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    英语培训考核大纲精简版 XX.docx

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    英语培训考核大纲精简版 XX.docx

    1、英语培训考核大纲精简版 XXI. 选择题 1. There is a little bird_the tree.A. on B. in C. at D. up2. Whats wrong_you? the doctor asked.A. from B. with C. for D. at3. I have seen all of them_Jane.A. except B. without C. no D. and 4. The bottle was filled_hot water.A. to B. in C. with D. by5. Listen! Someone is knocking

    2、 _the door.A. to B. on C. at D. in6. Trees and grass can stop the sand_blowing the earth away.A. to B. from C. into D. with7. _do you write to your penfriend?- About once a month.A. How often B. How long C. How soon D. How far 8. The girl had a short rest and did her homework _ she reached home.A. a

    3、fter B. before C. when D. since9. We have known each other _ we were young.A. for B. since C. after D. before10. We have known each other _ three years.A. for B. since C. after D. beforeII. 填空题 1.Last Saturday I was busy _ my homework .2.My teacher was very angry _ me because I was late _ school aga

    4、in.3.Kathy prefers a hula hoop _ a book.4.I will invite some friends _ my eighteenth birthday party.5.How long has he worked _ an inventor.6.My uncle arrived _ the airport _ the morning of May 3.7.I will always help my friends when they are _ trouble.8.She is dressed _ a white skirt _ red flowers.9.

    5、I wont be back _ June.10. _ the age _ twenty, he had written two books.11.Mary fell _ her bike and hurt her right leg.12.He has been away _ China _ three years ago.13.When I was _ school, I was _ the school football team.14.I think he will be back _ two oclock.15.The teacher was given some flowers _

    6、 his students.16.Look, the birds are singing _ the tree.17.He left the classroom _ all the windows open.18.My sister is ill today. She doesnt feel _ eating anything.19.Its too dangerous. You must keep the children away _ the fire.20.My parents arrived _ a cold night.21.You should apologize _ her _ s

    7、tepping on her foot.22.The students are sitting _ the table, reading the newspaper.23.The city is famous _ its football, and people there are very proud _ their city football team.24.We are doing better _ English _ our teachers help.25.Dont worry _ me. Everything is going well _ me.26.He was late _

    8、school today, and she came late _school, too.27. - Do you know what happened _ Peter yesterday? - He was hit _ a car.28. The table is made _ wood.29.He will go to Hangzhou _ his car tomorrow.30_ my surprise, the Englishman finally gave up.选择题 1. Do we need to fix the framing _ the clients note, enla

    9、rging the framing _ start to end?A. as per, from B. accordingly, from C. according to, since D. as per, since 2. And then does he need to hop _ shot _ what he did before when he gets sacred?A. onto, during B. into, during C. onto, as D. into, as 3. I think the thing that got me most annoyed _ going

    10、through this episode is that we are still getting many shots _ the 35mm lens.A. when, use B. as per, using C. when, using D. as, use4. I have _ in my original notes that this is an absolute rule.A. been said B. say C. said D. told5. I know that several default cameras were set up _ 35mm but it isnt

    11、difficult to change it and it is pretty obvious when it is _ use.A. for, to B. as, in C. in, as D. to, for6. Our VFX team knows that Jinying will be working _ Peter at Technicolor Beijing office this week, and we will probably have only Friday _ a one- day on-site review in Xing-Xing.A. with, as B.

    12、for, as C. with, for D. for, into7. So the amount of work _ be delivered will be relatively _ for this week.A. before, low B. after, less C. shall, low D. to, less 8. It appears that the attachment _ the modified car didnt get _.A. to, on B. for, on C. on, into D. for, through9Sorry about that. Plea

    13、se bill us_ the time wasted _ well. A. for, per B. for, as C. on, per D. on, as10. It needs some blue tint or something, but its just so washed _ that all _ the texture is lost. A. out, through B. off, through C. out, off D. out, of 填空 1. Please rotate it so it is _ a piece of paper and not flat.2.

    14、All of our art so far has been rendered _ Max, so we prefer to keep _ that.3. Start wide with the same framing _ Frame 1.4. Push in _ them in 24 frames.5. Most of their movement is _ their eyes.6. Hook _ the existing pose at Frame 115.7. The intention is _ make him cuter and funnier.8. Also there is

    15、 a bit _ a floaty tongue happening between 77 and 88 - looks odd.9. Get rid _ the pan, it doesnt work.10. Layout retake not done. Combine this _ the next shot, add t.in.11. Also if we get some feedback _ the client we could organize a color board for him to see how the lighting flows _ shot to shot.

