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    1、江西省上饶市广丰一中学年高二英语上学期阶段测试试题上饶市民校考试联盟2018-2019学年上学期阶段测试(一)高二英语试卷 考试时间120分钟 试卷满分150分第卷第一部分:听力(共两节,满分30分)第一节(共5小题;每小题1.5分,满分7.5分)听下面5段对话。每段对话后有一个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置。听完每段对话后,你都有10秒钟的时间来回答有关小题和阅读下一小题。每段对话仅读一遍。1. Where does this conversation most probably take place? A. At a nursery. B. In

    2、a laundry. C. In a library. 2. When are Jennys parents coming?A. In April. B. In June. C. In February. 3. What will the woman probably do?A.Write a book review B. Go to visit the writer. C. Buy the writers new book. 4. What does the man mean?A. The ladys room is a long way from here. B. The woman is

    3、 not able to use the ladys room right now. C.The woman has to sign up for using the ladys room. 5. Why wont the woman eat any more?A.She has had enough. B. She isnt feeling well. C. She is losing weight. 第二节(共15小题;每小题1. 5分,满分22. 5分) 听下面5段对话或对白,每段对话或独白后有几个小题,从题中所给的A、B、C三个选项中选出最佳选项,并标在试卷的相应位置,听每段对话或独白

    4、前,你将有时间阅读各个小题。每小题5秒钟;听完后,各小题给出5秒钟的作答时间。每段对话或独白读两遍。听第6段材料,回答第6、7题。 6. What do we know about Kate?A. Shes too busy to see a doctor. B. The doctors advice does her no good. C. She hasnt got well though she has seen a doctor. 7. Who will go to see Kate?A. The man. B. The woman. C. Both of them. 听第7段材料,回

    5、答第8至10题。8. What does the man want?A. More fun. B. Less work. C. A good dinner. 9. How does the man feel?A. Excited. B. Dissatisfied. C. Sleepy. 10. What is the mans attitude towards his older generation?A. Admiring. B. Doubtful. C. Disappointed. 听第8段材料,回答第11至13题。11. Why does the man hire some bikes?

    6、A. To go traveling abroad. B. To go to visit the bicycle rental shop.C. To visit the island with his friend.12. What does the woman suggest?A. Seeing her tomorrow. B. Hiring a motorbike. C. Going to the beach.13. Where is the man staying?A. At the Holiday Sun Hotel. B. At Burts Bicycle Rental. C. At

    7、 No. 100 Teckman Street. 听第9段材料,回答第14至16题。14. When did Meg hand in the report?A. On September 1st. B. On September 3rd. C. On September 5th. 15. What is the most important to Starbucks success?A. Its management. B. The taste of its coffee. C. Its selections of stores and service. 16. What does the p

    8、rofessor advise Meg to do?A. To do more research. B. To change a new topic. C. To leave out some figures. 听第10段材料,回答第17至20题。17. What is Task Rabbit?A. A service company. B. An old company with new ideas. C. A successful magazine that offers many services. 18. What could a Task Rabbit worker do?A. Fi

    9、nd you a job to do. B. Lend you money for rent. C. Help you move your furniture. 19. Who founded the company Task Rabbit?A.Sally. B. Leah Busque. C. Neighbors. 20. What is the theme of Task Rabbit?A. Making millions of dollars. B. Finding ways to help the elderly. C. Connecting neighbors to help eac

    10、h other.第二部分:阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第1节(共15小题;每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A,B,C和D)中,选出最佳选项。A2018 kids camps &activitiesJust for Teens CampJune 12-August 17 This camp is designed to provide kids aged 13-19 with the opportunity to explore outdoor adventure activities, with a focus on life skills and long-te

    11、rm goals. Professional teachers lead the camp, and each kid will also have someone each day to help with activities. Activities include rafting(漂筏), camping and fishing.Fees: $250/camper970-355-4908The Red Brick ArtsJuly 7-August 10We provide exciting and fun art -based summer camps for kids aged 6-

    12、12. Camps will run 9 am-3 pm Monday through Thursday and 9 am-1:30 pm on Friday. On Friday afternoon at 1:30 pm there is a parents presentation(演示)to show you all of the art and progress that was made throughout the week! All of our camps feature the teaching of our favorite art teacher, Liz Waters.

