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    1、湖北省黄冈市黄冈中学学年高二月考英语试题Word版含答案黄冈中学2018届高二11月英语试题命题: 审题:考试时间:November 1, 2016注意事项:1. 本试卷分第卷(选择题)和第卷(非选择题),共四部分, 满分150分。考试时间120分钟。2. 全部答案在答题卡上完成,答在本试卷上无效。 祝考试顺利第卷第二部分 阅读理解 (共两节, 满分40分)第一节 (共15小题; 每小题2分, 满分30分)阅读下列短文, 从每题所给的四个选项 (A、B、C和D)中, 选出最佳选项, 并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。AThese are some ideas that some people came

    2、up with about what the life will be like in the year 2500.We will have established a base on the moon. School kids can take field trips to the moon weekly. We will have found cures for AIDS and cancer. The war will have ended and peace flows freely through the land. Kids will learn more and be smart

    3、er than ever before! History will be the main subject at school. Cafeteria (自助餐厅) food will be delicious! You just walk up to a machine, stick out your tongue, and it will scan your taste buds (味蕾) to see what you want to eat. KristenHere I am in the wonderful year of 2500 and life is so easy. I wor

    4、k in a pet store and it is so hard! I have to wake up at midnight every day and fly my car to the store. It takes so long to get there. It takes me 20 seconds to get to the store in Mississippi from my home in Florida! At work, I have to push 5 buttons and then I go home. It takes 2 seconds and that

    5、 is like forever. MorganIn the year 2500, I think we will have invented cars that run on things we dont need like garbage. Tail gas will smell like whatever you like such as chocolate. I also predict that buildings will be able to go into a different dimension so your car wont hit them. The cars in

    6、2500 dont fly, for we havent got that technology yet, but they can hover up to seven feet. These cars are made for speed! CarlyInstead of cars, we may have hovering devices that float around. We could also have electric cars instead of gas-powered cars. Food might be more healthy. What I believe is

    7、that the environment will change the most. The environmental changes will also determine many other changes. If more people try to help the environment, then perhaps in 2500 we will have more forests and wildlife. If people wont help the environment, then we will have no forests and little wildlife

    8、left. Roberta21According to Kristen, what will happen in 2500?AEnglish will be the main subject at school.BStudents can go to the moon every week.CCafeteria will replace other restaurants.DAIDS and cancer will disappear.解析:B难度:易。细节理解题。根据文章中克里斯滕所说的话“School kids can take field trips to the moon weekly

    9、.”可知B项为正确答案。22Who mainly tells the reader of the cars in 2500?AKristen. BMorgan. CCarly. DRoberta.解析:C难度:易。细节理解题。根据文章中卡力所说的那段话可知,他主要谈到的是2500年的汽车,包括汽车的燃料、废气及功能等,故选C项。23Roberta thinks that in 2500 _.Athe environment will have changed a lotBthere will be more wildlife and forestsCthe environment will b

    10、e seriously damagedDcars will run on solar power and electricity解析:A难度:易。细节理解题。根据文章中罗伯塔所说的那段话可知,她所坚信的是环境一定会变化很大,或往好的方面变化,或往坏的方面变化。BWalk into a newsroom of journalists and you will smell coffee brewing and see people rushing for their 14th bathroom break of the day. You will see a business “about peo

    11、ple and why they do what they do, and what it all means”Thats how Jack Smith, 72yearold former newspaper reporter and editor, described it to 30 visiting students from Auburn and Opelika high schools on the Auburn University campus.While growing up, Smith waited every day for the mail carrier to pul

    12、l up in his 1939 Ford and drop the newspaper off. “Id read and study every issue, sometimes for hours on end,” he said. The stories and design of the paper began his love for journalism.His first route when he went to college wasnt journalism though. He first wanted to become a civil engineer until

    13、someone told him the amount of math and physics involved. He then changed to the business school, eventually making the move to journalism. Paul Burnett, standing on the same place as Smith did during his speech, inspired him while he was in college.Smith walked up the steps to his first job at the

    14、Montgomery Advertiser earning $50 a week. His first task was to rewrite an article on Martin Luther King Jr.“Those seemingly meaningless stories could be just as important as a story on the front page.” He told the students that it is a job that needs hard work and they have to be eager to go and do

    15、 all again the next day.“Im glad I didnt decide to build the Golden Gate Bridge or take Wall Street by storm,” Smith said. That wouldnt have landed him a job that is so near his heart. For him, the sweat and pain in the life of a journalist was worth every moment.24When did Jack Smith first become i

    16、nterested in journalism?AWhen he was in college.BWhen he worked as a mail carrier.CWhen he was at the Montgomery Advertiser.DWhen he read newspapers while growing up.解析:D难度:易。细节理解题。由第三段“The stories and design of the paper began his love for journalism.”可知,史密斯小时候就期待着送报纸的到来,读了报纸以后被报纸的设计及内容深深吸引,因此对新闻行业

