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    1、学年度pep人教版六年级英语上册第一单元检测题及答案含听力材料六年级英语上册第一单元检测题班级:_ 学号:_ 姓名:_ 分数: _听力部分(45分)一、Listen and choose第一部分共10小题。你将听到一个单词,请根据读音选择正确的答案,并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内,每小题读两遍。(每小题0.5分,共5分) ( ) 1. A. candy B. many ( ) 2. A. sorry B. sunny ( ) 3. A. read B. repeat ( ) 4. A. flower B. flow ( ) 5. A. slow B. snow ( ) 6. A. food

    2、B. foot ( ) 7. A. night B. light ( ) 8. A. like B. lit ( ) 9. A. rain B. paint ( ) 10. A. mat B. mate 第二部分共10小题。你将听到一个句子,请根据录音选择你所听到的选项,并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内,每小题读两遍。(每小题0.5分,共5分)( ) 1. A. museum B. post office C. bookstore ( ) 2. A. post card B.post office C. teachers office( ) 3. A. cinema B. bookstore

    3、C. hospital( ) 4. A. turn left B. turn right C. go straight( ) 5. A. how B. what C. where( ) 6. A. Is it far? B. Robin has GPS. C.Follow me, please.( ) 7. A. play football B. play sports C. play pingpong( ) 8. A. funny and kind B. clever and shy C. polite and shy( ) 9. A. work B. works C. working( )

    4、 10. A. beside B. next to C. near 二、Listen and circle. 你将听到一个句子或一组对话,请根据所听到的内容, 选择正确的图片, 并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内。每小题将连续读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)( ) 1. Where is the science museum? A B ( ) 2. Where is the post office? A B( ) 3. Where is the Italian restaurant? A B ( ) 4. How can I get to the Palace Museum? A B ( ) 5

    5、. Where is the park? A B( ) 6. Whats Li Yangs favourite fruit? A B( ) 7. Whos Peters new Chinese teacher? A B ( ) 8. What can Wu Yifans robot do? A B ( ) 9. What does Ben do on the weekend? A B ( ) 10. What does Sally have on Wednesdays?WednesdaymathartChineseP.E.WednesdaymathscienceChinesemusic A B

    6、三、Listen and choose你将听到一个问题,根据你所听到的问题,选择最合适的答句,并将其前面的字母编号填在题号前的括号内,每小题将连续读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分) ( ) 1. A. Its near the window. B. Its near the museum.( ) 2. A. Yes, it is. B. No, there isnt. ( ) 3. A. No, turn left. B. No, turn right. ( ) 4. A: Turn left at the bookstore. Then go straight. B. Its near the

    7、 bookstore.( ) 5. A. Beef noodles. B. Coffee.( ) 6. A. Yes, I can. B. Yes, I am.( ) 7. A. Yes, please. B. No, I dont like it.( ) 8. A. Yes,its fresh. B. Yes, theyre delicious.( ) 9. A. Mr Green. B. Mrs Green ( ) 10. A. No, its near. B: Yes, it is near.四、Listen and fill 你将听到五个句子,根据对话内容填入所缺的单词, 使对话意思合

    8、理、完整,每空只填一词,注意大小写的规范要求。每组对话将读两遍。(每空0.5分,共5分)1. A: Where is the _? Its next to the _. 2. Go _ and you can see the _.3. I want to go to the _ museum. Shall I turn _here?4. There is a pet _ on the _side of the road.5. Our principal is very _. He is _, too.五、Listen and judge 你将听到一段对话,根据独白内容判断下列句子的对错。对的请

    9、在题号前的括号内打“T”,错的打“F”。该对话将连续读三遍。读完后将有十秒钟的停留时间。(每小题2分,共10分)( )1. The school in near the park. ( ) 2. The school is far from here. ( ) 3. The boy can turn right at the crossing. ( ) 4. The boy can walk to the school. ( ) 5.The policeman is helpful. 六、Read and choose阅读下面的对话,根据上下文,从所给的七个句子中选择五个句子,将对话补充完整,

    10、并将该选项前面的字母编号写在相应的横线上(每句2分,共10分)A . there isnt B. Go straight C. How can I get there? D: there is. E. You can take the No. 202 bus. F. turn leftJohn: Hello. Chen Jie: Hello! Its Chen Jie.John: Hi, Chen Jie. I am new here. I want to go to the science museum. It there a science museum near my home?Chen

    11、 Jie: Yes, _1_. The science museum is not far from your home.John: _2_?Chen Jie: You can go on foot. _3_ from your home and turn right at the crossing. John: And then?Chen Jie: Then _4_. You can see the science museum on the left. John: Can I go by bus?Chen Jie: Sure, if you like. _5_.John: Thank yo

    12、u very much!Chen Jie: You are welcome. 七、 Read and choose阅读下面的短文,从所给的单词中选择合适的单词补全短文,每空只填一词,每词只准用一次。(每空1分,共10 分)(restaurant hospital eat left next delicious turn park pizza get)Wu Yifan and Mike are hungry. They want to eat _ in a great Italian restaurant. But where is the _? Its _ to the park on Don

    13、gfang Steet. How can they _ there? Turn _ at the bookstore. Then _ right at the _. They can find the restaurant near the _. The food in the restaurant is _.They cannt wait to _the pizza!八、Read and fill阅读下面的短文,按要求答题。(每小题1.5分,共15分)(一)根据短文内容,判断句子对错,对的写T, 错误的写F。An old lady has a cat. The cat is very old

