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    1、关于面试的英语对话范例关于面试的英语对话范例 A: Good morning. Are you Mr. Liu, the personnel manager? A:早上好,您是人事部的刘经理吗? B: Yes, I am. Do you come for an interview? B:我是刘经理,您是来参加面试的吗? A: Yes, I am. A:是的,我是。 B: Sit down, please! B:请坐! A: Thank you! A:谢谢! B: Would you please give me a brief introduction about yourself? B:请简

    2、单自我介绍一下,好吗? A: OK! My full name is Cao Dong, and I am 25 years old and single. I am a graduate student of Tsinghua University majoring in Computer Science. I will graduate and receive a master degree of Computer Science in July this year. A:好的,我的全名叫曹东,今年25岁,未 婚。我是清华大学的研究生,主修计算 机科学专业。我将于今年7月毕业,到 时候将获

    3、得硕士学位。 B: What courses did you take? B:您都学习了哪些课程? A: The courses I have taken include Computer Science, Computer Technology, Computer Software, Systems Design and Analysis, Program Language, Basic Principles of Programming and so on. A:我学的课程有计算机科学、计算机技术、 计算机软件、系统设计与分析、程序设计 语言、程序设计基本原理等等。 B: Do you h

    4、ave any experience in programming? B:您有没有程序设计方面的经验? A: Yes, I have. I used to work as a part-time programmer in Intel Company. A:有,我曾经在英特尔公司担任过兼职程序设计员。 B: What are your main responsibilities? B:您的职责是什么? A: I am responsible for programming for management of banks. A:我负责编制银行管理程序。 B: Could you talk abo

    5、ut your outstanding achievements? B:能谈谈您的工作业绩吗? A: Of course, Intel Company made a profit of ¥ 80,000 on one program that I completed last year. A:可以,去年我设计的一套程序为英特尔 公司赚取了 8万元的纯利润。 B: Why do you choose us instead of staying with Intel Company? B:您为什么不留在英特尔公司,而要申请 我们公司呢? A: Why I chose Intel was that

    6、I just wanted to find a short-term part-time job related with my major in order to gain some work experience. However my present purpose is to choose my career to which Ill devote my whole life, so I must be very careful. Your company is one of the biggest companies in computer industry, and your co

    7、mpany has a great future and advanced management system. As far as I know, your company requires highly qualified, conscientious and efficient staff, I think I am qualified to do your job. A:我选择英特尔时只是考虑找一个专业对 口的短期兼职职位,以便增加实践经验。现在我要选择的是将要终生从事的职 业,所以我会非常慎重。贵公司是计算 机行业的龙头老大,有美好的发展前景 和先进的管理制度。据我所知,贵公司 要求

    8、员工有很强的责任心和很高的工作 效率,我想我能胜任贵公司这份工作。 B: Do you receive any other companies offers? B:您有没有收到其他公司的接收函? A: Before I knew your companys recruitment, I applied for Cisco. And I received its letter yesterday. Ill choose your company if your company accepts me. To work for your company has been my dream. A:在知

    9、道贵公司招募新雇员之前,我申请 了思科公司,昨天我收到了他们的接收 函。如果贵公司能够录取我的话,我会 优先选择贵公司。加盟贵公司一直是我的愿望。 B: Do you have some work plans if we accept you? B:如果您被公司录用,您对以后的工作有 什么计划吗? A: Gaining success is more easily through teamwork than through ones own hard work. So making a self-work plan without knowing the teamwork plan is im

    10、proper. Firstly, I think I must know and adjust myself to the working situation, then learn from colleagues and gain work experience, finally become an excellent staff through surpassing others and myself. A:成功不是单打独斗就能够实现的,与团 队协作更容易取得成功,所以,在了解团 队的工作计划之前,就制定个人工作计 划是很不合适的。我想我首先需要了解 和适应公司的工作环境,然后向同事学 习

    11、,积累经验,最后通过超越他人和自 我,成为贵公司的优秀分子。 B: What starting salary would you expect if you are employed? B:如果您被录取的话,您希望起薪多少? A: The salary is 5,000 RMB per month at least, because I earn 4,000 RMB per mouth as a part-time staff. A:我期望月薪至少应该5000元。因为我 做兼职时月薪是4000元。 B: Do you have any questions? B:您有什么问题需要问的吗? A:

    12、Yes, I really want to know the housing system in your company. A:是的,有。我想知道贵公司住房设施是 怎样的。 B: If you become a member of us, our company will provide you a single dormitory. If you make great achievements, our company will offer you a flat according to the related regulations. It all depends. B:如果您被录取的话

    13、,公司将为您提供单 身宿舍。如果您为公司创造了突出业 绩,公司会按照相关规定送您公寓,这要 看情况而定。 A: I also want to know if theres a holiday in your company, for I must visit my parents every year. A:我还想知道贵公司的休假情况是怎样 的,因为每年我都要回家探望父母。 B: Besides the official holidays, our company offers a 10-day paid holiday every year, which makes it possible

    14、for you to visit your parents. Any other questions? B:除了国家法定节假日以外,公司每年还 为员工提供10天的带薪假期,您完全有 时间回家探望父母。还有其他问题吗? A: No. Thanks. A:没有了,谢谢。 B: Then thats all for today. Well inform you in a week. Thank you for your coming. B:我们今天的面试就到这里,我们会在一 周内通知您面试结果,非常感谢您能来 参加我们公司的面试。 A: Its my pleasure to attend the i

    15、nterview. Hope to see you again. A:参加贵公司的面试是我的荣幸。希望能 再次见到您! B: Goodbye! B:再见! A: Goodbye! A:再见! A: Nice to meet you, sir. My name is Pan Liang. I am coming in for an interview as requested. A:先生,很高兴见到你。我的名字叫潘亮, 我应邀前来面试。 B: Nice to meet you, Mr. Pan Liang. I am Dalton, the Director of Personnel Depar

    16、tment. Please take a seat. B:很高兴见到你,潘亮先生。我是人事部主任道尔顿,请坐。 A: Thank you, Mr. Dalton. A:谢谢你,泰勒先生。 B: Now lets get down to business. First of all, would you please tell me something about your education? B:现在我们开始面试吧。首先,可以告诉 我你的受教育情况吗? A: All right, I graduated from Xiamen University four years ago with a

    17、 bachelor degree of Economics. My major was International Trade. A:好的,4年前我在厦门大学毕业,获得了 经济学学士学位。我学的专业是国际贸 易。 B: You are working for an import and export company in Zhuhai now, right? B:你现在在珠海的一家进出口公司工作, 对吗? A: Thats right. A:对. B: How long have you been there? B:你在那里工作多久了? A: More than four years. I h

    18、ave been working there since my graduation. A:4年多了,毕业后我就一直在那里工作。 B: Your position and salary is still the same as four years ago, why? B:4年来,你一直没有升职也没有加薪,为 什么? A: In fact, there have not been any changes in these past four years at this company. That is the main reason I decided to leave. I really w

    19、ant more responsibilities and challenges. A:事实上,4年来,公司一直没有什么起色。 这正是我决定荽离开的主要原因。我想 面对更多的责任和挑战。 B: Our company offers lots of opportunities to capable employees. B:对于有实力的职员,我们公司会提供很 多机会。 A: Thats great. A:那太好了。 B: What is your chief responsibility at your present work unit? B:你在现在的单位主要负责什么? A: I am re

    20、sponsible for being the middleman between the foreign sellers and domestic buyers and collecting information about garments and textiles on the global markets. A:我主要是作为国外卖家和国内买家之间 的中间人。另外,我还负责搜集国际服 装和纺织业的市场信息。 B: So you are familiar with all the procedures of both import trading and export trading.

    21、B:这样说来,你对进口和出口贸易的程序 都非常熟悉了。 A: Very much. A:非常熟。 B: Very good. B:太好了。 A: Now, lets get right to it. I dont know exactly what Im looking for, but you dont seem to have all of the experience I want. Why should I hire you? A:我们现在就开始吧。我虽然不能确切地 说我想聘用什么样的人,但看起来你完 全没有我想要的经验。我为什么要聘用 你? B: Well, your adverti

    22、sement states that you are looking for a person with good English skills, good computer skills, and solid business experience. I think I have all three. I majored in English in university, and studied ESL for six months in Canada. I know many software programs and have a PC at home, which I use ever

