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    八年级上册第三单元 讲义.docx

    1、八年级上册第三单元 讲义Unit 3 Im more outgoing than my sister .一. 要掌握的词组 1. twin sister 双胞胎姐妹 2. as you can see 正如你所看到的 3. in some ways在某些方面 4. look the same看起来一样 5. look different看起来不同 6. more than 超出 7. asas与一样 not asas不如 8. in common 共同的 9.a little taller 高一点10. go to lots of parties经常参加聚会= often go to the

    2、party 11.has cool clothes 有漂亮的衣服 12.is popular in school 在学校受欢迎 13. is good at sports 擅长体育14. make me laugh 使我发笑 ( make sb do ) 15.opposite views 相反的观点16. most of “中的大多数” 17. Its not necessary to “某事没有必要”18. be different from 与不同 (the same as.) 19. beat sb in sth 在某方面打败某人20. a weekend teacher 周末教师 2

    3、1. primary school students 小学生22.have good grades 成绩出色 23. be good with children 善于与孩子相处24.enjoy telling jokes 喜欢讲笑话(enjoy doing) 25.cant stop talking 不能停止讲话(stop doing)二. 重点句子及知识点讲解 1. Im more outgoing than my sister . 主语 + 动词 + 形容词比较级别 + than + 比较对象 2. As you can see , in some ways we look the sam

    4、e , and in some ways we look different . Look the same 看起来很像,看上去一样 look like 看上去像。后接n./ pron. 时意义才能表达完整 They look like each other.他们看上去像对方3. However , we both enjoy going to parties . enjoy doing sth. = like doing sth. 喜欢做某事 both用法: 1)both单独做主语谓语用复数形式。 Both are smart. 2) both of + porn. (pl.) / both

    5、 of + the/her +n.(pl.) both of us/ the boys are doctors.3) not both 部分否定“并非两者都”,全部否定时用 neither nor4) both 可以做限定词 Both her eyes are red.5) both and 连并列成分 Both Lucy and Lily are having supper.4. Liu Li has more than one sister . more than 不止 超过 there are more than twenty books in the box. 不止20本书more t

    6、han one + n.(sin) + v (sin) More than one girl is there. v (pl.) More than one are there5. Liu Li and Liu Ying have some things in common . in common (团体)共同的;公有的 6. Liu Ying is not as good at sports as her sister . as(副词)+ adj./ adv. +as(连词) 和一样 (其中asas之间的形容词或副词必须用原级);它的否定式是:not as(so) as Lin Tao is

    7、 as tall as his father He didnt come as early as Wang Lin7. Liu Ying talks more than Liu Li . 这里more是much的比较级,而不是many的比较级 8. Both girls go to lots of parties . lots of = a lot of 许多 9. My friend is the same as me . be the same as 与一样 / be different from 与不同 10. I think a good friend makes me laugh .

    8、 make sb. do sth. 使某人做某事 make / let/ have/ get 表示“使 让.”11. For me , a good friend likes to do the same things as me . like to do sth. 12. Thats not very important for me . 13. Whats your opinion ? 14. Should friends be different or the same ? same前常有定冠词the 15. I like to have friends who are like me

    9、. / I like to have friends who are different from me . like to do sth.中的like 是动词,意思是“ 喜欢 ”;而are like me 中的like 是介词,意思是“ 像 ”。要注意区别like的词性。 16. Im quieter than most of the kids in my class . 17. We both like doing the same things . like doing sth. (现在)喜欢做某事 18. Who do you think should get the job , Ru

    10、th or Rose ? 19. You must be good with children / enjoy telling jokes . be good with sb. 对某人好;与某人相处融洽 / enjoy doing = like doing sth. (现在)喜欢做某事 20. He cant stop talking . stop doing sth. 意为“ 停止(正在)做的事情”如:When the teacher came in , the students stopped talking and laugh . stop to do sth. 意为“ 停下(正在做的事

