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    1、完整版英语翻译练习docx英语句子翻译 Johns work the happy house for John & Alice forever love1.这样的事我从来没听说过。 I ve never heard of such a thing before.2.那边出什么事啦? What s going on over there ?3.也许这不是他的错。我们得查一下。 【 have got to 】Maybe it is not his mistake.We ve got to make some enquiries.4.乌云遮住了天空,好像要下雨了。 Dark clouds have

    2、spread over the sky. Itlooks like rain.5.让我们把事情再解释一遍, 这样每个人都可以明白了。 Let s explain the matteronce again, so that everyone can understand it.6.他抬头一看,见她面带微笑走了过来。 He looked up and saw her coming overwith a smile on her face.7.如果你照告诉你的那样去做,你一定会通过考试的。 If you do as you are told , you will certainly pass the

    3、 examination.8.突然我看到个老妇人跑着穿过马路。 【all at once 】 All at once I saw an old woman running across the street.9.只要我们团结一致, 就可以克服任何困难。 If we are united as one ,we can get over any difficulties.10.在老师和同学们的帮助下, 他几乎在各个方面都取得了很大的进步。 With the help of his teachers and classmates, he has made much /great progress i

    4、nalmost everything.11.在他的工作中,出现了许多困难,可是他并没有吓倒。 A lot of difficulties arose in his work ,but he was not frightened.12.别着急,我们有的是时间。【take one s time】Take it easy ; we ve got plentyof time.13.他在学习上仍有一些困难,但他不怕困难,而且正在努力克服它们。She stillhas some difficulties in her studies, but she is not afraid of them and i

    5、s trying hard to overcome them.14.他们采取了一些步骤,这意味着他们国家的人口在以后的二十年内会稳定下来。 They have taken some action. It means that the population of their countrywill stabilize within the next twenty years.15.如果这种材料我们得不到充分的供应的话,我们不久就会用完我们现有的材料。If we don t have an adequate supply of the material, we ll soon use up wha

    6、twe have now.16. 这场暴风雨给这些旧房子造成了严重破坏。 The storm caused seriousdamage to these old houses.17.幸运的是,在这场事故中没有一个人受伤。 Fortunately, not a single man was injured in this accident.18.我后悔不该给他带来这么多麻烦。 I regret having caused him so much trouble.19.很明显,最近他取得了很大进步。 It evidents that he has made great progressrecent

    7、ly.20.昨天在街上我把她妹妹误认成她了 I mistook her younger sister for her in the street yesterday.21.我真诚的希望你会看到自己的错误, 并且以后尽量不再重犯。 I sincerely hope that you will see your mistake and try not to make it again in future .No.1 Page 16 Nothing s gonna change my love for you My darling, Alice英语句子翻译 Johns work the happy

    8、house for John & Alice forever love22. 我从来都没有读过这么有趣的书。 I have never read such an interesting book.23. 在中国人人看上去都很愉快。你到处都可以看到笑脸。 In China everybodylooks happy. You can see smiling faces all over the country.24.就人口而言,华盛顿还不能算是一个大城市。In terms of population, Washington cannot be regarded as a big city.25.学

    9、生们逐渐认识到,需要多年的时间才能掌握一门外语。The students have come to realize that it takes years to master a foreign language.26. 你应该立即申请那个职位,要么亲自去,要么写信。You should apply for that post immediately, in person or by letter .27.由于我们俩互不让步,最后未能达成交易。As neither of us would give in, the deal fell through.28. 我们等那么久还是值得的,因为我们买到

    10、了想要的票。It was worthwhile for us to wait so long because we bought the tickets we had wanted.29.她喜欢什么就买什么,结果负债累累。She bought whatever she liked and ended up in heavy debt.30.如果他们不遵守诺言,我们将停止与他们合作。Unless they stick to their promise, we will stop working together with them.31.他后悔浪费了那么多时间。He regretted havi

    11、ng idled away so much time.32.如果他们不遵守诺言,我们将停止与他们合作。Unless they stick to their promise, we will stop working together with them.33.她特意来照料这位患了癌症的老人。She went out of her way to take care of the old man who was suffering from cancer .34.昨天下起了大雨,于是他们不得不终止了正在进行的比赛。It rained heavily yesterday, so they had t

