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    1、初中英语中考复习短语专项练习选择题54015500题初中英语中考复习短语专项练习(选择题)5401-5500题学校:_姓名:_班级:_考号:_一、单选题1In class, Park helped Miss Zhao _ the exam papers.Agive out Bgive away Cgive in Dgive up2(2015镇江市)The young firemen were so brave that they the fire and saved the children in that house.Aput in Bput on Cput out Dput up3Ther

    2、e are_in our school libraryAa lot books Ba lot of books Clots books Dlots of book4Many couples are _ the universal two-child policy because they canhave a second child.Asurprised at Bsimilar to Csatisfied with Dblind to5We need some fruit and vegetables.Lets _ after lunch.Ago swimming Bplay basketba

    3、llCwatch TV Dgo shopping6It was a difficult time for the relatives of Missing MH370 Passengers when they heard the bad news , but they didnt _ hope.Agive out Bgive off Cgive in Dgive up7Lucy is expected _ to the celebration today.Ato come BcomesCcoming Dcame8On my visit to Australia, I feel Australi

    4、ans are similar _ us in many ways.Awith Bin Cto Dat9 Although the product is popular, we still need to _ new markets.Right! We can sell them to other countries.Aopen up Bgive up Clook up10(题文)I plan _ for a bicycle trip to Hangzhou. But I am afraid I dont know the way.A map is helpful, I think.Ago o

    5、ut Bgoing outCto go out Dto going out11The children are _ the study in the house. Im thinking about taking them to the park.Abored of Bbored with Chappy with Dhappy about12You must be_ for class.Aon time Bin timeCfor the first time Dall the time13She gets on the bus quickly and sits _ it.Ain front o

    6、f Bin the front of Cat the front Din the front14Smoking is bad for your health. You should .Agive up it Bgive it up Cgive up them15Will you go out and _ with me after dinner?Ahang off Bhang in Chang out Dhang on16Playing the popular game Glory of the King on mobile phones me lots of money.If you don

    7、t work hard at your schoolwork, youll it one day.Acosts; pay for Bcosts; spend onCtakes; pay for Dtakes; spend on17Too much fast food is bad for us. We should only have it _.Aall the time Bfrom now onCat the moment Donce in a while18What are you _? My keys. I cant find them.Alooking at Blooking for

    8、Clooking like1919 Some people should feel ashamed of what they do for the environment. Yes. They are damaging their homeland.Afeel sorry for Bdecide on Cbe pleased with20He cant carry the heavy box. He is a child _.Aat first Bafter allCat all Dabove all21Why not dress up_ white_ a doctor?Ain; in Bas

    9、; as Cas; in Din; as22One of my classmates asked me during the Spring Festival.Awhere had I goneBwhere had I beenCwhere I had goneDwhere I had been23_ my way to the post office, I passed _ three banks.AOn; to BOn; by CIn; by DIn; to24My sister is ill. I have to _ her at home.Alook at Blook after Clo

    10、ok up Dlook for25I love this scarf _Suzhou. Its _silk.Amade in; made from Bmade in; made ofCmade by; made with Dmade of; made for26Linda _school at 7: 30 in the morning.Agets Barrives Cgets to27I plan to teach Tom a lesson. He broke his bowl into pieces again just now.I know youre angry. But dont be

    11、 too hard on him. _, he is only three.AIn all BFirst of all CAbove all DAfter all28She eats fruit for lunchAa lot Blot of Clots of Dlot29You had better hurry or well be late for the plane. The plane will _ in a few minutes.Atake up Btake down Ctake off Dtake away30Taobao shop owners are busy _ cloth

    12、es for their online customers.ApackBto packCpackingDto packing31The boy had some problems. He really wanted to run away _ the problems.Awith Bfrom Cover Dout32Dont time on TV.Ato spend too much Bspend too muchCspend too many Dto spend too many33They went to Dalian by ship _ by plane.Ainstead Binstea

    13、d of Cnot Dbut34We had great fun _the volleyball match between the Chinese team and Japanese team.Awatch Bwatched Cwatches Dwatching35 Nature is our greatest treasure. Yes. If we dont take action, natural resources will one day.Aturn out Bfind out Cput out Drun out36The Great Green Wall can stop the

    14、 wind and sand _ to the rich land in the south of China.Amove Bto move Cfrom moving37The teachers desk is _ our classroom and our English teacher likes standing _ it .Ain front of; in the front of Bin front of; in front ofCin the front of; in front of Din the front of; in the front of38Its time for

