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    1、六年级下册小升初专项提优训练单项选择三及答案译林版三起英语译林版(三起)英语六年级下册小升初专项提优训练:单项选择 (三)评卷人得分1.My birthday is March 1一、选择题stst, and my brother s birthday isMarch, too.( )8.There is English club and _ art club in my school. ()A. a; aB. a; anC. an; aD. an; an9.Lilyus some good news last night. ( )A.toldB.tellsC.will tellD.telli

    2、ng10. Which room are you living in, Jack?()A.in; inB.on; inC.on; onD.in; on2.My sister to school yesterday because she ill. ( )A. didnt go, wasB. doesnt go, wasC. didnt go, isD. doesnt go, is3.Ben often helps his mother his little sister after school.( )A.look atB.look forC.look afterD.looking after

    3、4.Mary s parents sometimes TV in the evening. But her sister neverTV.( )A.watch; watchB.watches; watchC.watch; watchesD.watches; watches5.The children the park their parents next weekend. ( )A.go to; andB.will go to; andC.are going to; withD.went to; with6.Jean is good at . She wants a dancer one da

    4、y. ( )A.dance; to beB.dancing; to beC.dancing; beD.dance; be7.They are talking about howmeat? ( )A. to cook B. cook C. cooking In Room 502 on floor.A.the three B.the third C.third D.three11.I was hungry. But there wasn t rice or vegetables in the fridge. ( )A.some B.any C.a D./12. What do you have l

    5、unch?( ) I have rice and fish.A.for; some B.for; any C.with; many D.for; many13. will you stay in Hong Kong, Lily? ( ) For a year.A.When B.How C.How long D.Where14.Tom is dinner now. And he will a book after dinner. ( )A.have; reading B.have; readC.having; read D.had; read15.The running race is very

    6、 . All the students are .( )A. exciting; excited B. excited; exciting C. exciting; exciting16.Mary a diary every day. Yesterday she a diary about her dream.()A. write; wroteB. wriles; wroteC.writes; writes17.Cola( 可乐) isfor your health. Vegetableshealthy. ( )A.good; isB.bad; isC.bad; areD.good; are1

    7、8.John usuallyup at 6:00 on weekdays. ( )A.gotB.getC.getsD.getting19.My home isthe post office and the bank. ()A.betweenB.fromC.inD.on20. Is there a post office over there? ()A.Yes, there isnt.B.No, there isn t.C.Yes, it is .D.No, there is.21. do you like pandas? ( ) Because they are fat and cute.A.

    8、WhyB.HowC.WhenD.What22. How is the weather in Shanghai? () It s .A.rainB.rainsC.rainingD.rained23.The play isseven o clockSunday. ( )A.at; inB.in; fromC.from; inD.at; on24. Would you like juice? ( ) No, thanks. I d like water, please.A.some; any B.any; any C.some; some25.There isEnglish book under b

    9、ed. ()A.an; anB.the; aC.an; the26.Jerry pictures very much. ( )A.likes drawingB.like drawingC.liked drawing27.Let sfishing. ( )A.goB.goingC.to go28.Wang Bing does well in Maths, and I am good Chinese. ( )A.at B.in C.on29.There a pen and some pencils on the desk. ( )A.isB.areC.am30. Wheremy photos, M

    10、um? ( ) are in your room.A.is; TheyB.are; TheyC.is; Those31.We would likethe football match. ( )A.watchB.to watchC.watching32. is the first day of the week. ( )A.MondayB.SaturdayC.Thursday33.My sister likes. Because she can swim and eat ice creams. ( )A.springB.summerC.autumnD.wasD.are;TheseD.watche

    11、sD.SundayD.winterD.any; someD.the; theD.like drawD.goesD.from34.Yesterday my mother and I our house. ( )A.cleaned B.clean C.cleans D.cleaning35.How Mark go to school in the morning? ( )A.does B.do C.did D.are36.My grandfather usually the flowers in the morning. ( )A.waterB.wateredC.watersD.watering3

    12、7.Thank you forme to your party. ( )A.invitedB.invitesC.inviteD.inviting38.Su Hai is a teacher. She English. ( )A.teachB.teachesC.teachingD.taught39. What s the weather like today? ( )A.It s sunny.B.On Sunday.C.It s on March1 st.D.It s the sun.40.My uncle is a. He works in a hospital. ( )A.teacherB.

