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    3、按照传动级数不同可分为单级和多级减速器按照齿轮形状可分为圆柱齿轮减速器、圆锥齿轮减速器和圆锥一圆柱齿轮减速器按照传动的布置形式又可分为展开式、分流式和同轴式减遮器。以下是常用的减速机分类: (1)摆线针轮减速机(2)硬齿面圆柱齿轮减速器(3)行星齿轮减速机(4)软齿面减速机(5)三环减速机(6)起重机减速机(7)蜗杆减速机(8)轴装式硬齿面减速机(9)无级变速器工艺路线是制造单位按照规定的作业流程完成生产任务的途径,主要用来进行工序排产和车间成本统计。其包含了定位基准的选择,主要表面的加工,加工阶段的划分与工序的合理组合等内容。通过查阅了杨淑子主编机械加工工艺师手册现就文中有关内容论述如下:定




    7、选择精基准的原则时,考虑的重点是有利于保证工件的加工精度并使装夹准确、牢固、方便。精基准选择原则是基准重合原则。即尽可能选择设计基准作为定位基准。这样可以避免定位基准与设计基准不重合而引起的基准不重合误差。基准统一原则。应尽可能选用统一的定位基准。基准的统一有利于保证个表面间的位置精度,避免基准转换所带来的误差,并且各工序所采用的夹具比较统一,从而可减少夹具设计和制造工作。例如轴类零件常用顶针孔作为定位基准。车削、磨削都是顶针孔定位,这样不但在一次装夹中能加工大多数表面, 而且保证了各外圆表面的同轴度及端面与轴心线的垂直度。互为基准的原则。选择精基准时,有时两个被加工面,可以互为基准反复加工。





    12、于箱壁较近的同轴孔,可采用导向套加工同轴孔。对于大型箱体,可利用镗床后立柱导套支撑镗杆。2)从箱体两端进行罐孔一般是采用“调头镗”使工件在一次安装下,镗完一端的孔后,将镗床工作台回转180,在错另一端的孔。具体办法是加工好一端孔后,将工件退出主轴,使工作台回转1800 ,用百(千)分表找正已加工孔壁与主轴同轴,即可加工另一孔。“调头镗”不用夹具和长刀杆,镗杆悬伸长度短,刚性好。但调整比较麻烦和费时,适合与箱体壁相距较远的同轴孔。3、加工阶段的划分与工序的合理组合零件上的全部加工表面应安排在一个合理的加工顺序中加工,这对保证零件质量,提高生产率,降低加工成本都至关重要。参考文献1中的第1篇械加工


    14、工序分散的特点;工序多,工艺过程长,每个工序所包含的加工内容少:所使用的工艺设备和装备比较简单、易于调整和掌握生产技术准备工作较容易,易于变换产品。Process regulation of reducerReducer is a kind of power transmission mechanism, which uses the speed converter of gear to reduce the number of revolutions of motor (motor) to the required number of revolutions and obtain a lar

    15、ger torque. At present, among the mechanisms used to transmit power and motion, reducers are widely used. It can be seen in the transmission system of almost all kinds of machinery, From vehicles, ships, automobiles, locomotives, heavy machinery and tools for construction, The application of reducer

    16、s can be seen in the processing machines and automatic production equipment used in the mechanical industry, as well as the common household appliances, clocks and watches in daily life, from the transmission of large power to the transmission of small load and accurate angle. In industrial applicat

    17、ion, reducers have the functions of decelerating and increasing torque. Therefore, it is widely used in speed and torque conversion equipment.The main functions of reducer are:1) Increase the output torque at the same time of speed reduction. The torque output ratio shall be multiplied by the motor

    18、output ratio, but care shall be taken not to exceed the rated torque of the reducer.2) Deceleration also reduces the inertia of the load, and the reduction of inertia is the square of the reduction ratio. You can watch it-General motors have an inertia value.Working Principle of Reducer Reducer is g

    19、enerally used for transmission equipment with low speed and large torque, The motor, internal combustion engine or other power running at high speed can achieve the purpose of deceleration by meshing the gear with a small number of teeth on the input shaft of the reducer with the large gear on the o

    20、utput shaft. Ordinary reducers also have several pairs of gears with the same principle to achieve the ideal deceleration effect. The ratio of the normal number of large and small gears is the transmission ratio.Types of reducersReducer is a relatively precise machine, which is used to reduce the sp

    21、eed and increase the torque. There are many kinds and models of it, and different kinds have different uses. There are many kinds of reducers, According to the transmission type, it can be divided into gear reducer, worm reducer and planetary gear reducer. According to the different transmission sta

    22、ges, it can be divided into single-stage and multi-stage reducers. According to the gear shape, it can be divided into cylindrical gear reducers. Bevel gear reducers and conical-cylindrical gear reducers can be divided into expanded, split-flow and coaxial type reducers according to the transmission

    23、 arrangement. The following are commonly used reducer classifications:(1) Cycloidal pinwheel reducer(2) Cylindrical gear reducer with hard tooth surface(3) Planetary gear reducer(4) Soft tooth surface reducer(5) Three-ring reducer(6) Crane reducer(7) Worm reducer(8) Shaft-mounted hard tooth surface

    24、reducer(9) Continuously variable transmissionProcess route is the way for manufacturing units to complete production tasks according to the specified operation process, which is mainly used for process scheduling and workshop cost statistics. It includes the selection of positioning datum, the machi

    25、ning of main surfaces, the division of machining stages and the reasonable combination of working procedures. Through consulting the Handbook of Machining Technologists edited by Yang Shuzi.The relevant contents in this article are discussed as follows:Selection of positioning datumWhen formulating

    26、the technological process, the main purpose of selecting the positioning datum is to ensure the position accuracy of the machined surface, so the general principle of selecting the positioning datum should be to select from the surface with higher position accuracy requirements.The selection of posi

    27、tioning datum includes the selection of coarse datum and fine datum.When working out the machining process route of parts, we always consider what kind of fine datum to choose to process each main surface first, and then consider what kind of coarse datum to choose to process the surface as fine dat

    28、um first.The selection of rough datum and fine datum is very important in the formulation of machining process route, and whether the selection is reasonable or not is directly related to the overall situation of machining process route formulation.(1) Selection of rough datumWhen selecting coarse d

    29、atum, the key point to consider is how to ensure that each machined surface has enough allowance, so that the size and position between the unmachined surface and the machined surface meet the drawing requirements.The selection principle of rough benchmark is:1) Select the surface to be machined as

    30、the rough datum. The purpose is to ensure the accuracy of the position relationship between the machined surface and the non-machined surface. If there are several surfaces on the upper surface of the workpiece that do not need to be machined, the surface with higher mutual position accuracy with th

    31、e machined surface should be selected as the rough reference. In order to achieve uniform wall thickness, symmetrical shape, less clamping, etc.2) Select the important surface with uniform machining allowance as the rough reference. For example, the guide rail surface of the machine tool bed is an i

    32、mportant surface that requires uniform rest. Therefore, when machining, the guide rail surface is selected as the rough reference, the bottom surface of the lathe bed is machined, and then the bottom surface is used as the fine reference to machine the guide rail surface. In this way, less allowance can be removed evenly, so that the surface layer retains fine structure and increases wear resistance.3) The surface with the smallest machining allowance shall be selected as the rough reference. Th


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