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    高中英语阅读理解 第一部分 异域风光一练习.docx

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    高中英语阅读理解 第一部分 异域风光一练习.docx

    1、高中英语阅读理解 第一部分 异域风光一练习2019-2020年高中英语阅读理解 第一部分 异域风光(一)练习泰姬陵是莫卧儿王朝第五代君主沙杰罕为宠姬泰姬玛哈尔修筑的陵墓,整个建筑通体用白色大理石砌成,外形端庄华美,无懈可击。有人说,不看泰姬陵就不算到过印度。的确,在世人眼中,泰姬陵就是印度的代名词。无论国际政要还是普通游客,但凡来了印度,哪怕日程再忙,都要挤出时间去瞻仰一下这座举世闻名的爱情丰碑。Almost everyone has read about the Taj Mahal in India. It is one of the most beautiful buildings in

    2、the world. Over three hundred years ago, Shah Jehan built the Taj Mahal as the tomb for his wife. Shah Jehan wanted his wifes tomb perfect. He did not care about time or money. He brought together workmen from all Asia. Altogether, over 20,000 men worked on the buildings, and it took them twenty-two

    3、 years to finish it.The building rests on a platform of red sandstone. Four thin white towers rise from the corner of the platform. A large dome rests from the center of the building. Around this large dome there are four smaller ones.The building is made of fine white and colored marble. It has eig

    4、ht sides and many arches. There is an open corridor just inside the outer walls. From this corridor, the visitor looks through the marble screen to a central room. The bodies of Shah Jehan and his wife lie in a tomb below this room.A beautiful garden surrounds the Taj Mahal. The green trees make the

    5、 marble look even whiter. In front of the main entrance to the building there is a long, narrow pool. If you look in this pool, you can see all the beauty of the Taj Mahal in the reflection from the water.Many people think the Taj Mahal is most beautiful at sunset. Then the marble picks up the color

    6、 of the sunset, and the building and its reflection in the pool gleam like red jewels.prehension Questions:3. The building is based on _A. fine white and colored marble.B. a platform of red sandstone.C. four thin white towers.D. a large dome and many arches.4. According to the last paragraph, the lo

    7、ng, narrow pool is most probably to _ of the building.A. the west B. the east C. the north D. the south5. Which of the following is not mentioned about the Taj Mahal? _ A. The structure of the tomb.B. The specific location of the tomb. C. The purpose of building the tomb. D. The material used to bui

    8、ld the tomb.(CDBAB)蒙特利尔美洲的巴黎蒙特利尔,素有“美洲的巴黎”之美称。它是加拿大南部的一座城市,坐落于圣劳伦斯河上的蒙特利尔岛,因位于市中心的罗伊尔山而得名。1642年由法国人建立,取名为蒙特利尔玛丽城。现在,蒙特利尔是加拿大第二大城市和主要港口以及文化、商业和工业中心,也是加拿大著名的旅游城市之一。人口400多万。Lying on the western coast of the Atlantic Ocean, Montreal is the second largest city in Canada as well as the second largest Fren

    9、ch-speaking city in the world. As a result, it is often referred to as the American Paris. In French, “mont” means mountain and “real” means royal. Montreal means a city built on the mountain by the royal family.The city was founded in 1832. For quite a long time people regarded it as the biggest ci

    10、ty in Canada because it was not until 1970s that the population of Toronto surpassed that of Montreal.prehension Questions:1. According to the passage, Montreal lies _A. to the west of the Pacific Ocean. B. to the west of Canada. C. in the east of Canada. D. in the centre of Canada.2. Montreal is ca

    11、lled the American Paris mainly because _A. it is the second largest city in Canada. B. it is as beautiful as Paris, the capital city of France.C. it is the capital of Canada.D. it has the second largest number of French-speaking people in the world. 3. “Montreal” is a word _A. of English origin mean

    12、ing “a royal mountain”. B. of English origin meaning “a city built on the mountain by the royal family”.C. of French origin meaning “a royal mountain”. D. of French origin meaning “a city built on the mountain by the royal family”. 4. Through reading the passage, we know that Montreal _A. is now the

    13、 biggest city in Canada.B. was once the biggest city in Canada.C. came into being in the 1970s.D. became the biggest city in the 1970s.5. A large number of tourists e to Montreal from all aver the world because _A. they are interested in the uniqueness of the Olympic Stadium.B. there are many scenic

    14、 spots in the city.C. it has a central-heating system.D. the 21st Olympic Games was held here.(CDDBA)3. New York City, the Big Apple纽约城大苹果纽约城市旅游局曾经说过,50年前首先把纽约叫成“大苹果”的,是爵士乐手和其他文艺演员。那时,他们每天转场到一个城镇,他们把每一个城镇称作树上的一颗苹果。一个演员不能在纽约获得成功,就不能看作是成功演员。又因为纽约是美国最大的城市,这样,他们就把纽约叫做“大苹果”了。They needed a new symbol for

    15、their city. They remembered the stories of the jazz musicians and began using the Big Apple in their advertisements. The idea worked.Today so many people from different parts of the world e and visit New York City every day. They may probably know New Yorks nickname though they may not know why the