    13、dancerC.doctorD.farmer41. Whose schoolbag is it? ( ) It s .A.MikeB.Mike sC.Mikes D.Mikes42. will Ben do this Sunday? ( ) He s going to play basketball.A.WhenB.HowC.WhereD.What43.My cousin canviolin. ( )A.playB.plays theC.play theD.played the44.My mothera new car. She it very much. ( )A.buy; likesB.b

    14、ought; likesC.buys; likesD.buys; liked45.You wastedwater. There isn t enough water for us now. ()A.too manyB.manyC.much tooD.too much46.My coat is on the floor. Can you for me? ()A.pick upB.pick it upC.pick up themD.pick them up47. is it today? ( ) It s Monday.A.What dayB.What timeC.What dateD.When4

    15、8. Lily have a good time last week? ( )A.DidB.DoC.DoesD.Are49.The childrenkites in the park yesterday. ()A.flyB.fliesC.flewD.flying50. makes people happy and healthy. ( )A.SingingB.SingC.SingsD.Singer51. Where do people drive on the left side of the road in China?( ) In .A.ShanghaiB.BeijingC.Hong Ko

    16、ngD.Suzhou52.Mike never his homework on time. ( )A.finishes B.finish C.finished D.finishing53. What did you do at the school gate yesterday, Sam? ( ) I waited Tim?A.on B.in C.for D.at54.Kate wants eggs and porridge breakfast. ( )A.to eat; for B.eat; for C.eat; on D.to eat; on55. How about to Shangha

    17、i Disneyland with us next weekend? ( )Sounds great. I d like with you.A.to go; going B.going; to go C.going; going D.went; go56.My little brother has a good habit. He always his things . ( )A.put; in orderC.puts; in orderB.put; on orderD.putting; in orderA.Mid-Autumn FestivalC.the Dragon Boat Festiv

    18、alB.the National DayD.Chinese New Year57.Mr Green can to the farm. ( )A.take a taxiB.by a taxi58. Whatthe signs mean? ( ) They“ No littering ” .A.does; meanB.do; mean59.The kite flew too high and we couldnA.hold onto B.take offC.by taxiD.by bikeC.are; meansD.is; meanst it. ( )C.look afterD.look for6

    19、0.Children can get red packets at in China. ( )1.B【解析】 1.略2.A【解析】 2.略3.C【解析】 3.略4.C【解析】 4.略5.【解析】 6.略7.A【解析】 7.略8.D【解析】 8.略9.A【解析】 9.略10.B【解析】 10.略C【解析】 11.略12.A【解析】 12.略13.C【解析】 13.略14.C【解析】 14.略15.A【解析】 15.【解析】 16.略17.C【解析】 17.略18.C【解析】 18.略19.A【解析】 19.略20.B【解析】 20.略21.A略22.C【解析】 22.略23.D【解析】 23.略

    20、24.C【解析】 24.略25.C【解析】 25.略26.【解析】 27.略28.A【解析】 28.略29.A【解析】 29.略30.B【解析】 30.略31.B【解析】 31.略A解析】 37.略38.B【解析】 38.略39.A【解析】 39.略40.C【解析】 40.略41.B【解析】 41.略42.D【解析】 32.略33.B【解析】 33.略34.A【解析】 34.略35.A【解析】 35.略36.C【解析】 36.略43.C【解析】 43.略44.C【解析】 44.略45.D【解析】 45.略46.B【解析】 46.略47.【解析】 48.略49.C【解析】 49.略50.A【解析】 50.略51.C【解析】 51.略52.A【解析】 52.略A解析】 58.【解析】 53.略54.A【解析】 54.略55.B【解析】 55.略56.C【解析】 56.略57.A【解析】 57.略略59.A【解析】略60.D【解析】略59.60.


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