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    1、英语外研版小学六年级上册期末试题外研版三年级起点六年级上册期末英语检测试题等级第一部分 听力能力检测一、 听句子,选出你所听到的单词。( ) 1. Ive got a book about the _. A. word B. world C. China( ) 2. Chopsticks are _ for me. A. difficult B. easy C. lucky( ) 3. Pandas are very _. A. lucky B. luck C. luckily( ) 4. New York has got about eight _ people. A. thousand B

    2、. hundred C. million( ) 5. Youre _ your room. A. clean B. cleaning C. cleans二、 听录音,给下列图片排序。 ( ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( )三、 听录音,给下列句子排序。( ) A. Look at all the flags.( ) B. Daming has got a good camera.( ) C. Pandas eat for twelve hours a day.( ) D. Do you often clean your room?( ) E. They think the flute is d

    3、angerous.四、 听录音,判断下列句子是()否()正确。( ) 1. Collecting dolls is my hobby.( ) 2. Chinese isnt easy to learn.( ) 3. Ive got a knife and fork.( ) 4. After Thanksgiving dinner, we watch a big football game.( ) 5. The snake can use its body to dance.五、 听句子,选择适当的答语。( ) 1. A. Lucky pandas. B. Yes, please.( ) 2.

    4、A. Yes, of course. B. Pleased to meet you!( ) 3. A. No, I dont. B. Yes, I have.( ) 4. A. To the library. B. A book and a CD.( ) 5. A. Its a present from my cousin. B. No, it isnt.六、 Laura给Daming的朋友Sam和Amy写了一封信,想成为他们俩的笔友。将你所听到的单词填在对应的横线上,完成这封信吧。Dear Sam and Amy,I am Damings friend and I want to be yo

    5、ur friend too. I _ in New York, but I am not _. I am from London in the UK. So we are all British. Do you like China? I want to visit China next year. Daming has got a _ dragon kite and we often fly it in the park. Its difficult for me. Have you got a book about the US? I can _ you one. Please write

    6、 to me and we can be pen friends. Daming _ he will write to me soon.Best,Laura第二部分 基础知识运用一、词汇达人。A) 单词归类。请把方框内的单词按照下面分类,抄写到相应横线上。 chopsticks, stopped, swimming, Chinese, flute, interesting 1. Japanese American _ 2. knife fork _3. cleaned took _ 4. fantastic difficult _5. collecting running _ 6. trump

    7、et, piano _B)选择恰当的词语,把对应的序号填写在下列句子当中。A.collecting B.around C.frightened D.rules7. There are flags from all _ the world.8. So the snake gets _.9. _ stamps is my hobby.10. Look at the library _.C)读一读,选择方框中单词的适当形式补充完整下列句子。 collectingcollect 11._ stamps is my hobby.12. I like to _ dolls. to dancedancing

    8、 13. The snake can use its body _.14. Theres Chinese _ in New York. lucklucky 15. Pandas eat for 12 hours a day. They are very _.二、选择合适的词语填空。( ) 1. I _ got any kites. A. dont B. havent C. hasnt( ) 2. Do you _ stamps? A .collect B. collecting C. make( ) 3. Playing football _ my hobby. A. is B. am C.

    9、are ( ) 4. I have three stamps, one is from Canada, one is from America, _ is from China. A. the B. a C. another( ) 5. These are some stamps _ Canada. A. of B. from C. at ( ) 6. He likes_A. read newspaper B. reads newspaper C. reading newspaper( ) 7. Can I write her ? A. to B. in C. on( ) 8. You can

    10、 write English. A. in B. by C. on( ) 9.You can be my pen friend. A. China B. American C. America( ) 10. quiet. Its time for class. A. Be B. Been C./第三部分 阅读能力考查(A)Sam has got lots of stamps. Collecting stamps is his hobby. These are some stamps from Canada. They are famous men and women. And he has g

    11、ot some Chinese stamps, too. And some stamps are from Damings letters.阅读下列短文,判断正(T)误(F)( ) 1 Collecting dolls is Sams hobby.( ) 2 Hes got some Canadian stamps.( ) 3 He hasnt got any Chinese stamps.( ) 4 Some stamps are from Demings letters .( ) 5 Daming is a famous man. (B)The first Dragon Boat Fest

    12、ival was held(举行)in Hunan. Every year, people always have a dragon boat match. The dragon boat is quite long. There are pictures of dragons on each side. The front of the boat is like the head of a dragon. Each team(队)of the match has twenty members. Beside them there is a man on the boat. He beats

    13、a drum(敲鼓). Its an exciting match, especially(特别是)when they are getting the end. The audience(观众)beside the lake shout for their favourite teams. From this match, we have the name of the festival-Dragon Boat Festival.This special(特殊的)festival has another(另一个)name-Duanwu Festival. It has a story. The

    14、 story is about a poet called Qu Yuan.阅读下列短文,将正确答案填入题前括号中。( ) 1. Whats the name of this festival? Its called _ A. Chinese New Year B. the Mid-Autumn Festival C. Dragon Boat Festival D. Halloween( ) 2. The name of the Dragon Boat Festival comes from _ .A. the dragon boat match in Henan B. the dragon

    15、boat match in HunanC. the boat like a dragon in Sichuan D. the dragon flying in the sky( ) 3. In the match, there is always a man on the boat to .A. shout for them B. help them boatC. carry a dragon for them D. beat a drum for them( ) 4. The story of Duanwu Festival is about . A. a poet called Qu Yu

    16、an B. a poet called Li Bai C. a poet called Du Fu D. a poet called Bai Juyi( ) 5. On that day, people eat . A. pumpkins B. moon cakes C. rice dumplings D. candies第四部分 书面表达展示一、连词成句,并将答案工整地誊在下方的四线三字格内。1. youtowantphotosdoseemy?2. interestingDVDanwhat! 3. isfestivalThanksgivingfavouritemy.4. yougotabookthe UShaveabout?5. givesDamingpresentaGrandma.二、 小作文练笔。每个人都有自己的兴趣和爱好,写一写你自己的兴趣和爱好吧!要求:语句通顺,语法正确,标点正确,书写规范。参考词汇:swimming/running/collecting stamps/flying kites/watching TV watching films/playing computer games/reading stories My hobby


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