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    第一讲 名词性从句在雅思写作中的作用.docx

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    第一讲 名词性从句在雅思写作中的作用.docx

    1、第一讲 名词性从句在雅思写作中的作用第一讲 名词性从句在雅思写作中的使用(一)主语从句That + 句子=名词 (可以做主语)That education is vital in modern society is clear. That media play is indispensable role is well-known.It +谓语+that. (形式主语从句)It is clear that education is vital in modern society.It is well-known that media play is indispensable role.1 I

    2、ts a fact that.事实上 In fact, in effect, in reality, as a matter of fact, actually, practically, in practice2 Its strange that 说来也怪3 Its no wonder why.也难怪4 It seems that似乎It seems certain that., seemingly, superficially 5 Its said that据说6 Its reported that 据报道 7 be proportional to与成正比 family violence家

    3、庭暴力8 有人认为Its believed that. It is thought that9 众所周知Its universally-accepted thatIt is known to all thatIt is well-known thatAs we all knowAs is well-knownAs is known to allAs is widely-acceptedAs is universally-known10 Its announced that据称11 Its estimated that 估计estimate at 估计(价格) estimate for 为 进行

    4、估价12必须承认It must be admitted thatIt should be admitted thatIt is acknowledged thatAdmittedly It is an undeniable fact that13很明显 Its obvious / clear / evident / apparent / self-evident / manifest / as clear as crystal不言而喻that obviously / clearly / evidently / manifestly / apparently / crystal-clear to

    5、 be clearto be obviousto be apparentto be evidentto be manifest14 It can safely be said that想必我这样说大家不会反对吧15 It makes no difference whether是否都一样16普遍认为Its generally recognized thatIt is commonly found that17必须着重指出It must be stressed out thatIt should be stressed out thatIt must be emphasized thatIt sh

    6、ould be emphasized that.It must be pointed out thatIt should be pointed out that18 It has been proved that业已证明19 It cant be denied that无可否认Undeniably无可否认20 It goes without saying that毋庸置疑 21 It can be foreseen/predicted 可以预见22 It should be noted that 必须得关注23 It always the case that通常(二)宾语从句 (在议论文中提出

    7、观点)1 think 2 believe3 do believe 确信4 do strongly believe5 sb. be convinced that 确信.6 be fully convinced that7 contend 认为8 insist 认为,坚持9 maintain10 claim 宣称11 assert12 argue13 suppose14 deem 坚持认为15 hold 认为在图表作文中应用的词:1 show 展示2 present3 depict4 demonstrate5 illustrate(三)表语从句1 one advantage of somethin

    8、g is that .的好处主要在于.2 one disadvantage of something is that 的弊端主要在于.3 one cause of something is that .的一个原因在于.4列举原因的1.2.3.One reason of sth. is that.Another factor to be considered is that.The last element is that.5解决措施的1.2.3.One possible solution is that.Another measure to be taken is that.The last

    9、action we should take is that.6首先,此外和最后The first thing I want to mention here is that. Another point I want to present here is that.The last thing I want to outline is that. 首先First of all / Initially / First / Firstly / To begin with / To start with / First and foremost / In the first place / The f

    10、irst thing to be mentioned is that7 That is why. 的原因在于8 why.is that. 之所以会在于.9 A hot topic discussed is whether. 正在讨论的热点话题是.10 A debate is whether. 由此引发的一个辩论就是.11 A对于B来说就如C对于D.A is to B what C is to D.A is to B as C is to D.(四)同位语从句(that+完整句子)1I have a dream that one day, all roads will be made plain

    11、.2 Miracle lies in a fact that the more we give, the more we gave.3 We hold this truth to be self-evident that all men are created equal.例句1许多人相信科技的最大弊端就是它可能会带来一些难以想象的消极影响。Many people believe that the biggest disadvantage of technology is that it may give rise to some unimaginable negative influence

    12、s.2 计算机会使人们丧失想象和创造力这一事实使我相信其是祸而非福。The fact that computers deprive people of their imagination and creativity makes me believe that they are a curse rather than a blessing.3 毫无疑问互联网的快速发展使得许多人相信它是万能良药然而情况并非总是如此。It goes without saying that the boom of the Internet makes many people believe that it is c

    13、ure-all solution. However, it is not always the case.4 无可否认博物馆可以扮演一个教育的作用,因为它给公众提供一个好的机会去研究他们国家的历史和传统。It can not be denied that museums can play an educational role for the simple reason that they provide the public with the golden opportunity to study their countries history and tradition.5许多人没能够意识

    14、到这样一个重要的事实语言的多样性将会极大的推动文化的发展。Many people fail to take into account the vital fact that the diversity of languages will enhance the cultural development and that is why so many languages are on a verge of extinction.be on a verge of . 处于的境界6 我确信幸福取决于许多不同的因素。 I am fully convinced that happiness lies i

    15、n /depends on many different factors.7 众所周知,竞争和合作是当代社会的一个热点话题。It is well-known that competition and cooperation is a hot topic in modern society.8我确信国际旅游业带来更多的好处。I am fully convinced that the international tourism brings about more benefits.(五)定语从句who(主 宾) whom(宾) which(主 宾) that(主 宾)= who + which w

    16、hose 的 以上5个关系代词+完整或不完整句子where when why 3个关系副词+完整句as while然而例句1 那些在外国学习的孩子将会有机会去体验一种完全不同的文化。Those children who study abroad will be blessed with an opportunity to experience a totally different culture.be blessed with. 被赐予. 2通过互联网,学生可以学到很多有用和启发性的知识。Through the Internet, students can acquire a great d

    17、eal of knowledge which/that is useful and thought-provoking.3网络是一种有效的拓展孩子知识面的工具。The Internet is a tool which/that can expand childrens horizon of knowledge.4那些被父母鼓励去从事兼职工作的孩子会拥有更多的自信。Those children whom parents encourage to take part-time jobs will possess more confidence.5那些国际力量薄弱的国家将在国际事务中没有发言权。Th

    18、ose nations whose national defense is weak will have no right to speak in the international affairs.Which的使用1 Youngsters have to possess dreams, which are important.此句中which指代dreams所以用areYoungsters have to possess dreams, which is important.此句中which指代前半句话所以用is2 The diversity of languages is vital, w

    19、hich is the mirror of the cultural diversity.3 Advertisements help to build a fairer market, which contributes directly to the economic development.As. ,+完整句子As 引导的非限制性定语124 综上所述1 As has been said2 As has been mentioned3 As has been presented4 As has been outlined5 As has been remarked6 As has been

    20、discussed7 As has been said above8 As has been mentioned above9 As has been presented above10 As has been outlined above11 As has been remarked above12 As has been discussed above13 As has been said previously14 As has been mentioned previously15 As has been presented previously16 As has been outlin

    21、ed previously17 As has been remarked previously18 As has been discussed previously19 Based on the above factors,20 Based on the factors above,21 Based on the factors I have outlined,22 Based on the factors I have presented,23 Based on the factors I have mentioned,24 Based on the factors I have illustrated,


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