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    1、八上英语集体备课教案unit715主备:王俏乔unit5 持案人_ 班级:_/_ 开始使用时间_红寺初中英语八年级组集体备课教案(Unit7)Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?Period 1改备记录学习目标:1. New vocabulary.2. Listening skill3. Speaking skill学习难点:Speaking practice.自学指导:1. to remember the words and phrases; 2. to train listening;3. to make conversations; 4.

    2、 to finish exercises;5. grammar 学习过程:Step 1 Greet the class and show studying aims. (3 minutes) Step 2 SB Page 41, 1a. (10 minutes)Look at the picture .What can you see?Point out the blank likes in the picture. Ask Ss to write the names of the actions .Choose the correct words.Ask Ss to fill in the

    3、blanks on their own.Check the answers and ask Ss to remember the key vocabulary.Step 3 SB Page 41, 1b. (8 minutes)Point out the actions in the picture and the list of actions in activity 1b.Play the recording twice and check the answers. Then ask Ss to remember 1b.Step 4 SB Page 41, 1c. (9 minutes)P

    4、oint out the instructions in activity 1b .Ask Ss to talk with a partner. Ask some pairs to check.A: How do you make a banana milk shake? B: peel the bananasStep 5 Exercises. (14 minutes)改备记录Ask students to do exercises and finish them in this class. The teacher goes around the classroom to check the

    5、 answer and help some students if necessary. Step 6 Summary and Homework (1 minute) This class weve learnt key vocabulary on page 41 and done listening practice. You learn how to make a banana milk shake for tomorrow. Your work will be well done. And also weve done an oral practice. Todays homework.

    6、 1. Remember the words.2. Make some more conversations.3. Preview the next page.板书设计:Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?vocabulary : A: How do you make a banana milk shake? blender , B: peel the bananasyogurt , turn on , cut up , peel , pour , put into改备记录Period 2学习目标:1. New vocabulary.2. Li

    7、stening skill.3. Speaking skill.4. Grammar.学习难点:Grammar.自学指导:1. to remember the words and phrases; 2. to train listening;3. to make conversations; 4. to finish exercises;5. grammar 学习过程:Step 1 Check the homework and show studying aims. (3 minutes) Ask two students to present their conversation about

    8、 how to make a banana salad.Step 2 SB Page 42, 2a . (5 minutes)Point out the two columns in the chart and read the headings .Say, Maria and Katie are talking about making fruit salad .Listen carefully .What do they need ?Write the names of the ingredients . Play the recording and check the answers.S

    9、tep 3 SB Page 42, 2b. (8 minutes)Say, now listen again .This time listen to the amount of each ingredient the girls talk about .Write the name of each ingredient next to the correct amount.Ask a student to read the amounts in the first column.Play the recording .Ss work .Check the answers.Step 4 SB

    10、Page 42 ,2c . (10 minutes)Read the instruction for the activity. Point to the sample conversation .Ask two students to read the questions and answers to the class. Have Ss work in pairs .Ask some pairs to present their conversations.Step 5 Grammar focus. (4 minutes)Review the grammar box .Ask Ss to

    11、say the questions and answers. Write the words countable and uncountable on the Bb. Ask one or two students to explain what these words mean. Call attention to the verb .Say, there are imperative sentences .Ask some students to say sentences like these.Step 6 Exercises. (14 minutes)改备记录Ask students

    12、to do exercises and finish them in this class. The teacher goes around the classroom to check the answer and help some students if necessary. Step 7 Summary and Homework (1 minute) This class weve learnt key vocabulary on page 42 and done listening practice. You learn how to make a banana milk shake

    13、 for tomorrow. Your work will be well done. Make a banana smoothie or fruit salad with your friends.Todays homework. 1. Remember the words.2. Make some more conversations.3. Preview the next page.板书设计:Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?ingredient ,cinnamon ,teaspoon ,amount ,watermelonA: How

    14、 do you make a banana milk shake? B: peel the bananasPeriod 3改备记录学习目标:1. New vocabulary.2. Reading skill.3. Speaking skill.学习难点:Grammar.自学指导:1. to remember the words and phrases; 2. to train reading;3. to make conversations; 4. to finish exercises;5. grammar 学习过程:Step 1 Check the homework and show s

    15、tudying aims. (3 minutes) Ask two students to present their conversation about how to make a banana salad.Step 2 SB Page 43 , 3a . (10 minutes)Point out the picture and ask Ss what the boy and girl are doing. Point to the four words at the beginning of the activity .Ask Ss to number the words to sho

    16、w the order.Read the conversation .Ask Ss to complete it. Check the answers. Ask Ss to read the conversation with their partner.Step 3 SB Page 42, 3b. (8 minutes)Point out the picture.Ask Ss to tell what is happening in each picture. Review the words: popcorn, popcorn popper, salt, and bowl. Ask a s