    13、Fees:$275/week970-429-2777Train Your Brain CampJuly 9-August 22 Train Your Brain Camp is a day designed especially for girls and boys aged 6-14. Through the use of horseback riding, expressive arts and mindfulness practices, your child will improve his or her sense of self and be able to make positi

    14、ve choices in life.Fees: $200/camper/day970-925-5678Theater Aspen SchoolJuly 14-August 17Dream bigger with Theatre Aspen School! Join us for fun camps and theatre training for kids aged 4-19 with music, dance, costumes and more. This summer includes productions of Alice in wonderland and Broadway Dr

    15、eams.Fees: $65-$300970-300-435721. What is Just for Teens Camp mainly for?A. Encouraging kids to help each other. B. .Getting kids to fall in love with camping.C. Teaching kids to set long-term goals. D. Helping kids to explore the outdoors.22.What do we know about The Red Brick Arts?A. It is aimed

    16、at teenagers. B. It is a weekly camp. C. It is designed for artists. D. It is hosted by Liz Waters.23. Which number should you call if you want to get acting training?A. 970-300-4257. B.970-429-2777. C.970-925-5678. D.970-355-4908. B You may have heard of the Red Cross. It is an organization that he

    17、lps people who are in need. It may be because of a flood, a war or an earthquake. No matter how bad the situation is, it will always be there to help! But it hasnt always been this way. For example, in the United States, if not for the passion(热情)of a woman named Clara Barton, the American Red Cross

    18、 may have never been formed! When Clara was young, she was very shy. One day when she was 11 years old, her elder brother, David, was badly injured. He was ill for two years. Clara cared for him the whole time. Through this experience she learned something very valuable about herself. She found out

    19、that she came alive when she cared for others. Soon. Clara began taking care of injured animals. Neighbours began bringing their pets to her. And, almost always, she made them better. When she was older, she became a nurse in the American Civil War and she helped save hundreds of soldiers. After the

    20、 Civil War, Clara traveled to Europe to rest. But that did not last long. Soon she began caring for soldiers in battle once again! But this time, she learned about an organization called The Red Cross which worked alongside her on the battlefield. Its mission(使命)was to help those who need it most. S

    21、he decided that the Red Cross was badly needed in America. Over several years, she asked 4 different Presidents to bring the Red Cross to America. They all said no. But then, thanks to her persistence, one of the Presidents changed his mind! And the American Red Cross was born.24. What did Clara lea

    22、rn from the experience of caring for her sick brother?A. She found her value. B. She was no longer shy.C. It was her dream to be a nurse. D. It was difficult to care for others.25.Clara first learned about the Red Cross when_.A. she took a rest in Europe B. she was caring for her brother.C. she help

    23、ed wounded soldiers in Europe D. she was a nurse in the American Civil War26.Which of the following can replace the underlined word “persistence” in the last paragraph?A. motivation B. achievement. C. contribution D. determination27.What is the text mainly about?A. The early history of the American

    24、Red Cross.B. How Clara brought the Red Cross to America. C. What contributions Clara made to the Red CrossD. Clara-a woman who liked to care for others.C Chris Mazdzer won a silver medal in a mens luge(无舵雪橇)singles event at the PyeongChang Winter Olympics. Over the years, German and Austrian teams h

    25、ave dominated(在.处于优势)the sport. When those teams lost, other European nations won. In the luge, competitors lie flat, feet first, on a small sled(雪橇).They can travel around an icy track at speeds up to 140 kilometers an hour. The riders control the sleds speed by changing the position of their feet

    26、or by moving their shoulders. So why did Team USA Luge win a medal at the PyeongChang Olympics? Most credit must go to Chris Mazdzer himself. The American said his win was a product of 16 years of preparation and tough training. His teammate called him“an animal”whose years of hard work clearly paid

    27、 off in the end. But another reason for Mazdzers success could have been the 3-D printing technology, which his team used to make its equipment. The USA Luge team worked with an American company called Stratasys on the designing and producing process for the sleds. First, the company made a scan of

    28、the body of every member of the luge team. Then, 3-D printing technology was used to create tools for making molds(模子)in the shape of Olympians on top of a sled. The process of designing and producing sled parts is highly complex and can take several weeks. Officials from USA Luge say 3-D printing c

    29、an greatly simplify the process, speeding up the production of parts to within hours. Jon Owen, the head of technical programs for USA Luge, said,“The use of 3-D printing helped the team continually adjust designs, so the riders could run on the track much faster than traditional processes.”He added

    30、,“The technology also provides a way to perfectly fit each rider to the sled, while cutting production time and costs.”28. In the luge, what do competitors have to do?A. Move down a hill at high speeds. B. Sit straight at times on a small sled.C. Travel at least 140 kilometers per hour. D. Control t

    31、he speed using their feet or shoulders.29. Why did his teammate call Chris Mazder“an animal”?A. Because he was extremely strong. B. Because he was as lovely as an animal. C. Because he trained extremely hard. D. Because he controlled the sled very well.30. Thanks to 3 -D printing technology, Stratas

    32、ys could _.A. tailor equipment for riders. B. create different styles of sleds.C. produce a sled within hours. D. simplify the equipment greatly.31. What can we learn from Jon Owens words?A. 3 -D printing will be widely used to reduce costs.B.3 -D printing can play a big role in Olympic events.C. The American team won mainly due to3 -D printing.D. 3-D


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