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    1、,Unit 3 Our Hobbies,Topic 3,What were you doing at this time yesterday?,Section C,Topic 3 What were you doing at this time yesterday?,Section c,滨江中学,教学目标,1.知识目标:能理解下列单词的含义并能拼写黑体词:dark,match,voice,hungry,beat,burn,stove,goose,disappear,flame,dead.进一步学习、巩固过去进行时。2.能力目标:能复述并能简单地评价、预测故事。能模仿、改写或续写故事。3.情感目

    2、标:喜爱阅读童话故事,珍惜现在的生活,努力学习。,Lets go over the new words in Section C,火柴 嗓音 火炉 鹅 火焰,match-matchesvoicestove-stovesgoose-geeseflame-flames,名词 n.,黑暗的 饥饿的 死的 快乐的,darkhungrydeadhappy-happily,形容词 a.,卖出 击打 燃烧 消失 醒来,sell soldbeat beatburn-burned/burntdisappearwake woke/waked,动词 v.,低声地 醒来,in a low voicewake up,短

    3、语,What was the girl doing?,She was selling matches.,Pre-reading,卖,火柴,The kids are very hungry.,饥饿的,/hgri/,/sel/,/m t/,When Jims mother got home last night,his father was beating him.,打;击打,/bi:t/,Pre-readingMatch the following pictures with the titles of stories.,(),(),(),(),A,D,C,B,1a,A.Snow White B

    4、.the Little Match GirlC.Black Cat Sir D.Ma Liang and His Magic Brush,Watch the flash of 1a,then answer the following questions.While-reading,When did the story happen?What did the poor girl sell?Did the girl have a big Christmas meal?,On the last evening of the year.,Matches.,No,she didnt.,1.Many pe

    5、ople were getting together in their warm homes.2.A poor little girl was still walking in the streets with no shoes.3.No one heard her when they were passing by.4.The wind was blowing strongly and the snow was falling down on her long hair.5.Lights were shining from every window.6.When the matches we

    6、re burning,she saw a stove,a roast goose and a Christmas tree.7.A kind woman was standing there.8.On the morning of the new year,the girl was lying against the wall,dead!,请找出文章中含有过去进行时的句子。,get together in a low voice pass by fall down feel hungry be afraid to do warm sb.up go out light a fourth matc

    7、h hold sb.in ones arms,团聚,相聚低声地经过落下,摔倒感动饥饿害怕做温暖某人熄灭点燃第四根火柴把某人搂在怀里,Read the story again,then underline the phrases below and guess their meanings.,The little Match Girl It was snowy and dark on the last evening of the year.Many people were getting together in their warm homes.A poor little girl was s

    8、till walking in the streets with no shoes.There were some matches in her hand.“Matches,matches!”the little girl cried in a low voice.No one heard her when they were passing by.She didnt sell any matches and no one gave her a coin.The wind was blowing strongly and the snow was falling down on her lon

    9、g hair.She felt cold and hungry.,Lights were shining from every window.But the little girl was afraid to go home without selling one box of matches,because her father would beat her.“Ah,a burning match may warm me up!”shethought.She lit three matches.When the matches were burning,she saw a warm stov

    10、e,a delicious roast goose and a beautiful Christmas tree.But all these disappeared when the flames went out.Then she lit a fourth match.A kind woman was standing there.“Grandmother!”cried the little girl,“Take me with you.”Her grandmother smiled and held the girl in her arms.On the morning of the ne

    11、w year,the girl was lying against the wall,dead!,Read 1a again and complete the table.While-reading,on a new years Eve,in the streets with,was blowing,was falling down,matches,didnt sell,cold,hungry,stove,roast goose,Christmas tree,grandmother,was lying,dead,1b,no shoes,Read again and write the key

    12、words for each picture.Then rewrite the story.Post-reading,1c,1,_,_,snowy,dark,walking,matches,It was _ on the last evening of the year._ was still walking in the streets _.There were some _ in her hand.,A poor little girl,snowy and dark,with no shoes,matches,It was snowy and dark on the last evenin

