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    1、学年七年级英语期末考试模拟题湖北省05 2020-2021学年七年级英语期末考试模拟题(湖北省)第I卷(选择题)请点击修改第I卷的文字说明评卷人得分一、单选题1 Why do most people in China like the number 6? Because they regard it as the symbol of _.Ahobby Bhealth Cluck Dhappiness2Jacky was sleeping when the rain began to beat heavily _ the windows.Aacross Bthrough Cover Dagain

    2、st3 Is there any _ for two chairs in the office? Yes, I think so.Aground Bfloor Cspace Dplace4Did you feel _when you were new in the city, Mary?一Yes. Because I had few friends there at that time.Afair Blonely Cexcited5Would you please _ them _ a writing competition?Ainviting ; join Bto invite; to jo

    3、in Cinvite; to join Dto invite; join6They waited and waited, and_ he came back.Aat once Bat first Cat the end Dat last7-Oh, my god! Ive left my keys in the office.-Again? But , lets see what we can do about it.Aindeed Banyway Cinstead Dexactly8Here is a map of China. Please _ me where Shanghai is.As

    4、how Bpoint Csay Dspeak9A great deal of my time is_ with practicing playing the guitar.Ataken up Bmade up Cput up Dset up10 -Would you like another piece of bread?-_ Im fullAYes, please. BYes, thank you.CYes, Id love to. DNo, thanks.11(题文)-Ann, could you _ the rubbish? -Sure. Im coming.Acome out Bgiv

    5、e out Ctake out Dgo out12Tom has made great progress recently._,and_.ASo he has, so you have BSo he has, so have you CSo has he, so have you13-Hi, Jake, long time no see. How is _ going? -Not bad.Aanything Bsomething Ceverything Dnothing14The _ news that Beijing will have the chance to hold the 2022

    6、 Winter Olympics made everyone _.Aexcited; exciting Bexciting; excitedCexciting; exciting Dexcited; excited15Did he _your gift ? Yes, and he liked it very much.Arefuse Baccept Cdelete Dprepare评卷人得分二、完型填空完形填空 阅读短文,从每题所给选项中选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项。Mr. Evans lived in a city. He was a math _ three years ago. He t

    7、aught well and his students _ him. So he decided(决定) to work in the middle school all his life. But a terrible accident(可怕的事故) _ his life.One spring he took his class to _ an interesting place. The children saw a lot of _ things and had a good time there. But on their way to school, a truck hit thei

    8、r _ because the young driver was drunk(酒驾). Five students _ and more than half the students were hurt(受伤)in the accident. He didnt know how it had happened and was very _ it and after he came out of hospital. He left school and became a _. He tried his best to stop the drivers from breaking the traf

    9、fic laws(交通规则). He worked hard and was strict(要求严格) with the _. So they were afraid of him.One afternoon it was very hot. Mr. Evans was _. He was standing at the crossing and watching the traffic. Suddenly he saw a car_fast towards the crossing. It ran so fast that it almost hit a man _ a bike. He s

    10、topped it at once and saw a girl in it.“_ your license (执照) to me, Madam,” said Mr. Evans.The girl gave her bag to him and said, “Please look for it in the bag yourself. I cant see anything _ glasses.”16Aworker Bteacher Cdoctor Dfarmer17Aliked Bwished Chelped Danswered18Ahit Bwon Clost Dchanged19Abu

    11、ild Bbreak Cvisit Dfind20Aterrible Bdangerous Csafe Dinteresting21Abus Btrain Ccar Dship22Aleft Blived Cdied(死亡) Dfell23Asad about Bafraid of Cinterested in Dworried about24Ashopkeeper Bpoliceman Ccleaner Ddriver25Astudents Bdrivers Cteachers Dbuses26Aat home Bin the office Cat work Dat school27Aran

    12、 Bto run Crun Drunning28Aon Bin Cby Dwith29ASend BSell CShow DLend30Ahavent Bwith Cwithout Dhave评卷人得分三、阅读单选 Want to know what we students can do to make our city a better place to live in?Why not take part in “Clean & Green Weekend”?Join us,and you can help take care of the environment.We have many

    13、kinds of activities for you.Activity One: Park LifeDo you like taking a walk in the park with your friends?If so,why not come with us to clean up the park?And there is a gift for the person who collects the most trash(垃圾)!Meet us at Tao He Park at 9 am. next Saturday if you want to join in.Activity

    14、Two: The Air You BreatheA great way to make the air we breathe cleaner is planting lots of trees!Trees filter(过滤)slowly a lot of pollutants from the air.So come and help us plant some new ones in Fen He Park at 2 pm.next Sunday.Activity Three: War on Graffiti(涂鸦)Some people think graffiti is cool.Bu