    12、o stop the game in progress.35.理论以实践为基础,反过来又服务于实践。Theory is based on practice and in turn serves practice.36.在大多数情况下,交通事故是由于司机的疏忽大意造成的。In most cases, traffic accidents arise from the driver s. s carelessnes37.从长远来看,我们主要关心的事应当是如何应付目前的财政危机。How to cope with the present financial crisis should be our ma

    13、jor concern in the long run.38.我必须强调他们只不过是孩子这一事实。I must put emphasis on the fact that they are only children.38.目前,针对中国在阻止全球变暖斗争中所应承担的责任全世界范围内展开了普遍的争论。 (There be; 介词后宾语从句)39.但是,我认为,尽管财富提供物质上的利益,一个人应该放弃物质至上的追求,而是集中精力追求幸福。 (in spite of;concentrate on)40.针对这一现象,一些人认为互联网消除了障碍,为人们提供了与世界即时链接的途径 ,然而其他人认为它可

    14、能会侵犯隐私。 (In reaction to;provide.with;leadto)41.我们国家(中国)如今面临的紧迫问题之一是克服城乡收入之间的差距。( between.and )42. 许多人谈论的一个最严重的问题集中在缺乏足够的居住空间。( centers on ;No.2 Page 16 Nothing s gonna change my love for you My darling, Alice英语句子翻译 Johns work the happy house for John & Alice forever lovethe lack of )43.通 膨 ( Inflati

    15、on )又是一个我 必 学会面 的痛苦的新情况。44.学生是否回答 个 是由老 决定的。45.随着社会的不断 展, 出 了越来越多的 , 其中之一便是怎 保 境 。( Along with.; )46. 在我 入了一个充 机遇和 新的 新 代,很多人 某些 的看法也 生了很大改 。 (full of;take place;attitude towards47.只有 我 才能在 之后尽快适 社会48.如果每次孩子遇到困 家 就帮孩子解决掉,那么家庭作 就没有任何意 了。 (There is no point in doing.)49.直到他 大成人才真正体会到父 他的 。 (only when.

    16、 )50.一个人不可能一 子不犯 ,但要尽量少犯 。(as as possible)51.政府更加重 个 ,越来越多的不必要的工程被 止。(attach.to)52.世上越来越多的人 到加 境保 的必要性。(more and more)53.残疾人一起工作使一个人不得不 他 持不懈的渴望印象深刻。(cannotbut;be impressed with.)54.越来越多的人开始意 到 富不是幸福的惟一先决条件(prerequisite) 。55.尽管科学技 取得了非凡的 步,但是在保 步成果使尽可能多的人受益56. 方面 存在一些 。 (In spite of;in terms of)57.最

    17、近的一 表明, 同几年前的 50% 相比,有 85% 的 象把致富作 他 的首 。 (rank.as;compare.with)58. 市内的地下 每天运 数十万乘客。 (hundreds of thousands of)59. 的快速 展 the rapid development of economy60.人民生活水平的 著提高 / 步增 the remarkable improvement/ steadygrowth of people s living standard61.先 的科学技 advanced science and technology62.面 新的机遇和挑 be fac

    18、ed with new opportunities and challenges63. 人 普遍 It is commonly believed/ recognized that 64.社会 展的必然 果 the inevitable result of social development65.引起了广泛的公众关注 arouse wide public concern/ draw public attention66. 不可否 It is undeniable that / There is no denying that 67. 烈的 / 争 a heated discussion/ de

    19、bate68.有争 性的 a controversial issue69. 我 品 量的提高在很大程度上是由于 有所改 。 (owe to) The rise in the quality of our products owes much to the improvement of the equipment.70. 尽管他是个残疾人, 他把全部精力投入到全心全意 人民服 之中。 (in spite of)In spite of the fact that he was disabled, he devoted all his energy to serving the people hea

    20、rt and soul.71.和你一起工作的 位教授非常固 ,与他争 没有意思。(point )The professor who is working with you is very stubborn. There is no point in arguing with him.72. 在 去的 20 年里,中国 生了巨大的 化, 但在教育 域 有 多地方有待No.3 Page 16 Nothing s gonna change my love for you My darling, Alice英语句子翻译 Johns work the happy house for John & Ali