    14、. She cant run fast, and she cant bite. When the old cat sees a mouse, she jumps to it and catches it, but the mouse still gets out of her mouth and runs away. Then the old lady is very angry. She begins to beat the cat. The cat says to her, “Dont beat me. Please be kind to me. When I was young, I g

    15、ave you a lot of help.”( ) 1. An old man has an old cat. ( ) 2. The cat cant run fast. ( ) 3. The old lady beats the cat because it cant bite the fish. ( ) 4. The cat asks the lady to be kind to her. ( ) 5. The cat cant jump onto the mouse. (二)根据短文内容,选择恰当的答案。Look at the picture of my family. We are

    16、all at home. My father is sitting on a chair near the window and reading a book. I am in my room. I am listening to the radio. Xiao Hua, my sisiter is not playing. She is cleaning the windows. Wheres my mother? Shes in the kitchen. Shes cooking. Thats Xiao Lei, Xiao Dong, my two brothers. Theyre hel

    17、ping my mother. 1. ( ) My family are all _ home. A. in B. at 2. ( ) There are _ people in my family. A. four B. six3. ( ) Xiao Hua is my _.A. brother B. sister4. ( ) _ is cooking.A. My father B. My mother5. ( ) Xiao Lei and Xiao Dong are _. A. boys B. girls九、Ask and answer认真阅读答句,提出相应的问句,让对话合理、通顺。(每小

    18、题2分,共10分)1. Mike: _? John: Yes, there is a pet shop near our school.2. Sarah: _? Lily: The cinema is next to the museum.3. Tom: _? Amy: Turn right at the school, then go straight. You can see the hospital. 4. Jim: _? Zhang: My favourite food is beef. 5. Sarah_? Tom: No, the park is far from here.十、L

    19、ook and write 请再次阅读第七大题的文章,观察下图,你在医院附近,想去邮局,根据警察给你指的路线图描述一下你怎样到达目的地,不少于5句话。(10分)_六年级上册第一单元测试题 (听力材料)一、Listen and choose第一部分共10小题。你将听到一个单词,请根据读音选择正确的答案,并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内,每小题读两遍。(每小题0.5分,共10分) 1. many 2. sunny 3. read 4. flower 5. slow 6. foot 7. light 8. lit 9. paint 10. mate第二部分共10小题。你将听到一个句子,请根据录音选择

    20、你所听到的选项,并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内,每小题读两遍。(每小题0.5分,共10分)1.Excuse me, where is the science museum?2. I want to buy a post card. 3. There is a pet hospital in my city.4. How can we get to the restaurant? Go straight from here for 10 minutes. You can see it on the right.5. Where is the Italian restaurant?6. Is i

    21、t far?7. I often play sports with Robin on the weekend.8. My new math teacher is funny and kind.9. My new GPS works!10. My new school is beside the science museum.二、Listen and circle.你将听到一个句子或一组对话,请根据所听到的内容, 选择正确的图片, 并将其字母编号填在题号前的括号内。每小题将连续读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分)1. A: Where is the science museum? Is it nea

    22、r the bookstore?B. No, its near the library. Question: Where is the science museum?2. A: Is there a post office in your city?B: Yes, its next to the hospital. Question: Where is the post office?3. A:Where is the Italian restaurant? Turn right here? B: No, turn left. Question: Where is the Italian re

    23、staurant? 4. A: How can I get to the Palace Museum?B: Go straight and you can see the Palace Museum.Question: How can I get to the Palace Museum?5. A: Excuse me, it there a park beside the hospital?B: No, but there is a park behind the hospital.Question: Where is the park?6. A: Li Yang, do you like

    24、bananas? B: No, grapes are my favourite. Question: Whats Li Yangs favourite fruit?7. A: I know you have a new Chinese teacher. Who is he?B: He is Mr Yang. He is very funny. We all like funny teachers. Question: Whos Peters new Chinese teacher?8. A: I have a robot. It can do many things. B: Can your

    25、robot cook the meals?A: Yes! Question: What can Wu Yifans robot do? 9.A: Ben, what do you often do on the weekend?B: I often listen to music and climb moutains. Question: What does Ben do on the weekend?10. A: Sally, what do you have on Wednesdays?B: I have math, science, Chinese and music. Question

    26、:What does Sally have on Wednesdays? 三、Listen and choose你将听到一个问题,根据你所听到的问题,选择最合适的答句,并将其前面的字母编号填在题号前的括号内,每小题将连续读两遍。(每小题1分,共10分) 1. Where is the post office?2. Is there a pet hospital in your city?3. Where is the Chinese restaurant? Turn left here? 4. How can I get to the science museum?5. Whats your

    27、favourite drink?6. Can you play ping-pong?7. Would you like some beef noodles?8. Do you like watermelons?9. Whos that woman?10. Is the post office far from here?四、Listen and fill 你将听到五个句子,根据对话内容填入所缺的单词, 使对话意思合理、完整,每空只填一词,注意大小写的规范要求。每组对话将读两遍。(每空0.5分,共5分) 1. A: Where is the _cinema_? Its next to the _

    28、bookstore_.2. Go straight and you can see the crossing.3. I want to go to the _science_ museum. Shall I turn left here?4. There is a pet _hospital on the _right_ side of the road.5. Our principal is very _strict_. He is _funny_, too.五、Listen and judge 你将听到一段对话,根据独白内容判断下列句子的对错。对的请在题号前的括号内打“T”,错的打“F”。该对话将连续读三遍。读完后将有十秒钟的停留时间。(每小题2分,共10分)Boy: Excuse me, policeman, where is the school?Policeman: Its near the park. Boy: Is it far from here?Policeman: No, its not far.


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