    15、t it is not!We are trying to stop ugly graffiti on beautiful buildings.We are repainting the school walls from 1 pm. on Saturday.You dont have to bring any tools.Just remember to wear some old clothes!31Clean & Green Weekend wants to_.Amake our city more beautiful Bhave funChelp students meet old fr

    16、iends Dbuild some buildings32The students who want to join in the trash collecting activity must meet_.Aat 1 pm.on Saturday Bat 2 pm.next SundayCat 9 am.next Sunday Dat 9 am.next Saturday33If were going to repaint the school walls,we need to_.Abring some tools with us Bwear some old clothesCdraw pic

    17、tures well Dplant some trees near the walls34We might read the above passage_.Aon a wall Bon a school notice boardCin a newspaper Don a TV show35According to the passage,we know_.Agraffiti can make the buildings look cool Bthe person who collects rubbish can get a giftCWe can plant trees to improve

    18、the environment Dwe can draw pictures on the wall One day, there was a blind(瞎的) man called John sitting on the bench with a hat by his feet and a sign that read, “I am blind. Please help me.”A creative publicist(广告员)named Kim was walking by the blind man and stopped to see that the man only had a f

    19、ew coins in his hat. He put a few of his own corns in the hat. Without asking for permission, he took the sign, turned it around and wrote some new words. Then he put the sign by the feet of the blind man, and left. Later that afternoon the publicist returned to the blind man and noticed that his ha

    20、t was almost full of bills(钞票) and coins. The blind man recognized his footsteps and asked if it was he who had changed his sign. He also wanted to know what the man wrote on it.The publicist said, “I just wrote the sign a little differently.” He smiled and went on his way.The new sign read, “Spring

    21、 has come, but I cant see anything.36Whowroteanewmessage?ATheblindman. BThepublicist. CTheteacher. DThefarmer.37Howdidtheblindmanrecognizethepublicist?AByhissign. BByhisfootsteps. CByhisvoice. DByhiscorns.38The underlined word “recognized” here probably means_.A识别. B知道. C猜测. D理解.39Whatcanwelearnfrom

    22、thepassage?APublicistsarealwaysfriendlyandhelpful.BTheblindmanisverystupid, sohehaslittlemoney.CThepower(力量)oflanguageisgreat.DWecangetmoremoneybychangingasign.The American Museum of Natural HistoryAddress: Central Park West at 79th, St., New YorkTel: 212-769-5100Traffic: located on the Upper West S

    23、ideof Manhattan, the museumis conveniently reached by bus, underground or car.Parking: There is a small parking place which charges only $7.75 per day, but is often full. Parking in the neighborhood is also limited.Museum hours: 10:00 am to 5:45 pm Sunday through Tuesday; 10:00 am to 9:00 pm Wednesd

    24、ay, Thursday, Friday, and Saturday.Admission: $3.20 for grown-ups, one-fourth for children, and free on Friday and Saturday evening from 5:00 pm to 9:00 pm.The museum is open every day of the year except Christmas and Thanksgiving.40The American Museum of Natural History is in.APhiladelphie BWashing

    25、tonCBoston DNew York41There is a parking place outside the museum, but.Apeople cannot park their cars thereBit is not big enough to park all the carsCit will cost you $7.75 per weekDnobody wants to park his car there42If four grown-ups and four children want to pay a visit to the museum at 3:00 pm o

    26、n Saturday, they will pay.A$16 B$19.2 C$25.6 Dno money43You can visit the museum.Aat 7:00 am on MondayBat 8:00 pm on TuesdayCat 11:00 am on SundayDat 10:00 pm on Friday44From the passage, we can learn that.Athe museum lies in the east of New YorkBthe small parking place charges more than $8 a day fo

    27、r a carCone can get to the museum by car, by under-ground or by busDthe museum is the most popular one in America第II卷(非选择题)请点击修改第II卷的文字说明评卷人得分四、划线部分提问45My grandma exercises in the park every afternoon. (对划线部分提问)_ your grandma _ in the park every afternoon?46Alan is my teachers son. (划线部分提问)_ _ Alan?

    28、47My grandma seldom takes a walk after supper.(对画线部分提问)_ your grandma take a walk after supper?评卷人得分五、同义句转化48How heavy is this parcel?(改为同义句)_ _ _ this parcel _ ?49Take off your socks. (改为同义句)Take _ _ _ .评卷人得分六、改写句子50Joe can make a paper boat. (改为一般疑问句)_51My brother likes rock music a lot. (改为否定句)My

    29、 brother _ _ rock music _ _.52There is a library in my neighborhood.(改为一般疑问句)_ _ a library in your neighborhood?53I know the answer.(否定句)I _ _ the answer.54There are some children standing near the pool. (改为否定句)_评卷人得分七、根据句意填空55What are doing, Sandy? Im _ up this tire.56Eton is a _ school and it is very expensive.


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