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    1、七年级上仁爱英语第三单元第二话题教学设计Topic 2 What does your mother do?Section A. Material analysis本课是第二个话题的第一课,通过Kangkang等几个小朋友的对话,学习有关不同职业的词汇和打招呼、询问职业等信息的表达方式,以及实义动词第三人称单数的特殊疑问句及其回答。另外,在语音板块还将学习和总结字母组合ow, oy, ear, ure, tr, dr等的音标及发音规律,同时结合发音规律尝试拼读新单词。. Teaching aims1. Knowledge aims能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的对话操练

    2、中加以应用:home, kid, glad, mother, father, doctor, parent, office, worker, driver, farmer, cook, nurse;通过拼读已学单词学习和总结字母组合ow, oy, ear, ure, tr, dr等的音标及发音规律:/,/ /,/?/,/,/tr/,/dr/,结合发音规律尝试拼读新单词;能正确运用实义动词一般现在时的特殊疑问句及其回答;能运用本课所学的打招呼、询问职业等交际功能的基本表达进行交流,如: (1)Glad to meet you! Glad to meet you, too. (2)What doe

    3、s your mother do? She is a teacher.2. Skill aims能听懂有关询问职业的简单对话或叙述并完成相应的任务;能根据图文就询问职业的话题进行交流;能正确朗读对话,注意语音语调;能根据字母组合和音标初步地进行单词拼读;能写出询问和回答对方职业的简单句。3. Emotional aims 在学习过程中,通过谈论家庭成员及工作情况,学会热爱生活和关心他人。. The key points and difficult points 1.通过拼读已学单词,学习和总结字母组合ow, oy, ear, ure, tr, dr等的音标及发音规律:/ /,/ /,/?/,/

    4、,/tr/,/dr/ 并结合发音规律尝试拼读新单词。2.能在学习有关打招呼、询问职业等信息的表达方式的基础上进行对话操练。. Learning strategies1.能够结合图片预测对话的大意。2.培养借助图片帮助听说的习惯。3.能够清楚、大声地进行朗读,大胆开口,反复模仿。. Teaching aids录音机、教学挂图、多媒体和黑板。. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction (5 minutes)1.The whole class work.2.Indiv

    5、idual work and pair work.1.Focus their attention on the teacher.2.Do duty report. Students make self-introduction.e.g. My name is., I am from., I like., It is nice to meet you. I can speak a little . Then the other students ask and answer questions in pairs according to the students duty report.e.g.

    6、 Whats his/her name?Where is he/she from?Does he/she like .?Does he/she speak English?1.Greet students ready for learning.2.Help the students to express correctly. Revise the expressions and functions of self-introduction and express likes and dislikes.Presentation (10 minutes)1.The whole class work

    7、.2.Individual work.3.Individual work, pair work and the whole class work1.Answer the teachers questions about occupations. Learn some new words about occupations (home, kid, glad, mother, father, doctor, parent, office, worker, driver, farmer, cook, nurse).e.g.T: What do I do?S: You are a teacher.T:

    8、 What do you do?S: I am a student.(Look at the pictures of occupations which are shown by the teacher and learn some new words.)e.g.T: What does he/she do?S: He/She is a/an.2.Do 1a. Look at the pictures in 1a. Guess what the students may talk about in the conversation. Then listen to the tape and ch

    9、eck. 3.Do 1b. Complete the table in 1b while listening. Check with your partner and then the whole class check the answers together.1.Ask the students some questions to lead to the topic-occupations. Show them some pictures and present the new words about occupations. 2.Play the tape. Present the fu

    10、nctional sentences in the conversation: Glad to meet you! What does your mother do? Check the answers in 1b.3.Play the tape again. Walk around and offer help if necessary.Consolidation(5 minutes)1.Individual work.1.Listen to 1a again and fill in the blanks:Maria: Kangkang, what does your _ do?Kangka

    11、ng: She is a _.Jane: And your _?Kangkang: He is a doctor. Michael, what do your _ do?Michael: They are office _.1.Make the students consolidate the words of family members and occupations while listening and filling in the blanks.Practice (15 minutes)1.Pair work.2.Group work.3.Individual work and th

    12、e whole class work.4.Group work.5.Pair work.1.Do 1c. Make up conversations with the structures and words in pairs. Then report to the class.2.Look at the pictures about occupations which are shown by the teacher. Say the words as quickly as you can. The group which can say the word correctly and the

    13、 most quickly can get 10 points. The group which get the most points is the winner.3.Do 2. Look at the passage and pay attention to the key words (words about occupations) before listening. Then listen to the tape. Write down the answers individually. Then the whole class check the answers together.

    14、4.Do 3a. Sit in seven groups. Each group reads the words in 3a. Discuss in groups and try to find out the rules of sounds. After that, one student from each group reads the words and the sounds to the class. After checking by the teacher, the student teaches the whole class to pronounce the words an

    15、d the sounds.5.Do 3b. Work in pairs and read the words in 3b. Then listen, check and repeat. Try to make tongue twisters.e.g. How did Mr. Brown get down?A boy with a toy is Joy.1.Make sure the students pronounce the new words correctly.2.Show some picture cards about occupations. Organize a group co

    16、mpetition to help the students consolidate the new words about occupations.3.Remind the students to pay more attention to the key words while listening. Play the tape. Help them check the answers.4.Let the students read the words and find out the rules of sounds by themselves. Help them check the wo

    17、rds and sounds when they report to the class.5.Play the tape. Help the students check the words.Production (10 minutes)1.The whole class work. 1.Say the words about occupations and expressions about greeting and asking somebodys occupation which you learned today.e.g.A:What does your mother do?B: Sh