    13、g of the year.A poor little girl was still walking in the streets with no shoes.There were some matches in her hand.,2,cried,didnt sell wind,snow,cold,hungry,“Matches,matches!”the little girl _ in a low voice.She _ any matches and no one gave her a coin.The wind was _ and the snow was falling down o

    14、n her long hair.She felt _and _.,cried,didnt sell,blowing strongly,cold hungry,“Matches,matches!”the little girl cried in a low voice.She didnt sell any matches and no one gave her a coin.The wind was blowing strongly and the snow was falling down on her long hair.She felt cold and hungry.,3,lit 3 m

    15、atches,burning,disappeared,went out,She _ three matches.When the matches were _,she saw _,a delicious roast goose and a beautiful Christmas tree.But all these _ when the flames _.,lit,burning,a warm stove,disappeared,went out,She lit three matches.When the matches were burning,she saw a warm stove,a

    16、 delicious roast goose and a beautiful Christmas tree.But all these disappeared when the flames went out.,4,a fourth match,standing,smiled,held in took with,She lit _.A kind woman was _ there.Her grandmother _,held the girl in her arms and _ the girl with her.,a fourth match,standing,smiled,took,She

    17、 lit a fourth match.A kind woman was standing there.Her grandmother smiled,held the girl in her arms and took the girl with her.,5,lying,dead,On the morning of the new year,the girl was_ against the wall,_!,lying,dead,On the morning of the new year,the girl was lying against the wall,dead!,On a New

    18、_Eve,it was very d _ and the snow was heavy,but a little girl was still _ matches in the streets.“Matches,matches!”she cried in a low v_.No one heard her.She was afraid to go home _(没有)selling one box of matches because her father would_/bi:t/her.She was very tired,cold and_(饥饿的).She thought a b_ ma

    19、tch would warm her up.When she lit a _ match,she saw her dear grandmother.On the morning of the new year,the girl was _/ded/.,根据提示完成下列短文,Post-reading,Years,ark,oice,without,beat,hungry.,urning,dead,selling,fourth,Do you like the ending(结局)of the story?Would you like to give the girl another ending?P

    20、lease try to rewrite(改写)the ending.,Post-reading,改写这则童话故事。故事结尾可以发挥你的想象。字数70词。,summary,1.New words and phrases,2.Past Continuous,Adverbial clauses of time,团聚,相聚低声地经过落下,摔倒感动饥饿害怕做温暖某人熄灭点燃第四根火柴把某人搂在怀里,get together in a low voice pass by fall down feel hungry be afraid to do warm sb.up go out light a fou

    21、rth match hold sb.in ones arms,summary,1.Many people were getting together in their warm homes.2.A poor little girl was still walking in the streets with no shoes.3.No one heard her when they were passing 4.The wind was blowing strongly and the snow was falling down on her long hair.5.Lights were sh

    22、ining from every window.6.When the matches were burning,she saw a stove,a roast goose and a Christmas tree.7.A kind woman was standing there.8.On the morning of the new year,the girl was lying against the wall,dead!,by,1.除夕夜中国人聚一起吃一顿丰盛的晚餐。Chinese _ _ for a big dinner on the _ of the new year.2.当我经过学

    23、校礼堂时,我听见他在低声浅唱。When I _ _ the school hall,I heard him _ _ _ _ _.3.秋天到了,落叶纷飞。Leaves _ _ from the trees when _ comes.4.刚才电灯突然熄灭了,她很害怕一个人待在屋里.The lights _ _ just now and she _ _ _ stay in the room _.,get together,eve,passed by,singing in a low voice,fall down,fall,went out,was,afraid to,alone,用所给词的适当形式

    24、填空。The wind _(blow)heavily at this time last week.My father _(read)newspapers when I _(reach)home yesterday.Tom _(play)the guitar while Jerry _(sing)a song at that time.I with my parents _(watch)a movie from 7:00 to 9:00 last night.When the accident happened,Mike _(walk)a pet dog.Mary _(meet)a friend on the road last Friday.,summary,was blowing,was reading,reached,was playing,was singing,was watching,was walking,met,1.Collect some stories and share them.2.Finish Section C in the workbook.Preview Section D.,December,2015,


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