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    1、影响我国房地产价格的几个经济因素影响我国房地产价格的几个经济因素房地产价格受各种因素的影响而发生变动,要掌握房地产价格的运动规律,必须弄清影响房地产价格的因素。房地产价格是由许多因素相互作用的结果,众多影响因素相互交织,共同塑造了当时的房地产价格。影响房地产价格的因素主要有:成本因素、供求状况、行政和政治因素、经济因素、社会因素(人口因素、心理因素)以及其他因素。下面我们详细介绍影响我国房地产价格的主要因素。Real estate price is affected by various factors and changes, to grasp the movement rule of re

    2、al estate prices, must find out factors affecting real estate prices. Real estate prices are the result of interaction by many factors, many factors are intertwined, and shaped when real estate prices together. Factors affecting real estate prices are: cost, supply and demand, the administrative and

    3、 political factors, economic factors, social factors, demographic factors, psychological factors) and other factors. Below we detail the main factors influencing the price of real estate in our country. 1. 房地产价格的含义1. The meaning of real estate prices 房地产价格是和平地获得他人的房地产所必须付出的代价-货币或实物、无形资产和其他经济利益。在现今社会

    4、,房地产价格通常用货币来表示,但也可以用实物等非货币形式来偿付,例如,以房地产作价入股换取技术、设备等。从理论上讲,在供给量不变的情况下,需求量的增加会使房地产价格上升,需求量的减少会使房地产价格下降;在需求量不变的情况下,供给量的增加会使房地产价格下降,而供给量的减少又会使房地产价格上升。然而,在现实中,房地产价格受诸多因素影响,包括经济因素,政治因素,社会因素,国际因素等。综上,我国房地产价格受众多因素影响,与真实市场价格之间肯定有很大的偏差。本文主要从经济角度论述影响房地产价格的因素。Real estate prices is necessary to obtain the proper

    5、ty of others peace comes at a cost - monetary or in kind, intangible assets and other economic interests. In todays society, the real estate price is generally expressed in monetary terms, but physical objects such as the monetary form can also be used to pay, for example, in real estate for equity

    6、in exchange for technology, equipment, etc. In theory, under the condition of invariable in supply, demand increase will lead to rising property prices, will reduce the demand for real estate prices fall; Under the condition of invariable in demand and supply increase will make real estate prices fa

    7、ll, and reduced supply and can make the real estate prices to rise. However, in reality, the real estate prices are influenced by many factors, including economic factors, political factors, social factors and international factors, etc. In conclusion, Chinas real estate prices are influenced by man

    8、y factors, and there must be a big deviation between the real market price. This paper discussed factors that affect real estate price from the point of view of economy. 2. 主要影响因素2. The main influencing factors 影响一国房地产价格的经济因素主要有国内生产总值(GDP)、国物价水平、居民收入、利率、汇率、货币供应量等。各个因素的具体分析如下:Economic factors affecti

    9、ng a countrys real estate prices mainly include gross domestic product (GDP), the price level, income, interest rate, currency, money supply, etc. The factors of concrete analysis are as follows: 2.1国内生产总值(GDP)2.1 gross domestic product (GDP) 国内生产总值常被公认为衡量国家经济状况的最佳指标,它不但可反映一个国家的经济表现,更可以反映一国的国力与财富。GD

    10、P的增长会带来一国经济的发展和人民生活水平的提高,生活水平的提高体现在本文由各个方面,其中一个就是人们对改善性住房需求的增加,在住房供给不变的情况下,房地产价格的上升也是情理之中。进入新世纪以来,中国经济进一步得到提高,人民的收入也在不断的增加,同时由于我国城市化水平的进展,对住房的需求不断增多,房地产事业得到了长足的发展,房地产价格进一步提高。Gross domestic product (GDP) is often recognized as the best indicators of national economic conditions, it not only can refle

    11、ct a countrys economic performance, more can reflect a countrys national strength and wealth. GDP growth leads to a countrys economic development and the improvement of peoples living standard, the improvement of living standards embodied in this paper from various aspects, one is to improve the inc