    17、tudent to read the directions in the box. Ask Ss to work with partner ,then ask one or two students to tell the class how to make popcorn .Step 4 SB Page 43, Part 4. (9 minutes)Ask Ss to work in teams of three. Read the instructions. Ask Ss to work in pairs .Then ask some pairs to present their ques

    18、tions and answers to the rest of the class.Step 5 Exercises. (14 minutes)Ask students to do exercises and finish them in this class. The teacher goes around the classroom to check the answer and help some students if necessary. Step 6 Summary and Homework (1 minute)This class weve learnt key vocabul

    19、ary on page 43 and done reading practice. You learn how to make a banana milk shake for tomorrow. Your work will be well done. Make a banana smoothie or 改备记录fruit salad with your friends. Todays homework. 1. Remember the words.2. Read 3a.3. Make some more conversations.4. Preview the next page.板书设计:

    20、Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?finally ,mix up,popcorn,popper,boil,salt,add toFirst Then Next FinallyPeriod 4改备记录学习目标:1. New vocabulary.2. Listening skill.3. Speaking skill.学习难点:Listening.自学指导:1. to remember the words and phrases; 2. to train listening;3. to make conversations; 4. to fin

    21、ish exercises;学习过程:Step 1 Check the homework and show studying aims. (3 minutes) Review how to make fruit salad .Ask Ss to answer. Say, lets make a sandwich.Ask Ss that what ingredients they need .Ask two students to say and write the ingredients on the Bb.Then ask how do you make your favorite sand

    22、wich?Ask one student to answer.Say, lets make it together.Step 2 SB Page 44, 1a and 1b. (7minutes)Point to the sandwich ingredients in the picture .Say each word and ask Ss to repeat it. Read the instructions and point to the lines where Ss write the things they like in a sandwich. Students work. Af

    23、ter that .Say, Now ask and answer .Point out the conversation in the box .Ask Ss to work with a partner .As Ss work, move around the room monitoring.Ask some pairs to say their conversations to the class.Step 3 SB Page 44, 2b. (5 minutes)2a. Read the instructions to the class .Point to the foods in

    24、activity 1a .Play the tape the first time .Ss only listen .Play the tape again .Ss circle the words in activity 1a .Check the answers.Step 4 SB Page 44, 1b. (5 minutes)2b. Listen carefully and write the ingredients on the correct lines in the chart .Check the answers.Step 3 SB Page 44 , 2c . (5 minu

    25、tes)Ss work in pairs .Ask several pairs to act out.Step 5 SB Page 43, Part 4. (5 minutes)Ask Ss to work in teams of three. Read the instructions. Ask Ss to work in pairs .Then ask some pairs to present their questions and answers to the rest of the class.Step 6 Exercises. (14 minutes)Ask students to

    26、 do exercises and finish them in this class. The teacher goes around the classroom to check the answer and help some students if necessary. 改备记录Step 7 Summary and Homework (1 minute)This class weve learnt key vocabulary on page 44 and done listening and speaking practice. You learn how to make a ban

    27、ana milk shake for tomorrow. Your work will be well done. Make a banana smoothie or fruit salad with your friends.Todays homework. 1. Remember the words.2. Read 3a.3. Make some more conversations.4. Preview the next page.板书设计:Unit 7 How do you make a banana milk shake?sandwich,bread,butter,relish,le

    28、ttuce,slice,super,turkeyA: Do you like lettuce in sandwiches? B: Yes, I do.A: Do you like tomatoes? B: No, I dont.Period 5改备记录学习目标:1. New vocabulary.2. Reading skill.3. Writing skill.4. Speaking skill.学习难点:Reading and writing.自学指导:1. to remember the words and phrases; 2. to train reading and writing

    29、;3. to make conversations; 4. to finish exercises.学习过程:Step 1 Check the homework and show studying aims. (3 minutes) Ask some students to say how to make the sandwiches they.Step 2 SB Page 45 , 3a (10minutes)Read the instructions to the class .Have a student to read the recipe to the class .Point to

    30、 the words vegetables, meat and others in the chart .Point to the example answer .Say, now read the recipe and write the ingredients under the correct words in the chart.Check the answers.Ask Ss to read it several times.Step 3 SB Page 45, 3b. (7 minutes)Read the instructions to the class.Read the re

    31、cipe to the class .Say “blank” each time when coming to a blank line.Say, Now write a word in each blank .Check the answers.Ask Ss to read it several times.Step 4 SB Page 45, 3c. (5 minutes)Read the instructions to the class.Then ask students to write their recipes .As students work ,move around the room offering assistance as needed .Ask students to read their recipes to a partner .Ask some students to read their recipes to the class .


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