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    1、重庆市八校届九年级英语下学期第一阶段考试试题重庆市八校2020届九年级英语下学期第一阶段考试试题 (满分 150 分,考试时间 120 分钟) 第I卷(90分)I、听力测试(共30分)第一节(每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍,根据你所听到的句子,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案涂黑。( )1.A. Yes, we can. B. No, we cant. C. By working with a group.( )2.A. I think so. B. Not at all. C. She is going to London.( )3.A. Yes, I

    2、could. B. No, I couldnt. C. Sure.( )4.A. Yes, she didnt. B. No, she didnt. C. Im afraid not. ( )5.A. Cotton. B. Korea. C. In 1856.( )6.A. It is Sunday. B. Its sunny. C. Good idea.第二节 对话理解(每小题1.5分,共9分)听一遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案涂黑。( )7. A. America. B. England. C. Australia.(

    3、)8. A. The time. B. The weather. C. The date.( )9. A. Wash all his clothes. B. Wash all the plates. C. Clean the house.( )10.A. By plane. B. By ship. C. By train.( )11.A. Because he had to clean his room.B. Because he had to do some shopping. C. Because he had to look after her mother.( )12.A. At 2:

    4、00 B. At 5:00. C. At 6:00.第三节 对话理解(每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍,根据你所听到的对话和问题,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案涂黑。听第一段材料,完成13至14小题。( )13. Where does this dialogue happen?A. At home. B. At school. C. In the open air.( )14.What does Jack like to eat?A. A chicken sandwich. B. A tomato sandwich. C. A potato sandwic

    5、h.听第二段材料,完成15至16小题。( )15.Where are the two speakers?A. In a library. B. In a museum. C. In a cinema.( )16.How many books can the man borrow at most each time?A. One. B. Two. C. Three.第四节 短文理解(每小题1.5分,共6分)听两遍,根据你所听到的短文,从 A、B、C 三个选项中选出最恰当的答语,并把答题卡上对应题目的答案涂黑。( )17.Betty has been in Beijing for_.A. thre

    6、e months. B. three years. C. four months.( )18.When she was sad, her teacher taught her_.A. how to learn by herself. B. how to talk with others. C. how to smile at life.( )19.On weekends, she and her classmates often help some_.A. poor students. B. old men. C. disabled men.( )20.She thinks she is mu

    7、ch _ than those poor students.A. happier B. braver C. luckierII.单项选择。(每小题1分,共15分)( )21.There is “S” in word “sit”. A. an, the B. a, the C. a, an D. a, /( )22. People found _ _ pretty convenient to go anywhere by taking Didi Car service. A. its B. it C. that D. this ( )23. -Please tell me if there _

    8、_ an outdoor party for the coming Childrens Day. -Of course. We will have a party if it _. A. will be, wont rain B. is, wont rain C. will be, doesnt rain D. is, doesnt rain( )24. The doctor did what he could _ the patient so that we all admired him very much.A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved( )2

    9、5. _ I _ my sister likes the TV show China has hip-hop. We watch it together every time.A. Both, and B. Either, or C. Neither, nor D. Not only, but also( )26. -Penny, whereshallIputtheseeggs?-Throwthem away.They smell _.A. terribly B.nice C.well D.bad ( )27.Chongqingisnowwell-known_ _themonorail(轻轨)

    10、running_ _aresident(居民的)building.A.for,across B.as,through C.to,across D.for,through( )28. Do you know ? Was it in the 19th century? A.whomthezipperwasinventedby B.whenwasthezipperinventedC.howwastheabacusinvented D.whenthezipperwasinvented( )29. - WillourNewYearspartybeheldontime?-_.Andallofusarelo

    11、okingforwardtoitscoming.A.Imafraidnot B.IhopesoC.Imafraidso D.Iexpectno( )30.-Did you hear someone knocking the door? -Sorry. I was singing the music on, Its too loud. A .form, with B. on, with C. form, without D. on, without( )31. Its reported that a High Speed Railway from Chongqing to Jiangjin _

    12、in 2020.A. will be built B. is built C. was built D. will build( )32. - Nancy is always ready to help others.- _ kind girl she is!A. What B. What a C. How D. How a( )33.With the 19th CPC National Congress(中共十九大) held in Beijing successfully, the Chinese recent development and achievements of our mot

    13、herland. A. take proud in B. are proud of C. takes pride in D. has proud of ( )34. Jimmy drive to work, but now he _ to the office on foot.A. is used to, used to going B. used to, is used to go C. used to, is used to going D. used to, used to going( )35. To help me get better grades this term, my mo

