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    1、福建省福州市中考二模英语试题2020年福建省福州市中考二模英语试题(含听力)学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、听句子或对话选择图片1 A B C2 A B C3 A B C4 A B C二、听句子选答语5 A B C三、听短对话回答问题6What does the man want to buy?AEggs. Boranges. CHamburgers.7What did the woman do last Saturday?AGo to a concernt. BMeet her aunt CPlay with her cousin.8How many kids are there in

    2、Bens family?ATwo. BThree. CFour.9What did the man do with the house?AHe decorated it. BHe cleaned it. CHe sold it四、听长对话回答问题听一段对话,回答下面两个小题。10What are the two speakers most probably doing?ATheyre visiting a zoo.BTheyre having a history class.CTheyre talking about Bobs family photo.11What does Bobs mum

    3、 do?AA teacher. BAn office worker. CA doctor.听一段对话,回答下面两个小题。12Why wont Sally live here after this fall?AShe is going to Creenfield High School.BShe doesnt get on well with David.CHer new school is far from here.13What may be the relationship between the two speakers?ANeighbors BBrother and sister. C

    4、Colleagues.听一段对话,回答下面两个小题。14Where did the accident happen?AIn the hospital. BIn the park. CAt home.15Who hurt the woman?AA dog BA man. CHer daughter.五、听短文填写表格根据所听到的短文内容,完成下面表格,每空填一词。(短文读三遍)Lost Child AnnouncementNameDanielAge16 years oldLooka red17and blue trousers short 18hair, a round face and big

    5、 eyesPlace last seenthe 19areaIf you find him, please take him to the nearest customer 20desk六、单选题21Im afraid I cant get to the top of the mountain.Believe in _.Try your best and you will make it.Ayou Byour Cyourself22Kris,dont make such a _in your room.Sorry,mum. Ill put away my toys at once.Anoise

    6、 Bmess Cdecision23Its not _to enter someones room without knocking on the door first, dont you know?I knocked. Maybe you didnt hear it.Asafe Bpolite Cnecessary24I _missed my flight yesterday. I got to the airport just on time.Anearly Bunluckily Cfinally25Our project is going to be finished _ one sma

    7、ll part.Whatever it is,youd better hurry up.Aexcept Bamong Cbeside26The two companies decided to work together _they had common interest.Abecause Bunless Cuntil27My grandparents are living happily in the nursing home. They have _ to worry about.Aeverything Bsomething Cnothing28My mother is still in

    8、hospital.Im sorry to hear that. You _be very worried.Aneed Bmust Chad better29Kate, Im sorry to have missed your phone. I_in the kitchen.It doesnt matter.Awill cook Bwas cooking Chave cooked30How are we going to get back with so many things?Dont worry. Paul will come to _us _Apick;up Bwake;up Cring;

    9、up31Doris made a survey _how many students in our grade have been to the Great Wall.Afind out Bfound out Cto find out32Sam,you dont have to do the dishes. They_by Helen later on.Awashed Bwere washed Cwill be washed33Why does the policeman wear a helmet_ looks like COVID-19 virus?I think its an unusu

    10、al way to warn people to stay at home.Athat Bwho Cwhose34 _are you going to pay me to do the cleaning?Let me see. How about 10 yuan for every thirty minutes?AHow long BHow much CHow often35Lets have a guess_.Aif Mr. Lin gives us a lot of homework tomorrowBthat we need to go to school this SaturdayCw

    11、hether Andy will come as usual七、完型填空从每小题所给的A、B、C三个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。Nicholas Joy, a 17-year-old teenager, likes skiing. On March 3, he went skiing with his father. When the two took separate ski trails down, a heavy 36 hit the area. Before he knew it, Joy had lost his way. The boy was all 37 . He d

    12、idnt have food,or water, or a phone. He was getting 38 by the minute.Nicholas tried to calm himself down and 39 all the survival(生存)shows he had watched on TV. He decided to stop skiing. There would be a better chance of someone finding him 40 he stayed put(待在原地不动).To get a shelter from the freezing

    13、 wind and snow, he built a small snow cave(洞穴).Then, he gathered many branches and put 41 on top of the cave to stay as warm as he could.By that evening, Nicholas was really hungry. He ate snow and drank water from a nearby river. He slept 42 with his arms and leg close to his body.The next day, Nic

    14、holas went out to 43 .He couldnt find anybody and went back to cave. On March 5,Nicholas went out again to find help. He had walked for about a mile when a volunteer searcher 44 him. Finally, Nicholas was saved.So remember to keep calm when you are in 45 situations. Putting the tips you have learned

