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    9、素及影响程度的差异。这些结论为保证我国房地产市场健康有序的发展,因地制宜地制定我国各区域房地产价格调控政策,保持各地区房地产市场均衡发展,有一定的借鉴意义。关键词:房地产市场价格,区域差异,结构变化,空间相关性VAbstractMeasurement Study of Regional Differences of ChinasReal Estate Market PricesSince 1998,Chinas real estate began the market-oriented,the real estate market has been rapiddevelopment,and m

    10、ade an irreplaceable contribution to the development of related industries,pulling the entire national economic growth and improving peoples quality of life,to become animportant basis industry in Chinas national economic development.However,the real estate isclosely related to peoples livehood,the

    11、price level of the real estate not only determines the healthdevelopment of the real estate industry itself but also impact on the development of relatedindustries,economic development,quality of life of residents,the countrys financial security,especially will have an enormous impact on social equi

    12、ty and stability.It is noteworthy that recentyears the real estate price in some areas rose far more than other places.there are significantdifferences in regional real estate prices.Regional differences in real estate prices not only showsthat the difference of the real estate market in level of de

    13、velopment in different regions,but alsoreflects the different parts of the level of economic development and peoples quality of life,andexcessive gap would most likely affect the fair and stable of the whole society.Therefore,it haspractical significance that the depth analysis of the root causes of

    14、 regional differences in real estateprices,in order to objective and accurate understanding of the real estate market development,regional imbalances is crucial for the healthy and orderly development of Chinas real estatemarket.Based on the above,this paper takes the real estate market development

    15、status as thebackground and the Chinareal estate market prices as the object of study.Base on the researchresult that exists nowdays,it analyzes the regional differences of Chinas real estate marketprice.Combining with Chinas real estate market conditions,this paper uses the measurementmethods to in

    16、dentify the regional difference influencing factors of the Chinas real estate marketprices.On this basis,building the index system of Chinas real estate market to redivision theChinas real estate market,it uses micro-econometric methods to empirical test the regional,thephase variation and volatilit

    17、y characteristics of Chinas real estate market.the main contents andconlusions of this parper are as follows:First of all,this paper analysis the current development of Chinas real estate market and theregional differences in evolution of real estate prices.Since the market-orient of Chinas real est

    18、atemarket,Chinas real market has rapid development in investment and demand aspects,however thereal estate prices shows significant regional differences.The real estate prices in the eastern part areobviously higher than the real estate price in central and westen regions,especially the real estatep

    19、rices in Beijing and the Shanghai are significantly higher than other provinces.there are obviouslydifferences in the estate,central and westen regions real estate prices.Secondly,it is important to screen the factors affect the regional differences of real estateVIprices.First of all,we theoretical

    20、 analyze the income levels,economic fluctuations,the level ofland supply,the size of population,the level of credit scal and the urban scale.Based on thetheoretical anaylsis,this paper used the stepwise regression techniques to analyze the factors ofaffecting the real estate prices,resulting regiona

    21、l differences according to the reality of Chinas realestate marker.it carefully judges and recongnize the influencing factors of the regional difference inreal estate markets.The econometric analysis showed that at this stage in Chinas real estate marketconditions,income levels,economic fluctuations

    22、,the level of land supply and credit scale levelhave a significant impact on the on the regional differences in real estate prices.The size ofpopulation and urban size have no significant impact on the regional differences of Chinas realestate price at this stage.Thirdly,According to the different l

    23、evel of development state of China real estate market,based on the screened real estate different influencing factors,using the cluster analysis to divideinto different regions.Based on the divided regions,the application of spatial panel data modelfrom 1999 to 2010 examined the regional differences

    24、 characteristics and empirically tested theimpact of various factors on the regional differences of real estate prices.The empirical resultsindicate there are certain space linkages between real estate prices.The income level of thedeveloping real estate market has higher impact than the high-growth

    25、 markets.The real estateprices of region with a high level economic development are easily affected by economicfluctuation.The land supply has no significant effect to the real estate prices of economicallydeveloped regions.The real estate prices of economic less-development regional has higher degr

    26、eeof dependence on the credit scal.Therefore,the empirical results provide a realistic basis to themacro-control of the regions real estate market.The main reason of affecting real estate prices indifferent regions are different as well as there are big difference that realted factors have different

    27、influence degree,so the local government and relevant departments should take full account of thelocal real estate market conditions to make real estate market regulation policy.Fourly,we use the application of structural change theory to determine the structural changespoint of the real estate pric

    28、e,based on the structural changes point of the real estate price the paperdetermined the real estate market development phasing from 1999 to 2010.Then applying the paneldata model based on structural changes to profoundly reveal the income levels,fluctuations in theeconomy situation,the level of lan

    29、d supply and the credit scale influenced the regional real estateprices to from dynamic and phase characteristics.The conclusion is as follows:the real esate priceshas two structural points,2005Q1and 2008Q4.According to Chinas real estate market is divied intothree stages,the three stages is also Ch

    30、inas real estate prices from moderate growth shift to rapidgrowth then to moderate growth,and the difference of real estate prices in the three stages becomeincreasingly evident.Income levels in the three periods has mostly impacted on the low level realestate market.High level of real estate develo

    31、pment area has always been the most sensitive toeconomic fluctuations.Land supply influences the real estate market prices in the early stage,butalong with the deepening of market-oriented,land supply has no influence to the high leveldevelopment real estate market.in the rapid development stage of

    32、real esatate market,the credit sizehas no significan influence in the high level real esteat market.Therefore,the local government andVIIrelevant departments should take full account of the dynamics and phase change characteristics ofthe real estate prices,paying attention to the timeliness of real estate control policy.Finally,the different regions as the research object,


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