    21、ce forever love改进。 (remain)In the past 20 years, great changes have taken place in China, but much remains to be improved in education.73. 我们不仅应该向顾客保证产品的质量,而且要提供最佳服务。 (Not only, assure)Not only should we assure customers of the good quality of the products but also of the best service.74.你能给我推荐一名能用英

    22、语上地理课的老师吗? (recommend ,capable) Can you recommend me a teacher who is capable of teaching geography inEnglish?75.不可否认,电脑的迅速发展已经导致了其他领域里的一系列革命性的变化。(no denying)There is no denying that the fast development of computers has led to a series of changes in other fields.76. 据说,上周末为了向那些退休教师表示敬意,举行了一次告别晚会。 (

    23、be said to, honor)A farewell party is said to have been held last weekend in honor of those retired teachers.77. 正是这无法用语言描绘的美景,才使得他印象非常深刻。 (beyond)It was the beautiful scenery, which was beyond words, that made him deeply impressed.78.不管我们会遇到什么困难,我们都要不遗余力地尝试新事物,开阔视野。(expand)Whatever difficulty we ma

    24、y meet with, we should spare no efforts to try something new and expand our horizons.79.大学生想成为 2010 年世博会志愿者的意识从来没有像今天这么强烈。(Never)Never before have the college students had such a strong sense of becoming volunteers for the 2010 Expo as today.80.我们每一个中国人都有充分的理由为我国近 30 年来所取得的巨大成就而自豪。 (pride)Each of us

    25、 Chinese has every reason to take pride in the great achievements that have been made over the past 30 years.81.他没有报名参加这次面试,这使他失去了一份薪水丰厚的工作。(cost)He didn t sign up forhist interview, which cost him a well paid-job.82.智力在很大程度上是与生俱来的东西。 (extent)To a large extent, intelligence is something that people

    26、are born with.83.工业的发展推动了人类文明,同时它也给我们带来许多意料之外的问题。(advance, meanwhile)The development of Industry advanced human civilization, and meanwhile, it also caused us many unexpected problems.84.他对英国人喜爱旧事物的方式很着迷,他们保护着许多历史悠久的古城堡。(fascinate)He is fascinated by the way the British love the old things and they

    27、preserveNo.4 Page 16 Nothing s gonna change my love for you My darling, Alice英语句子翻译 Johns work the happy house for John & Alice forever lovemany old castles with a long history.85. 表使得我 能更加清楚地了解 今学生的 余活 情况。 (enable)The chart enables us to know more clearly about the students leisure activities at pr

    28、esent86. 如果我 找不出失 的真正原因,我 就有重蹈覆 的危 。 (risk)If we can t find out the real cause of the failure, we will risk/run the risk of repeating the same mistake.87. 然他 学到了 多英 的意思,但他 似乎不能用那种 言来思 。( seem; think in the language )Though they have learned the meanings of some English words, they seem unable to thi

    29、nk in the language.88.他在美国逗留 学到了一些美国英 。 (pick up)They picked up some American English during his stay in America.89. 他自己得出 ,而不是等待老 解 。 (form conclusion; instead of)He formed his own conclusion instead of waiting for the teacher to explain.90. 狄克很 明,但迄今 止他的 言学 并不成功。 (intelligent; less thansuccessful)

    30、Dick is very intelligent but his language learning has been less than successfulso far.91. 据 学 一 言的最好方法是和 那种 言的人交 。(communicatewith)It is said that the best way to learn a foreign language is to communicate withthe people who speak it.92. 位家庭主 上超 市 前把她要 的 西列了一 子。(make a list of)The housewife made a

    31、list of all the things she wanted to buy before going to the supermarket.93. 每个学生每星期被指定做一篇作文,但如果他想多写些也可以。 (assign) Every student is assigned to write a composition each week, but he can write more if he wants to.94. 的第一 是我 了解当天最重要新 的地方。 (where)The first page of a newspaper is where we know the most important news of theday.95. 于想要了解医学科学新的 展的人来 , 本 志是很有帮助的。 (beinformed of)The magazine is very helpful to those who want to be


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