    11、)去做某事”如:He stopped to write a letter to her . 21. He always helps others . 22. She likes to stay at home and read .三语法知识1) 形容词的作用:形容词在句子中一般充当表语、定语和宾语补足语,如:Our school looks very beautiful. (表语) We need a big classroom. (定语)Doing morning exercises can make us healthy. (宾语补足语)2) 形容词的级别: 即原级、比较级和最高级。当讨论

    12、的对象是一个时应使用原级,当讨论的对象是两个时应使用比较级,当讨论的对象在三个或更多时应使用最高级。(1)形容词比较级用法:形容词比较级用法用于两者之间的比较,后常跟比较连词than表被比较的对象。为避免重复than引导的从句中有些与主句相同的部分常省略,而把相比较部分突出。e.g. His hair is longer than his fathers. = He has longer hair than his father. Its hotter in Shanghai than in Beijing. China is bigger than any other country in

    13、Asia.(2)形容词比较级的构成: 规则变化在词尾加-er 以不发音的e结尾的单音节词和少数以-le结尾的双音节词直接加-r 以辅音加y结尾的变y为i加er, 重读闭音节以辅音字母结尾的双写结尾的辅音加-er 有的双音节和多音节的词,在词前加more构成比较级。此外还有个别词为不规则变化。 例:good / well - better / best many / much- more - most(3) 在形容词比较级前还可用much, even, a little来修饰e.g. This city is much more beautiful than before. Shes a lit

    14、tle more outgoing than me. (4) “比较级and比较级”意为“越来越”注:多音节比较级用“more and more形容词原级”形式。The group became more and more popular. (5)“Which / Who is + 比较级?”比较A、B两事物,问其中哪一个较时用此句型。e.g. Which T-shirt is nicer, this one or that one? ( 6 ) 两个人或物比较时,如果只说明两者相同或不同,则可使用as.as.句型, 否定句为not as (so).as.句型,这里形容词仍使用原级。如:Mr.

    15、 Green is as old as Mr. Brown. Mr. Green is not as (so) old as Mr. Brown.四。单元知识点讲解:1. Here are the photos of me and my sister Liu Ying . Here / There 开头的句子需倒装。 e.g. Here is your book . 主语为代词时,谓语还是放在主语之后。e.g. Here you are . Here he comes . 谓语为行为动词表正在进行。 e.g. There goes the bell . 铃响了。2. As you can se

    16、e, in some ways we look the same, and in some ways we look different. “A and B look the same”看上去一样。e.g. Lily and Lucy look the same . “A look like B ”看上去像 e.g. Lily looks like Lucy .此处look意为“看起来”系动词,后跟形容词。例:look young / old / tired / nice. 3. We both have black eyes and black hair, although my hair

    17、is shorter than hers. (1) both“两个、两者都”,作副词时常放在be动词之后,实义动词之前。e.g. Both (of ) his parents are doctors. (作代词)= His parents are both doctors. (作副词)They both went camping in the holiday. (作副词) both and e.g. Both English and math are very important. 注:both指两者都,all指三者或三者以上都。(2)although与though常可互换,表“虽然、即使、尽

    18、管”,都不能与but用于一句话中。但though用得更普遍。此外though可作副词,在句尾表“然而”,although不能。 e.g. There are some differences, though. 固定短语是even though表“即使、纵然”,不能用even although. (3)hers名词性物主代词,句中指“her hair”. 4. She has more than one sister. 她不止有一个姐姐。 more than “超过”比较morethan.“比多” e.g. He has more books than me .5. They have some

    19、 things in common. (in common共通(同)的)比较:something某物(不定代词)some thing某一个事物,some things一些事物6. Li Ying is not as good at sports as her sister. (1)asas同级比较,两个“as”之间必须使用形容词或副词原级。意为“如同一样”, not as / so as“不如”e.g. He runs as quickly as his father. She doesnt study so / as hard as her brother (does)(2)be good