    12、rease of the demand for housing, the housing being equal, rising real estate prices is also understandable. Since entering the new century, Chinas economy has been further improved, peoples income has been increased, at the same time due to the progress of urbanization in our country, increasing dem

    13、and for housing, real estate enterprise obtained the rapid development, real estate prices on the rise. 2.2物价水平2.2 price level 物价水平是衡量一个国家经济发展水平和居民消费水平的一个重要指标,主要通过居民消费价格指数(CPI)体现。在现实生活中,房地产价格和物价水平是相互影响的:房地产价格水平的提高会引起物价水平的提高,而物价水平的提高也会反作用于房地产价格水平,促使房地产价格水平的提高。近年来,由于种种因素的影响,我国的物价水平持续上涨,CPI居高不下,引发高通货膨胀

    14、的同时也必然带来房地产价格的进一步上涨。而房地产价格的上涨在某种程度上也进一步加剧了通货膨胀。Price level is the measure of a countrys economic development level and the residents consumption level is one of the important indicators, through the analysis of the consumer price index (CPI). In real life, real estate prices and the price level is m

    15、utual influence, the improvement of real estate prices will cause the price level increase, the price will also react on raising the level of real estate price level, to promote the improvement of real estate prices. In recent years, due to various factors, a sustained rise in the price level of our

    16、 country, the CPI is high and cause the high inflation at the same time also inevitably bring real estate prices to rise further. While real estate prices to some extent also worsen the inflation. 2.3居民收入2.3 peoples income 随着我国经济的发展,居民收入持续不断的增加,必将增强居民的购买能力。在满足基本的吃穿等消费后,他们会有着强烈的购房需求,然而由于短期内房地产价格缺乏弹性,

    17、所以短期内需求的增加必定会带来房地产价格的上升。改革开放后,随着经济的发展和收入分配政策的调整,我国居民的人均收入持续增加。同时由于城市化进程的加快,最终导致对住房需求的增加。而由于短期内土地市场和房地产开发市场不能对此做出及时的反应,所以短期内居民收入的增加肯定会使房地产价格上涨。With the development of our economy, peoples income continuous increase, will enhance residents purchasing power. In basic and after consumption, they will ha

    18、ve a strong housing demand, but because the real estate price inelastic in the short term, so in the short term increased demand is bound to bring real estate prices to rise. After the reform and opening, with the development of economy and adjustment of income distribution policy, our country resid

    19、ents per capita income continues to increase. At the same time due to the speeding up of urbanization, resulting in increased demand for housing. And because the land market and real estate development market in the short term cant respond to a timely response, so the increase of residents income in

    20、 the short term is sure to make real estate prices. 2.4利率2.4 interest rate 利率对我国房地产市场的影响主要是通过对贷款利率的调整来实现的。一方面,贷款利率的增加会加大开发商的成本,压缩利润空间,从而使开发商减少投资,这就意味着住房供给的减少,从而导致房地产价格的提高。太阳能代理另一方面,贷款利率的增加会增加购房者的还贷压力,打击他们购房的积极性,造成需求的减少,使房地产价格下降。综合起来,利率的高低对房地产价格的影响取决于对哪一方的影响更大。Interest rates influence on the real est

    21、ate market in China is mainly through to the loan interest rate adjustment. On the one hand, lending rate increases will increase the cost of developers, compressed profit space, allowing developers to reduce investment, this means that the housing supply reduction, resulting in the increase in the

    22、price of real estate. On the other hand, the increased lending rate would increase the repayment pressure of home buyers, to crack down on their willingness to purchase, resulting in less demand, house prices are falling. Together, rate of high and low impact on real estate prices depends on which s

