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    1、4?分2.?_the English examination I would have gone to the concert last Saturday.A. In spite ofB. Because ofC. But forBut forD. As for3.?_ right now, she would get there on Sunday.A. Would she leaveB. If she leavesC. Were she to leaveWere she to leaveD. If she had left4.?Most of his great novels and pl

    2、ays were not published or known to the public _ his tragic (悲剧) death in 1786.A. even beforeB. ever sinceC. until afteruntil afterD. until before5.?We want Taylor in jail where we can _ him.A. keep up withB. keep inC. keep an eye on keep an eye onD. keep on6.?_ a sore throat and a mild fever, the pa

    3、tient feels fine.A. put asideB. aside fromC. set aside set asideD. lay asideB?7.?We have been studying German _ we entered this school.A. forB. sinceC. as asD. because8.?Never lose heart _ difficulty you may meet with.A. whatB. whateverC. howhowD. however9.?I wish I _ longer this morning, but I had

    4、to get up and come to class.A. could have sleptB. sleptC. might have sleptmight have sleptD. have sleptA?10.?_he is absent, what shall we do?A. Now thatB. Seeing thatC. WhetherWhetherD. Supposing that11.?Professor Edward was invited to join a three-year research _ in California.A. projectB. progress

    5、C. programprogramD. process12.?Young drivers are far more _ to have accidents than older drivers.A. likelyB. alikeC. like likeD. likeable13.?It is vital that enough money _ to fund the subject.A. be collectedB. must be collectedC. is collectedis collectedD. can be collected14.?Both candidates are _

    6、millions _ television advertising.A. spendinginB. takingonC. affordingonaffordingonD. spending onD?15.?My father told me to behave _, when I got my first job as an accountant.A. rudelyB. carelesslyC. strictlystrictlyD. decently16.?After the flood the aid workers began to _ food and water among the r

    7、efugees.A. distributeB. rescueC. releasereleaseD. convert17.?He seemed to have been asleep, so I said nothing, but sat _ he would see me _ waking.A. whether; whenB. that;whenC. which;wherewhich;whereD. where;18.?The mouse never _ too far from it hole.A. goesB. comesC. venturesventuresD. returns19.?F

    8、red turned his head, trying to _ breathing in the smoke.A. refuseB. avoidC. objectobjectD. expect20.?Their new house is said to be _ on this street, but we cannot find it.A. locatedB. seatC. lielieD. embed21.?Its not polite to _ a person while he is talking with others.A. involveB. interruptC. inter

    9、viewinterviewD. interpret22.?_the 1500s_the first Europeans explored the coast of California.A. It was not until . whenB. It is until . thatC. It is not until . when It is not until . whenD. It was not until . that23.?He has no tickets _ for Fridays performance.A. availableB. attainableC. applicable

    10、 applicableD. appreciable24.?_the door than somebody started knocking on it.A. I had closed no soonerB. No sooner had I closedC. I had no sooner closedI had no sooner closedD. No sooner I close25.?It was an invention which laid the _ of modern radio technology.A. emphasisB. stressC. opportunityopportunityD. foundations


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