    14、m warns me _ so many computer games and my dad suggests _ more exercises. A. not to play, to do B. dont play, to do C. not to play, doing D. dont play, doingIII. 完形填空。(每小题1.5分,共15分)Bike-sharing is a new choice for short journeys in cities. It is good to the _36_ development of the big cities. A _37_

    15、 by a company found that shared bikes started the nations _38_ for bikes again. Now more and more Chinese people are _39_ bikes instead of cars to make short journeys in cities. An engineer of that company says that since the _40_ of shared bikes, people have made fewer trips by car. The love for sh

    16、ared bikes is not only among _41_ people, who were born in the 1980s and 1990s, but also among people over sixty. At weekends, the number of the riders in Shenzhen reaches the _42_of all cities. On weekdays, the number of people who use shared bikes to travel to word is _43_ in Shanghai. It is said

    17、that bike-sharing will help _44_ the cities environment. It not only helps solve the traffic problems, but also will help to make more use of _45_in cities. Take Beijing as an example if more people choose shared bikes, an area of five Birds Nest stadiums (体育场)will be saved.( )36. A. slow B. healthy

    18、 C. harmfulD. sudden( ) 37 A. rule B. plan C. report D. suggestion( )38. A. search B. worry C. preparation D. love( )39. A. choosing B. pushing C. repairing D. locking( )40. A. endB. start C. control D. fall( )41. A. strongB. weak C. old D. young( )42. A. top B. side C. corner D. line( )43. A. comin

    19、g overB. putting off C. going up D. giving away( )44. A. discover B. separate C. experience D. improve( )45. A. air B. time C. space D. moneyIV.阅读理解。(每小题2分,共30分)AThere was once a shepherd boy(牧羊娃). He was famous for his wise answer to each question he was asked. One day, the King heard of the boy. B

    20、ut he didnt believe it and sent for the boy.As the boy came, the King said to him, “Ill ask you some questions. If you can give me an answer to them, you can live in this large palace with me.”The boy said, “What are the questions?”The King started, “The first is, how many drops of water are there i

    21、n the ocean?” The boy answered, “That is easy to answer. If you have all the rivers on earth dammed up(筑坝拦水) so that not even one single drop could run into the sea until Ive counted it, Ill tell you how many drops there are in the sea.” After hearing what the boy said, the King was satisfied. Then

    22、the King continued, “The next question is, how many stars are there in the sky?” The boy said, “Give me a great piece of white paper, please.” Then he made so many small dots on it with a pen that it was impossible to count them. Then he said, “There are as many stars in the sky as there are dots on

    23、 the paper.”The King was happy and said, “You have answered my questions like a wise man. Now move into my palace and live with me.”46. How many questions did the king ask? A. None. B. One. C. Two. D. Three.47. What did the boy ask for to answer the last question? A. A piece of paper and a pen. B. A

    24、 pair of glass.C. A telescope. D. A calendar.48. According to the passage, we know that the boy was _. A. hard-working B. friendly C. clever D. strangeBNames The LEGO Ninjago MovieStar wars: the last JediDownsizingMiserTypeCartoonaction science fictioncomedyMain actorJack ChengDaisy RidleyMatt Damon

    25、Liu Xiao Ling TongCountryAmericaAmericaAmericaChinaLanguageEnglishEnglishEnglishChineseRelease dateOn Dec. 28thOn Dec. 23thOn Dec. 22thOn Dec. 24thStoryline Six teenagers turn into warriors with excellent Ninjutsu at night to protect their home land. This movie tells the terrorists from distant gala

    26、xy attack the capital of the new republic. A couple decides downsize their bodies to save money. However, the wife fears at the last minute while the husband succeeds in becoming small. The movie tells a fathers love to his daughter to show the different “opinions on money” in our modern society. 49

    27、. If you want to watch a science fiction, you can choose_. A. The LEGO Ninjago Movie B. Star wars: the last Jedi C. Downsizing D. Miser50. The films are from the USA except_. A. The LEGO Ninjago Movie B. Star wars: the last Jedi C. Downsizing D. Miser 51. Which of the following is True? A. The wife

    28、succeeds in becoming small in Downsizing. B. Six adults turn into warriors at night to protect their home land in The LEGO Ninjago Movie.C. The capital of the new republic was attacked by the terrorists from distant galaxy. D. Miser tells a mothers love to his daughter to show the different “opinion

    29、s on money”52. The passage is probably from _. A. a novel B. a magazine C. a history book D. a storybookCThe water hyacinth(水葫芦) grows in tropical(热带的) countries. It has beautiful purple-blue flowers, but everybody hates it. Why?Millions of these plants grow in rivers and lakes. Sometimes the plants become so thick that people can walk on them. People cannot travel in boats on the water, and they cannot fish in it. The plants stop the water from moving. Then the water carries diseas


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