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    1、中考英语121个单选陷阱题中考英语121个单选陷阱题 ( )1. Mr Li is in his office now. Go and find him.A. maybe B. Maybe C. May be D. May( )2. Would you like my house for my birthday party?A. come to B. to come over C. coming at D. to come over to( )3. I like but I dont like now because I am ill. A. to sing, to sing B. singi

    2、ng, singing C. to sing, singing D. singing, to sing( )4. I like to keep the windows . Its raining heavily outside.A. closed B. opened C. open D. closing( )5. Its fine. So she the umbrella.A. needs B. neednt C. doesnt need D. need( )6. It seems that there a heavy rain this afternoon.A. will have B. i

    3、s going C. is going to D. will be( )7. -Will you us about your trip to Tokyo? -Ok. Shall I it in English or Japanese?A. talk, say B. tell, say C. talk, speak D. tell, speak( )8. Lily Lucy may go with you because one of them must stay at home.A. Not, but B. Neither, nor C. Both, and D. Either, or( )9

    4、. Lucy, please stop _ me. My bike is broken.A. helping B. to help C. help D. helps( )10. They forgot their food and drink. They have nothing to eat now.A. to bring B. bring C. bringing D. brought( )11. Lucy here two years ago, she here for about two years.A. got, has got B. got, has been C. got, got

    5、 D. has got, got( )12. John Hill was sentenced to _, but he isnt _. He will never _.A. dead-death-die B. death-die-dead C. die-dead-death D. death-dead-die( )13. Now open your books and read the story as as you can.A. fast B. quick C. hardly D. possible( )14. She was seen paper planes in the room.A.

    6、 made B. to make C. makes D. making( )15. This is the room .A. for you to live B. for you living C. my living in D. for me to live in( )16. The students were told _ late again.A. not to be B. dont be C. not be D. dont to be( )17. The students sat together, happily.A. sing B. to sing C. singing D. an

    7、d singing( )18. I dont know he will come tomorrow. he comes, Ill tell you.A. if, Whether B. whether, Whether C. if, That D. if, If( )19. The driver drives _ the car.A. in front of B. in the front of C. in D. on( )20. Can you tell me about the football match?A. what todays evening paper writes B. wha

    8、t does todays evening paper sayC. what it said in todays evening paper D. what does todays evening paper write( )21. We met our maths teacher England lunch.A. in, for B. of, at C. from, at D. to, for ( )22. The weather in Changsha is different in Beijing.A. than that B. to it C. from D. from that( )

    9、23. I am your father, I ?A. amnt B. am not C. isnt D. arent ( )24. The dictionary _ well.A. sells B. is selled C. is sold D. was sold ( )25. We have to do our homework for every day.A. one and half hour B. one and a half hour C. one hour and half hour D. one and a half hours ( )26.This hat was made

    10、_ silk _ a woman _ China.A. of, from, in B. by, with, from C. of, by, in D. from, by, of( )27. If you go and do some shopping tomorrow, so _.A. I do B. do I C. will I D. I will( )28. Mr. Green is an expert doctor. He can even save _ people.A. dead B. died C. death D. dying( )29. We will do what we c

    11、an _ you.A. help B. to help C. helping D. helps( )30. a dog is mans best friend.A. That is true to say B. To say that is true C. It is true to say D. To say it is true( )31. Be careful. Its quite easy for players to get .A. hurt B. hurting C. hurted D. hurts( )32. The Greens have two _, one is boy,

    12、the other is girl.A. kids B. Birds C. Baby D. childern( )33. There are shops on _ side of the street, _ of them do not close until 12 at night.A. both, All B. every, None C. either, Some D. other, Many( )34. -Oh, theres someone at the door. -Let me have a look, I think is my friend.A. That B. it C.

    13、she D. he( )35 One billion one hundred million is .A. 1,100, 000,000 B. 110,000,000 C. 100,100,000 D. 101,000,000( )36. Can you them in the basketball match?A. won B. Win C. beat D. Beaten ( )37 The train for twenty minutes when I got to the railway station.A. had been away B. has left C. had left D

    14、. has been away( )38. The number of the players in a football match _ 24.A. are B. is C. am D. Be( )39. If an accident _ tomorrow, please send for me as soon as possible.A. will happen B. happens C. will be happened D. is happened( )40. There is ice in the room, so it is cold.A. too much, much too B