    15、 to use can help you survive.36Asandstorm Brainstorm Csnowstorm37Aalone Bright Cexcited38Abetter Bcolder Ccalmer39Atalk about Bworry about Cthink about40Abefore Bif Cthough41Ait Bthem Chimself42Aby the river Bin the tree Cin the cave43Alook for help Bget some food Cgo skiing44Alet Bfound Clost45Adan

    16、gerous Breal Csimple八、阅读单选 Do you like to take photos of yourself at any time? Is a magic selfie stick(自拍杆) enough for you? How do you take a photo of yourself when you are walking, swimming, or jogging? Well, Lily Camera may be the best answer to the question.Just put a tracking device(追踪器)in your

    17、pocket, throw Lily high into the air, and then Lily follows you and shoots photos or videos of you all by itself when it flies in the air.Its not big. You can hold it with only one hand. It is not heavy, either. It is lighter than your notebook computer you can carry it around easily. If you are cra

    18、zy about taking photos of yourself, you must have it. Find out more about Lily at www.lily.camera.46Which person is taking pictures with Lily?A B C D47According to the reading,who would most likely buy Lily?AFrank. He likes photos of cats and dogs.BEmma. She is crazy about swimming and jogging.CKarl

    19、. He loves playing sports and taking photos of himself.DDina. She is fond of taking photos of others when she walks around.48What do we know about Lily Camera from the reading?AIts easy to use. Bits small but expensive.CIts big but light. Dits controlled by a notebook computer.49Which of the followi

    20、ng slogan(口号)suits Lily best?AYou Run I Protect BSharp Mind Perfect ProductsCYou Throw I Shoot DBeautiful Camera Cool Photos50The reading is most probably from_.Aan advertisement Ba piece of sports newsCa movie magazine Da letter of invitation Adam bought a standing-room-only ticket from Liverpool t

    21、o London. When he got on the train,he saw the carriage(车厢)was full of passengers. Adam was tired so he wanted to have a seat. Before he got on the train,he bought a toy snake for his daughter. He suddenly came up with a plan.Adam took out the toy snake and threw it into the carriage. All the passeng

    22、ers were very frightened when they saw it. People ran out of the carriage as quickly as possible. Adam saw many seats were empty and lay down on the seats. He felt comfortable and fell asleep soon.After a while,Adam woke up. He found the train was not moving and thought that it must have stopped at

    23、a station. He got out and asked a train atendant,“Which station is it?The train attendant smiled and replied,It is Liverpool. In fact,many passengers said there was a snake in the carriage. So they let it behind here. The other carriages went to London.51The train from Liverpool to London is_.Aclean

    24、 Bcrowded Cfrightening Dcomfortable52Adams plan is to _.Asell the toy Bplay with his daughterChave a seat Dhelp the passengers53Which is the right order according to the passage?a. Adam got on the train.b. Adam had a good sleep.c. Adam bought a toy snake.d. Passengers ran out of the carriage.e. Adam

    25、 threw a toy snake into the carriage.Aa-e-d-b-c Bc-a-e-d-b Ca-c-b-e-d Dc-b-a-d-e54Which of the following is TRUE?APassengers mistook the toy snake for a real one.BPassengers were left behind in Liverpool.CThe train attendant knew Adam very well.DThe train stopped to catch the snake.55What does the s

    26、tory mainly tell us?ASnakes do not pity sleepers.BNothing is difficult to the man who will try.CTravel makes a wise man better and a fool worse.DClever people may pay a high price for their cleverness. The idea may hit you once or twice a year. You come home on a hot summer day, hoping to have a coo

    27、l bath, and find there is no water. Then you see how important water is in your everyday life. However, in many parts of the world, water is not just about ones everyday needs. In countries like Tanzania, water is hard to get, and the job of collecting water falls on womens shoulders. Girls are ofte

    28、n kept home from school to collect water while their brothers stay at school studying. Studies show Tanzanian girls who live 15 minutes away from clean water spend 12% more time at school than those who live an hour away. More time spent collecting water means less time for learning. For these girls

    29、, “Knowledge is Power” is not just words; it is a sad fact in real life. With less time spent at school, their chances of getting well paid jobs are small, and they often have no voice on important matters, like who to marry. These girls are often married into poor families. They have little money o

    30、r knowledge to take care of their children,who often end up dying young. For the baby girls who are lucky enough to survive,their life may still center around “water,just like their mothers.56What does the underlined part “The idea refer to?AWater is important in ones everyday life.BWater is not just about ones everyday needs.CIt is nice to have a cool bath on a hot summer day.DWe should not take a bath when there is a little water.57According to the studies,Tanzanian girls livi


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