    17、产生了兴趣。25Why did Jack Smith give up being a civil engineer?AHe wasnt interested in it.BHe wanted to learn business.CPaul Burnett inspired him to be a reporter.DHis math and physics werent good enough.解析:D难度:中。推理判断题。由第四段“. until someone told him the amount of math and physics involved.”可推知,史密斯因为数学和物理不

    18、够好,因此放弃了当工程师的想法。26. What did the students probably learn about journalism?AIt is hard and boring.BIt requires many talents.CIt should focus on important events.DIt deserves peoples love and hard work.解析:D难度:易。细节理解题。由倒数第二段可知,史密斯向学生介绍说看起来没意思的故事可能跟头版的文章一样重要。而新闻这个行业需要努力工作,需要人们热爱它。27The last paragraph su

    19、ggests that _.ASmith tried many different jobsBjournalism mostly gave Smith pleasureCSmith loves being a journalist from his heartDSmith would have chosen a more worthy job解析:C难度:中。推理判断题。由最后一段可知,史密斯对新闻行业由衷热爱,从未后悔过没有选择其他职业。 CThe Union Jack is the national flag of the United Kingdom. It is so called b

    20、ecause it combines the emblems (象征) of three countries England, Scotland and Ireland (although since 1921 only Northern Ireland has been part of the United Kingdom)The term “Union Jack” possibly dates from Queen Annes time, but its origin is uncertain. It may come from the “Jacket” of the English or

    21、 Scottish soldiers; or from the name of James who originated the first union in 1603, in either its Latin or French form “Jacobus” or “Jacques”; or, as “jack” once meant small, the name may come from a royal proclamation (声明) issued by Charles that the flag should be flown only by ships of the Royal

    22、 Navy as a jack, a small flag at the bowsprit (船首)The Union Jack was originally a royal flag (when the present design was made official in 1801, it was ordered to be flown on all the Kings forts and castles, but not elsewhere); it is today flown above Buckingham Palace and Windsor Castle when the Qu

    23、een is not in residence. On news of a royal death, the Union Jack will be flown at half-mast (下半旗)The flying of the Union Jack on public buildings is decided by the Department for Culture, Media and Sport at the Queens command. The Union Jack is flown on government buildings on days marking the birt

    24、hdays of members of the royal family, such as the Queens official birthday, and on the days of the State Opening and prorogation (休会) of Parliament; it is also flown on St Davids Day, St Georges Day, St Andrews Day, and St Patricks Day.Although the Union Jack originated as a royal flag, it is now al

    25、so flown by many people and organizations elsewhere in the United Kingdom. Its use as an emblem has extended beyond the form of a flag and the Union Jack is frequently shown on other objects.28The reason why the national flag of the United Kingdom is called The Union Jack is that _.Athe flag is made

    26、 of jacketBthe flag combines the emblems of three countriesCthe flag shows the symbol of unityDthe flag originated from the existence of the United Kingdom解析:B难度:易。细节理解题。第一段说到The Union Jack是三个国家象征的徽记集合。29The second paragraph mainly talks about _.Athe origin of the national flagBthe history of the na

    27、tional flagCthe reason why the Union Jack has become the national flagDthe way how the Union Jack has become the national flag解析:A难度:中。段落大意题。第二段的第一句为本段主题句。即讲述The Union Jack的起源。30Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?AOnce the Union Jack was not flown elsewhere except royal plac

    28、es.BThe Union Jack will be flown at half-mast if a member of the royal family dies.CMany people and organizations can flow the Union Jack in the world.DThe Union Jack can be flown in many places and on many days in the United Kingdom.解析:C难度:中。细节理解题。根据文章第三、四、五段可知The Union Jack在以前只适用于皇家场合,后来逐渐延伸到很多地方和

    29、很多场合。但它是英国国旗,不是所有人都可以使用。31What is the best title of the passage?AThe Union Jack EverywhereBThe Union Jack at AnytimeCNational Flag, the Union JackDThe History of the Union Jack 解析:C难度:中。标题归纳题。A、B、D三项文章均有说到,但属以偏概全,C项概括了文章的内容,故选C。 DStatistics show that every year, about 4 million students fail to pass

    30、 the national college entrance exam. However, as China recently publicized students scores for this years college entrance exam, it seems that schools, parents and society at large give more attention to students who succeed in the exam, few people care about those who fail, the China Education Dail

    31、y reported. Some students, after failing the exam, cannot get a timely support from their parents or teachers and begin to display some serious mental problems. How to help these students to get rid of the shadow on their mind has become a problem to be taken seriously. First, students friends, pare

    32、nts and relatives should offer their sympathy and care to them in order to comfort their heart. At this time, parents should not blame students for their failure, otherwise they might bear more psychological (心理的) burden. Secondly, teachers and the whole society should also offer more support to students who fail the exam. Lastly, st


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