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    1、分销渠道及后勤管理For personal use only in study and research; not for commercial use第十二章 分销渠道及后勤管理 营销渠道决策是公司面临的最重要的问题之一。公司的渠道决策直接影响着其他所有的营销决策。各个渠道系统带来不同水平的收益和成本,到达不同的目标市场。管理人员必须仔细地进行渠道决策,将现今的需求和未来可能的销售环境结合起来考虑。一些公司对于其分销渠道很少注意,而一些公司已经使用了创造性的分销系统,以获取竞争优势。1、解释为什么公司要使用分销渠道,并讨论这些渠道所起的作用大多数公司都使用中间商将产品推向市场。通过它们的关系

    2、、经验、专门知识和经营规模、营销中介通常能做到生产企业自己做不到的事情。营销渠道成员承担了许多关键工作。 2、讨论渠道成员是如何相互作用的,以及它们是如何组织起来发挥渠道功能最理想的情况是,由于每个渠道成员的成功都依赖于整个渠道系统的成功,所有的渠道企业都应当协同合作。它们应当理解和接受各自的任务,协调目标和行动,合作达成总体渠道目标。通过合作,它们可以更加有效地理解、服务于并满足目标市场。在大公司中,正式的组织结构分派任务,提供必要的领导来分派任务,管理冲突。担近年来,新型的渠道组织出现了,它们带来了有力的领导,改善了渠道成员的表现。3、明确公司可行的主要渠道选择 每个企业都要明确到达其市场


    4、满足消费者的同时,使成本最低。因而,后勤管理的目标是以最小的成本,提供既定水平的顾客服务。主要的后勤职能包括订货处理、仓库、管理、存货管理和运输。5、分析整合后勤,讨论如何才能建立整合后勤系统,以及它对公司有何益处整合后勤的概念认为,要改善后勤质量需要团队合作,建立公司内部跨职能的以及供应链上的跨组织的紧密合作关系。公司可以通过建立跨职能部门之间的后勤一致性。渠道合作关系可以采取跨公司小组、共同项目和信息共享系统的形式来建立。通过这样的合作,许多公司?quot;预期分销系统转变为反应分销系统。如今,一些公司将它们的后勤职能转包给第三方后勤提供商。关键概念和原则For personal use

    5、only in study and research; not for commercial use公司常常不怎么注意分销渠道,因此有时带来了破坏性的后果。分销渠道决策常常涉及与其他企业的长期交流。从经济系统的观点来看,营销中介的作用是将生产者产出的各种产品转换成消费者需要的各种产品。营销中介在协调供求的方面起到了重要作用。营销渠道成员承担了关键职能:信息、促销、联系、调整、谈判、实体分派、融资、风险承担。在将产品和产品所有权带给最终购买者的过程中,每一层营销中介都代表一种渠道层次,使用渠道层次的数量来表示渠道的长度。 直接营销渠道和间接营销渠道。分销渠道由那些被共同利益结合在一起的企业组成。

    6、每一个渠道成员都在渠道系统中发挥着自己的作用,执行一项或多项职能。理想的状况是所有渠道企业都保持良好的关系,协同努力。这些对目标和职能的不同意见就产生了渠道冲突。水平冲突发生在执行同一渠道职能的企业间。垂直冲突通常是指执行不同渠道职能企业之间的冲突,这就更常见了。一些渠道冲突是以良性竞争的形式出现的,但有时冲突会损害渠道系统。为了整个渠道系统的良好发展,每一个渠道成员都必须专注于自己的职能,渠道冲突应当得到很好的管理。 垂直营销系统是近年来分销渠道方面的最大发展,该系统的出现是对传统营销系统的一大挑战。垂直营销系统由制造商、批发商或零售商组成一个统一的系统。三种主要的垂直营销系统类型:统一型、

    7、契约型和管理型。每种类型都采用了不同方式建立领导阶层和分销权力。渠道系统的另一个发展方向是水平营销系统,同一层次的两个或多个公司联合起来,抓住新的营销机会。当一个企业建立两个或两个以上的分销渠道为某个或多个消费者细分市场服务时,就产生了多渠道营销。近年来,对混合渠道系统的使用发展很快。 混合分销渠道系统为那些面对着大型和复杂市场的公司提供了许多好处。但是这些混合渠道系统很难控制,还会产生渠道系统冲突。中介弱化意味着产品和服务的制造商将会逐渐绕过营销中介,直接向最终购买者销售,或是全新的渠道中介形式将取代旧有的方式。中介弱化为制造商和中间商都带来了问题和机会。在设计营销渠道时,制造商要在理想的分

