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    1、北京市昌平区届九年级英语第二次模拟考试试题北京市昌平区2018届九年级英语第二次(5月)模拟考试试题知识运用(共 14 分)一、 单项填空(共 6 分,每小题 0.5 分)从下面各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选择可以填入空白处的最佳选项。1. This girl is creative. _ often makes great things. A. I B. You C. He D. She2. Jack rides his bike _ the park every weekend. A. in B. on C. at D. of3. Were doing our best

    2、this year, _ well keep on trying. A. but B. and C. because D. or4. Table tennis is _ than football in our school. A. popular B. very popular C. more popular D. the most popular5. _ did you get your new watch?On my thirteenth birthday. A. Where B. What C. When D. Why6. Larry always _ up early on week

    3、days so he is never late for school. A. gets B. get C. got D. is getting7. My dad _ letters to his friends years ago, but I use emails or Wechat now. A. writes B. wrote C. has written D. is writing8. I _ John the news as soon as he gets home. A. will tell B. told C. tells D. tell9. Tim and Bob _ us

    4、a lot of beautiful photos since they arrived in London. A. send B. sent C. have sent D. are sending10. Ken _ with me on the phone at 8:00 pm yesterday evening. A. is talking B. was talking C. has talked D. is talked11. Harry Potter _ with its final book in 2007. A. complete B. completed C. is comple

    5、ted D. was completed12. I dont know _ at the science camp next week.Dont worry. Let me check my notebook for you. A. what did we do B. what will we do C. what we did D. what we will do二、 完形填空(共 8 分,每小题 1 分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。People Just Like UsI was not interested in t

    6、he school project on ancient cultures at all, especially things about Egypt (埃及) , but Grace, my research partner, insisted the ancient Egyptians were interesting, and said I would 13 my mind for sure.“Learning about these ancient people is so boring.” I said.“Its not! Dont be sure until youve learn

    7、ed about them.” said Grace.I had to say Grace had a 14 . So the next Saturday, I found myself at the Museum of NaturalHistory, which had a big show on ancient Egypt.“So ancient Egyptians were pretty undeveloped, right?” I asked Grace as we waited in line for ourtickets. “I mean, they didnt have much

    8、 15 , did they? Well, except for the pyramids (金字塔) didnt the Egyptian kings live in the pyramids?”Grace just kept silent and pushed me forward.The show set me straight about the pyramids. I learned that they were tombs (墓) of the ancient kings,not their 16 . I also found out the great pyramid at Gi

    9、za was huge, standing 500 feet tall when itwas first built!As I walked farther, I was 17 to find a show on ancient sports. I saw paintings showingpeople playing a game with a ball. Just for a moment, I could 18 ancient Egyptian kids besidethe Nile River hitting around a ball, just as I do with my fr

    10、iends. And the next show was all about how theancient Egyptians treasured their children. A child was considered a great gift to the family.“So what do you think of these 19 ancient people now?” Grace asked.“You were right,” I said. “Ancient Egyptians are much more interesting than I 20 . In fact, I

    11、know just what title to give our project. Well call it People Just Like Us!”13Akeep Bchange Close Dfollow14Aword Bplan C point Dway15Atechnology Bdifference Cconfidence Dinformation16Afields B grounds Cschools Dhomes17Atired B careful Csurprised Dnervous18Aexplain B picture Cshow Denjoy19Aboring Bim

    12、patient Cfunny Dexciting20Asearched Bstudied Cexperienced Dexpected阅读理解(共 36 分)三、阅读下列短文,根据短文内容,从短文后各题所给的 A、 B、 C、 D 四个选项中,选择最佳选项。(共 26 分,每小题 2 分)A21. If you are good at football, where can you go for a summer job? A. CRUISE SHIP B. PRIMARY SCHOOL C. DELIVERY COMPANY D. CITY MUSEUM22. Who will help y

    13、ou know more about the work on the ship? A. Ms. Lori Lee. B. Mr. Kevin Smith. C. Ms. Jones Stevens. D. Mr. Jack Green.23. What can you do at the CITY MUSEUM? A. Get the ships ready for passengers. B. Help children with math problems. C. Guide people around the building. D. Help the driver lift the h

    14、eavy boxes.BGarry started cooking when he was 11, partly thanks to his mother. “Mymom didnt really like cooking, and when she did cook, I didnt really like herfood. Once I was watching something on the Food Network on TV and Ithought, I could do this, so I went to the bookstore and looked for the bi

