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    1、市场营销重点整合第1章 理解21世纪的营销 营销的概念营销既是一种组织职能,也是为了组织自身及利益相关者的利益而创造、传播、传递顾客价值,管理顾客关系的一系列过程。简单的说,就是满足需求的同时获利。(Marketing is an organizational function and a set of process for creating, communicating, and delivering value to customers and for managing customer relationships in ways that benefit the organizatio

    2、n and its stakeholders.)Marketing management: The art and science of choosing target markets and getting, keeping, and growing customers through creating, delivering, and communicating superior customer value.What is marketed: goods, services, experiences, events, persons, places, properties, organi

    3、zations, information, and ideasWhat is a market: Economists describe a market as a collection of buyers and sellers who transact over a particular product or product classA marketer is someone who seeks a response from another party, called the prospect.Needs(需要),Wants(欲望),and Demands(需求)1) Needs ar

    4、e the basic human requirements.2) The needs become wants when they are directed to specific object that might satisfy the need, and wants are shaped by ones society.3) Demands are wants for specific products backed by an ability to pay.(建立于经济基础之上) 营销哲学1) 生产导向随处可得、价格低廉的商品,适合于发展中国家 The Production Conc

    5、eptwidely available and inexpensive, make sense in developing country2) 产品导向高质量、高性能并且创新的商品The Product Conceptconsumers favor those products that offer the most quality, performance, or innovative features.3) 销售导向积极地销售和推广“非渴望商品”The Selling Conceptmost aggressively with unsought goods4) 营销导向为顾客寻找适合的商品

    6、The Marketing Conceptfind the right products for customers5) 全方位营销导向所有的事物都与营销有关The Holistic Marketing ConceptEverything matters with marketing 全方位营销的内容1) 绩效营销Performance Marketing 财务可衡性Financial accountability使用更多的财务指标评估其营销努力创造的直接价值和间接价值 社会责任营销Social responsibility marketing组织的任务是在保持或强化消费者和社会福利的方式下,

    7、确定目标市场的需求、需要和兴趣,比竞争对手更有效果地、更有效率地传递顾客期望的满意2) 整合营销Integrated Marketing 关键主题采用大量不同的营销活动来宣传和传递价值;协调所有的营销活动以实现其总体效果的最大化。 4P:产品Product、价格Price、地点Place、促销Promotion 4C:顾客解决方案、顾客成本、方便性、沟通3) 内部营销Internal Marketing员工对塑造长期的顾客关系非常重要 挑选有积极态度的员工 训练、激励和对员工授权 建立员工绩效标准 监督员工行为并奖赏绩效好的员工4) 关系营销Relationship Marketing与重要团

    8、体顾客、员工、营销伙伴及金融界成员建立长期互惠的关系,以便获得并保持长期的业绩和业务 基本概念1) 需要、欲望、需求:需要是人类的基本要求;当要求指向特定的商品时,成为欲望;有能力购买的某商品的欲望成为需求2) 交换、交易:交换是创造价值的过程;在达成共识时,交易产生,交易是买卖双方价值的交换3) 目标市场、定位、细分:Marketing management task:1) Developing marketing strategies and plans;2) Capturing marketing insights;3) Connecting with customers;4) Buil

    9、ding strong brands;5) Shaping market offering;6) Delivering value;7) Communicating value;8) Creating long-term growth第2章 Developing and Implementing Marketing Strategies and PlansPhases of value Creation and Delivery:1) Choosing the value:(STP)Segmentation, targeting, positioning2) Providing the val

    10、ue3) CommunicationThe Value Chain (value delivery network): a tool for identifying ways to create more customer valueCore Competencies(核心能力)特点 (1)It is a source of competitive advantage in that it makes a significant contribution to perceived customer benefits; (2)It has applications in a wide varie

    11、ty of market; (3)It is difficult for competitors to imitate.Holistic Marketing: integrating the value exploration, value creation, and value delivery activities with the purpose of building long-term, mutually satisfying relationships and co-prosperity among key stakeholders.Strategic planning: the

    12、process of developing and maintaining a strategic fit between the organizations goals and capabilities and its changing marketing opportunities. 战略规划层次公司层面(the corporate level)、部门层面(division level)、业务单位层面(business unit level)和产品层面(product level)Marketing plan is the central instrument for directing

    13、and coordinating the marketing effort.Strategic marketing plan lays out the firms target markets and value proposition, based on the best market opportunities.Tactical marketing plan specifies the marketing tactics, including product features, promotion, pricing, and service.Corporate Headquarters P

    14、lanning Activities:1) Define the corporate mission (A mission should be short, memorable, and as meaningful as possible)2) Establish strategic business units(SBUS)3) Assign resources to each SBU4) Assess growth opportunitiesA business can be defined in terms of three dimensions:1) Customer groups2)

    15、Customer needs3) technologyAssessing Growth Opportunities:(评价增长机会)1) Intensive growth(集中增长)2) Integrative growth (一体化增长)3) Diversification growth(多元化增长) 建立战略业务单位(SBU)Strategic business unit1) 战略经营单位是企业值得为其专门制定一种经验战略的最小经验单位。2) SUB的特征 有自己的业务,有竞争对手(It has its own set of competitors) 拥有一定的资源,能够相对独立或有区别的

