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    1、A. while B. when C. after D. as6. I lost my way in complete darkness and, matters worse, it began to rain.A. made B. having made C. making D. to make7. I often have conversations with John over telephone, while keep in touch with Tom by_ letter.A. 不填;the B. 不填;a C. the;不填 D. the; a8. The most favori

    2、te room is the tidy study with a fireplace, we can watch TV and enjoy the nice scenery outside.A. where C. that D. which9. You dont seem to be quite yourself today. Whats wrong?Oh, Im suffering from a cold. Nothing serious,A. yet B. indeed C. though D. anyway10._lessons were not difficult.A. Our few

    3、 first short English B. Our first few short EnglishC. Our few first English shortD. Few our first English short11. Mr. Smith sold that magnificent cottage of his on the sea 2,000,000 dollars.A. at B. for C. to D. by12. Which one can I take?-You can take_ of them; Ill keep none.A. both B. any C. eith

    4、er D. all13. What a pity! He_ the only chance of success.A. threw away B. put down C. gave in D. broke off14. Come in, please. Make yourself at home.Im glad you like it.A. Thanks. You have a nice place here.B. Oh, this picture is so beautiful!C. Thanks. What nice food youve prepared!D OK. Let me loo

    5、k around your new house.15. _ time and labor, cartoonists generally draw the hands of their characters with only 3 fingers and a thumb.A. To save B. Saved C. Saving D. Having saved16. How much is the T-shirt _?65 dollars.A. worth B. cost C worthy D. paid 17. Glad to meet you._A. So do I. B. How are

    6、you?C. How do you do? D. The same to you.18. Can I drive on the free way, Mr. Green?You can when you_ a bit more skilled.A. will get B. are getting C. will have got D. get19. It is generally considered unwise to give a child_ he or she wants.A. however B. whatever C. whichever D. whenever20. For man

    7、y Beijingers, dreams of living in _ green area are becoming_ reality.A. a; a B. the; the C. 不填; D. 不填;a21. My money _ . I must go to the bank to draw some of my savings out before Ive none in hand.A. has run out B. is running outC. has been run out D. is being run out22. For quite_ students, their t

    8、eachers advice is more important than_ of their parents.A. few ; one B. a few; thatC. a little ; some D. a lot; many23. _ entered the office when he realized that he had forgotten his report.A. He hardly had B. Had he hardlyC. Hardly had he D. Hardly he had24. On the long journey, Peter _ a most int

    9、eresting guide. We all had a wonderful time.A. practiced B. behaved C. proved D. conducted25. -Do you live_ near Jim?-No, he lives in another part of the town.A. somewhere B. nowhere C. anywhere D. everywhere26. This photo of mine was taken_ stood the famous high tower.A. which B. in which C. where

    10、D. there27. Some of the suspects(嫌疑犯) refused to answer and kept their mouths shut.A. questioning B. being questionedC. questioned D. to be questionedHe had little idea that it was getting so late, _ ?A. didnt he B. wasnt it C. did he D. was it29. Peter wont drive us to the station. He has_ to take

    11、us all.A. a very small car B. too small a carC. a too small car D. such a small car30. You_ television. Why not do something more active?A. always watchC. have always watched D. have always been watchi31. You must be excited about going to Japan for schooling._ , but Im afraid I cant do well because

    12、 Japanese is poor.A. Never mind B. Well, I ought toC. I dont know yet D. Certainly not32. What do you think of your nephew?He_ be very naughty but at the same time you poor.A. will ; will B. won cantC. may ; may D. can;t33. Exercise is_ as any other to lose unwanted weight.A. so useful a way B. as a

    13、 useful wayC. as useful a way D. such a useful way34. _ you_ the editor at the airport?No, he_ away before my arrival.A. Have. met; has driven B. Had. met; was drivenC. Did. meet; had been driven D. Have. met; had driven35. Why didnt you answer my phone when I phoned you at about 11 p. m. yesterday?

    14、I _and failed to hear the phone.A. might have slept B. must be sleepingC. might be sleeping D. must have been sleeping36. His parents meant him_ scientific research, but he showed no interest and turned poet.A. going in for B. to have gone in forC. to go in for D. having gone in for37. What would yo

    15、u wish to do if you were a college student again?Thats very hard to say, but I wish I when I was a college student.A. has not studied biology B. did study biologyC. had studied biology D. studied biology38. He_ when the bus came to a sudden stop.A. was almost hurt B. was to hurt himselfC. was hurt h

    16、imself D. was hurting himself39. with the size of the whole earth, the highest mountain doesnt seem high at all.A. When compared B. To compareC. While comparing D. It compared40. If you want to see a doctor, fix the date with him ahead of time. This is a common _ in the USA.A. habit B. law C. rule D

    17、. custom41. Nothing_ after the terrible fire which had been caused by someone smoking in bed.A. left B. was remained C. remained D. continued42. Although motor car has been with us for almost a century, I have never been able to drive _American one.A. the ; an C. a; D. the ; the43. It was not a good

    18、 idea to go skating. You _your leg.A. can break B. could breakC. could have broken D. could have been broken44. What were you doing when she dropped in?I for a while and_ some reading.A. was playing; was going to do B. played; didC. had played; D. had played;45. The queen will visit the town in May,

    19、 she will open the new hospital.A. when B. then C. while D. but46. _good, the food was soon sold out.A. Tasted B. Being tasted C. Tasting D. Having tasted47. I feel silly in these clothes. Everyone will_ me.A. worry about B. make fun of C. get rid of D. take interest in48. How did you find your visi

    20、t to the museum, Jane?A. Oh, wonderful, indeed B. By taking a number 3 busC. I went there alone D. A classmate of mine showed me the way49. Up to Tuesdays attack, the worst school shooting in the U. S. was in March 1998 in Jonesboro, two boys, aged 11 and 13, shot and killed a teacher and four girls

    21、. B. where C. when D. then50. When I tried to find _that prevented so many people from taking part in the program, it seemed to me that there were two main reasons.A. why it did B. that it did C. what it was D. why it was51. I tried hard to get some information about the new technology out of his mo

    22、uth, but he remained_.A. quiet B. secret C. silent D. calm52. Why ! Wheres my passport? Maybe I left it on the plane.-My Goodness ! You _ things behind.A. had never left B. didnt leave C. never left53. Show me your permit, please.Oh, its not in my pocket. ItA. might fall out B. could fall outC. shou

    23、ld have fallen out D. must have fallen out54. Id like to have some lunch but I have to stay here doing my work._ what you want and I can get it for you.A. To tell meB. Telling me C. If you tell me D. Tell me55. Who Moved My Cheese?, _ is a best-selling book, is written by Spencer Johnson. B. that C. it D. what56. Our holiday cost a lot of money.Did it? Well ,that doesnt matter_ you enjoyed yourselves.A. unless B. in case C. as far as D. as long as57. ONeal works hard. He is often seen _ heavily be


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