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    1、秋新目标初中英语八年级英语下Unit8单元检测卷含答案2017年秋新目标初中英语八年级英语下Unit8单元检测卷含答案Unit 8 Have you read Treasure Island yet?单元检测卷一、听力测试。(一)听句子,选择与句子意思相符的图片。有一项是多余的。句子读一遍。A B CD E F1 2 3 4. 5 (二)听五组对话和问题,选择符合每个问题的正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。( )1AOne year ago BTwo years ago CThree years ago( )2ARock music BCountry music CPop music( )3A8

    2、0 pages B120 pages C200 pages( )4AThey are exciting BThey are interesting CThey are boring( )5ASome books BA few CDs CSchool things(三)听长对话,根据对话内容选择符合每个问题的正确答案。对话读三遍。( )1Jack has reading lessons every week Atwo Bthree Cfour( )2What does Jack usually read? AFamous works for children BFamous literature

    3、 works CFamous books about nature( )3What is Jack reading now? ASome stories by Lu Xun BSome stories by Jack London CSome stories by OHenry( )4OHenry is a Ashort story writer Bshort story teller Clong story writer( )5When was OHenry born? AIn June 1862 BIn September 1862 CIn June 1910(四)听短文,填写单词。每空不

    4、超过三个单词。短文读三遍。NameSteven HomJobA famous 1 FromBritainWhen he was 12,he had his band with 2 at schoolWhen he was 3 ,he went abroad to study musicMain experiencesThe band Magic Maker mainly plays 4 They have sold over 50 5 二、单项选择。( )1-Have you done most of your jobs? -Not I will do them in a minute Ane

    5、ither Bnever Calready Dyet( )2We have listened to many songs the Beatles Aat Bby Cfor Dwith( )3-Look!A book is on the floorWhose is it? -It be RicksIt has his name on it Amustnt Bcant Cmust Dneed( )4-Why dont you read todays newspaper? -Because theres in it Anothing interesting Banything interesting

    6、 Cinteresting Something Dinteresting anything( )5-How happy your grandparents are! -Yes,they for fifty years Ahave been married Bhave married Chave got married Dmarried( )6In our school library there a number of books on science,and in these years the number of them growing larger and larger Aare;is

    7、 Bis;are Chave;are Dhas;is( )7Over fifty countries the AIIB(亚投行)so far Ajoined Bwas joining Chad joined Dhave joined( )8As high school students,we should learn how problems in our study and life Asolve Bsolving Csolves Dto solve( )9-Would you like shopping with us? -Id like toBut Im busy my homework

    8、 Ato go;to do Bgoing;to do Cto go;doing Dgoing;doing( )10-Ive come to see -Very wellThank you Ahow are you going on with your work Bhow you are going on with your work Cwhere are you going on with your work Dwhere you are going on with your work三、完形填空。 Billys favorite color was orangeBut he couldnt

    9、see what orange looked like A month after he was born,his mother noticed that his eyes werent as 1 as a normal babys “Billy would 2 be able to seeHe is blind,”the doctor saidEven so,with the hope to help Billy learn 3 about the world around him,his mother kept describing everything she saw for him N

    10、ot just through his mothers words,Billy saw 4 his ears and hands,tooHe had perfect hearing“In fact,he 5 see many things that normal people dont notice” 6 Billy lived in the dark,he always believed a dream would light up his lifeHe found that he was 7 in computer scienceSo he began learning it at sev

    11、en years oldAs a young boy,he 8 going to Stanford University some dayAnd for years of efforts,he finally achieved his dream Many people wanted to find out the secret of his 9 Billy explained,“Just move forward!Dont let any difficulty 10 your dream from coming true” You cannot choose what you are giv

    12、en,but you can choose how you make use of it( )1Abig Bbigger Cbiggest Dthe biggest( )2Ano Boften Cnever Dusually( )3Aall Bnone Cneither Dboth( )4Abetween Bwithout Camong Dwith( )5Aneed Bcan Cmust Dshould( )6AOr BIf CAlthough DBefore( )7Abored Bworried Ckind Dinterested( )8Alooked through Blooked for

    13、 Clooked forward to Dlooked up( )9Asuccess Bsmile Ctrouble Deyes( )10Awake Bprevent Cleave Dthrow(A)One of my friends Fred did very little work when he was a studentHe spent more time drinking in bars than working in the libraryOnce,we had to take an important examThe exam had a hundred questions.To

    14、 each question,we had to Write“Rightor“Wrong”The night before the exam,Fred was watching TV and drinkingHe usually worried a lot the night before the examBut on that night he looked quite relaxedHe told me what he would doIts very easy,”he said to me“There are a hundred questions and I have to get f

    15、ifty right answers to pass the examIll bring a coin with me and throw it to decide answersIm sure Ill get half the questions right in this way”During the exam,Fred sat down and really threw the coin for half an hour when he was writing down his answersThen he left half an hour before the othersThe n

