

    13、we的反身代词是ourselves,故填ourselves。 【点评】考查语言综合运用能力,注意谓语的时态,语态,非谓语动词,词性,连词搭配等多种用法。3阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法情况和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空不超过两词。 Li Ming is a schoolboy. He is twelve. He lives in Shanghai. He studies at No. 1 Middle _. He gets _ at half past five every day. He reads English and _ (Chin

    14、a) in the morning. He has _ at seven. After that, he goes to school with _ (he) friends. They have four _(lesson) in the morning and two in the afternoon. In the evening he does his _ at home. But he often watches TV on Saturday evening. Li Ming is good at _ (draw). He draws many beautiful _ He like

    15、s _ (read) storybooks too. Now he is reading an English book in the room.【答案】 School;up;Chinese;breakfast;his;lessons;homework;drawing;pictures;reading 【解析】【分析】文章大意:本文主要介绍李明的现在的日常生活情况和爱好。 (1)考查名词。句意:他在第一中学学习。空格前有Middle中间的,形容词,名词。由动词 studies ,可知在中学学习,要用school。此处是专有名词,要大写,故答案为: School 。 (2)考查固定短语。句意:他

    16、每天五点半起床。句末at half past five every day.可知一定是起床,get up起床,固定短语,故答案为:up。 (3)考查名词。句意:他早上读英文和中文。根据动词read和由English and连接并列的语言的名词,可知China的语言名词,Chinese汉语,中文,故答案为:Chinese。 (4)考查名词。句意:他七点钟吃早餐。根据句末has和at seven,可知一定是吃早餐, breakfast ,答案为: breakfast 。 (5)考查代词。句意:之后,他和朋友一起去上学。空格后有名词friends,要用形容词性物主代词修饰作定语,代词主格he的形容词

    17、性物主代词his,故答案为:his。 (6)考查名词。句意:他们上午上四节课,下午上两节课。lesson课程,可数名词。空格前有基数词four,要用复数lessons,故答案为:lessons。 (7)考查名词。句意:晚上他在家做家庭作业。根据in the evening和do及at home,可知一定是做家庭作业。homework,不可数名词。故答案为:homework。 (8)考查动名词。句意:李明擅长画画。be good at.,擅长,固定短语。其中at是介词,接动词要用动名词形式。draw的动名词drawing,故答案为:drawing。 (9)考查名词。句意:他画了许多美丽的图画。空

    18、格前有形容词many许多的,后接可数名词复数。根据谓语动词draws画,及物动词,要接宾语picture,可数名词 ,此处要用复数。故答案为:pictures。 (10)考查固定搭配。句意:他也喜欢看故事书。like doing sth.,喜欢做某事,固定搭配。故答案为:reading。 【点评】考查语法填空。主要涉及的名词、代词、动名词和固定搭配等。4阅读下面的短文,按照句子结构的语法情况和上下文连贯的要求,在空白处填入一个适当的词或用括号中所给词的正确形式填空,每空不超过两词。 Im Xu Li. My friend is Lingling. We _ (be) in Class 4 Gr

    19、ade 7. Linglings father is a manager of a company. On _ birthday, he buys a computer for Lingling. Lingling _ (use) the computer a lot. She often _ nice clothes on the Internet. She also _ (search) for information and uses it _ (do) her homework. She often talks with her friends. And sometimes she s

    20、ends emails to _ (they). Im from a workers family and there is no computer in my home. So Lingling often asks me to share the computer _ her. We search for our _ (lesson) and send our homework to the teachers. Sometimes we _ computer games on Sundays.【答案】 are;her;uses;buys;searches;to do;them;with;l

    21、essons;play 【解析】【分析】主要讲了作者的朋友玲玲有台电脑以及用电脑做什么。 (1)句意:我们在7年级4班。表示在几年级几班用be in+班级+年级,主语是we,所以be动词用are,故填are。 (2)句意:在她生日时,他给玲玲买了一台电脑。在某人生日时用on ones+birthday,玲玲是女孩,所以用her,故填her。 (3)句意:玲玲经常使用电脑。use使用,实义动词,时态是一般现在时,主语是Lingling,所以use用uses,故填uses。 (4)句意:她经常在网上买漂亮的衣服。在网上买衣服,buy买,实义动词,主语是Lingling,所以buy用buys,故填b