    15、ggestcookbook I could find.”Within a year, he has produced most of the dishes in the cookbook and wasready for a bigger plan. “I wanted to create my own dishes and I started to cookfor more people than just my family too.” His family allowed him to build a testkitchen in his bedroom. “At first, they

    16、 were fine with it, but then they asked,do you want to be sleeping next to a cooker? Yes, I said! It started off as twotables with some simple cookers, my desk and my bed, but then I needed more space for cooking, so Imoved the desk out and got a small bed.” Then Garrys older sister, whose bedroom h

    17、as more space, wentoff to college. He moved down to her room and filled with a large cooker, four work stations and a longarea for finishing the last steps on plates.Garry and his mother set up Eureka, a super club business that organizes monthly events inside hishome. Garry, who has also cooked in

    18、top-class restaurants around the US, says hes not doing it for themoney, but because he loves cooking. “At the point in your life where you stop caring if youre going tobe famous or do well, your dream will come to you. I did something with my heart and people can see it.I hope to keep getting bette

    19、r and better.24. Why did Garry begin to cook at 11? A. Because his mother loves cooking a lot. B. Because his mother advised him to cook. C. Because he bought a cookbook from the bookstore. D. Because he thought he could do better than his mom.25. Where was his test kitchen at first? A. In his own b

    20、edroom. B. In his sisters bedroom. C. In a famous restaurant. D. In his sisters college.26. How did his dream come to him? A. He bought many cookbooks. B. He tries hard to be famous. C. He cared much on the skills. D. He keeps his love for cooking.CHave fun and get smarter?We all know about the plea

    21、sure and fun that we get from playing video games. Theres thesatisfaction of finally reaching the last level of a game after months of trying. Some experts now say thatas well as offering pleasure, video games might also be good for you.Too good to be true?It seems that when you play video games, yo

    22、u might get some very important skills. They are greatfor your concentration (集中注意力). Being able to focus is a skill you can use at school or later, in a job.Fitness (健身) games, which are very popular, allow you to practise sports skills like balancing. A lot ofgames also teach decision-making skill

    23、s. For example when you have to choose the best way to escapefrom a burning building in a game, youre learning how to solve problems and make your decisionquickly. Gaming teaches you about success and failure too. A lot of games are difficult, and you have towork hard to reach the top level, which t

    24、eaches you that in life you can succeed if you keep on trying. Onthe other hand, games teach you that if you fail, dont give up have a break, and then try again.Some psychologists (心理学家) believe that role-playing games are particularly valuable. In thevirtual environment, young people can take on ro

    25、les which are often not possible for them in real life.You can become a leader, and have to deal with people who lie to you, or hide things from you. Bydealing with these situations, you can develop social skills that might help you in the real world whenyoure older.Gaming does have its disadvantage

    26、s, of course. Playing for a while is great, but people who play forhours can have problems. Physically, it can stop you from getting enough exercises, which is unhealthy.Psychologically, some players can become addicted (上瘾) to their games and begin to prefer their“virtual” lives, where they are alw

    27、ays in control.But overall, playing video games is not harmful, unless you spend too much time. While yourebuilding your city, or looking after your farm in a game, youre also developing skills that will stay withyou for the rest of your life.27. What does the underlined word “virtual” mean? A. Uncl

    28、ear. B. Unreal. C. Valuable. D. Possible.28. How does the writer think of video games? A. Theyre harmful to our study and work. B. They give us chances to realize our dream. C. Playing video games is bad for our health. D. Video games can benefit us in many ways.29. What does gaming teach us about s

    29、uccess and failure? A. Avoid the difficult top levels. B. Choose the best way to play. C. Believe in hard trying for success. D. Get enough rest after each failure.DSnow monkeys have been discovered taking baths in man-made hot springsduring winter in recent years. Now, researchers have found exactl

    30、y why the monkeysdo this.The results are not surprising: The monkeys are cold. But the researchers also found thatbathing in a hot-spring may lower the monkeys levels of stress.“This shows that, as in humans, the hot spring has astress-reducing effect in snow monkeys,” said RafaelaTakeshita, the stu

    31、dy lead writer. “This habit of hot springbathing by snow monkeys showed how animals behavior canhelp fight against cold-climate stress,” Takeshita said. Snowmonkeys live in very cold place in the world. They areespecially used to living in the cold; they grow thicker andlonger fur in the winter.In 1963, a female Japanese snow monkey living in Jigokudani Mo


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