    8、销渠道和实际可行的分销渠道中做出选择。设计分销渠道必须首先了解目标消费者希望从渠道系统中得到什么。渠道目标应当根据目标消费者的期望服务水平来确定。 公司确定了渠道目标之后,下一步就是明确主要的渠道选择,包括中介机构的种类,中间商的数量及各个渠道成员的责任。管理层可能会想到如下的渠道选择:公司销售队伍、制造商的代理商、产业分销商。营销中间商的数量有三种策略可以选择:密集型分销、专卖型分销和选择型分销。便利性产品和普通原材料的生产者通常采用密集型分销。一些制造商特意限制经销它们产品的中间商的数量,称为专卖型分销。专卖型分销通常用于新汽车和妇女高级服装的销售中。选择型分销使用的中间商不止一个,但又不

    9、包括所有愿意经销公司产品的中间商。大多数电视机、家具和小型电器的品牌使用这种分销方式。 制造商和中间商需要对合作条款以及各个渠道成员的责任达成一致,包括各成员应遵守的价格政策、销售条件、地区特权和特殊服务。每一种渠道应当通过经济标准、控制标准和适应性标准来进行评估。国际市场的营销人员在设计分销渠道时面临着许多更复杂的问题。渠道管理要求选择和激励渠道成员,并定期评估它们的工作表现。在选择中间商时公司应当明确,具有哪些特点才是好的中间商。有的公司使用胡萝卜加大棒的方法,一些更先进的公司尽力与分销商建立起长期的合作关系,包括建立一个能同时满足制造商和分销商需求的垂直营销系统。 制造商必须经常评估分销

    10、渠道成员的业绩,包括销售指标、平均仓储水平、向顾客交货的时间、损坏和丢失货物的情况、配合公司促销和培训计划的情况,以及客户服务水平。有一些影响渠道的法律,其目的是避免因为某些使用排外经营的战术而使其他公司无法正常地使用渠道。实体分销或营销后勤是指计划、执行和控制原材料、最终产品及相关信息从起运地到消费地的实体流动,以满足消费者的需求,并赚取利润。营销后勤系统的目标应当是以最小的成本,提供既定水平的顾客服务。主要的后勤职能包括订货处理、仓库管理、存货管理和运输。 一旦收到订单,必须迅速准确地处理。公司必须决定建立多少个仓库、什么样的仓库以及设在哪里。近年来,仓储设施和设备技术大大改进了。在进行存

    11、货决策时,管理者必须平衡增加存货的成本与相应的销售和利润的关系。公司可以有五种运输方式选择:铁路、卡车、水路、管道和航空。在为产品选择运输方式时,运输者必须权衡许多因素:速度、可靠性、可获得性、成本及其他因素。越来越多的公司开始接受整合后勤管理的概念,这一概念认为,要为顾客提供更好的服务和降低分销成本,需要在公司内部和营销渠道组织中采用协调工作的方式。 整合后勤管理的目标是协调公司的所有分销决策。第三方后勤服务,这种整合后勤公司为客户提供所有的后勤服务,使客户的产品顺利走进市场。公司使用第三方后勤服务可能有几个原因,效率更高,成本更低。公司能够将精力集中在核心业务方面。整合后勤公司更加理解复杂

    12、的后勤环境。CHAPTER 12DISTRIBUTION CHANNELS AND LOGISTICS MANAGEMENTSummaryDistribution channels are identified as being a set of independent organizations involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or business. Making decisions involving distri

    13、bution channels are among the most complex and challenging decisions facing the firm. Each channel system creates a different level of sales and costs. Unlike flexible elements of the marketing mix, once a distribution channel has been chosen, the firm must usually stick with their choice for some t

    14、ime. In addition, the chosen channel strongly affects, and is affected by, the other elements in the marketing mix.A strategic planner limits their options if they consider only one channel choice. Each firm needs to identify alternative ways to reach its market. There are many means available. Some