    16、12. Lets have a more asymmetric mouth shape and a bit more open as he is watching Dizzy _ disbelief.13. A: How _ he is so skinny?B: It seems he has not much appetite for food.14. A: Can I _ you a drink, Sir?B: Oh, yes, Ill have a pint of beer.15. A: What are your hobbies?B: I have many hobbies. I _

    17、stone collecting, painting, mountain climbing and photography.16. A: Tina, when did you arrive?B: I arrived _ the twenty first.17. A: What time do you have? My watch has stopped.B: My watch _ nine thirty.18. A:How long have you been working at the bank?B: _ now, its already 13 years.19. A: Does he n

    18、eed to get exercise?B: I think so. _ hell get fat very fast.20. A: Is it made _ organic fruit? B: Yes. Its 100% organic.英翻中 030: This could be funnier if you make Dizzys surprise reaction bigger andmore confused. They are both reacting too slowly and both should react faster,but Dizzy can be more ex

    19、treme. The first reaction should be the biggest andthen followed by fast head/body turns as they look upward to find where thevoice is coming from. Dizzy will have to jump back for his first reaction, then looking around startled. 040: Lets have Buzby be more indignant, and not angry, when he says “

    20、Im nocriminal” Dizzy: at the start, as he is thinking, have more uneven eyes: raise his left eye brow a bit more. At the end of the shot, keep his eyes looking down and just have him blink, not looking up towards Buzby. We have to have him looking towards Buzby in the next shot for a better ROLL/. V

    21、ery odd camera move - Make frame 1 as it is and last frame as it is and do a simple crane/tilt between the two. As 160_15 is going to be a CU of Sam, this camera can come round more so we can see Mike better as well. Have Steele take a couple of paces forwards as he says Ah yes and do a slight push

    22、in to keep the balance of the shot whilst getting us a bit closer to the action. Have camera on the move from frame 1. make end framing as on 145.060: Very good. Nice acting from Dizzy. But after Buzby gets elbowed, frames58- 91, he should look more surprised and flustered. It should take him longer

    23、to settle down -struggle comically to hold his balance. Buzbys expression: wide eyes with raised eyebrows, slightly open mouth in a O shape.Dizzy: His eye direction needs to be a bit higher in the first part, towards Buzbys face - up to frame 80. We need to have the pose at frame 91 held for a few m

    24、ore frames before he says NICE - this is the moment where he notices the spots first. Hook up with the next shot needs fixing. Please hold the camera at the start and have it craning down towards them, AFTER Buzby says HOLD ON A SECOND. The camera should be stopped as Buzby says DID HE SAY WANTED BY

    25、 THE FBI. Action wise, have Dizzy looking behind him at the start, towards LOS. They should both be pressed against the wall. Buzby SHOULD BE stopped, already looking around intrigued, trying to figure out where the voice is coming from. Dizzy is walking with his back against the wall and BUMPS comi

    26、cally -but not too hard- into Buzby. Please make sure their position hooks up with the next shot. End framing has to be closer to characters.The right side of the frame is too messy. The box on the right looks very small. Both of them should land on their butt. Do not have Dizzy bounce on his head f

    27、irst.Keep Buzby on his butt. Reduce the planks in the boxes so they look bigger in comparison to the characters. The light action should be entering from left to right only -not moving back to left again. Benitas lip synch is not right on the word ourSELVES, (CAPITALS SHOWS THE MISTAKE).wrong mouth

    28、shape. More open ah shape on Steels .nAHow, (now) and tighter for W. Line do you mean a real cake? Start Do with bit of teeth together into key O for do, key OU in you, key EA in mean, key R bit of teeth together in real. Have benita and skip brush the dust from their bodies as they talkdont overdo

    29、the action, just casually, brush the dust off themselves. DYNAMICS: dust. Combine this shot with the next and add a t.in to skip.I added some general notes that apply to all shots: please tighten up the poses eye directions and expressions with stronger reference to the animatic. The BG elements nee

    30、d to be consistent from shot to shot. The playblast render should not FLASH and be consistent in colors between shots. PLEASE NOTE: the current text in the frames is too hard to read because it is blue on a generally blue or black BG. it needs to be of a lighter color so it is easy to read - very light gray will do.Adjust the camera a bit at the start to a more down shot angle, and have dizzy a bit and more to the right of frame. Also Buzby should be more in frame at the st


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