    22、uys。 (5)句意:她也寻找信息和使用它做作业。search寻找,实义动词,时态是一般现在时,主语是she,所以用searches;use sth. to do sth.使用某物做某事,固定搭配,所以用to do,故填searches,to do。 (6)句意:有时她发送电子邮件给他们。to是介词,所以后面用宾格,they他们,主格,宾格是them,故填them。 (7)句意:所以玲玲经常让我和她分享电脑。share sth. with sb.和某人分享某物,固定搭配,故填with。 (8)句意:我们搜寻我们的课程,把我们的作业发送给老师。lesson课程,可数名词,主语是复数we,所以用复

    23、数lessons,故填lessons。 (9)句意:有时我们在周日玩电脑游戏。play computer games玩电脑游戏,固定搭配,时态是一般现在时,主语是we,所以用动词原形play,故填play。 【点评】考查语法填空,考查词汇在语篇中的运用能力。注意理解句意,首先读一遍,然后再逐一作答。注意句型、搭配、短语及语境。5语法填空 Now in some places of _(we) country, many people are cutting down the trees in the forests. They need more wood _(build) houses an

    24、d more farmland to grow crops and so on. The areas of forests are getting smaller and smaller. Some _(scientist) say that there _no big forests in 20 or 30 years. It is really a terrible thing. _the forests, we will have sandstorms(沙尘暴)often. The weather will get hot and dry. The earth _(become) a b

    25、ig desert. A lot of plants _animals will die. Crops will not grow _(everywhere). Life will be different _everyone. So we should do our best _(protect) our living environment and keep our mountains green, the water clean, and the sky blue. 【答案】 our;to build;scientists;will be;Without;will become;and;

    26、anywhere;for;to protect 【解析】【分析】短文大意:现在有很多人砍树,20年或30年后,会没有森林,地球变成沙漠,许多动物和植物会死去,没有地方种庄稼,我们应该保护好地球。 (1)句意:现在在我们国家的一些地方,许多人砍到了森林的树木。we,我们,结合该单词修饰country,可知应该填入形容词性物主代词,our,故答案为our。 (2)句意:他们需要更多的木头建造房子和更多的农田种植稻谷等等。build,建立,短语need sth to do sth,需要某物做某事,填入to build。 (3)句意:一些科学家说在20年或者30年不会有大的森林。scientist,科

    27、学家,结合该名词用了some修饰,可知填入名词复数,故答案为scientists。 (4)句意:一些科学家说在20年或者30年不会有大的森林。结合句子提到in 20 or 30 years,可知句子应该用将来时态,结合句型there be,故答案为will be。 (5)句意:没有森林,我们经常会有沙尘暴。根据句子提到we will have sandstorms often,可知空缺的意义为没有,故答案为Without。 (6)句意:地球将会变成一个大的沙漠。become,成为,结合文章用了将来时态,可知空缺用将来时态,故答案为will become。 (7)句意:许多植物和动物将会死去。结

    28、合plants和animals表示并列,填入介词and,故答案为and。 (8)句意:水稻再也不会种植。结合文章提到地球变成沙漠,可知水稻没有地方种植,空缺填入anywhere,任何地方,故答案为anywhere。 (9)句意:对每个人而言,生活将要变得不同。短语be different for sb,对某人不同,可知空缺填入介词for,故答案为for。 (10)句意:因此我们应该尽可能保护好我们的环境并使得我们的山绿,水清澈并且天空蓝色。protect,保护,短语do our best to do sth,尽可能做某事,故答案为to protect。 【点评】考查语法填空,做此类题首先熟悉文

    29、章大意,联系上下文,确定空缺单词,结合语法知识,给出单词的正确形式,即可。6阅读下面短文,在空格处填入一个适当的词或者使用括号中词语的正确形式填空。 Do you know an old city called Pingyao in Shanxi Province (省)? The old city is not far _ Taiyuan, the capital of Shanxi. Its a town with a long history of more than two thousand _ (year). The old city is not very large. It is

    30、 only 2.25 square kilometres in size. And there _ (be) no tall buildings here. Most of the buildings have only two floors. And most _ them are made of stones (石头). There are many Chinese-style shop on each side of the street. Pingyao is _ square city. The city _ (have) a wall around it. Its about 6 km long and 12 m high. The wall has six gates. And you mustnt _ (miss) the nice food in Pingyao. Try Pingyao beef and you are sure to fall in love with it. Pingyao is a place worth (值得) a visit. You can take buses or trains here. Its less than 2 _ (hour) bus ride from Taiyuan. It costs you only


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