    16、开展业务活动(It is a single business or collection of related business that can be planned separately from the rest of the company) 有相应的管理班子从事经营战略管理工作(It has a manager responsible for strategic planning and profit performance who controls most of the factors affecting profit)SWOT AnalysisThe overall evalu

    17、ation of a businesss strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats.【Its a way of monitoring the external and internal environment】External environment: Opportunities and threat【market opportunity analysis(MOA)】Internal environment: Strengths and weaknessesMarket Plan:A written document that summ

    18、arizes what the marketer has learned about the marketplace, what objectives are to be achieved through marketing, and how.1) Executive summary and table of contents.2) Situation analysis3) Marketing strategy4) Financial projections5) Implementation controls 增长机会类型1) 密集式成长:市场渗透、产品开发、市场开发、多角化2) 一体化成长:

    19、前向、后向、水平一体化3) 多角化成长:同心多角化、水平多角化、综合多角化 研方法与工具1) 调研方法:观察研究法、焦点小组法、调查法、行为数据法、实验法2) 调研工具:问卷、定性测量、机械装置第3章 Understanding Markets, Market Demand, and the marketing EnvironmentMarketing information system (MIS): distributed needed, timely, and accurate information to marketing decision makers.Internal recor

    20、ds system(内部记录): The heart of the internal records system is the order-to-payment cycle.Marketing intelligence system(销售情报)is the set of procedures and sources used by managers to obtain everyday information about developments in the marketing environment.Marketing research system is the systematic

    21、design, collection, analysis, and reporting of data and findings relevant to a specific marketing situation facing the company.Six steps of effective marketing research:1) Define the problem, decision alternatives, and research objectives2) Develop the research plan3) Collect the information4) Analy

    22、ze the information5) Present the findings6) Make the decisionMarkets to measure:The potential market: the set of consumer who have sufficient interest in a market offer.The available market: the set of consumers who have interest, income, and access to a particular offer.The target market: the part

    23、of the qualified available market that the company decides to pursue.The penetrated market(渗透市场):the set of consumers who are buying the companys product.Market demand:The total volume that would be bought by a defined customer group in a defined geographical area in a defined time period in a defin

    24、ed marketing environment under a defined marketing program.Company demand:The companys estimated share of market demand at alternative levels of company marketing effort in a given time period. 宏观环境分析1) 自然环境(Natural environment):原材料的短缺;能源成本的增加;反对污染的压力;政府职能的变化 2) 人文环境(Demographic environment):人口增加、人口

    25、年龄组合、种族市场、教育水平、家庭类型、人口的地理迁移3) 经济环境(Economic environment):收入分配;储蓄、负债和信贷能力4) 社会-文化环境(Social-Cultural environment):对自己、他人的看法;组织观、社会观、自然观、宇宙观5) 政治-法律环境(Political-Legal environment):企业立法加强;特殊利益集团的成长6) 技术环境(Technological environment):技术变革步伐加快;无限的创新机会;变化着的研发预算;对技术变革的监管力度增大第4章 创造顾客价值和顾客关系Creating customer v

    26、alue, satisfaction, and loyalty Customer perceived value (CPV) 感知价值的概念,如何提升顾客的感知价值1) CPV is the difference between the prospective customers evaluation of all the benefits and all the costs of an offering and the perceived alternatives.顾客感知价值是潜在顾客对产品及其已知的替代品的所有利益与所有成本评价的差额。2) 顾客感知价值的决定因素:3) Satisfac

    27、tion is a persons feelings of pleasure or disappointment that result from comparing a products perceived performance (or outcome) to expectations.满意度:产品可感知效果与顾客期望的函数;全面质量是价值创造与顾客满意的关键Quality (or grade) is the totality of features and characteristics of a product or service that bear on its ability t

    28、o satisfy stated or implied needs.Maximizing customer lifetime valueProfitable customer: a person, household, or company that over time yields a revenue stream that exceeds by an acceptable amount the companys cost stream for attracting, selling, and servicing that customer.Customer profitability an

    29、alysis (CPA) is the best conducted with an accounting technique called Activity-Based Costing (ABC)Customer lifetime value (CLV) describes the net present value of the stream of future profits expected over the customers life time purchases.Cultivating customer relationships (培养顾客关系)Customer relatio

    30、nship management(CRM)is the process of carefully managing detailed information about individual customers and all customer “touch point” to maximize customer loyalty.Four-step framework:1) Identify your prospects and customers2) Differentiate customers in terms of a. their needs b. their value to yo

    31、ur company3) Interact with individual customers to improve your knowledge about their individual needs and to build stronger relationships4) Customize products, services, and messages to each customerBuilding loyaltyFour key marketing activities that companies are using to build customer loyalty1) I

    32、nteracting with customers2) Developing loyalty programs:a) Frequency programs(FPs)are designed to provide rewards to customers who buy frequently and in substantial amounts.b) Club membership programs3) Personalizing marketing4) Creating institutional tiesCustomer databases and database marketingCustomer database is an or


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