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    1、学位英语考试模拟试题142011年广东省成人高等教育学士学位外语水平考试模拟试题(十四)英语试卷一Part I Dialogue Completion (15 points)Directions: There are 15 shot incomplete dialogues in this part, each followed by 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one to complete the dialogue and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single

    2、 line through the center.1. Bill: Well, Tom. Im sorry I must be off now. Tom: _. I hope to hear from you soon. A. Enjoy yourself B. Thats all rightC. Keep in touch D. Cheer up2. Mr. William: I like to invite you dinner this Sunday, Mr. Smith. Mr. Smith:_. A. Oh, no, lets not B. Id rather stay at hom

    3、e C. Im very sorry, but I have other plans D. Oh, no. thatll be too much trouble3. Tim: How was the football match between Italy and England last night? Jack:_. A. It was a good deal B. It was a tie game C. It was an afterthought D. Its hard to believe4. Diana: _ It will help you a lot. Mary: Thats

    4、good idea. Lets make some.A. Youd better have some tea.B. Would you please make me some tea?C. I promise to get you some tea .D. Help yourself to some tea.5. Pauline: Thank you ever so much for your help with my math. Anna: _.A. Glad to hear that B. Not worth thinking C. You are too polite D. Think

    5、nothing of it6. Sian: You should have thanked her before you left. Mori: _. But when I was leaving I couldnt find him anywhere. A. I meant to B. I meantC. I meant doing so D. I meant doing 7. Peter: Excuse me, what is the best way for me to improve my English? Samuel: _. If you dont practice, nothin

    6、g else will be able to help you. A. Dont loose heart B. Keep practicing C. Dont give up D. Keep your courage8. Mr. Shaw: Mr. Taylor, Im sorry I used your pencil when you were out just now. Mr. Taylor: _. A. Youre welcome B. Its a pleasure C. Thats all right D. Dont mention it9. Sissy: I need to see

    7、a doctor.Jennet: _?Sissy: I think I have a headache. A. What for B. What C. How about D. What about10. David: Charles, could you drive me to the railway station? Charles: _ A. No thinks. B. Ill be there on time. C. Sure, why not? D. Never mind11. Max: My son has been admitted by Beijing University.

    8、Walt: Congratulations! He is very smart! Max: _. A. You are right. B. Dont mention it C. Yes, he is D. Thank you very much12. Student: Do you mind our performing rock n roll in the hall? Teacher: _.A. Oh, Id rather you didnt actuallyB. Of course not, its not allowed hereC. No you cantD. Great! Id pr

    9、efer to listen to rock n roll13. Customer: I m sorry, but I didnt know it is a no-smoking place. Clerk: _ A. Thats all right. B. How can you say that? C. Thats impossible. D. Sorry, but thats no excuse.14. Waiter: How would you like your coffee? Customer: _. A. Its well done B. Very nice, thanks C.

    10、Black, please D. Only one cup15. Virginia: What about going downtown to do some shopping this afternoon? Rena: _ A. Go ahead, please. B. Good idea! C. Me, too. D. Help yourself.Part II Reading Comprehension (20 points)Directions: There are 4 passages in this part. Each of the passages is followed by

    11、 5 questions or unfinished statements. For each of them there are 4 choices marked A, B, C and D. Choose the best one and mark your answer on the ANSWER SHEET with a single line through the center.Passage OneJack Billabong is an aboriginal stockman. On Friday afternoon he was riding along the track

    12、towards the Henderson homestead. He was looking for a prize bull which had escaped from the Borrogee paddock. He reached the hills and saw at once that he could not go further.The fire in the forest had gone out. But the air was still full of smoke and fallen trees had blocked the track. Jack was ju

    13、st going to turn back when he saw something moving in the smoke. He waited. It was a girl on a horse, and she was riding towards him.“Theres a badly burnt man at the homestead,” the girl shouted. “He saved my life. Please help me to save him.”The girl was Cathy Henderson. She had been on horseback f

    14、or two hours. She had to jump over fallen trees that were still burnings. Her pony had fallen with her twice. She was thirsty and almost dead from want of sleep. But she rode back to the homestead with Jack immediately.Joe Brook was unconscious when they reached him. They lifted him on to Jacks hors

    15、e. The ride back to Borrogee was terrible. Cathy was so tired that Jack had to tie her to her pony. The pony was tired too, but its courage was astonishing. It followed Jack right to Borrogee hospital. Nobody saw them arrive, because it was night.“Ive never seen a horse like that pony” Jack said, Ca