    16、city is called the Big Apple.prehension Questions:1. New York City was first called the Big Apple by _A. the New York City Visitors Bureau. B. the early jazz musicians. C. the people in New York City who were interested in jazz music. D. the owners of a night club and a popular dance.2. About sixty

    17、years ago, the jazz musicians made a living by _ A. performing in New York City because only the New Yorkers were interested in jazz at that time. B. performing in no other place than New York City because they could get best paid for their performances there.C. performing in various towns and citie

    18、s throughout the United States.D. working in New York City.3. The jazz performers would like to play in New York City best of all because _A. it was the place where they could earn the most money from a greater number of people. B. it was described as the Big Apple and could attract the audiences in

    19、terest in jazz music.C. people in other towns or cities were not interested in jazz music.D. there was a night club and a popular dance also called the Big Apple.4. Arrange the right order of the facts according to the passage. _a. The city officials used the Big Apple as the symbol of New York City

    20、.b. New York City began to be called the Big Apple. c. A night club in New York was called the Big Apple.d. A popular dance was called the Big Apple. e. Jazz music became popular in New York City then. f. Towns and cities in America were described as apples. A. e, f, b, c, d, a B. a, e, f, b, c, d C

    21、. a, f, e, b, c, d D. e, f, a, b, c, d D. The early jazz musicians described each town and city in America as an apple on a tree. That is why they called New York City the Big Apple.(BCAAC)4. Basel, an International City巴塞尔国际城市巴塞尔位于莱茵河湾与德法两国交界处,是连接法国、德国和瑞士的重要交通枢纽,三个国家的高速公路在此交汇。巴塞尔市内有三个火车站,分别属于法、德、瑞三

    22、国;一个跨越瑞法两国国界的国际机场和一个莱茵河工业内河港口。每年在这里举行瑞士最大的国际样品展示会,巴塞尔和日内瓦一样,都是国际城市。Visitors to Switzerland usually include Basel in their list of cities to visit. It has a population of over 350,000, the majority of whom speak German. However, it is considered as a kind of international city, mainly because it stan

    23、ds right at the point where three countries meet. Many visitors go to the place in the city where a small three-sided marker says France on one side, German on another, and Switzerland on the third. The Rhine, which divides the city, bees wide and deep enough just at this point for ships to sail all

    24、 the way up to the North Sea. Basel is quite an old city too, having risen in importance five centuries ago. The University of Basel was founded in 1460, and is still well known today.prehension Questions:1. The passage suggests that Basel is _A. a Swiss city. B. a German city.C. a French city. D. a

    25、 city belonging to three countries.2. Basel is known as a place _A. where people from three countries often hold meetings.B. where the majority of the people speak German.C. where the people originally came from three different countries.D. where people can stand on the border of three countries.3.

    26、How do you suppose you can reach Basel in a big ship? _A. Sailing down the Rhine from Germany. B. Sailing down the Rhine from France. C. Sailing down the Rhine from the North Sea. D. Sailing up the Rhine from the North Sea. A. it has a history of five hundred years. B. it became an important port fi

    27、ve hundred years ago.C. it has been a famous city for five hundred years. D. it is considered a kind of international city.(ADCBB)5. Pompeii, a Silent City庞培一座静谧的城市风景如画的意大利西南海岸,一座巍峨峻峭的高山,俯瞰着碧波荡漾的那不勒斯海湾,那就是著名的维苏威火山。离这里不远,沉睡着1900多年前维苏威火山爆发后掩埋了的罗马古城庞培城。Not very far from Naples, a strange city sleeps un

    28、der the hot Italian sun. It is the city of Pompeii and there is no other city quite like it all over the world. Nothing lives in Pompeii except crickets and beetles and lizards, yet every year thousands of people travel from distant countries to visit it.Pompeii is a dead city now. No one has lived

    29、there for nearly two thousand years not since the summer of the year 79 A. D., to be exact.Until that year Pompeii was a prosperous city of 25,000 people. Nearby was the Bay of Naples, an arm of the blue Mediterranean. Rich men came down from wealthy Rome to build their seaside villas. Farmlands sur

    30、rounded Pompeii. Rising behind the city was the 4,000-foot Mount Vesuvius. Pompeii was a busy city and a happy one as well. It died suddenly, in a terrible rain of fire and ash. The tragedy struck on the 24th of August, 79 A. D. Mount Vesuvius, which had slept quietly for centuries, erupted with sav

    31、age violence. Tons of hot ash fell on Pompeii, hiding it from sight. For three days the sun did not break through the clouds of volcanic ash that filled the sky. And when the eruption ended, Pompeii was buried deep. A city had perished.Centuries passed and Pompeii was forgotten. Then, in 1748, it wa

    32、s discovered again. Beneath the protecting shroud of ash, the city lay intact. Everything was as it had been the day Vesuvius erupted. There were still loaves of bread in the ovens of the bakeries. In the wine shops, the wine jars were in place, and on one counter could be seen a stain where a customer had thrown down his glass and fled.c


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