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    1、学年度初二上学期月考英语试题2012-2013学年度初二上学期月考英语试题Unit 1 Topic 1Unit 1 Topic 3(考试时间:90分钟, 满分:100分)第一部分 听力(15分). 听句子,选择正确答语。每个句子读一遍。(5分) ( ) 1. A. Yes, I will. B. Yes, I am. C. Very good.( ) 2. A. Thank you. B. Yes, I will. C.I must win.( ) 3. A. He is good. B. He is friendly. C.I think so.( ) 4. A. You must come

    2、. B. What a shame! C.I hope you come.( ) 5. A. Twice a week. B. For a long time. C. No, I dont. 听对话,选择正确图片。每组对话读两遍。(5分)( )6. ( )7.( )8.( )9.( )10. 听对话及问题,选择正确答案。每组对话及问题读两遍。(5分)( ) 11. A. Class One. B. Class Two. C. Class Three.( ) 12. A. A teacher. B. A doctor. C. A nurse.( ) 13. A. Tom. B. Maria. C

    3、. Tom and Maria.( ) 14. A. No, he doesnt. B. Yes, he does.C. No, he doesnt, but Wang Junfeng does.( ) 15. A. Honey. B. Candy. C. Chocolate.第二部分 英语知识运用(45分)、单项选择题 (15分)( ) 16. What _ Li Jun _ when he grows up? He is going to be a doctor. A. is; / B. is; going to be C. did; do D. does; do( ) 17. My da

    4、ughter is going to be a teacher when she _.A. grow B. grew C. grows up D. grew up( ) 18. Is there going to _ a parents meeting this Sunday? I hope not.A. has B. have C. be D. are( ) 19. One of my best friends _ playing computer games on Sunday. A. likes B. liked C. to like D. like( ) 20. We are goin

    5、g to have a tennis game against Class Five. Would you like to come and _? Yes, Id like to. A. cheer us on B. cheer we on C. cheer on us D. cheer on we( ) 21. I cant watch TV until I finish _ my homework. A. to do B. doing C. does D. did( ) 22. Would you mind not _ here? Of course not. A. park B. par

    6、ks C. parking D. to park ( ) 23. He is late for school again. His teacher is _ him. A. sorry for B. glad to C. angry with D. busy with ( ) 24. My sister cant swim and I cant, _. A. also B. too C. as well D. either ( ) 25. He _ ill yesterday. I hope hell be well soon. A. fall B. falls C. fell D. feel

    7、 ( ) 26. The movie was so _ and I felt very _. A. exciting; excited B. excited; exciting C. excited; excited D. exciting; exciting ( ) 27. Im really sorry for losing you book. _.A. Never mind B. Youre welcome C. Certainly not D. No problem ( ) 28. When _ we meet? Lets make it half past nine.A. did B

    8、. shall C. do D. need ( ) 29. Its my first time _ Beijing. A. going to B. to go C. to go to D. went to ( ) 30. Uncle John is _ for London next week. A. leave B. leaves C. to leave D. leaving、完形填空 (10分) Yoga (瑜伽) is a kind of sport. It is very _31_ around the world now. Everyone can do yoga. Its good

    9、 _32_ both men and women. Why do more and more people _33_ yoga? Its hard to say. The short answer(回答) is that yoga helps you _34_ fit. For many people, this answer is enough,_35_ theres more if you have an interest in it. Yoga _36_ in India about 5000 years ago. At that time, people wanted to befre

    10、e, _37_ and live a long life, so this kind of exercise was born. Yoga is aSanskrit (梵语) word and it _38_ “ to join together”. There are _39_ parts inyoga: exercise, breathing and thinking. If you do _40_ in yoga, it can give youpeace (平静) and help you feel less stressed (更少的压力).( ) 31. A: easy B. im

    11、portant C. popular D. interesting( ) 32. A. in B. for C. with D. at( ) 33. A. join in B. join C. took part in D. in( ) 34. A. take B. make C. turn D. keep ( ) 35. A. so B. but C. or D. because( ) 36. A. begin B. begins C. began D. beginning( ) 37. A. healthy B. warm C. busy D. useful( ) 38. A. shows

    12、 B. means C. plans D. brings( ) 39. A. many B. two C. few D. three( ) 40. A. good B. well C. badly D. bad、阅读理解(共20分,每小题2分)( A) Many people have fun doing sports and games. But do you know that you canwin scholarship (奖学金) to colleges by doing your favorite sports? Thats right. At the 15th Tulip (郁金香

    13、) Time Scholarship Games on October 13th, 2007, lots ofkid (12 and under) will get together on Apple Farm to compete (竞争) forscholarship to colleges and to enjoy themselves. On that day, there will be running, basketball, tennis, soccer, golf, swimming and other sports. All winners will get scholars

    14、hips to college. So start practicing your favorite events for Tulip Time 2007, and remember the information in the poster.Tulip Time 2007When: Saturday, October 13th, 2007Where: Apple Farm,4568 West 32th StreetWho: kids aged twelve and under For more information please visit our website at www. Appl