    23、ide of a greater impact. 2.5汇率2.5 the exchange rate 汇率是一国货币兑换另一国货币的比率,是以一种货币表示另一种货币的价格。近年来,由于我国在国际贸易中存在着巨大的贸易顺差,人民币升值压力越来越大。由于受人民币升值的影响,国际上的热钱也开始涌入了中国泰安物流。同时,由于改革开放后,中国金融市场的逐步开放和国际资本流入的程度加大,吸引了更多的外资进入了中国。外资进入中国实体经济后,首先选择的就是高利润的房地产行业作为他们投资的对象,以获取高额的利润。众多外资的进入都会导致房地产价格的进一步上涨。Exchange rate is the ratio

    24、 of a countrys currency for the currency of another country, a currency is said the price of another currency. In recent years, because our country in international trade, there is a large trade surplus, RMB appreciation pressure is more and more big. Due to the appreciation of the renminbi, the inf

    25、luence of international hot money has poured into China. At the same time, because after the reform and opening up, Chinas financial market gradually opening up and international capital inflows increased, attracted more foreign capital into China. Foreign investment in Chinas real economy, after th

    26、e first choice is highly profitable real estate industry as their investment object, in order to get high profits. Many foreign entry will result in real estate prices to rise further. 2.6货币供应量2.6 the money supply 货币供应量应该是与一国实体经济的总量相一致的,货币供应量的多少标志着这个国家实体经济规模的大小。一般来讲,货币供应量单方面的增多会使房地产价格水平上升; 货币供应量单方面的

    27、减少将会使房地产价格水平下降。近年来,为了维持人民币汇率的相对稳定,面对人民币越来越大的升值压力,央行向社会投放了越来越多的外汇占款,外汇占款已占货币投放总量的绝大部分。货币供应量已完全超过了现实中经济发展所必需的。锅炉配件货币供应量的过多导致的流动性过剩一定程度上也导致了房地产价格的上涨。Money supply should be consistent with the amount of a countrys real economy, money supply, how many marks of the country the size of the real economy. Ge

    28、nerally, unilateral increase in money supply will lead to rising real estate prices; Unilateral decrease money supply will cause real estate prices fall. In recent years, in order to maintain the RMB exchange rate is relatively stable, in the face of the increasing upward pressure, the central bank

    29、dropped to the society more and more foreign exchange, foreign exchange have accounted for most of the total money. The money supply has completely surpassed the reality necessary for economic development. Too much of the money supply lead to the excess liquidity to a certain extent has also led to

    30、a surge in property prices. 现实中,我国房地产价格受众多因素综合影响。当前,随着中国劳动生产率的提高,中国连年贸易顺差,贸易顺差的不断扩大无形中给人民币的升值带来了压力。同时由于国际社会对人民币升值存在较大的预期,热钱纷纷涌入了中国。为了赢得良好的外部环境和维持人民币汇率的相对稳定,政府不得不投放大量的货币减轻人民币升值的压力。如此,使得流通中的货币大大超过了现实中的货币需求量,造成一定的通货膨胀,引起房地产价格的上涨。三维排水网由于社会对通货膨胀存在一定的预期,进一步加剧了物价的上涨,造成房地产价格居高不下。同时由于我国特殊的国情,土地资源的稀缺和人口的膨胀,房地

    31、产价格在长期内会是不断增值的。高房价已经严重威胁到普通居民的生活质量和社会经济发展的稳定性,所以迫切需要我国政府对房地产市场进行宏观调控。In reality, Chinas real estate price is affected by many factors comprehensive. At present, with the improvement of Chinas labor productivity, Chinas trade surplus for years, the expansion of the trade surplus virtually brought pre

    32、ssure to the appreciation of the renminbi. At the same time as the international societys expectations of yuan appreciation is, hot money poured into China. In order to win the good external environment and maintain the relative stability of RMB exchange rate, the government had to put a lot of money to reduce the pressure on the appreciation of the RMB. So, make the currency in circulation greatly more than the real currency demand, the cause of inflation, cause real estate prices. Due to societys expectations of inflation there, exacerbated by rising prices, resulting in high real estate pr


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