    15、. much too, very much C. too much, very much D. much too, too much( )41. No matter what the weather tomorrow, well go skiing.A. Like B. likes C. is like D. will be like( ) 42 China lies _ the east of Asia and _ the north of Australia.A. to; to B. in; to C. to; in D. in; on( ) 43. Its very nice _ you

    16、 to get me two tickets _ the World Cup.A. for; of B. of; for C. to; for D. of; to( )44. I cant say _I want to see him again. We havent seen each other for ten years.A. how long B. how soon C. how often D. how much( )45. Father asked Edison _.A. what was he doing that for B. why he was doing that for

    17、C. how he was doing that for D. what he was doing that for( )46 _ school, we can get much knowledge.A. Because B. Thanks for C. Thanks with D. Thanks to( )47 He will come to stay with us for _ next month.A. some time B. Sometime C. sometimes D. some times( )48. This radio program is well worth_.A. l

    18、istening B. listening to C. watching D. to listen( )49. He must be a doctor, _?A. mustnt he B. must he C. is he D. isnt he( )50 This building is taller than _one around it.A. any other B. another one C. any D. some other( )51 The king _himself from a leaning tree. What a pity.A. hung B. Hanged C. hu

    19、nged D. hang( )52 When _the PRC_, do you know?A. did, find B. did, found C. was, found D. was, founded( )53 He watched the game with a _look.A. surprising B. surprised C. surprise D. surprises( )54. _the time he got up, the road had already been covered with think snow.A. For B. By C. At D. Until( )

    20、55. Water must be kept _away.A. to run B. runs C. Running D. from running( )56. He is the _of his parents. They are very _of him.A. proud, pride B. pride, proud C. pride, pride D. proud, proud( )57. He had lived in this city _I moved here. But I hear that he will leave this city_.A. long before, bef

    21、ore long B. before long, before longC. long before, long before D. before long, long before( )58. Will you please make _ for me? I must be together with my baby.A. a room B. room C. a space D. rooms( )59 I will help you if I _.A. am able B. will be able C. can be able to D. am able to( )60. Older pe

    22、ople should _ politely.A. speak to B. be spoken C. be spoken to D. spoken to( )61. I will _ until your father comes back home. I have something important to talk with him.A. not wait B. leave C. wait D. not to wait( )62 He is afraid _the narrow bridge because he is afraid _ into the water.A. to cros

    23、s, of falling B. of crossing, to fall C. to cross, to fall D. of crossing, of falling( )63 Youd better go to bed early on weekdays, _ you?A. hadnt B. didnt C. werent D. neednt( )64. My parents went to work, leaving me _ the homework at home alone.A. to do B. did C. for doing D. doing( )65. _ the pop

    24、ulation by the year 2050?A. How many will be B. How much will be C. What will be D. What will( )66. I saw him _ your room when I walked past yesterday afternoon.A. entering into B. to enter C. enter D. enter into( )67. Id like something _ English. Could you make some for me?A. real B. really C. true

    25、 D. truly( )68. Everyone agree _ you _ your plan.A.with-with B. with-to C. to-with D. to-to( )69. The bottle is made _ glass while the wine in it is made _ grain.A. of-of B. of-from C. from-of D. from-from( )70. The United States _ smaller than China.A.are B. is C. were D. was( )71. You cant do your

    26、 exercise _ pencil. You must do it _ a pen.A. with-in B. with-with C. in-with D. in-in( )72. Today my sister is feeling _ to go to the factory.A. enough good B. good enough C. enough well D. well enough( )73. The books were covered _ Mr. Wang _ some cloth.A. by-by B. by-with C. with-by D. with-with(

    27、 )74. Teaching is the greatest work _ the sun.A. in B. on C. under D. Around( )75. interesting work you have done!A.What B. What a C. What an D. How( )76. _ wonderful time we had in the park yesterday!A.What B. What a C. How a D. How( )77. He set off _ the direction of the river.A. for B. to C. on D

    28、. in( )78. I am so glad to see you back in Beijing and how long _ in New York.?A. have you stayed B. did you stay C. do you stay D. will you stay( )79 -Its nothing serious, _, doctor?-_, Im afraid. Youd better atay in hospital and have an operation at once.A. isnt it, No B. is it, Yes C. isnt, Yes D

    29、. is it, No( )80 -Im going to Qingdao and stay there for a week.-_ you are there, would you please buy some books for me?A. If B. While C. Since D. As soon as( )81 -The rain came to a stop the night before. The fields are still full of water.-It _ for nearly a weekA. has rained B. had rained C. would rain D. was raining ( )82. -Have you found the information about famous people _


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