    15、 of the choices include the range of direct selling to multiple intermediary levels. Each of these options has advantages and disadvantages associated with them. Vertical and horizontal systems are more sophisticated than the basic channel alternatives and each is explained in context with contempor

    16、ary usage. E-commerce and the use of the Internet has also impacted channel choice and strategy in a profound way. Channel design begins with assessing customer channel-service needs and company channel objectives and constraints. The company then identifies the major channel alternatives in terms o

    17、f the types of intermediaries, the number of intermediaries, and the channel responsibilities of each. No system, no matter how well it has been planned, is without conflict. Managing distribution conflict is a necessity if quality service and low cost are to be delivered. Since distribution relatio

    18、nships tend to be long-term in nature, the choice of channel partners is very important and should be taken very seriously.In todays global marketplace, selling a product is sometimes easier than getting it to customers. Therefore, physical distribution and logistics management are receiving increas

    19、ed attention from strategic planners. The task of physical distribution systems is to minimize the total cost of providing a desired level of customer services while bringing those services to the customer with the maximum amount of speed. Major logistics functions of order processing, warehousing,

    20、inventory management, and transportation are discussed and explored. The chapter concludes by discussing the cross-functional teamwork within the firm and the relationships of distribution partners that are necessary to make an effective and profitable distribution network.Keywords and principleMark

    21、eting channel decisions are among the most important facing marketing managers. A companys channel decisions are linked with every other marketing decision. Distribution channel decisions often involve long-term commitments to other firms.A distribution channel is a set of interdependent organizatio

    22、ns involved in the process of making a product or service available for use or consumption by the consumer or business user.The use of intermediaries results from their greater efficiency in making goods available to target markets. From the economic systems point of view, the role of marketing inte

    23、rmediaries is to transform the assortments of products made by producers into the assortments wanted by consumers.Intermediaries play an important role in matching supply and demand.A distribution channel moves goods from producers to consumers. It overcomes the major time, place, and possession gap

    24、s that separate goods and services from those who would use them. Members of the marketing channel perform many key functions. They are: Information, Promotion, Contact, Matching, Negotiation , Physical distribution, Financing, Risk taking.The question is not if these functions must be performed but

    25、 rather who will perform them. Distribution channels can be described by the number of channel levels involved. A channel level is a layer of middlemen that perform some work in bringing the product and its ownership closer to the final buyer. The number of intermediary levels indicates the length o

    26、f the channel. These levels can be described as being: A direct marketing channel, An indirect marketing channel.All of the institutions in the channel are connected by several types of flows: Physical flow of products, The flow of ownership, The payment flow, The information flow, The promotion flo

    27、w. These flows can make channels very complex.Distribution channels are more than simple collections of firms tied together by various flows.A distribution channel consists of firms that have banded together for their common good. Each channel is dependent on the others. Each channel member plays a

    28、role in the channel and specializes in performing one or more functions. Channel conflict is disagreements among marketing channel members on goals and roles-who should do what and for what rewards. Horizontal conflict. Vertical conflict .Some conflict can take the form of healthy competition.Tradit

    29、ionally, distribution channels have lacked the leadership needed to assign roles and manage conflict.Historically, distribution channels have been loose collections of independent companies, each showing little concern for overall channel performance. Vertical marketing systems have emerged to chall

    30、enge conventional marketing channels. The conventional distribution channel is a channel consisting of one or more independent producers, wholesalers, and retailers, each a separate business seeking to maximize its own profits even at the expense of profits for the system as a whole.A vertical marke

    31、ting system (VMS) is a distribution channel structure in which producers, wholesalers, and retailers act as a unified system-one channel member owns the others, has contracts with them, or has so much power that they all cooperate. The major types include: corporate VMS, contractual VMS, (Wholesaler

    32、-sponsored voluntary chains, Retailer cooperatives, Franchise operations(Manufacturer-sponsored retailer franchise system, Manufacturer-sponsored wholesaler franchise system, Service-firm-sponsored retailer franchise system), administered VMS.Horizontal marketing systems are where two or more companies at one level jointogether to follow a new marketing opportunity. By working together, they can combine their capital, production capabilities, or marketing resources to accomplish more than if they were working alone.Hybrid marketing


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