    16、thy praised Jack Billabong, but she refused to say anything about the pony. “Joe will write about her in my story” she said.But she did say one thing: “If Flame hadnt returned to the homestead that afternoon, Joe and I would have died.”16. Jack Billabong did not turn back because he saw _.A. a horse

    17、 running towards himB. a girl riding a horse towards himC. something moving towards himD. a fire burning towards him17. Joe Brook was taken out of the homestead _.A. in a state of unconsciousnessB. very easilyC. by Cathys horseD. consciously by Cathy and Jack18. Cathy refused to talk to reporters ab

    18、out the pony when she was in Borrogee Hospital because_.A. Jack asked her not to talk to themB. She didnt know what to talk about the ponyC. She was too weak to say anythingD. Joe would write about it in his writing19. At last, Cathy owed her and Joes lives to “Flame”, which refers to _.A. the pony

    19、B. JackC. Jacks horse D. the fire20. The best title of this short story should be_.A. Bravery of a Lovely PonyB. Heroism of a Young GirlC. Courage of an Aboriginal StockmanD. Rescue of Joe BrookPassage TwoThe ships in which men hunt whales are very strongly constructed. The crew must be both courage

    20、ous and strong, because they are going to fight the biggest of all animals. Many of the whaling ships sail from Norway, which is famous for its sailors.When a whaling ship reaches the whaling grounds (the part of the sea where whales are found). All the sailors keep a watch for whales. One at a time

    21、 they stand high up on a mast so that they can see a great distance. Whales breathe air as we do. When they breathe out, the air mixes with water, and a jet of water is shot up above the surface of the sea. The sailor up above watches for these jets of water. When he sees one of them, he shouts, “Th

    22、ere she blows!”Motor-boats, called whalers, are lowered to the water, and they speed off towards the whale, and try to get close to the whale while it is still on the surface. An exciting moment comes when a harpoon is shot. This is a sharp spear with hooks that prevents it from being pulled out aft

    23、er it has gone into the whale. It is fastened to a long, light but very strong rope, which is carefully placed in the boat so that it will run out smoothly.As soon as the whale is struck by the harpoon, it drives deep under and swims away as fast as it can. It pulls the rope after it and the whaling

    24、 boat follows on the surface at full speed. Soon the whale comes up to the surface to breathe. The whalers want to be near when it comes up, in order to shoot another harpoon at it.There is always the danger that the whale may turn round and attack the boat which is following it. The whale has a ver

    25、y strong tail, with which it can attack the boat and destroy it. The whalers watch for the attack. They get out of the way as quickly as they can, and once more they attack. They get out of the way to fire the harpoon gun.At last the whale tires itself out. The whalers follow it, so as to be near wh

    26、en the great whale floats dead on the sea. The whaling ship is brought close to the whale, and the whalers begin to cut out the blubber for which they have fought so hard. It is heated in large pots and the oil is poured into barrels or other containers in which it is stored. When the ship has a ful

    27、l load it returns to port. 21. Why are ships in which men hunt whales very strongly constructed? A. The sailors are big and strong.B. They must have high masts.C. Whales are very big animals.D. They are made in Norway.22. Why do the sailors stand high up on the mast? A. They can see a long way.B. Th

    28、e whale cannot reach them.C. Whales are very big. D. They can get close to the whale.23. Why does the harpoon stay in the whale? A. It goes in a long way.B. It has hooks. C. It is fastened to a strong rope.D. It is carefully placed.24. What does the whale do as it has been hit by the harpoon? A. It

    29、comes up to the surface. B. It follows the whaling boat. C. It swims away on the surface at full speed.D. It swims away deep under the water at full speed.25. How can a struck whale attack and destroy a whaler?A. with its great strength B. with a jet of waterC. with its strong tail D. with its breat

    30、hPassage ThreeIn order to learn to be ones self, it is necessary to obtain a wide and extensive knowledge of what has been said and done in the world; critically to inquire into it; carefully to ponder over it; clearly to sift it; and earnestly to carry it out. It matters not what you learn, but whe

    31、n you once learn a thing, you must never give it up until you have mastered it. It matters not what you inquire into, but when you inquire into a thing, you must never give it up until you have thoroughly understood it. It matters not what you try to think out, but when you once try to think out a thing, you must never give it up until you have got what you want. It matters not what you try to sift out, but when you once try to si


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