    20、at sth. / doing sth. 擅长于(做)某事。e.g. They are good at playing badminton. Im not good at painting. 7. I think a good friend makes me laugh. make sb. do sth. 让(使)某人做某事(make后跟不带to的不定式)e.g. His words made us feel so exciting.8. My friend is the same as me . He likes to do the same things as me . I like to

    21、 have friends who are different from me .(be)different from 和不同(be)the same as 和相同eg. His life style is quite different from ours. We read the same book as you showed us last time. 9.I like to have friends who are like me .比较:like to do / like doing “喜欢”动词 be like “像”介词(look like )10. enjoy telling

    22、jokes tell jokes讲笑话 enjoy sth. / doing sth. 喜欢(做)某事(物)11. He always beats me in tennis . beat & win “赢了” beat sb 某人 e.g We played very well , and beat them .win match , game (比赛,竞赛,战争,奖金等) e.g. We played very well ,and won the match .【重点语法讲解】形容词与副词的比较级大多数形容词(性质形容词)和副词有比较级和最高级的变化,即原级、比较级和最高级,用来表示事物的等


    24、st“以辅音字母+y”结尾的双音节词,改y为i,再加-er, -esteasy(容易的)busy(忙的)easierbusiereasiestbusiest少数以-er,-ow结尾的双音节词末尾加-er,-estclever(聪明的)narrow(窄的)cleverernarrowercleverestnarrowest其他双音节词和多音节词,在前面加more,most来构成比较级和最高级important(重要的)easily(容易地)more importantmore easilymost importantmost easily2不规则变化原级比较级最高级good(好的)well(健康

    25、的)betterbestbad(坏的)ill(有病的)worseworstold(老的)older/elderoldest/eldestmuch/many(多的)moremostlittle(少的)lessleastfar(远的)farther/furtherfarthest/furthest 【课后强化练习】( )16. Peter is good _ playing football, so he wants to join the football club.A. to B. with C. for D. at( )17. Whats your favorite subject?_. A

    26、nd I always get a good grade in the test.A. Physics B. HomeworkC. Movie D. Concert( )18. There are some differences between Tom and Jim _ they are twin brothers.A. though B. ifC. until D. so( )19. This is not Tinas ruler. _ is longer.A. Shes B. Hers C. She D. Her( )20. How many children do you have,

    27、 Mrs Green?A son and a daughter. And they are _ students now.A. both B. all C. every D. each( )21. I dont think Henry is _ than Tony.A. much popular B. more popularC. popular D. most popular( )22. His funny story made all of them _.A. laughed B. to laughC. laugh D. laughs( )23. My brother is _ talle

    28、r than me.A. very B. too C. so D. much( )24. We have many differences, but we also have some things _.A. in fact B. in commonC. as for D. as well( )25. I think Holly should get the job. _?I think Ruth is smarter.A. Whats the matter B. What does she doC. Whats your opinion D. Whats it like. 补全对话(本大题有

    29、5小题,每小题1分,共5分)从方框中选出适当的句子补全对话,其中有两项多余。A: (26) B: No, thats John. Jack is shorter than John.A: They look the same. (27) B: Yes, they are. And they are my best friends. We have the same hobbies.A: Then, what are your hobbies?B: (28) A: Do you have any differences?B: Yes. (29) A: What are you going to

    30、be when you grow up(长大)?B: (30) A. Are they twins?B. They are more athletic than me and I am calmer than them.C. Who is your best friend?D. Is that Jack?E. I like to have friends who are like me.F. We all enjoy playing the guitar and we like sports.G. Jack and I want to be pop singers, and John wants to be a doctor. 完形填空(本大题有10小题,每小题1分,共10分)先通读短文,掌握其大意,然后从各题后所给的选项中选出最佳答案。 Do you like pop songs? Do you like pop stars? Here are t


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