    16、ext day he saw the teacher on the playground“Good morning,MrWu,”he said“Have you checked the papers?Have I passed?”The teacher looked at him and smiled,“Ah,its you,Fred.On moment,please”Then he put his hand into his pocket and took out a coinHe threw it into the air,caught it it in his hand and look

    17、ed at it,“Im very sorry,FredYou failed”( )1.Fred spent much time Aworking in the library Bdrinking in bars Cstudying at home Ddoing papers( )2.On that night before the important exam,Fred was very quiet because Ahe knew the answers Bthe exam would be very easy Cthe teacher would give him good grades

    18、 Dhe would choose the answers by chance( )3.Which statement is TRUE according to the passage? AThe coin didnt bring good luck to Fred BThe coin brought Fred good luck CFred was a very good student DFred was a very clever student(B) Carlton Joseph is a fashion designer(服装设计师),but not just any fashion

    19、 designerHe appears on television,he writes books,and he owns his own fashion houseBorn in 1980,Carlton started designing clothes when he was elevenHis father owned a clothes store,and Carlton used to work there at the weekendThen he did a design course at college When he was 21,someone suggested do

    20、ing a TV programHe made his first show“Carltons in 2004,and he wrote his first book in the same yearSince then he has written four moreCarlton got married to TV producer Susan Mills in 2005There months ago,Carlton started his new companyHe called it“Design:Carlton”At work Carlton always wears black

    21、trousers and a black coat,but at home,or when he goes out,he wears clothes with bright colors(red,blue and yellow)He is especially crazy about new glasses;he buys a new pair every few weeks“I like to look different every day,”he says Carlton started wearing glasses when he was twelveHe dyed(给染色)his

    22、hair red when he was 18.It is till red,and this year,for the first time,he has grown a beard“My wife likes it;thats whyis his explanationBut his beard is black!( )1.How old was Carlton when he wrote his first book? A11 B21 C24 D25( )5What does the underlined word“it”refer to? ACarltons hair BCarlton

    23、s beard CCarltons coat DCarltons company( )6What is the main idea of Paragraph 5 ? ACarlton likes to look different BCarlton is a hardworking person CCarlton is crazy about new glasses DCarlton loves wearing colorful clothes( )7Which of the following is true according to the passage? ACarlton is jus

    24、t a common fashion designer BCarlton started his new fashion company in 2005 CCarlton made his first show after he got married to Susan DCarlton got some design experience before going to college五、词汇运用。(A)根据句意和汉语提示填写单词。1Why did they move (朝;向)the beach?2MrGreen (介绍)Chinese literature to Western coun

    25、tries 100 years ago3We can hear her (笑声)50 meters away4People will remember the great musician (永远)5All of them like (摇滚乐)when they were in high school(B)选择方框内的短语填空。有的要用其适当的形式。one another science fiction be full of belong to hurry up6The box applesYou can eat some7There is little time leftWe should

    26、8 is her favorite kind of books and cartoons are her favorite films9We Chinese believe firmly that the Diaoyu Islands China10People in trouble helped and at last they went out of the desert safely六、按要求改写句子,每空一词,含缩写词。1Helen has already washed her clothes(改为否定句) Helen washed her clothes 2The children

    27、have visited the bookstore(改为一般疑问句并作肯定回答) the children the bookstore?Yes, 3They listened to soft music because it was relaxing(对画线部分提问) they listen to soft music?4David couldnlt decide which bag he should choose(改为简单句) David couldnt decide which bag 5They had a fantastic concert last week(用next week

    28、改写句子) They a fantastic concert next week七、书面表达。根据下面的英文提示,适当拓展,写一篇70词左右的短文,介绍你喜欢的书籍或音乐。What kind of booksmusic do you like?Why?Brief introduction about the bookmusicWhat do you know about the writersinger?Have you met himher? .My favorite bookmusic My favorite bookmusic is 参考答案(一)听句子,选择与句子意思相符的图片,有一项

    29、是多余的。句1. My favorite storybook is Oliver Twist.2. I have already read Robinson Crusoe twice.3. Tom Sawyer is still loved by children all over the world.4. Nancy has played the guitar for five years.5. Mr. Hand started to f)lay the piano twenty years ago.(二)听五组对话和问题,选择符合每个问题的正确答案。每组对话和问题读两遍。1. W:Hell

    30、o,Nick. Have you ever read A Tale of Two Cities? M:Yes, I read it three years ago. Q:When did Nick read A Tale of Two Cities?2. M:Do you like rock music, Sally? W:No,I dont. I like country music. Q:What kind of music does Sally like?3. W: Have you finished reading the book,Eric? M:Sorry,I havent. I have only read 120 pages, There are 80pages I need to read. Q:How many pages are there in the book?4. M:Did you listen to the songs of the singer,Linda? W: Yes. They


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