    23、y day. Also, I often help my friends when they have PC problems. In terms of business experience, as you can see on my resume, I worked two years for a trading company and have spent the last three years with a securities company. B:唔,您的招聘广告上说,您需要一位有较 高的英语水平、电脑技术和营销经验的 人。我想,这三样我都行。我在大学主 修英语,我还在加拿大学习

    24、了 6个月的 英语课程。我熟悉好几种软件,家里有 一台个人电脑,我每天都使用它。而且, 当我朋友们的电脑出问题的时候,我经 常帮助他们去解决。至于业务经验,您 可以看看我的简历。我在一家贸易公司 工作了 2年,过去3年我在一家证券公 司工作。 A: You didnt stay long with the trading firm. Why didnt they want to keep you? A:你在贸易公司待的时间不长,他们为什 么不留住你呢? B: Oh, they wanted to keep me. I just felt I was ready for more respons

    25、ibilities and challenges. I enjoyed my work there and made many good friends. B:噢,他们是想留我,不过我觉得自己已经 为胜任更重要和更具挑战性的工作做好 了准备。我在那家公司工作得很愉快, 并且有许多好朋友。 A: Yes, well, this job calls for a wide range of skills. Do you really think your past experience has prepared you for this kind of job? Were busy all the

    26、time, often juggling many projects. We need someone who thinks fast and acts fast. This isnt a place to sit around, drink coffee and make many good friends. A:是这样。唔,这个工作要求多方面的技 能,你真的认为以你过去的经验可以应 付这类工作吗?我们总是很忙,经常要 同时完成多项工作。我们需要思维和行 动都很敏捷的人。这里可不是一个坐着 没事干、喝喝咖啡和交许多好朋友的地 方。 B: Oh, I understand that. I ha

    27、ve always been a fast worker, and I like work that is difficult and challenging. Many times I have had to make quick decisions, especially when my boss is away from the office. Oh, Im not expecting to relax on this job, Mr. Anderson. Im expecting hard work and tough challenges. Thats what Im interes

    28、ted in and thats why I sent you my resume. B:啊,我明白。我做事一向很快,而且,我 喜欢困难而且具有挑战性的工作。很多 次老板不在的时候,我都独立处理事务。 嗯,我不指望这是个清闲的工作,安德森 先生。我倒希望这是个困难而艰巨的工 作。这是我的兴趣所在和提交简历的原 因。 A: Are you married? A:你结婚了吗? B: No, Im not. B:没有,我没结婚。 A: Look at your age, Miss Ma. If we hire you and go through all the expense of trainin

    29、g you, by that time youll probably want to get married and leave us. Why would we waste our time and money doing that? A:考虑考虑你的年龄,马小姐。如果我们 雇用了你,又花很多钱对你进行培训,可 也许到那时你要结婚了,要辞职。我们 为什么要浪费时间和金钱呢? B: I have no intention of marrying soon, and even if I did, I plan to continue working for a long time. My car

    30、eer is the most important to me, and you would not be wasting your time on me. B:我并不打算马上结婚,即使结了婚,我也 打算继续长期工作。对我来说,我的事 业是最重要的。您不会在我身上浪费时 间的。 A: Miss Ma, what are your weak points? What weak points are you hiding from us? A:马小姐,你的弱点是什么?你有什么弱 点没有告诉我们吗? B: Well, uh. I think I sometimes try to do too muc

    31、h. Im learning to concentrate on the most important tasks and then move to the less important tasks. Im learning how to prioritize my time. Im also learning to be a better listener. Sometimes in the hectic business world, Im finding that what people say and what they really mean may be a bit differe

    32、nt. Im learning and training myself to know the difference. B:是啊,嗯有时我想一下子干太多的 工作,我正在学会在工作中分清轻重缓 急,学会更合理地分配工作时间。我还 在学会注意倾听他人说话。在紧张忙碌 的商业领域,我发现,有时人们说的话与 他们想表达的真正意思之间略有差别, 我正在学会领悟这种不同。 A: And your strong points? A:那么,你的强项是什么? B: Oh, Im very responsible, I can make fast decisions, and I do not need much supervision. I enjoy completing challenging tasks. Also, I think Im good at dealing with all kinds of


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