    18、e is a nurse.A: And your father?B: He is a cook. What do your parents do?A: They are bothteachers.1.Sum up the words and the expressions in Section A.2.Assign homework:Read and recite 1a;Preview Section B;Complete the table below according to your family.personjobgrandfathergrand-motherfathermotherm

    19、eTeaching reflection: 在这节课中,大部分关于职业的词汇都是生词,因此学生可能在发音上还不是很熟练,因此教师应适时予以帮助和纠正,同时结合对话、问答等活动帮助学生巩固和再现这些生词;同时,教师应引导学生在音标教学中结合已学单词自行总结发音规律,并能结合发音规律拼读新的单词,摈弃以往填鸭式的枯燥的音标教学。由于时间的关系,可能有的教学步骤没办法在一节课内完成,教师可自行根据教学实际进行调整。. Blackboard designWhat does your mother do?Section A Sounds:1. Glad to meet you! home / Glad

    20、to meet you, too. kid /2. What does your mother do? glad /S/ She is a . mother /?/3. What do your parents do? father / They are . doctor /tr/ parent /dr/ office worker driver farmer cook nurse Section B. Material analysis 该部分是第二个话题的第二课时。主要活动是1a和2。通过Kangkang和Maria的对话,呈现了表达工作场所的新句型:“Where does he/she

    21、work? He/She works in .”,同时复习巩固有关职业的表达“What does he/she do? He/She is a .”。此外,本课还将学习构词法,了解动词变相应名词的基本规则,扩大学生词汇量,降低词汇学习的难度。学生在Section A中已经学习了有关询问职业的表达法,因此,在Section B中进一步学习关于询问工作场所的表达法应该难度不大,但是有一些工作场所的英语单词表达,可能学生还不是很熟悉,因此教师应该在对话操练中给予学生适时的帮助,帮助他们顺利完成对话操练。同时在学生总结动词变名词的构词法时,应给予适当的指引和补充,帮助学生更好地了解构词法。. Teac

    22、hing aims1. Knowledge aims能根据已学语音、音标及发音规则,正确朗读下列词汇并在实际的对话操练中加以应用:show, work, hospital, restaurant, on, farm, teach, act, drive;能根据已学单词,了解动词变相应名词的基本规则,并借助构词法,扩大词汇量,降低词汇学习的难度,如:teachteacher, workworker, farmfarmer, drivedriver, actactor;能在对话操练中,正确运用实义动词第三人称单数的特殊疑问句及其回答;在教师的帮助与指引下,能就有关询问工作场所、询问工作等信息的表达

    23、方式进行交流。2. Skill aims 能听懂有关询问工作场所的简单对话或叙述并完成相应的任务; 能根据图文就询问职业以及询问工作场所的话题进行交流; 能正确朗读对话,注意语音语调; 能写出职业及工作场所的单词或词组; 能借助构词法,写出动词相应的名词。3. Emotional aims在学习过程中,通过谈论家庭成员及工作情况,学会热爱生活的关心他人;采用小对话、小表演等灵活多样的授课方式,激发学生的好奇心和求知欲,培养学生学习英语的兴趣和积极主动的学习精神。. The key points and difficult points 1.能就询问职业和询问工作场所等信息进行对话操练和小组调查

    24、活动。 2.结合构词法,写出动词相应的名词。. Learning strategies 1.以自行总结和发现规律代替机械记忆。 2.能够使用构词法帮助学习英语词汇。 3.能够借助图片预测对话大意。. Teaching aids录音机、教学挂图和黑板。. Teaching proceduresStepInteraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction (5 minutes)1.The whole class work.2.Individual work. 1.Focus their attention on the te

    25、acher.2.Do duty report. Some students report their family members occupations.Hello, everyone! Now I will tell you something about my family. My father is a doctor. My mother is a teacher. My brother is a student. I am a student, too. What about your family?1.Greet students ready for learning.2.Help

    26、 the students to revise the words of occupations in Section A. Presentation (10 minutes)1.The whole class work.2.Individual work.3.Pair work and the whole class work.1. Answer the teachers questions and learn how to ask the occupations and workplaces.e.g.T: What do I do?Ss: You are a teacher.T: Wher

    27、e do I work?Ss: You work in a school.(The teacher shows a picture of a nurse.)e.g.T: What does she do?Ss: She is a nurse.T: Where does shework?Ss: She works in ahospital.2. Look at the picture in 1a. Guess what Maria and Kangkang may talk about in the conversation. Then listen to the tape and check.

    28、 3.Do 1b. Match the pictures in 1b with Marias parents jobs and workplaces while listening. Check with your partner and then the whole class check the answers together.1. Show some pictures of different occupations. Let the students know how to ask the occupations and workplaces. Then present some n

    29、ew words.2.Let students guess the meaning of the conversation with the help of the pictures on the textbook before listening. Play the tape. Check the answers.3.Play the tape of 1a. Check the answers together.Consolidation(5 minutes)1.Group work.2.The whole class work.1.Ask and answer questions abou

    30、t Marias parents jobs according to 1b.e.g.Girls:What does Marias father do?Boys: He is a .Girls: Where does he work?Boys: He works in a restaurant.Girls: What does her mother do?Boys: She is a nurse.Girls: Where does she work?Boys: She works in a hospital.2.Read after the tape sentence by sentence.1.Be a good listener and helper.2.Play the tape.Practice (15 minutes)1.Pair work.2.Individual work, the whole class work and pair work.3.Individual work and pair work.4.The whole class work and individual work.1.Do 1c. Work in pairs. Make up new conversations wit


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