    15、class, but the bell didnt .Ago on Bgo off Cgo through39How is the weather in spring? Its warm. Its a good season .Atravel around Bto travel aroundCfor travelling around DBoth B and C40As we know, mans understanding of nature is developing _.Aat the right time Bfor the first timeCfrom time to time Da

    16、ll the time41I have_, so I often eat chocolate,sugar and so on.Asweet tooth Ba sweet tooth Csweet teeth Da sweet teeth42He worked hard for his dream. ,he made it come true.Aat the end Bin the end Cby the end Din the end of43Hey, New Years party is coming. Lets _ the food. Sure. How about some fruit

    17、salad and hamburgers?Aask for Blook at Cthink about Dcome on44I like the little cat a lot but she likes it _.Aa lot Ba little Clot Dmuch45What a hot day! Im _ thirsty. Would you like some orange juice?Aa few Ba bit Ca bit of Da little of46- How far is your school from here?-Not very far. Its about t

    18、wenty kilometers_ here.Afar away Bfar from Caway Dfar away from47- Its important (重要的) for us to learn English well. - I agree you.Aon Bto Cwith Dat48I heard there was an accident just now. A boy _ his bike and hurt himself badly.Afell down Bfell into Cfell off Dfell over49Would you like to sports w

    19、ith me this afternoon?Id love to. But I have to do my homework first.Ago on Bgo for Cgo to Dgo in50Mum wants to watch the CCTV news. Lets _the TV.Aturn down Bturn on Cturn off51Yesterday was our School Day. All the students in my class _.Amade up Bstayed up Cwoke up Dshowed up52Lucy finds the bus an

    20、d_ .Aget off Bgets on Cget on Dgets off53- _ do you go to the gym?- Once a week.AHow long BHow many CHow soon DHow often54_ your sunglasses, Sally. The sun is so bright.APut down BPut off CPut away DPut on55一Did you hear the shouts from the little girl?一Yes. When I arrived there, I found her looking

    21、 at a snake .Ain fact Bin fear Cin danger Din order56The school is very _ my home.Aaway from Bfar from Cfar away Daway to57Although we tried our best,we didnt _ class on time.Amake to Bmake to arrive Ckeep it to get Dmake it to58I think it is too noisy _ the loudspeaker.Aas a result Bbecause Cbecaus

    22、e of Din order to59My cousin is _ heavy and he often eats _ junk food.Atoo much; too many Btoo many; too muchCmuch too; too much Dtoo much; much too60(题文)Can our dreams _?Yes,I think so.Acome in Bcome true Ccome from Dcome out61-Are there aliens on other planets? -Maybe. But no one knows _.Atrue Bfo

    23、r certain Creal Dcertain62-Do you often _your mother _housework?-Of course.Ahelp , for Bhelp , withCask , for Dask , with63I play tennis a lot, but I dont play it very often now.Ause to Bwas used to Cam used to Dused to64When my brother was young, he _ English.Ateaches himself Bteaches hisCtaught hi

    24、mself Dtaught his65-What do you think of this painting? - _,this is Rembrandts greatest work for the time beingAIn addition BIn my opinion CAt the same time66Believe it or not! I _ Jay Chou yesterday.Really? What did he say in his letter?Aheard that Bheard ofCheard about Dheard from67The zoo is _ vi

    25、sitors at the weekendAfill with Bfilled of Cfull of Dwill live68The English Study Center needs a teacher. Are you good_ kids?Yes, I like kids and I really hope to work _ a teacher.Afor; as Bfor; withCwith; as Dwith; for69Its a pity that many people lost their lives in the wreck accident in South Kor

    26、ea. I think so. Its not wise _ the captain to _ first.Afor, run away Bof , run awayCthat, run off Dof, run out70 - Your parents bought you _ books last year, right?-Yes. _ them is 20.Athe number of; a number ofBthe number of; the number ofCa number of; the number ofDa number of; a number of71Dont _

    27、him. He did his best.Aplay against Bshout at Ctalk with72His ideas are similar _ mine.Awith Bin Cto Dat73A “workaholic” works too much and usually forgets to have meals and go to bed. _, he doesnt have good health.AAs a matter of fact BAs a wholeCAs a result DAs a rule74What are you doing there? Im

    28、_ my dictionary,but I cant _ it anywhere.Afinding;look for Blooking for;find Cfinding;look up Dlooking up;find75There are _ students on the sportsground.Aa lot of Ba lot Clot of Da lots of76一I think drinking milk every morning is good our health.Yes, I agree you.Aat;with Bfor;with Cto;to Dwith;to77Mom, Tom broke my glasses. Dont be angry, dear. , he is only two years old.AFirst of all BAfter all CAll the time78_ , he has been to Beijing because he


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