    15、efarm. org, sendan e-mail to applefarm2007, or call us at 6378-4125.根据材料内容,选择正确答案。( ) 41. Tulip Time 2007 will be on _. A. Sunday, October 13th, 2007 B. Saturday, October 13th, 2007 C. Friday, October 12th, 2007 C. Sunday, October 14th, 2007( ) 42. There will be _ at Tulip Time 2007. A. a singing co

    16、mpetition B. an oral English competition C. races and ball games D. exams to colleges( ) 43. The winners will get _ at Tulip Time 2007. A. scholarships B. gold medals C. tulips D. apples( ) 44. Who cant take part in the activity? A. Jane, 8 years old. B. Sandy, 11 years old C. Ben, 10 years old D. P

    17、eter, 14 years old( ) 45. If Tom wants to know more about Tulip Time 2007, he can _.A. call 6387-4568B. send an e-mail to applefarmC. visit the website at www. Applefarm. orgD. go to Apple Farm on West Street( B ) Baseball is a popular sport in the U.S.A. In summer, there is often a baseball game. E

    18、ach team has 9 players. The baseball season goes from April to September. During this time, baseball games on the TV and member (成员) of the important baseball teams become (成为) American heroes (英雄). At the end of the season, the two best teams play against each other. Many baseball fans go to watch

    19、the game. Others listen to the radio (收音机) and watch TV. People often talk about the result (结果) and the player. American football is perhaps the most popular sport in the U.S.A. The football season begins when the baseball season ends. A lot of people enjoy it.根据短文内容,选择正确答案。( ) 46. _ may be the mos

    20、t popular sport in the U.S.A. A. Baseball B. Soccer C. American football D. Volleyball( ) 47. There will be _ players in a baseball team. A. 9 B. 18 C. 10 D. 16( ) 48. Which of the following is TRUE?A. American always become heroes in September.B. Some baseball players become famous during the game

    21、timeC. Americans enjoy baseball most.D. It seems that people have no interest in sports.( ) 49. The baseball fans can enjoy (欣赏) the game by _. A. watching the game B. listening to the radio C. watching TV D. all the above (以上)( ) 50. The football season begins _. A. in spring B. in summer C. in aut

    22、umn D. in winter第三部分 词汇与写作(40分).情景交际。(5分)选择方框中的句子完成对话。 A: Hi, Tom. You look so worried. _51_. B: We are going to have a basketball game against Class Two. But Jack fell ill. He cant take part in it. A: I am sorry to hear that. B: David, _52_. A: Sure. What is it? B: _53_. A: Id be glad to. But Im no

    23、t good at playing basketball. B: It doesnt matter. Im sure you can do it well. A: I will do my best. _54_. B: Of course not. _55_. A: OK. Thank you very much. See you later. A: See you.A. Would you mind teaching me?B. could you please do me a favor?C. Whats wrong with you?D. Will you join us?E. Lets

    24、 practice it together after school.51._ 52._ 53._ 54._ 55. _、词汇运用(共10分,每小题1分)(A) 根据句意和首字母提示,完成句子。56. Everyone knows her because she is very f_.57. She is good at playing baseball and plays p_ well.58. Which kind of f_ do you prefer, apples or oranges?59. What are you going to be in the f_? I am goin

    25、g to be a doctor. 60. She was a c_ girl, she made mistakes in the exam yesterday. ( B) 用所给单词的适当形式填空。61. How many _ (score) did he get in the basketball game?62. Mike prefers _ (skate) very much, but I like swimming.63. National Day is _ (come). We are going to visit Beijing.64. They are sure _ (win)

    26、 next time.65. Li Mei will take part in the _ (girl) 400-meter race tomorrow. 、句型转换 (共5分,每小题1分)66. Im going to skate this afternoon. (对画线部分提问)_ _ you going to _ this afternoon?67. He is going to be a basketball player. (改为否定句)He _ going to _ a basketball player.68. He plays basketball very well. (改为

    27、同义句)He _ _ _ _ basketball.69. Hell take part in the sports meet next week. (改一般疑问句并否定回答)_ _ take part in the sports meet next week?No, _ _.70. Chen Lin will take part in the long jump. (同义句转换)Chen Lin will _ _ the long jump.、遣词造句 (共10分,每小题2分)71. Jane, climb, tomorrow. _. 72. spend, an hour, homework _.73. exercise, be good for _.74. mind, open _.75. Ann, do well in _.、书面表达 (10分)假设你是Sally, 上周参加了学校举行的运动会,根据表格内容,以日记的形式描述当时运动会的情况,并且表达自己的感想。词数在70个左右。比赛时间周日比赛地点学校操场比赛结果1. John在男子1500米赛跑中第一个冲过终点,获得第一名2. Lisa在跳高比赛中表现不好3. Sally参加了女子200米赛跑,赢得第一名;4. Sally的班级获得第一名。 要求:1. 语言通顺,流畅 2. 用以上所个全部信息,可适当添加内容。 _


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